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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

At this point Max has stopped moving and was just dancing with the puppy in his hands." I love this song little one. " he said sadly before going back to singing and dancing.
Aeris moved over to her an placed a hand gently on her shoulder. "I think others likely made it... we just don't know them." He said smiling at her he didn't like it when she was sad or when any of his friends were sad but this was a dire situation. "I.... I know that there are some people out there surviving like us.... just scraping by at the bottom of this food chain" He said and looked directly at her his light green eyes looking at her considerably. "But they are surviving.... that's why i'm going to make a compound. So we can bring in those survivors and give them a better chance" He said his hand tightening slightly to make sure she listened to that.
Her gaze lifted to his as he spoke, a soft smile touching her lips before she nodded. "You are right." She said with determination. Even if he wasn't, she had to hope there were more, believe that there were. "You are a good person Aeris, I hope you know that." She said before she pointed toward where they had last heard Max. "I think he is that way, though I highly doubt he would be willing to go back to the village, he doesn't seem like the type to sit still for long." She said with a soft laugh. Her mind went to when she had scraped by for years, barely making it, in a relationship where she was at the bottom constantly, and it was known. Eventually she lost everything, she allowed it to happen, for too long. She just had to find a way out, ironic that this was it. "We should find him." She said as she attempted to redirect her thoughts.
Aeris smiled and nodded moving his hand from his shoulder as he took a few steps towards the direction she was pointing. "I think he might go, After all if I say they have food he might go there" He said with a shrug as he waited for her. "I'm glad that you think i'm a nice person though... I don't have much confidence in myself so it helps for others to influence me.. If there's anything at all you want to know about me just ask alright?" he said encouraging her to ask any questions she wanted since they would likely be in a group together for a while now.
She followed him with a smile. "Well once we get Max back, I would like to know all about you. Your childhood, everything. I mean, if we are going to be hanging out for a while, we might as well get to know each other a lot better. Plus, having that information helps you determine a lot about a person." She said honestly as they walked along. The voice of Max singing grew louder as they got closer. "He is an interesting one." She said with another soft laugh. She definitely hadn't expected to see a large older naked man riding one of the native beasts, it was hilarious in her mind, even if it was a bit gross.
"Haha you got some moves ya groovy pooch!" He said to the puppy as they began dancing. Although it was more of him moving the puppy around while he danced."Even if I can't find your dad at least your alive right! I'm not alone so that's good but I promise to find your Pa!" He said referring to the pups father.
Aeris nodded and the singing wasn't bad but it was... a bit worrying considering what creature it could attract from a certain beach. "I'm slightly worried that Max's powerful voice might draw our... 'friend' from earlier" He said feeling a bit uneasy. His eyes looked around to see if he could spot max as he saw something moving a little ways away. "Max that you?" He asked slightly louder than he at first intended but maybe it would draw his attention their way.

@Tylor guillory @Mina
Kira hadn't even thought about that, hopefully it didn't. If that thing decided to pay a visit, they were all screwed, at least considering the noise it made and the way Aeris reacted, that is what she figured. And it had, his singing had caught the beasts attention, though due to its location, the only thing felt was that of the ground quivering with each step it took, trees snapping in the distance, and Kira turned to look at Aeris before peaking through the trees at Max. "I think we need to get the hell out of here." She said before moving toward the large man. "We need to go, like now." She said firmly.
Max stopped and held one hand up to his ear towards Aeris voice. "Huh is someone there!" He yelled drawing his bone dagger now."Come out show yourselves!" He roared his owl bear cloak covering him completely making him look like well....a owl bear. @ScaraByte @Mina
Aeris followed after Kira since the creature likely wouldn't give them very long. "Max it's me Aeris" He said before turning to see some sort of beast. "Woah" He said quietly as the ground continued to quiver. He was still frightened by it since that reminded him of something he had seen in his fathers lab.

