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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Son growled at Micahel."I would rather be killing the Arachnivamps, but if I take you down there will be no need for the Kar to alliagn themselves with anyone!" Son said as he roared and attempted to strike the king. @Mina
"Foolish Kar." He said before Kota jumped in front of him. As he did so, Micahels large hand wrapped around Kota, pulling him back before lifting his sword and smacking sons spear away. "Get to safety boy!" He said, he would thank him later for helping, but right now, he was going to get himself killed. The Kar's strength was too much for a human.
Annoyed by this futule attempt Son grabbed Kotas spear and brought his face close to Kotas his eyes filled with rage."Stupid human do you not understand your own language!" Son then swung Kota around in the air before letting go of the spear. He then looked back at Micahel.
Aeris saw that most of the people were in the back of the fortress. That would likely be a safer place for them, "Keep together and safe as you all can" He said to them before moving out and heading towards where he heard a battle occurring. He saw Kota and the bigger beast that he assumed was this Kar they just spoke of. "Looks like we have a beast that needs to be trained properly" He said smiling at it since it didn't seem like it was very civil at all.

@Tylor guillory @Mina
Kota hit the ground with a great amount of force. He figured at least one of his ribs were broken from the impact. He noticed Son looking at Micahel. He managed to get up still. He grabbed a sword from the wall and tried sneaking up behind Son to see if he could get an attack in on him when he wasn't looking. @Tylor guillory
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At this point the boy was just asking to be killed. As being a Kar mean enhanced senses. He sent a kick back hard sending the boy flying again. This time Rail grabbed Kota before he hit anything. "It's best you stay out of this one human you will only die." He said as he stood up holding Kota. Max was laying against a wall breathing heavily. @Ldybug123
Micahel glared as he watched Kota fly, nodding at Rail before he turned back to Son. Micahel charged, his sword drawn. Chances were, Son would attempt to strike soon, so he didn't make a full fledged strike, slicing his sword toward Son's chest. Though the Kar were much bigger, the Kan could still hold their own.
Kota nodded, and decided to go find Aeris. He eventually ran into him at the back of the fortress. Kota decided to ignore his broken rib for now, as there were probably people who needed more help. @ScaraByte
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As son sidestepped and moved to slice at his side, Micahel twisted his body, moving his sword in front of his strike before using Son's distraction against him, sliding his foot across the floor quickly, his feet would likely hit at Son's ankles, the force, if connected, would cause his large body to come crashing down into the ground.
Aeris looked at Kota and saw something in him he hadn't before not really by actions but by looking into Kota's eyes. "You look hurt and I saw you drop out there.... Ask the medical staff in the back to try and help, I'll come back after I figure out how to get that beast trained" He said looking at Kota and an idea sparking in his mind from some earlier things he saw that may help out now.

@Tylor guillory
Son being a seasoned warrior himself didn't let distractions keep him from his task at hand.Son leapt into the air his blade aimed at Micahel as he dropped towards him. @Mina
As Son fell toward Micahel, he lifted his sword and deflected Son's, before bringing his sword back around and aiming it at his neck. This battle would last a while, but if he was lucky, Son would get distracted. Damn it, Rail could be helping with that.
Rail sat on the sides picking his teeth."Sorry my lord I am strictly against tampering with the duels of others." He said as he watched.

Son dodged the blade just slightly and slammed his knee into Micahels chest.

Aeris had gotten one of the reptilian creatures out of the stable and was running down the hall his sword in hand. "Slow down" He said as he bounced around on the back of the creature while it ran towards the battle between Kan and Kar. He was now worried about what was going to happen since he didn't know how to stop the reptilian creature, all he knew is where they were charging and the fact that if he fell off it would probably keep running. "Hello beast monster!" He yelled at the Kar before the creature continued it's charge. It was rather strong and could likely knock the Kar into the cavern wall if the charge continued. Which it would likely crash into him in a matter of moments unless they could move like the wind.

@Tylor guillory @Mina @Ldybug123
Khim flapped out of the water and into the air again since she had done as Aeris had told her to. She was now flying high up in the sky she was anticipating for him to call her back to him. Despite being a creature she missed him quite a bit.
Micahel gasped as his body was knocked back from having a knee in his chest, before he charged Son once more. He yelled as he ran, his sword slicing back and forth toward Son, gaining in speed, the sword hitting wherever on the Kar that it could. As he did this, he jumped into the air and his body twisted, his foot coming around aimed at the side of Son's head with impeccable speed. "Your done!" He yelled.
Deep in the forest the Kar elder Button walked around in search of something. "Hmm I know it was around here somewhere." He mummbled as he made his way around not noticing it had gotten dark. He eventually picked up one of the many beautiful flowers on the planet. Although he picked it up by the dirt it was rooted in so as not to kill it."Yes you will go very nicely with all my other plant friends. Now you won't have to be alone anymore." Button said as he grabbed his walking staff and looked around."Oh my its gotten dark I should head home." He stopped and thought for a moment. "Now what is it I must watch for when its dark?" He asked himself as he raised a hand to his chin thinking. While he was thinking he didn't notice two rave starting to watch him. They prepared to attack moving slowly at first then one of them leapt at Button and as he did Button slung his walking staff back smashing it into the Raves face."Ahh yes it was the rave I believe they call them." He looked back at the rave now laying on the ground the sense knocked out of it."Oh my friend are you alright? " he asked completely clueless that he just knocked out the creature and that the creature was a rave."Here let me help you...fello.....miss? Excuse me what exactly are you? " button asked and snatched his hand back as the rave snapped at it. It's voiced hissed in Buttons head."We are rave! We....eat....all!" Button just smiled."Ahh I see so your the rave well I'm sorry I have no food for you at the moment but if you'd like I could bring you some tomorrow night. "He said but as he did the other rave leapt at him he side stepped and smacked his huge staff into the second rave." Well you sure are impatient creatures aren't you." He said smiling still.
Son had managed to parry most of Micahels attack only a few striking him and barely injuring as they struck his massive body. As Micahel kicked Son he was sent flying towards the lizard creature. He hit it with full force getting knocked out afterwords.
Micahel landed, breathing heavily, anger apparent in his eyes. He moved over toward Son, aiming his sword at the Kar's neck. "You imbecile. I am done with you." He said before raising his sword into the air.
Rail stood infront of Micahel. "That is not wise my lord we could use the boy as leverage against the Kar." Rail said his face as serious as always. @Mina

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