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Fantasy Survival in an unknown world

Kira nodded before she lifted her hand with the older wound. She moved to run her hand down his leg, finding the break. She didn't have an xray machine so this would take a minute, finding the break after a few minutes. She looked at Kota. "I need you to hold just under the break, here" She showed where she was talking about "and then shove down on the break as you push up with the other hand." She gave him an example of what it would look like over Aeris' leg before she stepped back. "Aeris, you might pass out regardless." She said with a smile before leaning sitting next to him. "I will just talk to you. When I was little, maybe five or six, I saw this one guy kill another guy, shot him right in the chest..." She began, hoping Kota could manage to do it right.
Aeris knew he wouldn't pass out... unless Kota went agonizingly slow. "I see... That must've been hard to deal with" he said as he stared at her for a moment. He did want to know about her and that would be for sure so it would be nice if he could learn more... even if it was when they were fixing his leg painfully. He looked into her eyes though since it was usually more respectful to look at someone there plus it usually meant you had interest or were listening without preoccupation.

@Mina @Ldybug123
"Ok." Kota said, placing his hand under the break. He then puts his other hand on top of the break. "Just try to relax ok." He said trying to reassure Aeris. He pushed up with his hand that was on the bottom and pushed down with his hand that was on the top. He felt Aeris' bone move. @ScaraByte @Mina
Kira shrugged. "Actually it wasn't. I found it fascinating. I saw that this person in that moment, had no control over himself or his own life." She said before moving to grab his hand when Kota moved his leg. She squeezed, her eyes remaining on his. She hoped her story wouldn't make him think less of her, but it was true.
Aeris felt her hand on his as the injured leg twisted from Kota's movement. He winced and his eyes shut the feeling contorting his face slightly from the wave of pain crashing down on him. He grit his teeth and bared it though not wanting to hurt Kira so he made a fist with his other hand to try and relieve some of the pain. Kira's story was interesting and it probably helped her to her point now since she had turned out to be so well rounded with things. He felt his leg's pain ceasing to subside now but it would in a few moments hopefully. He released a few pained noises but nothing more than that though he felt himself trembling slightly now.

@Mina @Ldybug123
Kira continued. "My mom tried to shield my eyes, but she was so shaken by what happened, that she didn't realize that her fingers were parted a bit, so I watched the guy fall, spitting blood, and die." She said as she tried to take his mind off the pain. "The guy that shot him ran off through the crowd, but I just sat there, young and dumb, wondering why no one tried to stop him." She said with a sigh, knowing he was in pain. "How do you feel?" She asked softly.
Aeris winced slightly as the pain subsided slightly. He looked at her now his eyes open, she definitely had a strange child-hood which was pretty tragic too. "I'm alright" He said quietly as his hand returned to normal and he breathed slowly for a few moments. He thought for a moment as he looked at Kira before he squeezed her hand back lightly and gently. "I'm alright though since you're here... oh and thanks for the help there Kota" He said smiling at both of them.

@Mina @Ldybug123

(Also brb)
Kira smiled as she looked at Kota. "Yes thank you Kota. Now" She turned back to Aeris. "I can splint your leg, or just wrap it, but I would suggest splinting it so it doesn't shift as you walk." She said before moving to look at his arm. "And I need to sew you up too."
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Aeris nodded, "Splinting it would be better then... as long as we can do such." He said before turning a bit and his leg still aching. "My arm isn't that bad though" He said before looking at it and noticing he could see through it through a little hole in it. "Maybe i'm wrong though" He said looking at it and turning it before trying to move a bit more again.

@Mina @Ldybug123
"Mhm." She said before standing. "I will be back, I need to find something to splint your leg with." She said before she walked out of the room. She headed down the hallways and corridors of the old hideout, trying to find a couple pieces of wood she could use for his leg. She hoped Kota would keep Aeris company. She felt a bit odd, she needed to get some rest soon, and she still hadn't eaten. She felt her stomach cramp a bit, knowing Aeris probably felt the same. She would get some food after she splinted his leg.
Max walked into the room fully dressed in his loincloth owl bear cloak and reaper armor."Hey what's going on everyone? ". He asked as he walked up to then the sniper still in his hands. Terrance just learned against a wall quietly thinking to himself about all the bad choices he had made.

Son laughed loudly from his prison." Oh it looks like your second in command has yet to return with the human!" Son laughed loudly again amused by the idea that humans took down such a mighty warriors even if he was a Kan. @Mina @Ldybug123 @ScaraByte
"Well Kira is going to get something for a splint so I don't topple over while walking" Aeris sad before noticing the reptilian creature growling at one of the entrances. "What's wrong bo-" He asked before two creatures launched themselves at it knocking it to the ground in combat. He looked at the beast wide eyed it wasn't natural it was some sort of.... creation. He was surprised it got here did that mean, "Father?" He asked staring at the 4 foot tall beasts.


The scientist smiled from within his cage. He had released his mass produced creature. Not one or three but around two-hundred of the beasts. They could breed so production of more wouldn't be anywhere close of a problem.

@Tylor guillory @Ldybug123
Micahel growled at Son before smacking the cage like prison he was in. "Shut up!" He said before turning to one of the warriors that was working on their new hideout. "Watch the Kar, I am going out to find the others." He said before grabbing one of the lizards that had been pulling Son. He unhooked its harness before pulling himself onto his back. They took off in the direction that Rail had gone. They better be okay, if those humans did something... No, no way that those puny things could take down more than one, or even one of the Kan.

