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One x One Surreptitious Evanescence OOC

@Spiegelsan I'll be the kickoff. I finished a couple posts. I figure with that place holder you can adapt a scene around the posts I set. Look at me leaving the hard stuff for you, but you're privy to that sort of thing.
P.S - I apologize for some minor errors and layout. I only can post from my phone for the time being so any major fixes will have to wait. Re-reading that second post makes my hair stand on end because I couldn't get the italics to work for the "past" sequences for emphasis.
Hey now, don't sweat it; now I've got the time I'll get to work on the specifics. Very nice posts by the way, well impressed!
My posts are in the works. To be honest, I finally forced myelf to organize my characters into a coherent guideline so I'm not shooting in the dark here. I can actually see a clear vision now, so writing should be much easier. Sorry for the delay, should have one up come tomorrow. By the way...ever heard of Sen Sen's? I'll leave you with that for now.
Alright, I figure it would be interesting to discuss my characters and what inspired me to create them. Since it's more on a whim and as the story unfolds that their story unfolds even unto myself. Try saying that ten times fast, eesh.

I started with a basic understanding of what I wanted to work with, as opposed to having a character sheet which takes away a lot of the fun writing and finding out a character you create in time. That's just me and my preference.

<Harway> - in my last post has a condition called aquagenic urticaria. It's a rare condition with a lot of mystery behind it. I wanted a weakness in one of my characters that wasn't well known or self induced. It occurs more in women than men. I am definitely using more of a severe case that I read in an article, I'll leave the link here and you'll understand why diet coke is his beverage of choice. (eww.)

Mother develops one in 230 million water allergy after giving birth

Harway is a retired homicide detective and operates a brewery to curve his busy body ways. The itch to remain involved in detective work is his constant interaction with his old team, despite being retired he doesn't like to feel like a slough off.

<Evelyn> - The use of her ability came to mind first. That occured when my father and I had a conversation regarding antiques and trinkets and how cool it would be if one was able to "see" where they've been. History has always fascinated me and being able to do that would be amusing to say the least. Not so much "seeing" into people...that's where it would become a curse and Evelyn definitely views it as such.

Was going to have gloves that would be able to hinder her ability, but then everyone squawked "ehhh, it's an Elsa move....ehhhh, it's a Rogue ability..." and so many more characters I'm pretty sure I don't even know about who are in the same category.

So, now I made it a hit or miss use of ability. Partially in control; partially not. Hopefully to get over that stigma people deem a copycat...well, I suppose everyone should be a little guilty if they're a writer because you'll find influences in everything you read and watch.

There's billions of people on this God green Earth and people still act baffled at the fact that many, many minds think a like. I guess it's all about who gets the idea out there first, and the other who had a similar idea who is on the other side of the planet tries their hand at it, not knowing there's the same idea already in use is apparently deemed a copycat...sooo...how is that when really it's just two minds thinking similarly without their knowledge of the other?

Evelyn runs a cafe/inn but there's not going to be a lot of focus on that. Pierce and her go back as she helped solve cases with her ability to see and provide critical information that wouldn't be seen by your every day crime scene invesitgator so, there's that. Will reveal everything in time, but it feels good to explain...instead of assumptions that lead to wrong accusations.

<Pierce> - I have no shame in admitting he's very heavily inspired from a show called: Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda. In fact, the whole premise of my characters come back to this show inspiring me to write them. This guy is one of my heroes and is very much a REAL guy, not just a character. He's solved close to 400 homicides and brought so many families closure. Something fiction CAN'T do. Sad when I have to explain myself but, better than people placing claims on someone they don't know, so just setting the record straight.

I'm not going let people rob me of the ideas and creativity I was honestly putting together myself and I have no problem naming my influences behind certain things. Who knew writing a fan fiction or roleplay could bring immature creatures out of the woodwork making it all about them. I'm way more inspired by true stories, real people that's more my style....fiction can only go so far.

<The killer> No, it's not inspired by Rocky Horror Picture Show. The killer isn't an alien and surely not what he appears. Definitely not a Silence of the Lambs spectacle, again, his character came to mind when watching I.D....for those who don't know. It's a station that is all about crime and solving so, if that's your thing I recommend it.

There was a male nurse who viewed himself an angel of "mercy" but was really an angel of death. He killed people who are fighting terminal illnesses without their consent. Yep, that's still murder and one of the most cowardly one's I've watched. So, there you have it, the killer in this roleplay is heavily influenced by this. As for the constant change in apparel and appearance well the idea behind that is simple: it's all for the confusion aspect.
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Well thought out and very valid points there. Have to say though, wow.

