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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Supernatural Highschool of Norway ((Always Open))


Six Thousand Club

Thank you for sending in your application for SHON(Supernatural Highschool Of Norway.) We are excited to inform you that you have been accepted into the school. Come in as soon as possible. School starts Aug. 31st this year, but get here a week early to settle in and to meet your fellow classmates. Thank you.


Headmaster Coil.

Great now that we got the intro out of the way, I can explain the rules! But to let you know, if you break one of these rules, you get a warning. Get three warnings, and you're out.

1. Please do not godmod. You CANNOT control someone else's character.

2. No sexual themes please. There are children about this site, and it's the rules of the site. Let's respect that.

3. Do not have OP character. No gods, or super characters. Stick to one power and things that are revolved around that. That also means to TAKE hits, and don't always dodge. It isn't realistic or fair.

4. Please be up to date. Let us know if you are going to be gone awhile. If needed we will explain what's happened, but try and keep up.

5. Be unique, and creative.

6. Try and credit artists if you use a photo. IF you cannot, it's fine, but as an artist myself I know this bothers them.


I will start when we have at least 5 students. Thank you.


Laima's alarm clock sounded, obnoxiously. She sat up, stretched, and relaxed. She blinked a few times before crawling out from her soft, warm, and inviting bed. She ran her hand through her black stringy hair as she walked towards her desk. It held a brush, a fresh pair of clothes, and some makeup. Though she was excited the day before for school, she was too tired to be excited. She slipped off her pajamas, then into her day clothes. Afterwards she took her brush and ran it through her hair. She put on her soft socks then boots, then she rushed out the door to the kitchen.

"Good morning."

A familiar voice called from the direction of the stove. She turned her head towards her father, Cole Coil.

"Good morning father!" She replied with a tired grin. "What's for breakfast?" She asked, curiously.

"Bacon and eggs. I even put cheese on yours. I know you like them that way." Coil replied, waving the spatula in the air as he spoke.

(Just start at home or something? They will both be fashionably late. @kenryuko @Ballerina @CurruptAngel @Nudge)
Hunter had been jostled awake from the bus he was on "Sorry if that woke ya, Kid." The bus driver said to the blonde, he merely grunted in response looking around seeing the bus was relatively empty, he decided to close his eyes again to get more sleep before he got to school, he still didn't understand why he was invited to attend, but it was probably for the best at least he'd get a new start now.
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Marzia groaned as the loud screech of the roosters outside woke her. She wasn't a morning person, and the thought of having to leave her family for some school wasn't putting her in the greatest of moods. Letting out a loud sigh, she sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she checked the old clock beside her bed, one she had to beg her parents for, since they were very outdated people. It was still early, much too early to head to school, but she knew those roosters were not going to let her sleep any more. Getting up, Marzia headed for her bathroom to get ready for her trip.

Packing was easy enough, stuffing her clothing in her bag barely filled any space, and her shoes and other things fit easily enough, so there was allot of room for her spell books, herbs, and potion bottles. She wasn't sure if the school would have such things, so it was better to be prepared. After hugging and playing around with her new sister for the first and last for a long time, she said her goodbyes and left. if it was her decision, she would stay behind. But her parents were firm about this, and so she had to leave. Marzia understood their reasoning behind it, them wanting their daughter to having a bright future, so she would give the school her best attitude and hope for the best.
After breakfast, Laima and Headmaster Coil walked to the school. Their house was located right next to it, so they were always the first one's there. Coil went to his office, and started doing his paperwork as usual. Laima on the other hand went to the Library and started browsing. Not all the book were education related. A lot of them had great stories that taught great lessons. She pulled out a single, yet large book with a purple case and gold designs on the front. She raised her brows in interest, and sat down at a table and opened the book. It was filled with human fairy tales. About princess and princes. She smiled as she read them. She felt more hopeful, and even though she wasn't that interested in romance, it made her feel more strong in that part of herself.