Kira was already out of the room, finding herself in a small room. They didn't seem to have any good wood, though she grabbed four larger sticks that somewhat resembled bamboo, unaware of what was going on in the medical room. After that, she grabbed some more of the material, like the one she had wrapped around her head, a long piece of cloth that would work to wrap.
Asura stood out side of the old hideout, arms crossed as more of the smaller beasts ran into the entrance. She didn't move though, her black soulless eyes watching closely. It looked abandoned, but those creatures tracked the humans scent here. Behind Asura stood a good hundred Arachnivamp warriors, including the prince. She hated her brother, he always had the 'I am better than you' personality, and Asura couldn't do anything about it. In the battle field, the prince held as much power as the king, Asura's warriors became his, and she had to bow at his feet when he instructed. "Something is in there." She said, tempted to move forward.
Kota wasn't paying attention, and didn't notice the beasts. One of them pounced at Kota, pushing him to the ground. It bit him in the shoulder and wouldn't let go. Kota screamed in pain when he felt it's teeth sink into his shoulder. @ScaraByte
Son shook violently before roaring to be let go."How dare you do this to me release me or I shall slaughter you all!" He continued his attempt to break free.

Max aimed his sniper at the beast and began firing off shots at them."Damn what the hell are these things! And where did they come from!" He yelled as he shot the beast @Mina @ScaraByte @Ldybug123
Shisaou stood not to far from his sister, "You will hold your position until the grunts that petty scientist made are dead" he said with a smirk his attitude showing he had little fear and much power. As he said this more and more of the creatures swarmed through the entrance easily around sixty entering in moments. Their bite was painful and also would put those to sleep if it hit a decent vein. That was the power of their weak tranq poison. "Oh and sister, try not to die to the humans" He said showing little confidence in his sister as he began to instruct the troops on what they were to do. The creatures still swarming in as he instructed.

Aeris kicked the creature off Kota knocking it back with Kota's blood on it's teeth. "Kota are you ok... Max kill those thi-" He was in the progress of saying this as he noticed the sheer amount coming towards them and lifted his knife in defense. They would end up dead if these things were hungry so he wanted to go out fighting at the very least.

@Tylor guillory @Ldybug123
Kira froze as she heard the sound of a gunshot, quickly moving to run from the room. As she did so, she ran straight into one of the creations that had made its way in. It growled at her and she felt her heart sink. She needed to get back, Aeris needed her to splint his leg. But she was completely screwed. Save for the four stick things she held, she didn't have her other weapons. Simply a few arrows on her back, but her bow she left behind, as well as her dagger. Not to mention the fact that something as simple as carrying the sticks, was excruciatingly painful against her arms. "Its okay, there is no need to hurt me." She said softly. It didn't stop growling, its eyes locked onto her, before there was another, and another.

Asura clenched her jaw as Shisaou spoke. He was always a prick to her, if she could, she would just kill him. Instead, she bowed her head, speaking softly, though her voice trembled from the anger. "Yes my Lord." She said before lifting her gaze to the creatures as they poured into the hideout. "Are we supposed to kill the humans?" She asked, remembering how the leader of the Kan requested that they bring the humans back alive, and aware how her father wanted them to create more monsters.
Shisaou smiled at his sister, "Oh they'll be alive... to some degree. They paralyze remember... plus they won't eat them unless I order them too. Even a mutt can understand that much" He said as he looked into the place with a feeling off accomplishment. The mutts though made by the scientist he despised so were coming in handy rather well. So he was prided knowing they had more disposable grunts to be rid of. He knew the humans were inside since they had been traced here. Though he wasn't sure if he could bring all the humans back alive, "Besides didn't father give us a specified target for some... reasons?" He asked looking at his sister once more.

Asura's black optics shifted to Shisaou with a look of distaste. "He wanted the scientist's look alike alive, but he suggested we bring back as many of the others as we can as well. The Kar wanted them alive, and father wanted to use them as scraps, the scientist needs them to create some other creature." She said before shifting her gaze back to the hideout. "I don't see why we have to wait, I don't trust those monsters." She said though she didn't mean to make the statement so boldly, hoping her brother didn't hear her questioning his orders.
Max loftlofted a orb and yelled to the others."Everyone quick cover your faces this is a knock out bomb! " he warned them as he activated the knock out bomb and tossed it at where the most creatures where. He had managed to sneak it away from the Kan weapons before they left and was using it for a situation just like this. As the smoke went off from the bomb max covered his mouth so it wouldn't affect him badly. @Mina @ScaraByte @Ldybug123
Kota put the hand that wasn't over his shoulder over his mouth, but he had started to feel really tired. He fell to his knees, his eyes drooping, his hand still over his mouth though. The tranq from the beasts was starting to get to him. He felt like he was slipping in and out of consiousness as he struggled to stay awake. @Tylor guillory
Shisaou sighed, "Since when were the Kar a decent benefactor all they do is gloat about their strength and power... when they don't think through it" He said before shrugging as he looked to the hideout and saw the cloud escaping. "Cover your mouths and head in troops. Don't kill the humans, we need them alive!" He yelled over the troops as they began to head inside on their retrieval mission. The troops had masks on so their faces were covered and the gas wouldn't affect them much if at all. "Would you like to find your choice one?" He asked his sister with a smirk since he knew how much she hated the scientist. It was about the same for him since he was also still sore about their sisters rather early departure rather for his 'research'.

Aeris didn't listen since he saw Kota go out and he was already of the verge anyhow. "Kota.. uhh........." He said before collapsing back on the bed again his eyes shut as he drifted out of consciousness once more.

@Tylor guillory @Ldybug123

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