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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Her blue gaze shifted back to Aeris before she laughed. "You worry too much. I am fine, I have come to terms with it. They were killed in a fire, the whole house was burned down while I was away at a friends house for the night." She said honestly. "I believe that the fire was made, we never had any electrical issues or anything, and the investigator's couldn't determine how the fire started. But, I couldn't find anything out. I have always listened, just in case, but other than that... its a dead case." She said before leaning toward him and bumping his shoulder with hers. "I am not real funny, maybe I used to be, but not anymore." She said with a shrug. "What kind of a kid were you? I mean, were you friendly to everyone like you are now?"
Aeris looked at her as he heard the question her shoulder felt different to but she was a different person so it made sense. "Well... I was as if not more of an introvert than I am now. As for the kind of kid I was... You could call me a loner, I tended to shy off from crows or people and stayed by myself rather than go outside." He said with a smile. "I didn't get along with the other kids on my neighborhood and they... didn't really like me." He said before laughing a little bit. "It's not that I didn't want to talk to them just that... No one really understood me" He said before looking up at the sky his eyes reflecting it like mirrors in a way.
She nodded in understanding. "I was always the girl that got along with everyone, though I can relate to no one really understanding me. I honestly think it is better to be misunderstood. It means we aren't sheep." She said with a reassuring smile before releasing a yawn. The skin was dry it seemed, so she wrapped it around her body and pulled the hood over her, pulling her knees up as she watched the flame slowly dying. "It is much more calm out here, haven't seen a creepy monster yet." She said with a small laugh. She wasn't sure how to help people when they were upset, so she normally just tried to change the subject if it came to that point. She would learn more about him in time, it was obvious that he wasn't used to talking about himself. That made her kind of sad though, how someone as kind as him, seems so alone.
Aeris smiled at her since it was true that it was quite a bit calmer up here. "You should probably get some sleep" He said before getting up and moving a little distance away. "This is to insure you that i'm not doing anything weird" He said before moving back onto the ground and looking back to the stars his hair waving with the occasional gust of air. Khim had finished her meal leaving only a puddle of blood on her area of the Sea-stack. Aeris didn't quite understand somethings but he did know privacy much better than others that being one of the main reasons he moved, the second reason is because he didn't want to be called a perv if something happened in the night.
"I don't mind." She said with a laugh as he moved away. "I don't believe you would ever do anything that would make anyone uncomfortable." She said honestly before she laid down, propping her arms behind her head as she looked up at the stars. There were endless amounts, the sky decorated beautifully with blue, white, yellow and red stars. The black contrasting against the bright colors of the burning balls of gas within the atmosphere, the moon shown dimly above in a yellow hue, a planet a bit further off seen in a pale blue color. This planet had amazing views, and even the monsters held some type of beauty. Kira's mind wandered for a moment, and before she knew it, her eyes had closed, and the dreams invaded.
Aeris continued looking to the sky, "I'm not to sure about that" He said which would be inaudible to most due to the distance between them. He continued to look at the sky sleep still not messing with him as he stared off into the sky. Maybe someday he'd explain himself completely but he didn't have to yet. He felt a few goosebumps pop up on his arm but ignored them as he continued to look skyward. Khim shifted around a little bit in her sleep her tail hanging off the sea-stack before moving back on to it.
Kira slept for a while, though she shifted to her side and pulled her knees up, she wasn't cold but the ground wasn't as comfortable as she had been used to. Her dreams were sporadic, shifting from serene to horrific causing her to moan in her sleep. After a couple hours, her eyes fluttered open and she shivered, sweat began developing upon her face and body, knowing the signs she squeezed her eyes shut and sighed. "Damn." She whispered to herself before pushing herself up and looking toward Aeris to see if he had fallen asleep yet. Her arm throbbed, and she feared looking at it, according to how her body was reacted, it was infected.
Max was now walking around in his new armor."Ahh fits great this should protect me greatly! " Max said then looked to Kota."So want to go find the otheirs?" He asked smiling. @Ldybug123

"Ha you think I care what arachnids think!" As the web was shot at him he moved head to the side and grabbed the web with his right hand then jerked it back hard."I have trained much to defeat your kind your tricks will not work on me!" He said puffing out his chest. "For I am Son'uk the son of the Kars leader!" He looked down at the arachnid with disgust.
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As he caught the web, it would cause his fist to stay closed, sticking to his fingers and palms like superglue. Her red eyes narrowed at him before she bared her teeth. "You are a rebellious son I see. An alliance your father fought so hard to form, yet you have no respect for them. Don't worry, neither do I." She said before she spun around and began running, her web flying from her mouth toward a tree which she quickly grabbed onto and began pulling herself up, swinging to a tree which she quickly made her way up. "Nice seeing you scum!" She yelled before she began hopping from tree to tree fast, her form disappearing into the darkness.
Sesha yawned, and rolled over in her sleep. Tuuq heard the creature outside, and sprung up from his bed, then crept out of the house, and stood, facing the masapede. He rubbed his eyes, unsure what he was seeing was real.

