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Realistic or Modern Support group rp

Nick walked to the park by himself and sat on the bench, he grabbed his phone and started to connect with others socially like he always did. Facebook, twitter, and kik.
Clarity sat in the cold on a bench with the guitar beside her and her suitcase. "Wish I'd grabbed my jacket..." She shivered rubbing her arms.
Hudson still laying on the park bench in the middle, she smoked another cigarette, she had been there for three hours, not wanting to go home to her depressed parents. Or having to pass Erins room everyday to get to hers. She heard someone walking in the park and sitting on the bench not too far frkm her. Shd glanced at him, but continued yo smoke.
Hudson smirked seeing him practically gagging at her smoking. Just to tease, she takes a long drag and makes rings with the smoke. She puts it out after that and walks over to him, "what? Ya don't like a bit a cancer?" she laughs a little bit.
Clarity unzipped her suitcase trying to find a sweater to put on. She sighed when she couldn't find one and zipped it back up. Her dad had probably called the police or something by now so she kept moving.
Hudson rolled her eyes, "pussy" she walked away and shoved her hands in her pockets, walking away. She's always been treated like a paracite, that's why Marcus was her only friend.

She can't say it didn't hurt, cause then she'd be lying. Hudson walked down the street toward Marcus' house. His dad didn't particularly like her. She quickly fixed her hair and put on a smile on her face. She walked up to Marcus' house snd knocked, when his dad answered the door she put on her sweetest voice, "Hello Mr. Abbot! May I please hang out with Marcus? " she asked politely.
Clarity kept walking and quickly jogged into the park after hearing the police sirens. She was not going back to her dad, no one could make her.
Nick walked over to the skate park with his skateboard. His friends walked over there averagely to hang out and he smiled. He put down his board on the sight of his friends and grinded along a edge.
Marcus heard Hudson voice. He rushed down to the door and pushed his dad away from the door. "Hey, come in." he stepped back and welcomed Hudson into his house.
Hudson smiled which she could fake perfectly, she'd been doing it since her brothers deagh, but there was a slight pain in her eyes that usually only Marcus could notice. She stepped in, already knowing the way to Marcus' room. She was quiet, when usually she's pretty chatty. She looked back at Marcus as she stepped into his room, where she broke down crying.
Marcus closed the door and locked it. He sat down on the bed and put his hand on her shoulder. "Whats wrong?" He walked over to his desk a gave Hudson a box of tissues. "You okay?"
She shook her head and pulled her knees to her chest, "I used to be a popular, smart, innocent girl. I would have frowned upon what I'm doing now. A kid at the park, he gagged and ran away from me." She covered her face, "I miss Erin." Hudson cried on Marcus' shoulder.
He pat her back, "Your still, Smart, and you have me." Tears began stinging his eyes. He knew what Hudson was feeling. "You know Hudson, I felt the same after my mom died. Erin is in a better place now." He pat her back and tried not to cry. "That kid at the park is probably just a Prick."
Hudson shook her head, "no he's not the prick, I am" she cried harder and covered her face. She would go home but crying around her already over emotional parents would not be a good idea.
Nick texted Marcus, "You have a skateboard? Me and my friends are skating by the park. You can invite anyone to join you if you want." Nick smiled and continued skating, doing impressive moves.
Clarity sat there when her phone rang, she picked up even though she knew who it was. "What do you want?" She asked. "Come home now and I'll call off the police" Her dad told her sternly. "No! You can't make me! I can live by myself!" She yelled at him frustrated.
He looked at her with serious eyes. "Listen, Hudson. If you want, we can try quitting. It will help us both." He stood up and looked at Hudson. "I know we can do it. If we do it together we can help each other."
Hudson shook her head "I dont wanna quit... I know its killing me and I like that" she looked at him in shock, shocked that she had just said that. She'd never even admitted it to herself.
Marcus looked at her with shock.. "Why would you say that?" He put his hand on her shoulder and turned her toward him. "Hudson. You know that's not what you want. Think about what Eric would want you to do. Think about how many people will be so proud of you." He pulled out his backpack and pulled out his cigarettes and pills and put them into a pile on his bed. "You know you can do it Hudson."
Hudson went quiet and looked down shaking her head, "I'm broken, Marcus..." She heard his phone go off indicating he has a text, "you might wanna get that..." she said quietly and sat down on his bed.
Clarity hung up on her dad hoping the police wouldn't take her back. She just needed a new home, somewhere to stay, at least until she got a better job and could take care of herself.

if someone wants to be the police I'm fine with that)
Marcus looked at his phone and looked up at Hudson. "You wanna go back down to the park?" You need a breathe of fresh air. He slipped the pile back into his backpack and shoved back into his closet.
She shrugged, "I'll be right back..." she walked to the washroom and looked in the mirror. There was makeip running down her face and her eyes were red and puffy. She wiped away the makeup messily and walked out back to Marcus. "Okay..."

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