Coil sat in his office, pulling stacks of papers onto his desk and reading them. Many were letter replies, or applications to the school. She rummaged through those as he waited for more students to arrive.
Melaina grinned a pointed tooth smile as she watched a bird build its nest in a nearby tree. Silently she moved closer and, when she thought she was close enough shot a web from her gland. The bird squawked as it hit the ground, caught in her web. Melaina giggled gleefully as she scooped up the bird. With one long, razor sharp nail she stroked under the bird's beak. "Aren't you a pretty little thing?" She cooed. The bird chirped out in panic, but that only made Melaina happier. She hushed the bird, "Don't make too much noise, someone might hear you." She then sank her teeth into the bird, injecting an enzyme, and then continued in biting the head off. "When does that school thing start again?" She mumbled after slurping up the contents inside the corpse.
Evee woke in the forest still in fox form, she sprinted to the high school and changed form outside. She walked in.
Celia woke up from the sound of the rooster that were kept nearby the cottage she lived in. She groans and looks at the time, it felt far too early to get out of bed, the clock that sat beside her bed read 5:30am. However, Celia knew that she had chores to do before she could leave the household in the hands of her parents and six sisters. She headed to the chicken coop and grabbed a sack full of feed, proceeding to throw it out to the chickens, who started to fight over the feed. "Guys! Guys! There's enough food for everyone, I promise!" Celia told the chickens and they settled down a little bit, glaring at her. " Now, I know that's what I always say, this time I promise!" She said sheepishly said, throwing out even more feed from the sack. "See? When I leave, I'm sure Selene will feed you very generously, but it's my job to make sure all of you don't get too fat, then we might have to kill you." Celia teased, the chickens didn't respond very well to her comment and proceeded to beat her up with their sharp beaks. Her parents sat nearby a window, watching their own daughter get assaulted by avians. Her father put his palm onto his forhead, not suprised, as this was rather common in the daily life the girl lead, and getting attacked by the birds wasn't nearly as bad as what she has dealt with in the past. "She needs to learn not to try to be funny around avians like chickens, they don't take to jokes about being slaughtered very well." He muttered to her mother, who unlike the dad was rather concerned for their daughter's well-being. "Honey, I'll be back in five minutes." She pushes in the chair she was sitting in and heads to the chickens. The hostile birds freeze upon sight of her mother and scurry back into the coop. The mother extends an arm to her child, Celia takes it and lifts herself up. "Let's go inside, I'll handle the chickens." She said, ushering the girl away from the beady eyed chickens. As they walked to through the kitchen door Celia looks into her mother's eyes and asks. "Do you think I'll be made fun of for all these little chicken scratches I have on me?" Celia looked uncharacteristically nervous. "Of course not sweetie." The mother said reassuringly with a warm grin spread across her face. "Now, get ready, school starts in an hour!" She said, ushering the girl back to her room. Celia quickly brushed her teeth and grabbed her floral backpack that was filled with almost everything she needed. She had no time to brush her hair since there was only 45 minutes left at this point, and the drive there was a little bit over half an hour. Celia said her goodbyes to her parents and siblings before heading to the bus stop. The bus was at least fifteen minutes late, which was rather frustrating for the girl who was so eager to go to school. On the bus, she put a beanie on, since a few of her fellow passengers were giving her strange looks for having wolf ears. Thirty minutes later, the girl finally arrives at a stop nearby the school, and gets off. Celia decides it would be best to head to the library to start exploring the school, who knows what could lie there. At the library she found another student rummaging through files and decided to talk to her. "Hi! Are you looking for something? I could help!"

@Queen of Fantasy
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Laima looked up at the wolf girl's sudden speech towards her. She smiled, kindly and spoke with a soft voice. "Nope! I found a book I like very much." She replied, happily. "I'm Laima. Laima Coil." She said, putting her arm forwards, waiting for a handshake. "Is this your first time here?" She asked, curiously.

Her tail began to wag as the girl noticed her. "Oh, that's good!" She said back, trying to get a look at the said book. "What's the title? It must be really interesting, right?" Celia asked. "Oh! My name's Lucille, but you can call me Celia." She told her, the girl's voice was full of energy and excitement, shaking Laima's very firmly. "It's my first time here, is it yours? I'm a transfer student so it's technically not my first time in high school." Celia said before looking at Laima, it became apparent to her that it was probably not the student's first year her unless she was a transfer student like Celia, judging by her appearance, she didn't look like a Freshman. "What am I saying? It's probably not, I'm just way too excited to think straight, I'm really sorry." Celia chuckled, her tail was still rapidly wagging.
Ballerina said:
Her tail began to wag as the girl noticed her. "Oh, that's good!" She said back, trying to get a look at the said book. "What's the title? It must be really interesting, right?" Celia asked. "Oh! My name's Lucille, but you can call me Celia." She told her, the girl's voice was full of energy and excitement, shaking Laima's very firmly. "It's my first time here, is it yours? I'm a transfer student so it's technically not my first time in high school." Celia said before looking at Laima, it became apparent to her that it was probably not the student's first year her unless she was a transfer student like Celia, judging by her appearance, she didn't look like a Freshman. "What am I saying? It's probably not, I'm just way too excited to think straight, I'm really sorry." Celia chuckled, her tail was still rapidly wagging.
Laima giggled at her excitement. "The book? It's called human Fairy Tales. Quite interesting, actually." She replied to her question. "Nice to meet you as well, Celia. And, no. I've been here for 2 years." She responded. "And it's fine. Sometimes the excitement get to us all, right?" She laughed. "Do you want to sit down? My father says we don't have to meet in the cafeteria for awhile." She asked, then explained.
Sarah woke up in the morning and got finished packing. she really didnt want to leave her little brother he was 12 years old so to her he was still her baby brother. to her brother hes almost a teen so it get very annoying but he loves her. so sarah said goodbye to her family and headed out but before she started walking he went into the woods for a run.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Laima giggled at her excitement. "The book? It's called human Fairy Tales. Quite interesting, actually." She replied to her question. "Nice to meet you as well, Celia. And, no. I've been here for 2 years." She responded. "And it's fine. Sometimes the excitement get to us all, right?" She laughed. "Do you want to sit down? My father says we don't have to meet in the cafeteria for awhile." She asked, then explained.

