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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Kira saw smoke piling in, and she lifted her hood over her head and wrapped it around her mouth as it had been before. She pushed her body back against a wall before the creatures fell to the ground, knocked out. She moved past them, stepping over their bodies as she made her way back to the med bay, she saw Aeris passed out on the bed, and Kota on the floor. Max stood there with his hand over his mouth, and Terrance was there too. She ran to Aeris side, pulling a blanket over his mouth, then moved to Kota and wrapped the material around his mouth. "Damn it Max! Help me!"

Asura grunted before she pulled a gas mask over her face, the perks of having a scientist on their side. She ran with her troops to the entrance and entered slowly, the archers in front holding their bows drawn, arrows aimed at whatever moved. "Get the humans, leave the one that looks like the scientist, to me!" She growled, and they all moved forward.

Micahel traveled for a time before he came upon Rail which laid in the sand, sand had blown over his corpse, along with the others that had died there. "No! Rail!" He yelled before leaping from the back of the lizard and running to dust the sand from the Kan's face, shaking him. "No way in hell are you dead! RAIL!"
Max had moved to cut off a Arachnivamp. Now using his skills as a Marine he snuck up on one of them and stabbed them through the chest with his sword. He then quickly took the Arachnivamps mask and put it on. He snuck around taking out as many Arachnivamps as possible getting a mask for everyone who needed one before bringing it to them. He gave everyone a mask anf whispered to them."Hurry we need to get out of here quickly." He said and he lifted up Kota. @Mina @ScaraByte @Ldybug123

Rail didn't move not even the slightest he just laid their motionless.
Shisaou smiled as he walked in his gas mask now on his face as well. He saw his sister now in charge and then he saw the orb that was expelling gas. He lifted it and threw it as it headed straight to the wall and shattered with a rather impressive force. They were a force to be reckoned with and these weakened humans would be weak to them. "Send a small group out to collect the others, It will make this go allot faster" He said as said small group formed and went to find the other humans. One finding Terrance and lifting him over it's shoulder before, Meanwhile Shisaou sent groups of armored and sword handling troops to block off any exits they could.

Aeris body stayed where it was as he breather slowly the breaths in a highly spaced difference and his heart beat very slow.

@Tylor guillory @Ldybug123
Kira moved to pull the gas mask over Aeris face first, before she shifted her body, lowering it so she could pull his body to her and sling it over her shoulder. She slowly stood, feeling her body aching as she did so. She was small, and this was difficult. She would have had an easier time lifting Kota, but she wouldn't want to. As she did this, she made her way out into the hallway before an Arachnivamp stood in front of her. The female had black eyes, her slender body barely even covered by some type of exoskeleton. "Give him to me." The female said to Kira and she stepped back.

"Fuck off." She glared and the arachnivamp smiled.

"You are a dumb one aren't you?" Asura said as she moved toward Kira. Kira blinked, and the being was gone. Her skin crawled before the feel of a breath caressed the flesh on her neck... and then pain slammed into her neck as Asura's fangs penetrated the fragile thin flesh. Her arms suddenly started losing strength, and she felt Aeris begin slipping from her shoulder.

"No!" Kira screamed, twisting her body and bringing up her hurt arm to slam it into the side of Asura's face. After that, everything went black, just after the fist of the Arachnivamp came straight for her face.

Asura grinned down at the passed out girl, before she moved to lift Aeris onto her own shoulder. "Grab that one, she has fight, I am sure she would be perfect to turn into a monster." She said before walking out, one of the soldiers grabbing Kira up and walking out.
Kota suddenly woke up, hearing all the commotion. His vision adjusted and he saw an unconsious Kira and an Archnivamp carrying Aeris on her shoulder. He quickly pushed himself off Max's shoulder. He ran up and grabbed the Archnivamp's arm and pulled her back with all his strength. "Hey! Where do you think you're going with them?" He said angrily, not realising his tight grip on her arm. @Mina
Asura turned to look at Kota, pulling her arm forward hard. Her strength caused Kota to be thrown forward. "You are still alive?" She said before lifting her foot and placing it on Kota's hurt shoulder. "Apparently your pathetic will is more than I realized." She said as she pressed down hard, the arachnivamp that carried Kira walked past them and out the exit. "Sir, we have some of the humans. The scientist look alike is here as well. Asura has him
Kota screamed in agony as Asura put her foot on his shoulder. He gritted his teeth. Suddenly he had an idea. He moved his head over to where Asura's foot was and bit her ankle area hard. @Mina
Asura lifted her foot from his shoulder and slammed it down hard on Kota's face, hard enough to break his jaw, though he bit her, it would only hit the armor on her foot, not able to penetrate.
Aeris was in his own mind again. The white rooms returning as he remembered a man opening a hidden door and some feral creature running in. He broke the creatures jaw with ease at the time. It was a strange vision but he remembered it the blood from the creature moving to a simple drain in the center of the room. The body laying there in a state that was unmatched.

