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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

The bear didn't see the rock coming, and so was crushed by it. But, the rick falling triggered a landslide, trapping the bear and the mother both inside the cave, and keeping Max out.

@Tylor guillory
"Dammit! I wanted to skin the owl bear he would of made a great cloak!" Max said still holding the puppy."Ok little one time to get you to your daddy!" He said as he looked around. "Uh oh! I'm not sure which was to go! Oh look here's some tracks!" Max said as he followed the tracks.
While Max had been off fighting the bear, something else had attacked Raj'oul, and he had fled the den. Two pups had been killed, and Raj'oul had taken the remaining one with him. The den was abandoned.

@Tylor guillory
ScaraByte said:
Aeris looked at Tuuq, "Some sort of... bee thing jabbed him. Then he got hot and like this." He said holding his friend still obviously worried. "I don't know what happened" He said as he continued to hold his friend up.
@Scattered Ambitions @Ldybug123
"Do you still have the bug? If not, I can still help him. First, follow me." He turned and started walking in the direction of a small stream.
"I don't currently have the bug... it kinda fell off when he killed it and then started to get weary." He said looking at Tuuq as he began to carry Kota that way still being cautious of what he was doing. He didn't want to ingjure his friend but he didn't want to take too long either.

@Scattered Ambitions @Ldybug123
Soon, they reached the stream. Tuuq stood next to it, and waited for Aeris. "Lay him down in the water." After he spoke, he reached a hand deep down in the water, ad pulled out a a thing that looked like a slug, but with a giant mouth filled with pointy teeth.
Aeris was a bit skeptical of the creature but did as instructed and laid Kota into the water feeling it running against his hands as he rested his friend there. "What's that thing?" He asked looking at the leech like creature.
"It is a....how do you say....bug. A skhal, to be exact." Tuuq pulled Kota's hair off his neck, and attached the bug to the bite. "There, we just need to wait for a bit."

(I gtg, bye)
(See ya @Scattered Ambitions)

Aeris nodded and looked at him then back to Kota with a gentle look, "If you would... take care of him. I need to find the others before they die" He said with a nod to both Sesha and Tuuq. "I'm going to find the others... if you want to meet up later we can alright?" He said to Kota before heading off into the forest again to find someone and make sure that Kira and Max didn't die.

@Whoever @Ldybug123
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Kira finally made her way back to where the berries were located, picking a few more while eating some as well. After she had a hand full, she began walking in the direction the others went, her arm stinging and throbbing with pain as she trudged along. One thing her father had taught her when she was young, was how to navigate. She had an inward compass in a sense, making it easier to find her way to and from locations. Her green eyes searching almost desperately, from this point on, she had no idea where they had gone.
Aeris continued to walk around the thought of leaving Kota there made him uneasy but he was sure his friends would help him out. He began through the forest making some noise while still being cautious. He had the idea that if he sounded like one of the creatures maybe he could fool them and they'd go away. So he made a growl while he tried to mimic one of the beasts though it hurt his throat to do so it would hurt his body not to.
Kira heard some growling and bushes shuffling, causing her to hold her breath and hide behind a bush herself. The growl seemed a bit off however, so she peaked through, waiting to see what it was making that noise. Maybe it was a cub of the animals? She wasn't sure, but she relaxed a bit as Aeris walked through, causing her to smile and stand, seeing the blood on his neck, going through whatever he had wrapped around himself. "Aeris!" She said moving toward him, though she didn't speak too loud. "You got hurt? Let me help." She said, continuing moving toward him. "What happened?"
Aeris looked at Kira, "Glad to see you're alive... This is nothing" He said with a smile as he covered it up as nothing. "The injury on your arm though.... We need to find a way to seal that" He said as he focused attention on it though he had retraced his steps back to the village. He didn't like to seem weak since he was supposed to help the others back, if he got some sort of alien sickness or such he would go off alone to die with it he didn't want others to help him without him helping them first. He still felt slightly woozy but he had coped with it so his normal vision was adapting back to him now.
Kira lifted her hand to look at his wound but he covered it, making her brows draw together a bit. "You are bleeding, it isn't good. But aside from that, if we can make a fire and you still have that shard from the ship, we can close both of our wounds." She said honestly. "I can't make a fire since my arm is out of commission right now, but both of your arms are fine. I could use a sling too, to keep myself from opening the wound, but that isn't possible right now, I can't even get my sweat shirt off. Do you know where any water near here is?" She asked, turning to look around, trying to listen for the sound of running water.
Aeris nodded, "I have the shard and know where water is." He said as he got the piece of metal out and looked at it for a moment. He then motioned for her to follow him, "The village isn't that far from here either.... I actually just came from there a little bit earlier" He said as he looked back to Kira. He was glad to find another friend and after he could get her back he'd go to find Max since currently he was Disposable and getting the others was his objective. "I'll worry about my wounds later.... yours are likely more hazardous than mine" He said with a smile though his body was considerably weaker.
"I am not going back to the village. I either help you close your wund and you help me close mine, or we both die from blood loss." She said firmly. "There are more survivors out there, I am not going to be the one to sit hopelessly in a village." She spoke with an air of determination, not following him back to the village. "So, I can talk you through building a fire if you don't know how, we can cauterize our wounds, then you can go back while I find others or you can come with me."
Aeris sighed, "I was going to go search for the others when you were back there.... If it's just me dying we can drop the casualties" He said before closing his eyes for a moment. "I can build a fire I just thought you wanted water to cool it" He said before pointing off to his right in the woods "The village is that way, Where I have Kota under Tuuq and Sesha's care" He said before moving over to a bush and breaking it so it could be used as fuel. "If you want to help find people i'm up for grouping up... but if something comes after us I need you to get out of the way of danger" He said as he found a few rocks and struck them against the metal piece creating a spark to which lit the tinder slightly. He moved down to the ground and blew on it gently and the flame grew quite a bit. "So do you want to get cauterized first?" He asked looking at her and feeling somewhat defeated in his plans of safety for others.

