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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

(No problem I like the tribe. I'm working on one int my mind right now to. That's my other 4 tabs)

Aeris laughed gently, "Maybe that would work" He said as Khim moved over to a sea-stack that was in the water and landed on it allowing him to get off except he didn't exactly come off alone since he helped her down because of her being half-asleep. He was helping to hold her up since he didn't want her to crash on him quite yet. "Would this spot be ok? Khim and her kind can protect us from here" He said as he looked at her.
Kira accepted the help as she got down, looking around curiously. "This looks fine, hopefully there isn't anything that can reach us out here." She said on another laugh. Her body was weak, it irritated her. Her skin was cold. One thing she needed to do, was find something warm to wrap around herself while, there had to be some type of creature here that they could use for that. She didn't like killing them, but if it meant keeping herself and those she cared about alive and warm, it was worth it. The animal in a sense, served a purpose, that was the way of things, wasn't it? She knew Max would deny that fact, she wanted to kick his ass so bad, even if he was way larger than her in every way, she would at least put up a fight. "Tomorrow, I am going to find you something to eat." She said sternly, knowing if she didn't make him, he probably wouldn't.
Aeris felt her skin and temperature, he was considerably warmer than her and he knew about hypothermia. "Khim, Go get something furry please?" He said sweetly to the animal to which she chirped and flew off to find something. "She should be back with something you can use as a blanket or cloak" He said fighting back a yawn. He looked at her though still confused about the food thing, "I've been drinking water so I can survive without food for about three weeks... after that i'll likely die but i've still got quite a bit of time left" he said still denying the need to eat.
She glared at him with a smile. "You are going to eat, or I wont." She said. She knew he wouldn't make her starve for his own stubbornness, so she gave him an ultimatum. "How does that thing understand you?" She asked curiously.
Khim was spotted by a massapede who followed her until she landed. Once this happened the massapede attacked wrapping its long body around her.
Aeris glared at her, "You've already learned my weakness then" He whispered before smiling. "Khim understands me from a few base words I taught her. We ran into an owl bear thing in the woods and I called it a furry. So she'll recognize that word and bring us that for you to have as something to wear." He said with a smile.

Khim being smarted than most of her race stretched herself out and used her legs to hold the head area of the Massapede down to the ground.
The masapedes body tightened around Khim squeezing her tightly as its head was pinned down. It hissed at her snapping its huge pincer's
"Your weakness was not that hard to figure out." She said with a wink. She wrapped her arms around herself before sitting on the ground, pulling her knees in to warm herself. "So its a deal then?" She said as she looked up at him. "You will eat tomorrow?"

Just as the Massapede was pinned to the ground, a web would be wound around the creature, multiple threads sticking to the massapede and the ground around it. A lone Arachnivamp, the rebel finding her next prey. While the massapede may be bigger, the arachnivamp tribe was strong and fast, their webs shooting at the speed of a gun, able to hold something as large as a massapede down with the more webs delivered. Lishai moved fast, running toward the two creatures with impressive speed before she would stab the massapede in the head, thus saving Khim. While her culture was one that killed anything, Lishai killed predators.
Aeris looked at her, "Yeah.... You look cold though and" He turned seeing Khim wasn't back yet. "It's my responsibility for bringing you up here so..." He said as he had the idea of fire again. He took off the vest bit he had though it was somewhat tattered and balled it up. He found a stone and tried his luck at making a fire again which worked surprisingly well as the flames started on the vest. "This should work for now" He said looking at her.

Khim chirped in thanks to the people before she flapped her wings and took off disappearing faster than eyes could catch her. She quickly remembered her objective and snatched an owl-bear killing it and then bringing it back to the others.
Kira moved closer to the fire as it lit, her body huddled up and her hands outstretching to the flames. "Thank you Aeris." She said with a smile. She was very grateful for him being there to help her out, at this rate, she would freeze to death. After a moment, she pulled the sweater from her arm and opened it up, showing Aeris the scales that were strung together. "Look!" She said excitedly before her eyes flew to Khim with a smile as the creature was returning.

Lishai hissed as her body flipped backward, crouching on all fours as her beady red eyes pierced through the darkness. She stared at whatever had thrown the spear, bearing her teeth in warning. Her body was slender, black dreads falling down and around her shoulders, red markings spread across the sun kissed skin. Her body was crouched beside the Massapede, providing her a bit of a shield.
Aeris smiled at her and saw Khim return placing the owl-bear down before landing. He looked at her and saw she looked distraught. He rubbed her side just below her wing then turned to Kira, "I would skin it but I don't have a knife... We need to make sure you stay warm though" He said as he looked at her again not really caring about his temperature but now worrying about Khim and Kira.
A massive figure stumbled out it was a Kar warrior."How dare you intrerupt their duel! Now I shall never know who the Victor would be!" Said the Kar.
Kira moved to hand him the shard of metal from before. "Teach me and you wont have to skin anything for me again." She said with a smile, before looking at Khim with a sudden look of worry. "What is wrong with her?" She asked softly.