"Human fairy tales? I know all about those, we actually used to study those all the time in my old elementary school, my favorite would have to be- Oh! Sorry for rambling on, I have a bad habit of doing that..." Celia said. "It's really nice too meet you too! Two years is quite a long time, how do you manage to survive?" She joked. "Well, it's definitely not the first time I've gotten way to excited, like I only got three hours of sleep last night because of all the hype for today!" Celia told the girl. "Sure, but why does your dad know this? I know your like a 'highschool veteran' and stuff at this point, but still, why does he know that much?"
Ballerina said:
"Human fairy tales? I know all about those, we actually used to study those all the time in my old elementary school, my favorite would have to be- Oh! Sorry for rambling on, I have a bad habit of doing that..." Celia said. "It's really nice too meet you too! Two years is quite a long time, how do you manage to survive?" She joked. "Well, it's definitely not the first time I've gotten way to excited, like I only got three hours of sleep last night because of all the hype for today!" Celia told the girl. "Sure, but why does your dad know this? I know your like a 'highschool veteran' and stuff at this point, but still, why does he know that much?"
Laima smiled and nodded along as she spoke, listening. "It's fine if you ramble. I don;t do much of the talking anyways." She laughed. "2 years isn't that bad. This place wasn't all that popular back in the day. MY dad is the headmaster, so he has all that information and things." She replied, closing her book.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Laima smiled and nodded along as she spoke, listening. "It's fine if you ramble. I don;t do much of the talking anyways." She laughed. "2 years isn't that bad. This place wasn't all that popular back in the day. MY dad is the headmaster, so he has all that information and things." She replied, closing her book.

"Really? Usually my parents give me a hard time about it, usually I'm the one doing all the talking, I don't understand why one wouldn't want to talk." She explained. "Oh, I honestly hope two years here isn't that bad, the last school I went to wasn't exactly my fondest experience." Celia sighed, but her happy demeaner remained. When the girl heard that Laima's father was the head master, her jaw dropped. "Your dad's the headmaster?!?!" She exclaimed, her tail wagging rapidly. "That's super cool though, how is like being the daughter of the headmaster?"
Ballerina said:
"Really? Usually my parents give me a hard time about it, usually I'm the one doing all the talking, I don't understand why one wouldn't want to talk." She explained. "Oh, I honestly hope two years here isn't that bad, the last school I went to wasn't exactly my fondest experience." Celia sighed, but her happy demeaner remained. When the girl heard that Laima's father was the head master, her jaw dropped. "Your dad's the headmaster?!?!" She exclaimed, her tail wagging rapidly. "That's super cool though, how is like being the daughter of the headmaster?"
She got up to go check out her book, but continued to speak to her new friend. "I guess it's like having a regular dad. When I was a kid, I became an orphan. He found be on the street when I was around 5 years old. He took me in, so not my biological father." She explained Ceila. "The only different thing is, I try my best and try not to get into trouble. Unlike some kids here..." She muttered, but still understandable. "And If I do a good job on my homework, I get a treat after school." She smiled.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]She got up to go check out her book, but continued to speak to her new friend. "I guess it's like having a regular dad. When I was a kid, I became an orphan. He found be on the street when I was around 5 years old. He took me in, so not my biological father." She explained Ceila. "The only different thing is, I try my best and try not to get into trouble. Unlike some kids here..." She muttered, but still understandable. "And If I do a good job on my homework, I get a treat after school." She smiled.

Celia follows Laima around like a puppy dog, listeningto her speak. " Oh, that's extremely kind of him, I bet it would be rather strange to grow up in a highschool." She commented. "I'll try my best here, but I can't make any guarantees on not getting into trouble..." Celia said with a mischevious smile.
Ballerina said:
Celia follows Laima around like a puppy dog, listeningto her speak. " Oh, that's extremely kind of him, I bet it would be rather strange to grow up in a highschool." She commented. "I'll try my best here, but I can't make any guarantees on not getting into trouble..." Celia said with a mischevious smile.
Laima laughed. "It's not that strange, really. I got to learn how thingws work around here, quite easily." She replied. "And as long as I'm not part of the trouble, go ahead." She laughed.
Luna's paws pounded as she ran too the school "I'm so late!" She ducked behind a tree and shifted to her human form and threw on her clothes. She ran up to the building and went straight to the administration office to get her information. Puffing to the person behind the desk "Please tell me I'm not late."
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Laima laughed. "It's not that strange, really. I got to learn how thingws work around here, quite easily." She replied. "And as long as I'm not part of the trouble, go ahead." She laughed.

