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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

The calv looked at her and let out a cute little noise like a squel version of what the bigger ones had done. The parents just continued to eat.
Aeris looked down at Kira and the little tree-beast and he saw what seemed to be her intentions. He made sure he was at the ready to dive and snatch her up if needed but right now things seemed alright. But he still needed to be careful since there were others around and he continued to watch Khim ready to move on a moments notice as her tail steadied in the air. Though it seemed that the little one wasn't going to be trouble he'd prepare just in case one of the adults got done eating.
Kira smiled before plucking some leaves from the tree and lowering a bit to hold it in front of the little creature. "A boy or a girl?" She said softly. She couldn't tell the difference between the others, though some looked a little smaller than others, she guessed those were the females. "Girl?" She said seeing if it would react. You never knew in this world, the animals seemed more intelligent, these ones, might be as well.
She laughed softly before reaching forward to pet its head. It wasn't soft, in fact it felt like she was petting bark. "You have no idea what I am saying do you." She said before she made her way a bit lower. She finally got off the tree and held the leaves to the animal's mouth again. "Eat."
Kira of course didn't notice how the others were almost done eating, grabbing more leaves to feed the little one. As she did this, she began backing away from where the group of these things were, trying to get the little one to follow her. "Its okay" She whispered "Just come on little guy."
The little calv followed understanding one thing. If he followed he got food, plus he like this strange thing that gave him food.
She smiled as she continued to lead it away slowly, lifting her gaze to Aeris to see if he was still above her. Hopefully this worked. But where would she put it? How would she teach it?
As this was happening the otheirs finished their meal. One of them looked around before noticing kira lurring the calv away. It let out a loud alarm noise and dug its foot into the ground like a bull preparing to charge the rest of the herd did the same and they were all aimed at one target. Kira.
Aeris saw what she was doinig and Khim moved after them to follow just in case. Then he heard the alarm from the other creature of the bigger ones and felt a jolt strike him. "Khim abduct" He said pointing to Kira which she moved quickly swooping down and scooping the girl up on her wing. "Maybe those aren't the best idea to tame?" He said as Khim moved higher in the air then the others could reach.
Kira jumped as she turned to see the adults getting ready to charge her. "Damn it!" She said before she felt herself suddenly being lifted into the air. Her arms wrapped around Aeris as the ground grew further away, the sweatshirt still wrapped around her arm, and her arm still hurting like hell. Funny she barely noticed the pain anymore, like she was growing used to it. "I can deal with heights, but really?" She asked as she looked down before looking at the creature she sat upon. "What is this thing? And... yeah, you are probably right, but imagine having a herd of those following you. There has to be a way to train them." She said as she looked back down at the creatures.
All if a sudden one of the creatures lifted a tree into the air and tossed it at them. The baby calv let out a cry in a attempt to get his new friend to return.
Aeris smiled "Well it would be cool but-" His thought was cut short as he saw the tree headed their way Khim ducking out of the way quickly. He looked at the adults and felt himself get a bit more worried, "We'll have to leave your friend behind... Or else Khim will crash" He said as the creature they were riding began to fly away at a quick pace. He turned to look at her, "To answer your questions though, Khim is someone I met a little bit ago. She came out of the water and became friends with me" He said as he realized her arms were around him which made him feel warm inside. He did feel bad about leaving the baby but there wasn't much else they could do.
Her arms tightened a bit around him as Khim dodged the tree, feeling herself slip a bit. She closed her eyes and began humming the same song from earlier quietly, listening to Aeris as he spoke. After the flight became a bit more steady, Kira opened her eyes and looked at Aeris. "I see, damn, I want an animal of my own." She said with a envious tone. She couldn't help it, she loved all creatures. "So, did he hit you?" She asked, her voice lowering as she felt a bit of anger boiling up inside her, not sure why.
As they flew a silhouette of what appeared to be a man could be seen standing on a large rock near some mountains. The man quickly moved into the shadows as they spotted him.
Aeris smiled, "Like I said if you can convince someone they will turn. He didn't hit me either... if he did Khim would've eaten me before this" He said with a smile. "As for an animal of your own... I may have something in mind" He said as he remembered one of the creatures he saw in the forest. He saw something on the mountain and didn't exactly know what it was but he didn't want to chance getting too close since last encounter didn't go so well.
She frowned a bit as he mentioned Khim. "I meant Max..." She said before frowning deeper and looking at the large man type thing in the mountains. "What was that?" She said, leaning her head further toward it as if her eyes had been playing tricks on her. "Did you see that too?" She asked, continuing to hold onto him. It was calm up here, but what else would they find in this world? It was doubtful that this was the only flying creature in this world, chances are, they would end up running into yet another monster that was out to kill them. But the one they sat upon, it was calm, and beautiful. The baby tree animal she had encountered, she would come back for it... and next time, she wouldn't fail. It liked her, it even cried out when she was swept away. Maybe it wanted a friend.
"Max didn't hit me like I said. He patted me on the shoulder then left for the village... then I came back to find you and you weren't there so I got worried and searched for a bit and.." He said before realizing he was trailing off. "I did... it looked kinda like Tuuq but bigger" He said honestly as he directed Khim to the beach again not planning to land but scope the perimeter. "I have quite a few things to do now though... One is teach you to kill a Reaper, Then I have to make sure you don't go off on your own to tame something." He said with a smile. "You tell me what you want to do right now and i'll do my best to comply with that want" He said as honestly as he looked into the sea watching a few of Khims kind swim in the waves popping out occasionally.
Her blue hues moved to the other of Khim's kind in the water, hearing their cries echoing throughout the air. "Okay. Deal, but don't offer for anyone unworthy to hit you again." She said. "A compromise at least. I have my armor in the process. But I need to find something that is stronger to bind it, I am using the thread from my sweatshirt right now, it is a bit frayed, but if there is bamboo here, or something like it, that would be a better hold and less likely to fall apart with the weather." She said as she thought of everything she planned on accomplishing here. "Have you eaten or slept?" She asked as she closed her eyes and leaned her head against the back of his shoulder. Her mind and body were exhausted.
Aeris listened to her requests and such, "I don't know how people are unworthy to hit an engineer but ok. I saw some reed vegetation along the coast down that way" He said pointing to the area ahead of them. He felt her leaning against him and decided maybe he could play off the last question like didn't hear it. He looked ahead though, "I don't exactly know what they are but the plants look like bamboo" He said as he thought about the plant he saw again. Still making sure he kept her on-board their mount.
Kira frowned before smacking his arm softly. "No one is worthy to hit you. Not even me. You have done nothing but worry about everyone else around you. Since you have avoided my questions, I am assuming you haven't eaten or slept. So first... you need to eat... second, you and I need to rest." She said firmly, though she didn't lift her head.
Aeris blushed a tiny bit from that statement. "I can't really object to you on that... I just haven't felt hungry, it's just.... I don't want everyone else to go through pain and me be alright. It would make me feel like some sort of high and mighty better-than-others guy. That isn't what I want people to portray me as though." He said quietly. Then he took a breath, "So where do you want to rest at?" He asked looking around the current area and spotting a few ideas that could serve a well purpose.
She smiled softly before her eyes drifted closed, though she listened intently to him. "Well, that is what makes you better than most here. Your past, is gone, this is a new world, and you are not who you once were. Have pride." She said softly, though he could hear her clearly. "I don't know, it seems like everywhere on this planet, is full of some type of monster out to kill us." She said with a laugh.

(Sorry that took so long, I made a new tribe xD )

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