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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Aeris looked at the creature and smiled it looked down at him before moving it's head closer to him and letting out a breath of air through it's blowhole. He smiled and rubbed the creatures head regardless of the currently wet feeling of the creatures skin. He felt it move back slightly before shaking causing a slight disturbance in the water as the water on it's skin seemed to slide off due to the skin. He smiled and rubbed the creature some more which caused it to snuggle against him. "I like you... hopefully you won't run away" He said with a smile as the creature moved downwards and motioned towards it's back.
Max walked until he found the same kid he attacked before laying in the water. "Hey what are you doing In there? Kota wasn't that your name?" He asked as he kneeled down to look at him. @Ldybug123
Kota opens his eyes to look up at Max. "I was stung by some sort of weird bug or something. It released some sort of toxin into my body. One of the natives from this planet said this would help suck out the toxin." He said, turning his head to reveal the leech like bug on the back of his neck. @Tylor guillory
"Well If that leech stays on you to Long it'll suck you dry." Max said laughing." If you can move the it should be OK so would you like for me to remove it? "
"So they just left you here huh? Damn fools for all we know these people could be cannibals." Max said as he rummaged threw his new stuff.
After eating, Kira moved to climb up the tree, feeling her arm burning the entire way up. She managed to wrap the sweatshirt around her arm so she could bring the scales, the meat was gone, knowing it wouldn't last long without going bad. As she made it up, she pulled out the shard of metal that she placed in with the scales, sitting down on a large branch against the tree trunk. After doing that, she pulled out a decent sized rock and a scale. Holding the shard over parts of the scale, she would smack it with the rock causing a small hole along the edges of it, moving to the next until she had fully created a line of holes around the boarder of each scale. The sun was going down now, the forest shaded in darkness save for a few spots that allowed some light through. "Are you, are you, coming to the the tree. They strung up a man, they say who murdered three. Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be. We met, at mid-night in the hanging tree." She sang softly, her voice melodic, smooth. She had always loved this song, an odd song for her mother to sing to her, but she had. It always seemed to sooth her.
Kota sat on the ground now, shivering because the water was very cold on his back. "I dunno, I mean, I don't think they would be cannibals." @Tylor guillory
Aeris climbed onto the back of Khim and held onto her neck as the creature lurched and took to the sky flying above the forest and letting him guide it. He smiled since he could see more of the land and now noticed quite a few things he hadn't from the ground. "Khim" He said to which the creature turned her hear to respond with a little noise. It sounded like a vibrating noise through her throat but high-pitched like a dolphin. He smiled, "Want to help me find one of my friends?" He asked to which the creature nodded and went a bit lower as she continue to fly the particularly empty skies.
"Yeah but you never know with natives especially alien ones. Anything could happen." Max said now he had made a small fire with some wood and other things and was now attempt to make armor out of the scales and bones of the creature Aeris had killed along with weapons.
@Tylor guillory Whenever you want to involve your monsters, feel free. Wherever you want to place them is fine with me.)
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Aeris landed on Khim and they began to walk around rather than fly. He wanted to see more of the land to his better ability as he continued to look around through the forest Khim ready to take off if necessary. She was making little clicks as they walked around so he didn't quite know why but if it helped it was fine. He continued to look around seeing strange bugs and such, "I don't know if we're going to find anyone out here... but we're going to try for a bit since it would be nice in some way." He said though Khim didn't really understand him he was up for finding new people to interact with. He would wait a little bit out here before he had plans to go to the village and check up on them.
(Kk) "Here ya go kid!" Max said tossing his owl bear cloak to the kid it was now empty all Max's items on the ground. "Dry off and warm up with that." Max then went back to crafting.

All of a sudden there was a strange sound like a alarm of sort but it sounded more like a animal. The sound was close to Kira and getting closer. The ground shook slowly and the trees seemed to shake or where they? @Mina
Kira continued threading before she felt the tree beginning to quake. She grabbed the scales and placed them back in her sweatshirt, tying it and wrapping it around her hurt arm. She held on to the branch, the shard of metal grasped in her good hand as she looked around. "An Earth quake?" She said to herself, her blue hues shifting wildly back and forth as she searched for the source. Aeris wouldn't be too far from where Kira was, so it was likely he would hear the sound of an alarm.
All of a sudden tree infront of here can tumbling down as they were trampled by a herd of strange creatures. The creatures then stopped and began eating the falken trees.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/636d80c5dae5144279664bfe1a522cea.jpg.46242d8680a325026ad47e8fa8e0c050.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92345" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/636d80c5dae5144279664bfe1a522cea.jpg.46242d8680a325026ad47e8fa8e0c050.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Aeris heard the alarming sound and Khim took back to the skies as he went to find it. "Track it girl... We need to find it" He said to the creature as it released it's call once more and flew slower this time him peering off the edge so he could see what was below them and whatever was below could likely see him. "What is this though" He said before seeing some sort of creatures that looked like a living forest and being a bit shocked from it personally.
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The tree Kira was in shook, her arms tightening around the large branch she was perched upon. Of course, they hadn't even gotten close to uncovering what was in these forests, there had to be more. Her eyes flowed to the creatures below that trampled the trees surrounding the one she was in, lucky her tree was still standing. What were these things? Whatever they were, they were clearly herbivores, making Kira wonder how there were so many trees in this world with these things trampling them. She moved to sit, watching the creatures before her eyes flew up to some animal flying overhead, with... was that Aeris? She squinted, trying to see through the pale light. She didn't want to yell, unsure of what the creatures below her would do, even if they nearly touched the branch she was on, their spines did however.
Aeris looked down at the tree-like creatures still wanting to observe them more. "Khim lower us some" He said pointing downward to which Khim squeaked happily and lowered down slightly hovering in the air. He looked around before noticing a tree that wasn't moving and... was that He pointed to the tree and Khim circled it for a moment, "Kira?" Aeris asked her since he hadn't quite expected her to be this far out.... then again.
A smaller one of the creatures was pushing against the tree kira was in. It was obviously a baby but still about as big as a full grown horse. The tree shook but the baby couldn't move it any. If moved back and shook his hiny before charging and tackling the tree again but failed and fell back on his rump.
Kira felt the tree jolt slightly after smiling at Aeris and waving. She lowered her eyes to see a small one of those... things on the ground. If they could get one of each of these animals tamed, they would have the perfect defense, eventually training more and more of them... as she thought about it, she began climbing down the tree til she was on a branch a little above where the smaller of the creatures was. "Hey." She whispered, catching its attention though not wanting to scare it. She hoped the adults wouldn't notice her, it was likely they would get defensive. Her gaze lifted to the creature Aeris was on, wondering where the hell he found it, and how he got it to let him ride it. She would ask him later, for now, she was going to try and obtain her own beast.

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