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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

"I do!" Max said pulling a eye out."Also just because I'm taking parts of it to use to survive means nothing! It's already dead thanks to you so I might as well make use of it!" Max went back to taking parts of the beast to use for later.
Kira cast Max a glare as he spoke, turning to Aeris as he asked her about her liking Rubies. "I guess, they are pretty. Why?" She asked curiously, wondering why something like that would come up after a monster was just taken down. "I wan't you to teach me to kill one of these things, I highly doubt that was the last." She said firmly.
Aeris smirked, "I will but give me a second ok?" He said before crawling under the creature with the spear the sound of flesh and scales being cut could be heard. He came back out a little later his hands holding something tightly. He moved over to her and smiled, "You see inside the hearts of these creatures are gems coating the outer sides for protection" He said before opening his hand and showing four bright red gems. "These are called Hilgrasite or as I know them The Reapers Heart" He said with a smile.
After Max had finished taking the beast parts he used the owl bear cloak as a sack to carry it all he then bowed to the large dead beast."Thank you for these items I'm sorry you had to die. "He then lifted the owl bear cloak/sack over his shoulder and looked at them both." So why are you two out here anyway?"
Kira looked at the gems with awe, moving to take one before lifting it and examining it. "They are beautiful. These creatures are something else. Hey Aeris, do you think your father is responsible for some of the animals on this planet too?" She asked though her eyes remained on the Hilgrasite. "We were out here to find you Max." She said before turning her glare back to Max. "And this thing died, so we could live, its called survival of the fittest. Now, lets get you and that pup back to the village." She said with irritation. She wanted to smack Max on the back of the head for his ignorance, but decided not to.
"How stupid are you! All we had to do was run we could of gotten away easy! It was uncalled for to kill the creature! It's not survival of the fittest its just murder!" Max said glaring back at her his massive fist clenched.
Aeris shook his hands defensively, "L-lets not fight here... It would be slightly crude considering it would make us no better than our ancient ancestors" He said trying to keep it from occurring. He looked at Kira for a moment before grabbing her hand and putting the Hilgrasite in it then went back to Max. "I can probably help you find out more about your pup to when I get the chance" He then swallowed his breath. "If you want to hit me i'll give you one shot after we're at the village deal?" He asked since he knew Max probably wouldn't be able to not vent.
Kira grit her teeth, clenching the gem betwixt her hand before walking toward Max. "Shut the hell up. That thing ran way faster than us and we had no where to hide. Don't call me stupid!" She screamed, her body beginning to shake. "Let him hit you? No, he is the one that needs his ass handed to him!" She said angrily before breathing deep and turning away. Everything inside of her screaming to retaliate, though Aeris was right about not fighting, she had barely even noticed he had placed the gems in her hands.
"They had a entire forest to hide! It would of been easy we could of even hid in the river nor far away!" Max looked over at Aeris."Ok but I get to choose were I hit!" Max said calming down."Lets hurry before I change my mind." He said as he prepared to go to the village.
Aeris took a breath, "Just don't hit my valuables and we're good" He said looking at max before moving over to Kira. He put his hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry... We'll be alright ok." He said smiling as he looked at her a bit closer. "Let's just get him to the village and get the pain over with... it shouldn't last too long" He said as if trying to encourage her to calm down though he didn't know for sure if it would work he might as well give it a shot.
Kira lifted her blue hues to Aeris, anger apparent. "You go, I am not going to sit idly by and watch that... thing, hit you for no good reason." She said, clenching her fists. She welcomed the sting that came from her arm that was held within the sling aching. "I will be busy anyway, I have some ideas. So take him back to the village, and I will see you later." She said before she turned and went to the monster. She grabbed the spear and removed the metal from the tip, before she began sawing off pieces of the monsters flesh, along with removing the scales. Her body continued to vibrate with anger, she didn't understand why Aeris would even allow such a thing but that wasn't her problem. It seemed he liked pain, was too used to it, and Max... Max was that kid you saw that got spoiled for all of their life, if they wanted something it was handed to them... Kira wasn't either of those.
Aeris sighed, "Wait here till I get back then... I don't want you to get hurt because I wasn't there to help." He said with a smile. He felt bad that he was leaving her here to, "When I return i'll teach you how to kill one of those" He said before sighing and heading towards the village. "Come on Max... lets get this over with" He said continuing to walk towards the village.
"Alright kid I'm coming. I hope she gets crushed by one of those things, it'll show her. Pshh survival of the fittest my ass." Max said following Aeris to their destination.
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Aeris felt a bit of anger since he was bad-mouthing Kira but he ignored it and continued to lead towards the village. "I'll bring you close so I can get back there faster after the hit" He said as he moved into the forest on his path.

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Kira clenched her teeth as she heard Max. She wanted to castrate him, he would deserve it. She felt the sting of tears within her eyes, the lump rising in her throat. She was angry, and how Max acted toward her, that was nothing new. It was exactly what she was used to. So instead of focusing on the fact that she was upset, she continued to cut at the beast, she didn't plan on waiting for them to return. By that time, she would already be gone, and making what she had in mind.
Aeris walked a decent distance into the forest before coming across the creek that led to the village. "Just follow this that way and you'll be at the village in no time" He said before sighing since he knew what part was next and decided to begin bracing himself.
Kira finished filleting some of the meat and grabbing a good amount of the scales, she didn't have many places to put it, so she undid the sweatshirt around her arm and placed what she had within, before tying it off and placing it in her bad hand. She then placed the gems in her pocket and grabbed the piece of metal, before walking directly away from where the village was located. If she was correct, she could get some bamboo and leaves. She also needed to find something she could hollow out for the darts she was going to make. Those bees, if she could catch one, she could make a poisonous dart. This was her world, and she was done with people. They didn't have the spirit, the fight... the morals. She sighed as she walked along, heading toward the river.
Aeris was a bit surprised he didn't get hit and released a breath before heading back to the creature quickly as he thought about it and the fact meat could be dangerous on this island. He got to the beast and it was abandoned he felt himself a little worried. "Kira" He muttered quietly before looking around for a location she could've gone off to. He heard something and it was a rather strange sound towards the beach. He began to run off that way in hopes of either finding Kira or finding something to help him.
Aeris reached the beach quickly then saw something as it burst out of the water. It was a white leathery looking creature. The beast flapped it's wings and stretched out it's webbed feet before landing on the sand near him. He approached it realizing what it was and holding his hand out as the creature just stared at him.

While Kira was heading somewhat to the beach, she was heading more diagonally toward it. It didn't take too long for her to find her way to the river, rapids flowing dangerously fast. She moved to cup her hands and lifted some water to her lips, tasting it before drinking it to make sure it didn't taste funny. After drinking some, she moved to rinse the blood from her arm. Judging by the direction of the sun, it was getting late, which meant those creatures from the night before would be making themselves known soon. She looked around, finding a tree that had a couple of lower branches, but before she did that, she decided she needed to make a fire. Collecting some dried grass and placing it in a pile loosely, before grabbing two rocks and clicking them together to create a spark. She felt her arm throbbing but she continued anyway, building strength until the tinder began smoking. She lowered her body next to it and blew against the dried grass, causing a flame to erupt in the center. After, she slowly added more dried leaves and grass, causing the flame to grow in size before she added branches she had found, saving one particular branch which she began slicing at the tip, creating a sharp end. This is where she would place the meat before holding it over the flames. Even if the meant had bacteria, she would cook it more done than normal, burning off any and all bacteria within it.

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