"I see, I guess it would be kind of nice to have the advantage of getting around the school with ease." She said. "Hey, speaking of getting around the school, do you know who's rooming with who yet?" Celia asked curiously, if anyone should know it would be the headmaster's daughter. (It's fine if you haven't figured it out yet.)
Melaina tossed the body deep into the forest, trying to be considerate of others who may not be used to such gore. She didn't feel like it was that bad, humans ate pigs and cows and chickens, but when it came to smaller creatures like birds, chicks and ducks people were horrified. So she quickly learned to be discrete with her eating habits. Once she had made sure all blood was licked clean from her lips and teeth she made her way to the school.
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Buzz, buzz, buzz... The sound of a digital alarm clock sounded, signalling a new morning. Buzz, buzz, bu- tick... The small weak slap of a hand silenced the noised. Laying in bed covered with books was a young boy. Not eager to start the day, the boy rolled himself up against the wall trying to hold onto the warmth of his blanket. However, it was a futile effort. 'Auuuuhhhhhh', the boy named Quoath groaned. Reluctantly, he pulled himself up-straight. Bleary-eyed, he gave a feral roar that was akin to a lion's cub. The air of the room he slept in was stale and had a distinctive hint of unpleasantness. However, the smell was nothing new to Quoath. Forcing himself out of bed, he stood up sagging left and right trying to muster the strength to stand straight. The shirt Quoath wore was many sizes too large for him, so large that simply standing made the clothing slip, exposing his small delicate body. Still somewhat groggy, Quoath reached out for a book as thick as a tree's trunk. Opening the book, the sound of riffling pages was audible as Quoath searched for a certain page. 'Ah, there it is.' Quoath sighed, just starting to wake up. 'let's see... Alventuis... Celubour... Denmitav av Spiritus!' A bright light soon emanated into of him followed by a weak constant outwards force. Mere seconds later the sound of wet flesh slapping together and bones cracking into place could be heard throughout the room. What stood before Quoath as a small undead imp that was being constructed before Quoath's very eyes from the various dead specimens. A few seconds later, the undead imp was made. The Imp looked putrid as it's very existence was made by cobbling together the flesh of different creatures. 'Dress me!' Quoath commaned. The Imp moaned in compliance and began it's task. Swapping the thick book with a more smaller one to read, Quoath briefly stared out the window in reverie. 'Oh right... School is starting today..."

Now fully dressed, Quoath walked the halls of the school alone. It was far too early for most student to be present, only a small handful were ever seen wandering around during these hours. Grrrrrrrr begged Quoath's tummy as a small hand soothed its pain. Moving as fast as he could walk, Quoath made his way to the cafeteria for breakfast. Upon arriving, the area was quite empty with only a dew individuals enjoying their morning meal. S.H.O.N. catered to many species and subspecies.There was a meal for werewolf, ghouls and even shadow-men. However, for Quoath, simple toast and jam was on the menu. Walking up the counter, Quoath flashed a card that was issued to him due to his special circumstances. The card allowed a single free meal during the morning, afternoon and at night. After collecting his breakfast, to took a seat and began eating. As time past, he watched as more students began pouring into the school.
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Evee walked right into Luna at the desk, she looked up to says sorry and saw Luna was part wolf,

"A WOLF!" Out of terror she changed form and ran into the forest.
Marzia stood in front of the school. After a short trip on an old, rickety bus, and a fifteen minute walk, she was finally here. It was much larger than any building in her village, so that was a surprise. Marzia let out a sigh, making a mental note to find a map as soon as possible, she wanted to make a good impression, not get lost and stumble into the wrong class. Speaking of class, she'd always been home schooled, so this was also a first. Did they allow animals? She'd better bring that up with the Headmaster person. Stepping inside after admiring the building a few moments more, she glanced around. Long, long hallways. She winced. She needed that map now. Wandering around a bit, she found the door with Headmaster and she hesitated. Should she knock? Walk away and find someone else? Taking a deep breath, she hesitantly tapped her knuckles on the door, half hoping no one would answer. @Queen of Fantasy
Luna looked up in shock. The girl had run away from her. How could she even tell she was a wolf, she was human right now. Luna grabbed her stuff and quickly scurried away. How many other were afraid of her?

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