@Tylor guillory
Son sneered at her before pulling out a goo and smearing it on the webbed hand. The web came right off after a few seconds."Arachnid scum how cowardly of you to run!" He said as he went and picked up his spear which was sticking out of the ground. It was taller than he was and almost as heavy. He turned as a old ox man came walking out with a large staff."Oh my it seems you had an encounter with the arachnid rebel." Button said chuckling his old man chuckle."You should be careful if your not that rash stubborn personality of yours could be your end." He said as Son walked over to him."Sure whatever you said old goat." Son replied sneering."Lets head back to the village before father starts rampaging again. "Button laughed." Ah yes what a wise idea I thought I was supposed to be the wise one here." Button said as they began walking back to the tribe.
The massapede snapped its pincers and lifted the front part of its body high into the air preparing to pounce. He then leapt at Tuuq snapping its venomous pincers as it did.
"Stay back, at my command we attack. That dumb Massapede is going to eat our prey." The whisper of a female voice was heard, the princess of the Arachnivamp tribe. She licked her lips, these tree people did not really bleed, but the life essence was one of the most pure, and the nectar within was sweet and rejuvenating. "Hit the Massapede first, I will catch Tuuq." She said as her black eyes flowed to the young male beside her, one of her hunting crew.

"Yes lady Asura." He said before suddenly, the glow of red eyes began coming clear throughout the trees surrounding the village. The male's hand lifted, pulling down a helmet that matched his armor of bones and trees. The trees here were incredibly dense, but unlike the princess, theirs were hand crafted by each individual, not quite as strong either.

"NOW!" She yelled and all at once, the webs began spewing from the arachnid type beings, straight toward the massipede as well as Tuuq. Tuuq would find himself being hurtled to the side if he didn't manage to block or dodge the webs, pinned against a tree, before multiple arachnivamps would swing toward the battlefield.
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Lishai perched herself upon the top of a tall tree, her eyes scanning the two kar as they began heading back to their village. One of these days, she would figure out how to kill every one. She sneered to herself, waiting for the coast to clear so she could drop down and begin her feast on the centipede.
Unfortunately for the Arachnivamps the great black massapede was one of they strongest of its kind. It quickly sensed the arachnivamps and dug its way into the ground before they could catch him with their webs.
Tuuq rolled out of the way, but the massapede's pincers managed to snip off the bottom part of his legs, where the feet would be on a human. He let out a yell of pain, and curled up on the ground. Then, before he could react, he was pinned to a tree. He let out another yell, this one higher pitched, more like a scream, and let loose a stream of vines that spewed out from all directions. The vines hit some of the attackers, splitting through the battle field, dividing the attackers.
Asura growled before she made her way to the side, she came up behind Tuuq and made her way silently around the tree where she would bite Tuuq upon the arm. The venom would begin sinking into his body, paralyzing him. "You will make a fine meal for the queen. Stubborn one." She said with a smirk. She lifted her gaze to see that the Massapede was no longer visible, cursing under her breath. "Find it!" She yelled, pointing at the pile of fresh dirt upon the ground. The warriors began digging, while others attacked more of the beings in the village. "We have been watching you, is that comforting? No matter where your tribe goes, we will find them... and your lover, Sesha is it? She will be mine." She said with a soft laugh, her fangs glistening in the darkness.
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Tuuq tried to move, but found himself unable to. He could still move his head, so he turned it to Asura. "You won't find her, you won't! You can take me, but not her!"

Sesha, upon hearing the noise outside roused herself, and stepped outside, into the battle field. She was still slightly asleep, but woke up much more as an arachnid warrior plunged a spear into the wall beside her head. She sprung sideways, and began fighting. She spewed vines left and right, smashing into warriors. She wrapped some up in the vines and squeezed, while just pushing others backwards. She spun left and right, trying to see Tuuq, when she spotted him. She pushed through the mess, but was not able to get to him, so she yelled. "Tuuq? Tuqq, I'm coming!"
The rest of the uninjured villagers fled left and right, most making it into the cover of the forest. They covered their path's with vines, making it almost impossible for them to be followed.
All of a sudden the ground began to shake as the huge massapede came bursting from the ground lifting several natives and arachnivamps into its pincers.
As the archivamps were lifted, they bit down upon the beast, releasing their venom into its body, having the same effect it had on Tuuq... a necessary sacrifice, since the archivamp warriors were dying.

"Well look, she is coming for you right now. Shall I send her a message?" She asked before she opened her mouth and lifted her tongue, a wad of web was hurtled toward Sesha at the speed of a bullet. If it hit its mark, it would stick to Sesha's face, blinding her. She ignored the fleeing beings.
Kota runs up to where Tuuq is pinned to the tree somehow not getting hit by the massapede. "I think I could get you down from here." He said, pulling on the stuff that pinned him to the tree. @Scattered Ambitions

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