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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

She nodded. "Yes, when I remove this, lift my sweatshirt over my head so I can pull my good hand out, then we can pull it off my hurt arm." She said before sighing. It was going to hurt, she could feel where the material was pretty much glued to her skin from the dried blood. "Then the metal should be hot enough so you can grab it, use my sweatshirt so it doesn't burn you, then push it hard against the wound, I will do my best to push the skin together so it doesn't heal with a huge scar." She said as she looked at him, seeing the stick he was holding. She was definitely going to need that.
He looked at her and nodded understanding what he was going to need to do. He took a little breath before moving his hands to the hem of her sweatshirt. "Alright then... but you use the sweatshirt for your need. I'm used to getting burn, I'm an engineer remember" He said smiling at her his hand still holding the stick. He was slightly worried about hurting her so he readied himself to pull up the sweat shirt. "Just give me the Que and i'll do what I can" He said as he had the idea of his plan in mind.
"No it is fine, I don't need it for anything yet, it will come in more handy for you. No need to burn yourself more than what I am going to do to your neck." She said with a wink before breathing in deeply. "Alright, I am ready." She said before she pulled the material away from her wound, and held her breath.
"That sounds different" He said before moving the sweatshirt up and over her head. He held it and the stick in the other hand as one hand held it up. He was prepared to help her in any way possible and after this was done he would likely spend a few minutes apologizing to her. His eyes moved from hers to the wound then back to hers in a way of readying himself and also hoping he didn't hurt her to badly.

Nothing but a whimper escaped Kira's lips as he pulled the sweatshirt over her head, she lifted her good arm and quickly pulled it out of the sweatshirt, before pushing the sweatshirt quickly off her other arm. She bit the inside of her lip so hard that she felt the skin break and the sulfuric liquid trickling slowly into her mouth. It at least, diverted her attention for a moment though. Without waiting, she pressed the material back to her arm, breathing heavily, her cheeks red from the pain. "Thank you." She said, her black tank top loose around her slender torso. "Whenever the metal is hot enough, just bring it over and I will brace myself." She said as she held her hand out toward the stick. "Can I have that before we get moving?" She asked with a smile, reassuring him that she was fine, even if she felt the world blurring a bit.
He nodded and handed her the stick still looking at her with a sorry expression feeling bad that he had likely hurt her a bit. "I'm going to check on the metal and be back in a moment" He said looking at her and feeling himself becoming slightly more worried. He looked at the metal which was glowing now so he knew it was alright to use. "Alright then it should be hot enough" he said as he grabbed the metal and felt it's sting against his hand though the blow torch he used and burned himself by mistake before hurt quite a bit worse. Though there was visible steam rising off his hand now and a scar would be left. "You'll probably want to brace yourself... this will sting allot" He said as he moved closer to her and waited for her to prepare.

Kira placed the stick between her teeth, and dropped the piece of the shirt she still had in her hand. She moved to push the skin on her arm up, closing the wound a little. Blood began pouring down her arm and she nodded to him, hoping he would hurry. Just moving the muscle that way would make the wound grow.
Aeris took a quick breath before moving closer to her and placing the searing metal against her skin to seal it shut. "I'm sorry if this hurts" He said as he moved it across the wound hopefully closing the entire thing. He didn't want to hurt her but he knew he had no hope of helping her and not hurting her to some degree in this. He continued to do so for a little bit before moving the metal away and looking to see if it worked by any degree since he wasn't a medical person to any degree he hoped this worked.

