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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Kira had gotten separated from the group, probably because just as they had all left, she had found some fruit that she had tried to collect, starving suddenly. But it didn't last long, before another one of those animals had paid her a visit, and she was running in the opposite direction. She had ran for what seemed like forever, before she found a hollow spot beneath a tree, under its roots, where she dove into with haste. She had been there all night it seemed, the sun began peaking over the horizon casting eerie yellow shadows, but she had gotten a little rest. The animal lost her scent due to the mud that surrounded the tree, it had decorated her body and hair in a dark brown color, but it covered up her scent at least. She woke to the sound of distant howling, stretching before cringing as her arm was throbbing once again. She could feel dried blood on her hand, meaning it had began bleeding badly once more. At this rate, she would end up dying of blood loss, but she couldn't let that happen. She had managed to save some of the berries she had collected, and she knew they weren't possible since she could see a squirrel munching on them before. She took one and popped it in her mouth, wondering if the others got away safely, she hoped so.

After eating the bulk of the berries, she crawled out of the hole, her emerald optics drifting back and forth to make sure it was clear, before she stretched once more before shivering. Steam seemed to be rising off of the ground, the air cold but the planet still seemed to stay warm, and the sun heated the in between, the air around her... slowly but surely. Kira sighed and looked at her arm, the bandage that Aeris had given her was drenched, and she seemed to be bleeding still, even if it was slow. No wonder she was so weak, she felt like her body was going to give out any second, but one thing she had learned about herself over the past few years, is she was a fighter. Always had been, always will be. So she would fight, and she started by heading back in the direction she had come last night, because maybe, just maybe, they would search for her there. Why did she need anyone else though? She planned on making it alone if there were no other survivors, but she didn't want that, she didn't want to be alone... so it made the most sense... her mind flooded with thoughts, as she made her way back toward the area they had all met.
Aeris continued his trudge through the forest though he had gotten lost and was now on the edge of a cliff. "Why..." He said quietly to himself he still had Kota his injured comrade and worse more he was bleeding a trail from his neck causing his entire side to be bloody. "At this rate... We're dead" He muttered quietly noticing the heat off Kota hadn't come close to letting up.

The mother growled softly, and lunged at the bear. She hit it's shoulder, and clamped on, but was weak from blood loss. The bear roared in pain, and whipped from side to side. The mother was flung off, and hit the wall with a loud crack. She fell into a bloody heap, and didn't move. The bear turned back to Max, and swiped it's claw across his face, leaving three bloody lines across his skin. Then, it backed up, and charged him.

@Tylor guillory

(Btw the mom was killed, her skull cracked and her brain was damaged)
Kota pants, his breaths still ragged. The toxin has further spread throughout his body. However, if they can find the village, the inhabitants of it can remove the toxin very easily. @ScaraByte
Aeris turned and continued walking his blood continuing a trail behind them before he stumbled into the woods further seeing what looked like a hut before long. "Maybe... this is it" He said panting and his vision spinning as he did look ahead, If it wasn't then they were both dead for sure.

@Ldybug123 @Scattered Ambitions
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Kota suddenly coughs up a bright green liquid (the toxin). He doesn't seem to have improved. If anything, his body temperature has increased even more. @ScaraByte
Max roars and leaps up he then runs and lifts up the puppy with his bad hand still carrying the sharp bone in his other. In a ridiculous attempt to calm the beast he began singing the first song that came to mind as loud as possible. "DO YOU REALLY WANT TO HURT ME!!! DO YOU REALLY WANT TO MAKE ME CRY!!!" he sang as he ran from the beast hoping it would do something to stop the beast @Scattered Ambitions
Kota lets out a little whine of pain and starts shaking. The toxin has spread even further into his body, but can still be removed without causing harm to him. @ScaraByte
Sesha woke to the sound of someone moving around outside of her hut. She hopped out of bed, stepped over Tuuq's sleeping form, and quietly opened the door. She peeked outside, only to see Aeris, and another human, that she didn't recognize, but looked horribly sick. She stepped outside quietly, not sure what to do.

@Tylor guillory, no idea how to reply to you.)
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Aeris looked around getting slightly more frantic his eyes not letting him see people to well at all but he could still feel the heat from Kota. He had to get the others quickly or they would be stuck by themselves on this planet. He was worried for them all even though he was ignoring his condition as though it didn't exist.

@Ldybug123 @Scattered Ambitions
Kota's breathing is becoming significantly more rapid. He weakly moves his head up a little to look up at Aeris. "Y-you're i-injured t-too. I-I s-should b-be h-helping y-you a-also. S-sorry." He said weakly. @ScaraByte
Kira continued moving, trying to keep herself as silent as possible. She felt dizzy, and it got worse as she continued to lose blood. This was just her luck, the kind that left one wondering why they continued to fight, but that barely entered her mind... her parents had always taught her to be a fighter, and live even when she felt like giving up. So that is what she did, trucking along with one thought in her mind, to survive. It was doubtful that the natives would know how to give a transfusion, but if she could close the gash in her arm, she would be able to heal, and eventually her body would begin remaking the blood that she had lost. But how would she start a fire? She was sure she could find some metal somewhere, but with the use of only one arm, starting a fire would be nearly impossible. Kira's mind flowed to the people that had survived, hoping that they were okay.
Eventually Max managed to climb up out of the den and he the leapt into the owl bears back stabbing it repeatedly with the Shark bone."YES I REALLY WANNA HURT YOU!!! YES I REALLY WANNA MAKE YOU CRY!!!" He roared as he continued to stab the beast the puppy being held by the nap of his neck I'm Max's teeth so he could use his other hand to hold on.(your not very imaginative are ya @Scattered Ambitions you could of come up with something)
Aeris nodded, "Bug. Stung" He said pointing to the stinger and bit of string he couldn't remove on the back of Kota's neck. "Help?" He asked holding Kota since he needed to help his friend before he could leave to find the others.

@Scattered Ambitions @Ldybug123
Kota was still panting, sweat now running down his face.
(that's the bug) @Scattered Ambitions @ScaraByte
Tylor guillory]Eventually Max managed to climb up out of the den and he the leapt into the owl bears back stabbing it repeatedly with the Shark bone."YES I REALLY WANNA HURT YOU!!! YES I REALLY WANNA MAKE YOU CRY!!!" He roared as he continued to stab the beast the puppy being held by the nap of his neck I'm Max's teeth so he could use his other hand to hold on.(your not very imaginative are ya [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15783-scattered-ambitions/ said:
@Scattered Ambitions[/URL] you could of come up with something)
Although one arm wasn't usable anymore, the owl bears attacks were still quiet ferocious. It roared and swung again, but missed. It rose onto it's back legs, and prepared to come crashing down, on top of Max and the puppy, crushing them both.
Max leapt off and roled away from the beast. Then as the beast fell on his back Max tossed a rock at a boulder just above the den where the owl bear was. The rock hit the boulder which was just close enough to the edge to come falling down ontop of the owl bear as it was hit.

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