Shisaou smiled at him, "Excelent... when my sister returns we may leave. Honestly though, who'd have known the humans would cause this much trouble" He said before chuckling to himself. A few soliders moved to find Asura and Kota as they held their bows drawn towards the boy, "Should we kill him, Your Ma'am?" they asked since they noticed the boy was probably injured quite badly now.

@Mina @Ldybug123
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Kota screamed again when he felt his jaw break. He laid there in silence for a second, looking up at Aeris. He had another idea. He screamed Aeris' name as loud as he could, ignoring the pain in his jaw at the moment, he hoped it was loud enough to wake him up. "Aeris!!" @ScaraByte @Mina
Max had taken this opportunity to hide keeping out of the sights of the Arachnivamps. He hide in the stables of the giant lizards making sure to keep quiet.
Asura looked at the boy as he screamed despite the fact that his jaw was broken, how that hadn't knocked him out, it wasn't humanly possible but she simply stepped over him and looked at the soldiers. "Knock him out and bring him along. I think the scientist should infuse him with the rave, take away any humanity he has." She said on a laugh before she moved out of the entrance, surfacing in front of her brother. She looked at Shisaou. "The boy is here. I can't wait to torture him. Lets head back. One of the other ones is about to be brought out... that one, I am going to break before the experiments happen."
Aeris wanted to wake up but he couldn't from his pain and the narcotic he was completely out.

Shisaou smiled, "Torturing him like that man did our sister... should we tie him up and make him watch as well?" He asked with a sinister edge. He didn't notice Novaline being as he was like his father and saw humans and nothing more than a lesser life form meant to hunt or use. The humans they had at the moment would just be for experiment, torturing... and feeding the queen.

The men near Kota bit him to knock him out and binding him in a way where his arms and legs were together and tied up.

@Mina @Ldybug123 @Scattered Ambitions
Kira laid limp upon a larger male arachnivamp's shoulder, her head hurt. She struggled to wake and as she did, excruciating pain surged through her physique. The venom caused her to be paralyzed, unable to so much as scream. Her eyes flew around wildly, though she couldn't move her head. Where was he? Aeris? She was panicking within, though it didn't matter, she couldn't move no matter how hard she tried.

Asura nodded with a sadistic grin. "Oh we will. This boy, is going to be in more pain than he ever dreamed possible." She said before she began moving toward the forest. "Lets go!" She said to her troop before stopping at turning to look at Shisaou, realizing she was barking orders when she wasn't supposed to be. If she was lucky, he would just order them to do the same, since the arachnids carrying Kota, now approached the group. She ignored Novaline for the moment, when the prince was in front of them, she would question the girl, but if she so much as acknowledged the human without permission, she would be reprimanded
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Kota fought to stay consious one more time, but the pain was too overwhelming and he had just been bitten. He began to drift into unconsiousness. "No..." He thought to himself before everything went black. @Mina @ScaraByte
Aeris moved a little bit feeling a bit woozy since he was slowly waking up again from the things wearing off. He was slightly dazed to since he was moving without moving for some reason. "Uhh...." He groaned quietly as he felt the pain in him surfacing once more.

Shisaou smiled and followed the princess the rest of the troops also complying to the order since the prince had. "I wonder though... how much will it take until he breaks... how far until we damage him to the point of no return?" He asked this things in a slightly insane way as he was planning to do quite a bit to the human boy. To harm the scientists look alike so that he didn't have to deal with the wretchedness of the scientist or a runner up of him. The little brat would be a decent meal for the queen in his mind.

@Mina @Ldybug123
Kota was still unconsious when Aeris was waking up, he was draped over the soldier's shoulder. The ropes on his arms and legs were making his skin raw underneath. @ScaraByte
Kota woke up, a sharp pain in his shoulder. He looked over and saw Aeris waking up. He would have called to him, but his jaw was broken. So, he just kept looking at him, hoping he would notice him when he woke up. @ScaraByte
Max hide in the stables of the giant lizards which were now empty."Please don't find me." He thought to himseld as he began to breath slowly trying to keep quiet. Sweat dripped down his face as he nervously waited for them to leave.
Suddenly, Novaline grabbed Aeris off of Asuras shoulder and ripped out his throat. She then did this to everyone esle. She piled their bodies into a large mound, and began to eat the throats, luaging between bites. Then she ripped out her own throat, and died trying to eat it and laugh.
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