She screamed though it was muffled, squeezing her eyes shut as tears flowed down her cheeks and she felt her teeth sinking into the wood. She had to stay awake, even if it hurt, if she passed out, she would likely open the wound again, so she redirected her attention from the smell of burning flesh and the feel of hot metal sealing her wound. He hadn't used her jacket like she had advised, causing himself another unnecessary wound, she would talk to him about that. It felt like the process took forever, and when he finally pulled the metal away her eyes opened and she panted, turning to look down at her arm. The wound was closed for the most part, and the bleeding had pretty much stopped. Reaching up to pull the wood from her mouth and wiping the tears from her face. "Thank you." She said breathlessly. "Your turn." She said before motioning for him to put the piece of metal back in the fire. She lowered her head and tried to catch her breath as she waited, the dopamines within her body pulsing through her to numb the pain a bit.
Aeris nodded and put the metal into the fire for a moment and looked at her again. "Sorry for hurting you... I... I wish I had some of the numbing medications from the ship" He said with a sigh as he though about her. "I don't like seeing my friends getting hurt it hurts worse than this thing" He said pointing at his wound before realizing he hadn't had the chance to see it or let anyone but Sesha see it. Though she didn't speak his language so he couldn't tell the condition. "Um... Sorry to bother you but. Could you tell me how this looks, I can't really see my own neck y'know" He said as he untied the torn shirt strip and the blood came out a bit quicker now his neck around it indented slightly from the pressure put on it though it's depth or status was still unknown to him.

Kira forced a smile, focusing on him as he spoke. "Don't apologize, you basically saved my life." She said before she nodded in response. As he pulled off his bandage, she took it from him and moved in closer, using his own bandage to gently wipe the blood away so she could see the depth of the cut more clearly. It only took a moment before she pressed the material back to his neck with a little pressure. "Hold this there until it is ready, it doesn't look infected yet, but it is pretty deep, barely missed your jugular." She said honestly with a reassuring smile. "The cauterizing should work well."

Aeris smiled and held the material so she could use her hands more freely. "Thanks.... That would explain why it's so sore then" He said smiling and blood beginning to recollect in another layer on the make shift bandage. He wondered many things about this planet but those would come into play later since for now he needed to focus on the survival of his friends. Kira was the first one he needed to secure since Koda was at the village which should be safe. "Oh try to avoid bugs here to. They bite or sting you and you get some kinda poison in your veins" He said remembering what happened to Kota earlier as he watched her feeling slightly different about their situation.

Kira grabbed her jacket and wrapped it around her hand using her teeth, before moving over to grab the piece of metal which now glowed red. "Alright, I am ready when you are. And why do you say that about the bugs? Did Sesha tell you that?" She asked curiously, waiting for him to move his hand with the makeshift bandage so she could cauterize his wound. She could feel the warmth seeping through the sweatshirts material. After this, she would use the sweatshirt for a sling, it would suffice for now.
Aeris looked at her, "I had to carry Kota to the village to get treated for it.... Sesha is fixing him up and taking care of him while i'm gone though" He said as he looked at her and moved the bandage bracing himself for whatever happened next. Regardless of being used to burned a burn this deep and on his neck none the less was going to burn. "I'll try not to cry to badly" He said with a smile before finishing his preparation for the pain coming up.