Lishai looked at the Kar, readying herself for an attack. The kar, a tribe that allied with hers, it was likely if he was a part of that alliance, that he would know about the rebel, her. She backed up slowly. While most predators she would fight, these ones weren't as simple. A large insect with no muscle and an exoskeleton, that was simple. But the beasts of the kar tribe, well that was a whole other story. It would take three of her kind to take down one of theirs, which is one reason the arachnivamp tribe allied with them. As a single force, they were nearly unstoppable. "You may find another dual elsewhere kar scum" She growled angrily.
Arise looked at Khim who's stomach growled, "I think I know" He said with a smile before grabbing the metal. "I can skin things since I have a decent job at doing so" He said as he put the knife into the stomach area and began to skin cutting quickly and removing the back legs but leaving the front ones like a coat. So there was pretty much an owl-bear snuggie with a hood left. "This should do" He said as he wiped the blood off the blade and his hand as Khim began to gobble down intestines and such though he handed the skin to her.
"You are one to talk even your own kind doesn't want you! I dislike you arachnids you disgust me!" He said getting closer." You Think yourselves so clever and so much better than us Kar! Well your not, we Kar may be hunters and beast, but we are still honorable.
-Severux look at Calixto as she walk out of the forest- be careful out there Severux -said Calixto to severus calm and a tone full of joy- yes Big brother -said Severux as she smile and walk and stop again and look at Calixto- will u come with me? -ask Severux as she look back at Calixto- i believe i cannot -said Severux with a calm tone and continue- but dont worry ill follow u ill just need to find a dark place to hide whenever someone will look but ill always be there for u -Calixto smile and continue - its not like im gonna leave u or something -he chukles as Severux chuckle also a hug him- okey Big brother -Severux said as she look up at Calixto- ill meet u at Night -Said Calixto as Severux smile and walk around looking for people as for Calixto he is looking around if any danger will occure as also finding a master he must serve.

(need a master it can be good and it can be evil)
Kira took the skin from Aeris and held it in front of the flame to dry it some. She was surprised the flame stayed lit as long as it did, from a simple piece of cloth. "So Aeris, what was your childhood like? Where was your mom?" She asked curiously, turning her blue hues to him as she dried the skin slowly. She was surprised how cold it got at night here, especially since the day time was so much warmer.

Lishai hissed at the kar as she began backing away. "Being a beast and having honor? That is quite the contradiction. You are nothing but scum. How would those of my tribe feel if they heard what you have had to say about them?" She asked with a smirk before quickly opening her mouth and lifting her tongue. As she did this, there was a web that repelled forward in a wad as big as the kar's face, heading straight toward his eyes at an alarming pace.

(Going to have to figure out how to involve your characters with ours.)
Aeris looked at her the question a bit different than what he'd expected it to be. "Well... my childhood is unique. Um, When I was about five or six my father was teaching me advanced maths that fifteen year olds were on. I had quite a bit of pressure put on me too since I had to live to their expectations." He said before thinking about it some more, "I had to deal with the creatures my father made and... tinker with the machines to be more efficient. My mother.... She was kind and she understood me more. She was the one who looked out for me more and nurtured me in my young mind" He said smiling at her still.
Kira smiled as she listened. "What did your mother look like?" She asked. From what she had learned about the human mind, focusing on a positive influence in your life built your self esteem as well as making one positive. She liked to hear about the good things, the bad things, always seemed to flow on their own when the time was right. "What was her personality like?" She asked curiously with a warm smile.
Aeris smiled, "Well most of my looks came from my mother, Hair color eye color... Though I was a boy not a girl." He said before shifting around. "She was a rather kind lady... She cared for me an my father more than we could compel. She wasn't that tall either though, Around 5'3 if I remember correctly" He said thinking back to it now.
She smiled as she imagined it. It was odd, wondering how a person was as a kid, how someone so independent was once the most dependent creature of all. "I see. I got a lot of my looks from my father." She said as she began thinking about her parents. "I got my mothers eyes and height, but my fathers hair color, mouth, and nose." She said with a soft laugh. "I remember how much of a fit my mom would throw every time my dad would say how I was more like him than her, though I think I got my moms personality more."
Aeris smiled, It was nice to hear about her past, Since she never really deepened talking about that. "Interesting..." He said quietly as he looked at her again looking from her hair to her chin. He started trying to take the pieces and put them on to his image of her parents. It was somewhat difficult but he configured it in his mind for a bit and got some results for his idea. His eyes reflected the fires light as he looked at her, "Does that mean that your mother was flirtatious and somewhat stubborn?" He asked smirking.
Kira laughed softly as he asked about her mother. "I am not flirty, just possibly come off that way. But she was very stubborn, and when it came to protecting those she cared about... well she did it up until she couldn't fight anymore." She said with a sigh. "She was funny though, I guess she forgot to pass that off to me. My dad was stern but caring, he didn't take anything from anyone, but he was respectful." She said as she remembered their faces. "They both died when I was sixteen years old. Remembering their faces, its hard sometimes, like there is nothing but a shadow of what they used to look like left in my mind."
Aeris looked at her and he felt a bit of sorrow come out to try and reach her. "I see... I'm sorry that, that occurred" he said closing his eyes and looking away for a moment as he did. Death was something he was all to familiar with seeing as most of his family he knew was killed he didn't want to bring that up though. "You can be funny sometimes though...." He said before moving closer to her trying to think of something he could do to try and help her in the situation though he didn't know how exactly.

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