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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Aeris smiled, "I know how you feel with the interest behind the creatures and such but... It's better we don't mess with it until we can escape it afterwards. It might have come for the water.... given it's composition it could've done such but at the same time" he said in a bit of thought for a moment. "This is just giving me all the more reason to try and tame a smaller creature" He said cheerfully since it was indeed giving him more of a dedication towards such a thing. His mind went blank after that though, "So... where do you think would be a good idea for an outpost?" He asked since he did need some ideas for when he went solo from the others to do things, an hopefully survive.
She saw where he was coming from with his idea to tame one of the smaller creatures. It would give them a one up, the creatures were fast, and most likely if you could train them to obey direction, they could attack the larger one at once and bring him down. Maybe...that thing on the beach.... had babies that they could train. That would be ideal. "I see, it does make sense." She said as she thought deeper about the possibility of them having multiple of these animals on their side. She looked at him with a slight frown. "Hmmm I wouldn't make it too close to any water since animals by nature are drawn to water, obviously not the beach if that thing is near there. So I would search for caves or rocks, somewhere that can provide you strong shelter." She said as she imagined it.
Aeris nodded, "I see... I'll keep it in mind for when I-" He said before stopping his tone. He looked at her again hoping she didn't hear that, "What kind of things should we train though... I have a rough idea of how we can do that but I think it would be good to be careful to." He said as he thought again about the current food chain humans were at the bottom. That was one of the terrifying things since they were the small pickings of the food chain.
Kira smiled before she shook her head and hurried to grab his arm and stop him. "For when you what?" She asked with a soft laugh. "You are easier to read than you think. What are you thinking about doing?" She asked with a soft laugh. She ignored his second question, her dark blue optics narrowing as she looked at him, her smile wide.

(I think I said I had green eyes before lmao, problem with having different chara's in different rps.)

Aeris looked at her and sighed, "After I get everyone set up so they can survive together i'm going to go off on a solo and try to survive..." He said looking at her and smiling. "I don't think the others will miss me to much so I should be alright.... Besides that way I can try and train other things without endangering any of you" he said as he felt a bit odd telling her his plans but he was fine with it since he doubted it would really be a bother. He looked in her eyes and at her smile which made him feel somewhat different about what she might be thinking though he didn't know.

(No prob, I do that kind of thing all the time. Oh and i've been Googling alien creatures for the past bit.... found some interesting types)

She smiled still and shook her head, her gaze dropping for a moment before lifting to his once more. "I see. I don't plan on sitting in the village the whole time. I wanted a new start, I guess this is it. I am not going to waste it away being stuck in a single spot, I want to explore, build something..." She said before trailing off with a sigh. "So our plans aren't too much different, but you should really stop worrying so much about everyone else. Not to mention, training something like those things we saw earlier, you are going to need help." She said with a wink before turning and continuing walking.
He blinked a few times in rapid succession, "So your intention is to help me? I don't know if both of us can train things on this planet but her why not give it a shot" He said with a shrug as he followed her. Then he thought back on it she had winked at him multiple times now which was different for him considering most girls didn't really care if he was there unless he was fixing something. She was different to a degree, "Oh and quick question... You keep winking, Is something in your eye or are you flirting. I'm not the best at figuring that kind of thing out" He said as he continued to follow after her looking into the trees and the ground for another creature type.
She laughed softly as he asked if she had been flirting. She wasn't sure of the answer, she did like his company, and she did trust him. "Honestly, I might be." She said as she thought. She pushed her way past branches, turning to look at him every few seconds to see if he was still following her direction. "Why do you ask? I am not real sure if I am or not, I just do it I guess." She said, loud enough so he could hear her even though she wasn't facing him. She finally stopped, hearing a rustling in some bushes. "Did you hear that?" She whispered, putting her hand in his way so he couldn't walk past her.
Aeris looked at her for a moment since she had put a hand in front of him. Moving a bit closer to the bushed he looked at them but wasn't too far away from Kira. "It looks like somethings in there" He whispered as he tried to focus his eyes on whatever it was carefully but it was at an angle where he couldn't exactly see it too well.
A small, slender snout poked out of the bush, followed by a face, then antlers. The creature then stepped out fully, revealing itself. It stood there, like a deer in head lights, under the humans gaze. It stepped back lightly into the bush, and made a small whimpering sound, trying to avoid the humans gaze. All of a sudden, it laid down, and covered its eyes with its paws.