"Well considering you are the strongest in the group so far, save for the crazy Max dude who seems a little suicidal, if you die, more will die without you there thus causing more casualties." She said as she watched him start the fire. "I was going to search for water to rinse our wounds and remove the bandages without causing more pain. But seeing as we are already starting with the fire, we can deal with the pain. I will need help removing my sweatshirt though." She said with a sigh, feeling more like a burden for a moment. "That is fine, I will make sure to keep my eye out and get behind you if something comes up. Hopefully it doesn't take long to find people, it seems that those things are nocturnal, I haven't seen any more today." She said with a shrug. "I will go first, I would rather get it over with faster." She said as she watched him.
Aeris smiled since she had boosted his self-esteem a little bit. He thought about it for a minute, "I can start another fire, After all it's not to difficult" He said looking at her and hearing about removing a sweatshirt. "Plus if you go first you can see me cry from pain" He said smiling as though he was joking though he likely could but would hopefully not. "I'll let you pick though... I'd rather you not suffer too much pain but I can't control people so we can do whatever you think is better" he said as he held the metal in his hand looking at her for an opinion.

She smiled at his response, realizing he was one of those guys that prefers to be the pillar in most situations. It was commendable. "It is fine, its probably more important to just get these wounds closed as soon as possible. Hopefully they wont become infected, but even with water it wouldn't matter." She said with a shrug. "So lets get this started." She said as she moved her hand to the bandage around her arm, beginning to untie it. She noticed then that her hand was beginning to turn purple from cutting off her circulation, though seeing as it took so long, she didn't completely cut off her blood supply. After a moment, she had the bandage untied and was slowly pulling it off, that way she didn't open the wound wider. "We can use a stick to bite down on, something large enough that it wont just snap from our bites." She said before pulling the material off her arm, seeing the gash which made her stomach a bit upset. Blood almost instantly began flowing slowly, making her wad up the material before pressing it to the wound.
Aeris looked at her for a moment, "Next is the sweat shirt right?" He asked as he put the metals tip to the fire in order to heat it laying it there so it could heat thoroughly. He looked around for a minute before seeing a decent size stick on a tree and quickly began to climb it and broke the stick off. "This should work.." He said as he moved back down it and moved over to her. "Just tell me what I should so and i'll do it" He said holding the stick in his hand.

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