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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Aeris nodded and brought Khim down moving at a decent pace as He got off making sure to keep Kota with him as he didn't want to hurt his friend. He reached a hand up to help Lishai off if she wanted the assistance, "I don't understand exactly what you want me for still but I guess i'll find out soon" He said as he looked at her his other arm supporting Kota as he did. Khim would leave as soon as the girl got off her since she was noticing the drier conditions and wanted to go back to the water badly now.

@Mina @Ldybug123
-Severux whimperd as Calixto look down at his Master- sorry i have not seen any humans along the way... -He said Calmly as his eyes turn green so he closed his eyes and look down- ive been searching but no avail

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Lishai jumped from the back of Khim, landing in the sand before looking at the hand extended toward her. She grabbed it and began walking fast, almost dragging Aeris and Kota with her. The darkness spread further and further with each passing moment, and right now, speed was needed. "Hurry, and yes, Micahel will tell you. Your friend is in a lot of pain as well. Our venom is harsh on anyone who is bitten." She stated as she continued to hurry along.

@ScaraByte @Ldybug123


Asura began toward Calixto, not seeing the girl, nor was she looking. If the humanoid did not hurry and hide her, she would be a meal, well maybe. The Kar did want the humans brought back alive, but I doubt they would care for a child. "Then go back and look again." She demanded, annoyed.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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-Calixto nooded and run backwards as he turn around and place Severux at his front and fly away- almost close - he said with a sigh and severux look at Calixto- Im scared -she wimperd- Dont worry ill take care of u just ..well i must find u a better place to hide thats all -he said with a comforting smile ans Severux felt at ease and smile back-

Aeris was slightly taken aback by the being dragged. He lifted Kota up slightly which was rather difficult then he began to run beside her to his best ability. "I hadn't conceived that you were an Arachnivamp" He said as he looked at her slightly surprised since he didn't have the best intel on them. He felt Kota's grip on his shirt and felt a bit worse for his condition "Hang in there... It will be alright soon" He said in hopes though he honestly had little clue about things, but he didn't really want Kota to suffer when in the end everyone would somehow though some more than others.

@Mina @Ldybug123
-Calixto place Severux down as he look around the woods and sigh- this should be easy -he said as he cut the trees and climb on the other tree as he make a tree house- okey for now on ill be visiting u here and dont worry you will be safe up these tress -said Calixto to severux as Severux thought of being alone making her whimper but Calixto know that it is better than the Arachnivamp camp were she could easily be killed-
"I am known as the rebel arachnid." She said before they came to a narrow walkway, which from afar wasn't even visible due to the sand above and around it. She slowed as they made their way inside, a being with tusks stood just inside, and he moved to stand in front of the doorway. "I am Lashai, Micahel sent me to fetch the humans, please let me through." She said before bowing. The Kan guard lowered a bit to look at her, before lifting his yellow eyes to Aeris and Kota before he stepped to the side.

"Go straight to Micahel, I see it." The guard said as he looked at Aeris. Lishai nodded before bowing once more and making her way through the large brown doors. She led the two humans through a dimly lit cave like setting, before finally coming to what looked like a throne room. In the middle stood a large male Kan, tusks stretched out a ways from his mouth before curving upward slightly.

"I didn't expect your return again tonight." Micahel said as he looked at Lishai, before his expression twisted and he moved toward the humans, staring at Aeris for a moment. "What is wrong with the boy?" He asked curiously. After Lishai explained, Micahel nodded and ordered another guard to take Kota to the medical ward. "I apologize, my name is Micahel, I am the leader of the Kan, we can take care of your friend as we are doing with the other human." He said to Aeris
Aeris looked at the guards as they took Kota away and he heard the words from Micahel. He looked at the tusked being, "I'm Aeris, and thank you... I owe you for helping my friends here." He said bowing to the man since he was a higher up in a sense. He returned to normal a moment after, "If I may ask you a question.. Um.. Why exactly was I, brought here?" He asked not sure what they wanted of him in general or what he was needed for in the first place.

-Severux look at Calixto high up the tress and her tummy growl- im hungry -she hold her stomak as Calixto look at her and fly down- her u want something to eat? -he ask as Severux look at him and shook her head remembering the food he showed her but Calixto ignore her protest for he have something for her to satisfy her hunger- dont worry i just saw some humans suply along when i was flying over ..ill just get it for u -he calmly said and walk to the woods-
Kota's breathing was rushed and he was very feverish as he was laid down onto the bed in the ward. He was also in a lot of pain. @Mina
Micahel looked at Aeris for a moment before turning and walking to a table. He picked up a wooden cup and turned to look at Aeris while pouring himself some water. "Would you like some water young man?" He asked while pouring another glass of water and stepping toward Aeris, holding the wooden cup toward him. "There is an older man on this island, they call him the scientist." He stated. "You resemble him, very much so. Have you ever heard of this man?" He asked, watching Aeris closely.



A young female Kan moved to rub a creme on Kota's neck. This would sting for a moment before his body would begin going numb, the pain subsiding slowly. Her tusks were much smaller than the males here, a cloth draped over her body, barely covering her. "You will feel better soon human." She said softly, allowing the boy to finally sleep.