Aeris looked at the creature and smiled seeing it's movement downward so quickly. "Hey there..." He said as he squatted down matching it's height. It seemed scared so he decided he would try and calm it to a degree if at all possible. He moved his hand slowly to the creatures neck and rubbed it gently for a moment feeling it before moving his other hand out like you would do with a horse. "I'm ok... I don't want to hurt you. I'm a nice guy after all" He said smiling at it and taking a glance back at Kira still smiling as he did.

@Scattered Ambitions @Mina
Kira smiled at the animal, holding her hand out, palm down as she allowed it to sniff her. "Shhhh shhhh it's okay. It will be okay." She said softly before moving to pet the other side of its neck. "How about this one? Start with taming it?" She asked as her eyes flowed to Aeris.
The creature lifted its head up a bit, and smelled Aeris's hand. It leaned into the rubbing, enjoying it. It stretched out its front legs, and opened its mouth wide, letting the tongue curl out.
Aeris smiled at the creature and Kira, "I think it kinda likes me" He said smiling as he rubbed the creatures snout gently. He saw Kira doing the same as him and he was quite happy that the creature was so friendly. He smiled though since he kinda liked the creature plus the fact it hadn't tried to kill them as a plus. "Y'know... you're the only one who hasn't tried to kill us yet" He said with a little laugh as he continued to rub the creature.

@Scattered Ambitions @Mina
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Kira laughed softly. She wasn't sure why this made her so happy, but finding such a beautiful animal that accepted them, it was amazing. She continued to rub the neck and looked at Aeris with a bright smile. "I think it does. Maybe, we can tame it?" She asked cautiously. She didn't know him well enough to know if he was okay with that kind of thing, but from his statement earlier, he wasn't so enthusiastic about trying things alone. From what she could tell, he wanted someone that would care about him and help him out as a friend, kind of like her. Reaching in her pocket, she pulled out some berries and held it in front of the creature. "You hungry?" She asked softly so she didn't spook the animal.
Aeris smiled at Kira, "I think it would be a good idea to tame it." He felt it's purring and it was rather good for his current position. He did like this creature quite a bit, "I like this one though, It has character.... I'll have to figure out though what gender it is" he said as he looked to her. It was a main influence on naming creatures depending on what gender they were. "So can you understand me?" he asked looking at the creature since most here seemed to be intelligent and it probably depicted that from his gentle tone that he wouldn't harm it in any means possible.
The creature didn't understand him, but instead cocked its head to the side, and perked its ears. Then, it stuck it's snout out, and lightly took some of the berries.

(Its a girl, btw, the girls have red markings and the boys have blue.)
Kira held the food closer to the animals mouth. "A girl?" She asked more to the creature than Aeris. It seemed more feminine than the other beast, and she liked being touched and pet more. That seemed sexist but male animals were more likely to get defensive. "Are they good?" She said softly as it eat the berries, continuing to pet her neck.
Aeris smiled and looked at Kira before looking back at the creature. It seemed like the two were bonding well so he moved back a little bit happy that both of them were becoming as of what he could tell. He felt something touch against his chest in his vest pocket and pulled it out. It was some component from the communication device he had earlier. He looked at it before putting it back in his pocket and sitting down officially now looking up at the sky again which seemed to be some sort of habit of his.
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She took more berries, and as she did so, wagged her tail. Soon, she had finished off all the berries in Kira's hand, but continued to lick her hand, searching for more.
"I don't have anymore." She said softly as she continued to pet the animals neck. Her eyes moved to Aeris, tilting her head to the side curiously. "Whats wrong?" She asked softly so she didn't spook the animal.
Aeris shook his head and continued to look skywards it was calming to an aspect. He turned his head and looked at Kira, "Just thinking about some things at the moment... I might tell you about them later, might not" He said quietly with a shrug.
She nodded at Aeris before turning her attention back to the animal in front of her. "You will." She said quietly though she doubted he could hear it. Kira's hand moved up to scratch softly behind the animals ear, turning to look for something else that the animal would eat. Though she grabbed a leaf, not sure if the creature would eat it, but she tried anyway, placing it in front of the animals snout. "How about this?" She asked softly, curious about what what Aeris was thinking about.

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