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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

The animal,(who needs a name), took a delicate bite out of the leaf, chewed for a moment, then made a face and spit it out. She then spent several moments wiping her tongue with her paws.
Kira scrunched her nose for a moment before laughing softly. "I am so sorry, I don't have anymore berries." She said softly, looking at Aeris for a moment. "I suck at names, I think it is a female, what would you name her?" She asked, trying to involve him.
Aeris looked at Kira again drawing his mind back from the sky before looking at the female creature. "Well um... What about Avone, i'm not the best at names but I hope that might work" He said looking pretty spaced out. He had some things on his mind that he had to deal with in his internal state.
Kira saw clearly that his mind was preoccupied. "What do you think of Avone?" She asked softly, attempting to keep the animal calm. Her dark blue gaze drifting back to Aeris curiously as he looked at the animal.
Aeris looked at the animal which stood up, "I don't know if she likes that name" He said as he stood up and looked at it hoping this wasn't when it would attack things.
Kira smiled and continued petting the animal, though she pet down its body. "I think it does, maybe this is her way of showing that she likes it?"
Aeris moved out of the bush holding some berries now since that was his current goal. He had a couple handfuls though he didn't necessarily know if she liked them or not. He began to head back towards the other two now berried in hand.

@Scattered Ambitions @Mina
Kira smiled at the animal, lowering her body to show that she wasn't a threat. "How about Harmony?" She asked softly, wondering if maybe she didn't like the name before. Her blue hues flickered toward Aeris as she wondered what to do. The only animal she had ever gotten close to was a cat.... other than that, she didn't know what to do.
Aeris looked at the two again for a moment staring at them for a moment. He was still looking at them with his hands full. Then an idea occurred to him, He could likely go off on his own since she had some protection. It may not be the best idea but if he did it.... then he thought of the consequences and decided it wasn't such a good idea. "I thought you weren't good with names" He said smiling at her.
She laughed and looked at Aeris as she continued petting the animal. "I am not, but the name kind of fits her." She said before bringing her blue gaze back to the beautiful creature. "Did you ever think you would be stuck in a place like this, petting a majestic animal and hanging out with a person like me?" She asked, though she didn't look at Aeris.
Aeris smiled, "No... I'm in a rather nice place with a cute girl and an interesting creature... Well to be honest lots of things here are beautiful" He said his head and mind not moving to the sky this time. He looked at Kira then to the creature they had yet to name. He laughed slightly before sitting back down and putting the berries in his lap, "Honestly... the place I thought i'd be was dead from the guys after my dads work" He said smiling.
She smiled as he spoke, turning her head to look at him before a soft laugh escaped her lips. "I see. It is beautiful here, and the creatures, even if they are scary, are beautiful as well. My mind keeps going to whatever you saw toward the beach though." She said honestly before frowning at his last statement. "What do you mean? Why would you be dead?" She asked as her hand stopped moving for a moment on the deer like animals neck.
"Well this isn't good." Max said as he got back to the cave the dogs had been in. He found it empty besides for some tracks blood and dead puppies. He covered the puppy he hads eyes. As he checked out the site."What the hell happened here...damn now what." He said as he looked around, he eventually decided he would take care of the puppy until he found his father. So he left the cave and began his way into the Forest. Unknown that he was actually heading back to the other survivors aswell.
Aeris sighed slightly and looked at Kira. "Well... my father was a mathematician. He was known for his work but, he did some.... creative things on other times" He said before looking down and letting out a little sigh. "I don't know if you've heard about it but you know the Exarus incidents right. Where it was discovered that a man had been... creating creatures in a lab?" he asked not sure if that had reached out of his home or if it was stationary and only the people on his planet heard about it.
Kira lowered her gaze for a moment as she thought about it. "I believe I have heard of that. My Aunt and Uncle were talking about it one time, said they wondered what information they could get from the guy, and if they could do the same... but I quickly tuned them out and went along with my day." She said as her blue hues lifted to Aeris' face. "So someone wanted his research I am guessing?"
Had gone and found himself another owl bear but this one was bigger and already dead."Geez what the hell killed this thing! " he said still holding the puppy he then pulled out the bone. Which he had now crafted into a very sharp blade, thanks to his year as a blacksmith. He bent down and skinned the owl bear. He then went down to the river and cleaned the skin out. Also cutting some of the owl bears meat off for food. He then made the skin into a amazing cloak warping it all around his body."This should scare off any smaller predators. "he said as he headed in the direction of the others. @ScaraByte @Scattered Ambitions @MinaMurray
Aeris smiled a little bit. "Not only that... they wanted a specimen" He said pointing to himself for a moment. "As I said my father liked to tinker and one day he decided he would try to boost my health a little bit and..." He looked at his lap a little bit before eating one of the berries to occupy himself. He knew they did want the info and he was to be dissected to figure out what was tampered. "I'm just glad I made some friends before my home-world got me. I can replicate his work with less than him... So i'm one of the additional features to the toy" He said still looking down.
Max decided to do the one thing he had never gotten a job for, sing."In the jungle the might jungle then lion sleep tonight! Awwweeeeeeeeeeeee awemawaynawa!" Be sang as he walked down the bank of the river.
She wanted to know more, having been the type of girl that excelled in science and the human body, but she didn't want to push him. "Well I am glad they didn't get you, and maybe this is the break you needed. Chances are, they are going to think we are dead, so we get a fresh start." She said with a smile. "Aside from that, what was your father like?" She asked before hearing the echo of someone singing. The animal in front of them lifted her head before she jetted off in the distance. "Well damn. Who do you think that is?" She asked, watching the direction the deer thing ran. She would come back with more berries, and hopefully be able to tame that creature.

(Figured I would take over for the animal for now. @Scattered Ambitions can do it again later.)
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Aeris heard the voice echo through his head and stood up. "That's probably the only guy left in this jungle... Meaning it's either Max or something is dying" He said as he began to walk toward the source of the echo though not moving too far ahead. "I'll tell you more about me if you want... but currently we have a survivor to collect" He said as he smiled at her. He wasn't really bothered by his past since she did say it was a new start for all of them, "Oh and if you need proof of my modification. I have scars on my back from it" He said as he lifted the shirt up slightly revealing a few scars scattered around since he didn't want to say things without backing them up for proof.
To be honest Max was a excellent singer but for many reasons he had never done it as a job. He kept singing as he walked down the river bank."In the village the peaceful village the lion sleeps tonight! In the village the peaceful village the lion sleepd tonight! Awwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeemawaymawa!" He continued his song.
She looked at his back with a sigh, wondering how that must have been. "I didn't need proof, I have no reason not to trust you, and well, you don't seem like the type of person to lie." She said after laughing at his comment about Max. "Well, do you think there is anyone else out there that survived? So many people were on that ship, I just can't believe we are the only ones." She said with a sigh as she looked down. Children, babies, innocent people brought to their end without so much as a warning, it depressed her.

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