@Ldybug123 (Goodnight you!)
Aeris took the cup and thought for a moment. He looked at Micahel for a moment, "The name sounds familiar and someone I resembl-" He sai before his eyes went wider and his grip tightened on the cup. "I... He's my father" He said thinking slightly about it last time he saw his father was awhile ago and by that years ago. "So this is where he's been all this time... I see. But.. Why would that make me needed here?" he asked not quite sure as to what role he currently played besides resembling his father in some ways.

Micahel frowned. "If Lishai saw you, so did others. The scientist has been held here for the last ten to fifteen years, he has been helping the Arachnivamp tribe, creating creatures, monsters. For years he had evaded capture, testing creatures and beings here, killing some, altering others. The Kan's second in command was altered by him, instead of looking like us, he resembles a cat of some kind, one that does not reside here." He said before taking a sip of his water. "Your father ruined many lives, killed of a few species on this world, and finally the Arachnivamp captured him. I was surprised they did not kill him since he killed one of the princesses of the tribe, but they kept him. They will be searching for you as leverage."
Aeris looked at him for a moment, "I doubt my father would honestly care... I mean, He really only cares for his experiments" He said looking into the cup of water for a moment. "I apologize on my fathers behalf for his.... behavior" He said thinking that was probably his place to say that rather than someone elses. He didn't want people to suffer but he didn't think his father felt the same in any way at all. Aeris looked at Micahel for a moment again, "If there's something I can do to make things up to you and your people for his behavior i'd be more than happy to oblige" He said since he didn't know who all lhis father wronged in his 'path to success' but he didn't want to hurt to many by not doing anything.

"Even if it wouldn't supply leverage, the Arachnivamp tribe would probably use you in some other way, like a test subject, or just kill you for their own sense of revenge in a way. We are here to protect you and your friends." He said before looking at Lishai and back to Aeris, Lishai stood at the wall, watching the two. "Come, follow me, I will take you to be fitted for some armor, along with some weapons I would like to see your skills in battle, teach you to protect yourself. You have a fire in your eyes, you don't seem like the kind to sit still for long." Micahel said before setting his water down and walking past them to the door. "Lishai, I will show you to your room" He said, Lishai nodding and following him as they walked out the door.
Aeris was somewhat confused about the whole armor thing but placed the cup on the table and followed since he figured weaponry probably wouldn't be a bad idea. He looked about the area as he followed observing it and the idea about it which he did kinda like. "So what kind of species do you have out in these deserts?" He asked since he now had only his legs as transport and that probably wasn't to efficient in the long run. Since he'd likely have to be on the run from hostiles now or at least try not to get caught by the back of his neck.
The Kan had collected many things from the humans before, they had helped them create armor, though the Kan rarely used it, it would come in handy for a human seeing as they were more brittle. The Kan towered over Lishai and Aeris by a few feet, quite a bit larger, standing at nine feet tall. Though they were still much smaller than the Kar. "We have plenty of animals here, from aggressive to calm. The main animal you will see is called a Drezta." He said before motioning to the right as they passed a stable for the creatures. They resembled a large lizard, the length about ten feet, height seven to eight feet. Their teeth were sharp, a forked tongue sliding from between. "Don't place your hand in front of their mouths, they do bite." He said as a warning for future reference. "The rest of the creatures in these parts, will be told to you later." He said as they continued walking. Many Kan bowed as they passed, small children with tiny tusks ran around playing in the courtyard. The village was huge, and despite the dim lighting, it grew easier to see as the eyes adjusted. "There is the medical room, where your friends are being kept. The one, brought in before, she is struggling. Just to inform you." He said, not sure how close they were.
Aeris looked at the many places keeping them in mind as he thought about the lizard creatures and their possible use. He continued to walk though nodding at the many things they saw which interested him in quite some way since they struck his imagination and creative intuition. The area was a rath nice place too despite feeling his eyes shift here and there from time to time he kind of liked the layout and such. "I want to see her... after I do the fitting and such that is" He said as he continued to follow worrying more about Kira now but if he died then he would fail himself and likely her expectations of him to.
Kota finally relaxed when he felt the pain subsiding. He realized how tired he felt. His eyes drooped and he fell asleep, soft breaths coming from him. @Mina
Micahel nodded at Aeris' statement. "That is fine. I will have one of the others bring you back if you want." He said before leading them through a pair of double doors. Here there was a large room with a fountain in the middle, doors scattered sporadically throughout. "Lishai, you will be down the hall there" He pointed to the right "third door on the left. It should be open and ready for you." He said before turning to Aeris as Lishai bowed, said thanks and made her way to her room. "This is where your friends will be staying as well, think of it like a refuge camp." He said before leading him back out the way they came, though turning to the right and heading down another hall. In a few moments, he led Aeris through a large black door, which revealed a row of swords, knives, daggers, arrows, and bows. "Here is the weaponry."
Aeris looked at the room and his eyes looked around in wonder, "Well these might come in handy... What're these made from?" He asked as he looked over a few items his inner creativity sparking now since he hadn't been in a civilization where he could use things to creature mainly since they didn't have the tools out in a forest for one and for two they had less ability to use things like that. He remained to keep a humble composure though since this help he was being given actually humbled him quite a bit more than he'd expected it to do for him in the end.

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