-Scratches head- Well then, yeah; I'm on a complete OC kick these days myself but I know very well where you're coming from. Anime-style, yes, original designs on all fronts, also yes. For the time being I've pulled all artworks on Ace so you can feed me some info on how you'd like his fresh design to go and I can get some basic character designs down.

On a lighter note I've been adding to my OC character artwork whilst taking a writing time-out; I will be adding a little written content here shortly though. Along the lines of character background/flashbacks as I'm personally unfond of how they don't match my own flow of writing posts, so I'll just dump some content here potentially for future usage. -Shrugs- You may find it interesting though so I'll leave it here.

Similarly, how do you feel about simplified character bios? Just the basics only. Largely as a quick-reference guide for minor and major characters. With the pauses between posts from time to time, it may allow things to go a little easier? Just a thought.
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Doused in the persisting haze of pollution and dust, the debris-laced city heaved beneath the weight of its unrelenting chaos. Skittering through the crowded masses presented both inevitable risk and boundless potential as one day was never much like the last; or at least thinking that way allowed greater chance of retaining some optimism.

Ducking behind an uneven pile of twisted metal and brick, a small figure found refuge from the clamour of bustling noise from people shoving their way through the disorganised street. A disorienting mix of sirens and shouting from the remaining street vendors and passing people; even a week following the freak series of earthquakes, everything was still in a state of utter turmoil . Hesitating for a moment before peering out from behind the jumbled mass, the sharp eyes of the miniature frame quickly skimmed the vicinity; dirtied and displaced people ambled about, some being ferried by what looked like some kind of officials. Narrowing his silver gaze, the small boy paused with a hesitant expression before retreating back behind the mass of tangled materials. Daunting as always; food was limited and at this stage money was far more important; it held the means for a safe return to home. Or at least he hoped so. Inhaling sharply and stepping out from his makeshift cover, Nathan braced himself before scampering into the crowd of people, scanning and searching every possible passing form in the hope...

"...Move along, you aren't meant to be here..."

Coming to a sudden halt and inducing some irritable groans from those whom had to step around him, Nathan held fast amid the crowd, his ears focussed on the solitary voice.

"...Aid is meant from those who need it, not those who want it..."

Intrigued, especially in hearing the near-perfect spoken English, Nathan's interest was piqued, his small gaze homing in upon a solitary suited man among many of those ushering the masses along. Only a week had passed but hearing a local speak English resulted in near-boundless joy, however, that was by no means an excuse the trust the shady fellow. Eying his shifty gaze and oddly formal attire, it took mere seconds for even the small boy to reason this man may not have been as much a salvation as he initially appeared. Scanning the vicinity, Nathan made a passive approach, avoiding the man's line of sight and gauging his form; trustworthy or no, this was the perfect opportunity to score more money toward that journey home.

With complete focus on the man before him, Nathan steered his small form about the masses of people and drew closer, all the while his eyes focussed on the suited man, praying his attention remained upon the crowd and not on him. Yet by some small miracle it came to pass; Nathan sighted his target, the misshapen pockets indicating objects hidden within and thereby an unwasted opportunity. Sidling beside the man, his eyes skimming his outline once again, Nathan inhaled sharply, his form tensing as his eyes began to emit a faint glow before surging toward the unguarded pocket. It was however in vain.

"What do you think you're doing, boy?"

Freezing in terror at the sensation of his wrist being seized, Nathan froze under the harsh gaze of the same suited man, stuck in place under an unrelenting stare.

Rough background details on Nathan

Name: Nathan Rietveld

(Kkangpae Name: Kyung)


Ethnicity: Dutch-Korean

Hex Ability : To perceive each passing second as ten, resulting in temporarily super-human reflexes. Can only be used for short periods before resulting in excessive mental strain reflected in nosebleeds and eventual unconsciousness; potential for permanent damage if used carelessly. Nathan was discouraged from using it as a child due to this risk and as such has little control of this ability.


Felix Rietveld - Father (Dutch origins - Orphan) Doctor

Hynjae (Hyun-Jae)
Rietveld - Mother (Korean origins) College teacher

Hex- Special ability to fuse multiple items/substances into one

- Met during Hynjae's research trip to medical facility in Holland studying origins of 'Hex' mutations; eventually married and settled in Holland.


-Hynae originally left Korea on bad terms as her family disowned her upon discovering she was a Hex. She eventually agreed to return on a family holiday to allow both children to see her home country for the first time. At this time Nathan was nine years old and Skye was five. Halfway through their holiday in Seoul there was a severe earthquake that took place whilst they were travelling on a subway train. This resulted in a tunnel collapse that killed the majority of the people in the train and crushed their parents. Nathan and Skye survived only due to their mother using her Hex ability to fuse the debris about them just before she was engulfed in the collapse. This allowed the children to be rescued.