@Tylor guillory
Max noticed the monster and his face changed to a less than enthusiastic one." Well at least I know what to thank for my new owl bear skin coat. " he said before running away the puppy safely in his arms.
Kira's gaze moved to the puppy he held before running with him. Whatever came after them was huge, and was headed straight for them. Suddenly a roar was heard, loud enough to vibrate their ear drums, causing fear to taint anything that was near. "Shit." She said as she picked up her speed, her arm that was in the sling rocking back and forth, it made balancing a bit more difficult as well as running. The beast in the forest emerged, large claws upon its hands, it stood on its hind legs towering over them at around ten stories high. It was gaining on them fast.
Max ran with all his might."While its nice to see you again! Did you have to bring your monsterous Friend! "Max asked them pointing to the large beast as he ran.
Aeris had stopped running and looked at the beast, "Reaper..." He said quietly remembering this thing more from his fathers lab, that must mean his father cloned it in their lab. He took a step closer to it ignoring the others as he did, He didn't really have a state of reason right now since his mind was focused on something else. He had to see if it was weak in the same spot as the one in his fathers lab. If not little loss for discovery, if so big gain on their part.
"We didn't bring that thing! It heard your loud ass mouth!" She said as she ran before she looked over her shoulder and saw Aeris had stopped right in front of the beast. She ran back to him, grabbing his arm before pulling him with her, having dropped the spear to do so. "Come on! That thing will kill you!" She said, the beast closing the distance quick. Now they were only a couple hundred yards from it, at this rate, they were toast.
Thanks to him being in track when he was younger Max was quite the runner. He sped away from the beast with all his might." If you don't hurry up your both going to die! " he roared as he continued his escape.
Aeris was pulled out of his mind as she did this. "Just keep running and let me try something.... my father made something like this once so I might know a weak spot" he said before moving out of her grasp quickly and running to grab the spear. "Just trust me on this and don't die" He yelled over the footsteps before moving over to it's leg going around the foot before jumping onto the plating of it's leg and beginning to ascend with spear in hand.
Kira struggled with herself before she decided to turn and run to the side. If she could distract it, maybe it would leave Aeris alone, which worked. The monstrous beast turned toward Kira and lowered his large head before snapping toward her. Her heart stopped within her chest, it had barely missed her, and its breath stunk bad. Probably from all of the decomposing corpses it devoured. "This way!" She screamed, the beast completely ignoring the fact that Aeris was now connected to it, focused solely on eating yet another being for the day... a bottomless pit.
Aeris saw what she was doing and thought the idea was stupid but could work. He continued up it now on it's chest area as he moved to it's back. He saw a single white scale and smiled. It was like the one his father had made. He moved over to where the scale was and jammed the spear deep into the flesh beneath it he felt himself plunging it deeply to where he was told was the most effective spot. His hands held the spear firm as he continued to push down adding progressing force as he did.
Max had stop running and was now standing beside a tree unmoving. "We are a tree we are a tree." He quietly repeated to the puppy as he hide with the trees.
The beast suddenly came to a halt as it released a scream of pain, turning its head it moved to nip at Aeris, though it narrowly missed him. Its body thrashed around, attempting to get Aeris off its back, before its body went still and he began falling toward the Earth, its pupils dilated. Kira turned to look before she ran further as it fell. Its body came crashing down in front of her, her eyes lifting to Aeris who was perched upon its back. "You are crazy." She said panting, looking down at her arm to make sure it wasn't opened again. It had begun bleeding a little bit, but nothing that wouldn't stop on its own. Kira's blue eyes lifting to Aeris once more. "How did you kill it? And so easy?"
Aeris panted and pulled the spear out blood oozing with it and a little bit of flesh. "My father clones these at home... I... might know more about the creatures here than I thought I did" He said smiling as he moved off the beast. "The plates are pretty strong too... So we could use those for some sort of armor or weapon" He said as he moved to one of them and hit it causing a bit of blood on his hand to come forth, "And it should provide quite a bit of proteins since y'know" He said as he walked over to her smiling.

@Tylor guillory
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Kira closed her eyes and leaned forward, getting her thoughts together. "So your father, created things like these?" She asked as her head lifted and she looked at him. "And you had to deal with them when you were young?" She lowered her head again before standing. "Part of me hates your father for doing that to you, but at the same time, you just saved us." She said with a sigh before moving toward the creature and looking into its lifeless eyes.
Max ran over to the creature then angrily looked over at Aeris."You monster how could you do this to such a beautiful creature!" Max said as he began cutting pieces off to use as future weapons and armor.
Aeris looked surprised and Max for the comment before noticing he was pulling off the shelled bits. "Hey Max, You do know that your puppy there is it's primary prey right?" He said wondering if he had realized that previously. He sighed before walking over to the eye Kira was looking in and remembering something. "Hey Kira do you like rubies?" He asked not knowing if she was in to jewels and stuff or just more tomboyish things.

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