She handed him the wood to place in his teeth before moving to place the burning metal against the gash in his neck. She put a decent amount of pressure on it, but since it appeared to be a relatively clean cut, unlike hers, the skin wasn't too open allowing for it to stop the bleeding a bit easier. After a moment she pulled the piece of metal away from his skin and nodded. "I am sorry." She said, knowing how bad that must have hurt, it hurt her arm, the neck would of been worse, she imagined.
Aeris being the stubborn guy he was didn't put the wood in his mouth since it was also in her mouth and he thought it might be slightly weird. His thoughts were cut short from her putting the metal against his neck causing him to grit his teeth and his eyes to shut a few tears running out. It hurt much more than he though so this caused him quite a bit of pain. "D-don't worry about it" he said letting out a breath a tiny bit of blood over his lip now. "Like I said... I'm used to being burned so it wan't horrendous or anything" He said with a smile though it was still apparent of the residing tears in his eyes.
She nodded, not wanting to bruise his pride by trying to comfort him, before dropping the metal piece on the ground to let it cool before wrapping the sweatshirt around her arm and opposite shoulder, before using her mouth to tie the sleeves together, to create a sling. She hadn't thought about the weirdness of him biting the same stick, but possibly because her mind wasn't functioning right now, the amount of stress with loss of blood and pain, had her not thinking clearly. "Alright, well, lets get moving. I found some berries over that way, we can go get some more if you haven't eaten yet." She said with a smile.
He looked at her a bit surprised by her creation of the sling. "It's probably a good idea to scavenge for the moment being or we'll likely be left high and dry" He said smiling before looking up into the sky. He was thinking about what his parents would say if they saw him in this situation though he had lost the journal it wouldn't really help them here. "I wonder..." He said as he looked back to the planet an looked about at some things he found and listened for anything unusual. "So, anything you want to talk about so we can make the search a little less.... awkward?" He asked before looking at his hand for a moment where the new scar was and smiling.
She lifted her green eyes to his face as he looked at his hand and smiled. "You are so odd." She said with a small laugh. "We can talk about anything. But first, we should probably make a couple weapons. You have the shard of metal, if we get a stick large enough and can create some rope, or even use the pieces of material we had for bandages, we can tie it onto the wood and make a spear. Or a bow, we have plenty of wood, we just wouldn't have an arrow head." She said, remembering when her father had taken her camping and taught her different ways to survive. What bugs were okay to eat and what not to eat. But this planet was different, so the most she could do was find the same berries she ate before. She moved to the fire and began kicking dirt onto it, to put the flames out.
Aeris nodded and had an idea, "Well weapons would help out. Plus i'm not that odd now am I?" He asked with a smile as he looked at her a bit more picking the metal blade up. "You keep this one though, I'd rather know you have something stronger to use at last resort" He said before taking her idea and making a spear out of it. Then he handed it to her without taking a no or any form of rejection. "If worst comes to worst I know something more dangerous than a weapon like that" He said as he moved to a tree and climbed up it to get a better view of the area.
She took the spear with her free hand, nodding with a smile. She lifted her gaze as he climbed the tree before turning and looking into the forest. The trees were dense, making visibility limited, it wouldn't be hard to sneak up on them if an animal wanted to. The beach wouldn't be far from them, so from Aeris' position, he would clearly see it, along with something huge moving along, throwing large pieces of the ship across the way which caused a loud boom to sound, Kira's eyes darting toward where the beach was located. The giant beast was a black and red color, his mouth huge, easily able to swallow a human with one gulp. Though it didn't seem to notice them as it took a corpse, threw it in the air with its mouth and swallowing it with one gulp. "What was that?" She asked as she began heading toward the beach out of curiosity.
Aeris saw the creature and he felt the fear strike before looking down to see Kira was headed towards it. Quickly he moved out of the tree and moved up behind her putting one hand over her mouth. "Wait... There's something out there, it's bigger than the things we've seen so i'd rather you now go out there and die on me" He whispered his mouth near her ear now as he tried to be careful but it was kind of difficult when you were trying to keep your friend from running to their death. He felt his worry overpower him since he didn't want her to end up that things next live prey he would rather bring her the other way and have them survive or at very least her survive.
Kira felt his hand moving over her mouth causing her to look back at him with question. "Something bigger?" She asked. There was another loud crash causing her to look back toward the beach. "But what if we were supposed to go that way? What if there are survivors there?" She asked, before sighing. She was being irrational but she couldn't help it. She finally nodded before pointing in another direction, away from the village. "Okay, lets just go look somewhere else I guess. How did we not see this thing last night?"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/sand_giant_by_gegig-d5lh5kv.jpg.ccbd12f9491276fb78811727d1684b63.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="92144" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/sand_giant_by_gegig-d5lh5kv.jpg.ccbd12f9491276fb78811727d1684b63.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Aeris whispered to her again, "Bigger predators are towards the center... it's likely it didn't emerge from the center until now" He said as he began to lead them away watching to make sure that creature didn't follow since it was a beast compared to the other creatures. He looked back at her now though she was only a few steps away. "I personally don't want you being attacked by that creature...." He said looking at his friend and his mind not wanting her to be hurt or worse.. killed.

"Do you think it maybe came from the water?" She asked. While bigger creatures were normally from the center, she also knew some large monsters came from large bodies of water. If the natives had a village, then how had they not been killed? Unless the monster sticks to the beach? She sighed as she continued walking, hearing him say that he didn't want her to be attacked by the monster, wondering why it really mattered to him, but then again, he could be one of those people that gets attached to his friends quite easily. She smiled at him as he looked back at her, her eyes meeting with his as she spoke. "Then I will make sure to steer clear of that thing." She said, even if she wanted to see it, to examine it.

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