- The earthquake's epicentre was in the capital of South Korea, but the entire area was not known as an earthquake zone, leaving people woefully under prepared but also hinting at a more ominous cause as it seemed so unnatural. (Hinting at Hex involvement)

-Nathan and Skye could not speak Korean and had no relatives to assist them, resulting in them wandering from the hospital in the chaos of further aftershocks in search of their parents. They ended up lost and hiding out amongst some of the ruined buildings.


-Within a week they were among many street dwellers lost and alone in the ruined city, Nathan took it upon himself to care for his younger sister, seeking food and shelter. He started to use his Hex ability to pickpocket money with a view to pay for a means home when he inadvertently crossed paths with a Kkangpae (Korean mafia). Attempting to pickpocket this man not only resulted in failure but his realisation Nathan was a Hex with an unusual ability. Catching Nathan in the act but not being angry, or rather friendly as a result caught Nathan off-guard and he was convinced to accept the man's (Yong-sun) help after his sister was brought into the equation. This signalled Nathan's introduction into the Kkangpae and being absorbed into their ranks.

Using these BBcodes is pretty fun.
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Awesome, updated some more on Nate. Griff will soon follow. These guys come first as they're my main OC's; kinda goes without saying.
Sorry for the small delay. Adding an excerpt on the newest OC Celine Yukimura; more updates for Nate and Griff will be up soon too.

Celine Yukimura

"Friends come and go, but enemies will only accumulate."

Scowling under her breath for the umpteenth time, on this occasion it retained enough volume to attract the attention of a nearby officer, to which she spared a brief smile before averting her gaze once again. Frustration was both easy and quite familiar, especially when her partner was involved; Celine paused to recompose herself before stepping away from the counter, taking the time to remove the remaining rubber glove on her right hand with a short snap. Punching in the final few digits on her cellphone before allowing the glove to drop to the floor, Celine's free hand made it's way to her hip, her stance all the better reflecting her frustration as she raised the phone to her ear.

"...Arrogant hypocrite; wouldn't hurt to play alongside your own team once in a while..."

Trailing off into murmured curses, especially when the blank dial tone persisted, Celine promptly hung up once again, shoving the phone into the pocket of her skirt, jostling the badge that sat alongside. Focus was paramount, even if she was once again alone in an investigation.

"It would seem my own insight will have to suffice..."
Exhaling heavily a she cast her gaze back toward the doorway, a glimpse back into the room served as a sobering reminder of what lay within, or rather the weight of what it meant. This all-too familiar scene was now on its third iteration; a message was likely encoded into its circumstances, yet the key details still eluded both her and any other investigator. An infuriating challenge, especially with what she deemed as quite the handicap.

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Wowie, look at you pulling out all the stops with OC information. It all looks legit and will bring more depth to our story here. Backgrounds seem to be a strong point of yours; for me not so much. I usually develop characters as I go but since you invested the time, I'll get a gist going myself. As for Ace, I'm pulling his character out of the arc. I'll add a few more posts for him to wrap up his involvement and prep another character to take his place that will be more beneficial to what I have in mind.

I've noticed your new design for Nathan and it looks pretty sharp. That's quite a talent you got there. I know you're probably tired of me saying this but you really should pursue drawing for commissions and get out there. It would be a shame to let a talent like that go unnoticed. Just saying.

It's a good idea having flashbacks in the ooc. Didn't really think of doing it that way. Feel free to drop them off in here if and when you need to. I'm going to keep mine in the posting thread cause I like mine in the posts. I don't plan on using many, but seeing as this is our beginning phase of story, it helps to have something from my characters past in their first few posts to give a vague understanding of where they came from.

Simple is good and takes a lot of pressure off me since long character sheets and bios tend to overwhelm me in general. I'll go ahead and get a few done over the next week. Being busy, it's difficult to put the amount of time in making them somewhat decent.

Right on! Celine huh? That helps with Pierce's post I have in the works. I'm going to message you privately on here when the post is complete and have you fill in Celine's responses. It will be brief since he's putting off going back to Granite at the moment, with good reason.
Well, I officially got the segment done that will include Celine. So, that should appear in the conversation section. Just thought I'd let you know since alerts can be iffy. There's only a few more scenes I need to add and they'll be brief since the post length is getting a bit out of control.

As for the character sheet set up you got there: The only thing I'm going to leave out in mine is the parents bit. Everything else you got there, I'll cover. Evelyn is near finshed. Pierce and Catalina are the next to cover. But, I'm on it. I'll wait till they're all finished before posting. That way it's all done at once.

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