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Fantasy Supernatural Highschool of Norway ((Always Open))

Evee stopped after calming down, the girl she meet looked like a human, bu she could smell wolf, how? Evee felt embarrassed having done that, but it was her natural instinct foxes hate dogs, still she would have to make amends some how, she started back to the school, felling a little frightened, but mostly embarrassed.
Ballerina said:
"I see, I guess it would be kind of nice to have the advantage of getting around the school with ease." She said. "Hey, speaking of getting around the school, do you know who's rooming with who yet?" Celia asked curiously, if anyone should know it would be the headmaster's daughter. (It's fine if you haven't figured it out yet.)
Laila shrugged. "Father only told me my roommate. If you want to know, you should check up with him. Honestly, I don't think he knows yet, this is like a 'get to know others' before school. He might have them scheduled sometime tonight, before curfew." She responded, pointing in the direction of the headmasters office.

Nudge said:
Marzia stood in front of the school. After a short trip on an old, rickety bus, and a fifteen minute walk, she was finally here. It was much larger than any building in her village, so that was a surprise. Marzia let out a sigh, making a mental note to find a map as soon as possible, she wanted to make a good impression, not get lost and stumble into the wrong class. Speaking of class, she'd always been home schooled, so this was also a first. Did they allow animals? She'd better bring that up with the Headmaster person. Stepping inside after admiring the building a few moments more, she glanced around. Long, long hallways. She winced. She needed that map now. Wandering around a bit, she found the door with Headmaster and she hesitated. Should she knock? Walk away and find someone else? Taking a deep breath, she hesitantly tapped her knuckles on the door, half hoping no one would answer. @Queen of Fantasy
Jasil said:
Luna's paws pounded as she ran too the school "I'm so late!" She ducked behind a tree and shifted to her human form and threw on her clothes. She ran up to the building and went straight to the administration office to get her information. Puffing to the person behind the desk "Please tell me I'm not late."
"You're not late." Coil chuckled. He put down the paper he was currently reading and smiled at the student. "Luna, I presume?" He asked. After he asked the door sounded with a knock. He raised his brow. "Come on in." He yelled.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Laila shrugged. "Father only told me my roommate. If you want to know, you should check up with him. Honestly, I don't think he knows yet, this is like a 'get to know others' before school. He might have them scheduled sometime tonight, before curfew." She responded, pointing in the direction of the headmasters office.
"You're not late." Coil chuckled. He put down the paper he was currently reading and smiled at the student. "Luna, I presume?" He asked. After he asked the door sounded with a knock. He raised his brow. "Come on in." He yelled.

She nodded in understandment. "Oh, ok! I'll probably wait until it is anounced at curfew, suprises are always fun." Celia replied.
@Queen of Fantasy @Jasil

With a yawn, Max sat up from his bed. He licked his dry lips, surveying the small apartment he called home. A gaming rig, a bed, a small kitchenette, and a bathroom. He then got ready for work, dressing in a pair of black dress pants and a blue blazer. He still had to get assigned classroom; "Coil" had asked him to come in to arrange the whole thing, so he was going to come in early.

Out front, he got into his old Ford Falcon XB GT coupe (a gift from his 'pa) and ignited the engine. After a short drive (he made sure to live close to his place of work) he pulled infront of school. He saw that some students were already there, and he briefly nodded in their direction before heading to Coil's office.

Stopping at the door to his boss' office, Max cleared his throat and knocked on the door. "Mr. Coil? Are you busy right now?"
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Luna casually looked at the other adult who entered. She smiled at him and went back to cleaning her claws. She stayed in her human form but let enough of her wolf come out in order to have her claws out.
Luna looked up suddenly, she could smell someone new Around. It was the girl from before. Luna decided to ignore it and stay out of her way. She obviously didn't like Luna
Evee saw Luna and had to stop for a second to calm down, Evee stayed as far away from Luna as possible.
Luna saw the girl outside the office and met her eye before turning away. She whipped out her claws and began cleaning them again.
With a silent sigh, Melaina entered the building. Most people seemed to be crowded around the main office. Not going in there, she thought as she continued down one of the long corridors. She soon stopped a pair of doors. Carefully she pushed it open, but only an inch or so, so she could check what room it was before continuing. "Long tables, people, food, looks like this is the cafeteria." She mumbled before opening the door the rest of the way and walking in. Some people turned and looked, though with her helmet still on, it appeared that Melaina didn't care in the slightest. She wasn't the smallest thing, standing at eight foot seven and her abdomen having a diameter of roughly three feet surely made her stand out. Once finding a relatively empty area Melaina sat down, looking around the room silently.
Sarah saw she was late and grabbed her stuff and ran as fast as she could. she finally made it to the school but since she was running really fast she ran into the school and ran into some trash cans cause she couldn't put the brakes on. she knocked over the trash cans and but she was glad she didn't run into a brick wall.
Hazeron said:
@Queen of Fantasy @Jasil
With a yawn, Max sat up from his bed. He licked his dry lips, surveying the small apartment he called home. A gaming rig, a bed, a small kitchenette, and a bathroom. He then got ready for work, dressing in a pair of black dress pants and a blue blazer. He still had to get assigned classroom; "Coil" had asked him to come in to arrange the whole thing, so he was going to come in early.

Out front, he got into his old Ford Falcon XB GT coupe (a gift from his 'pa) and ignited the engine. After a short drive (he made sure to live close to his place of work) he pulled infront of school. He saw that some students were already there, and he briefly nodded in their direction before heading to Coil's office.

Stopping at the door to his boss' office, Max cleared his throat and knocked on the door. "Mr. Coil? Are you busy right now?"
"Ahh, Max... I can call you Max, right?" He teased. "I'm just clearing up some things with two students at the moment... If you can wait..." He said, clearing his throat. "Is there something you'd like to talk to me about, young ladies?" He asked.
Luna looked up "oh I uh just need my things, like class schedule, dorm room, stuff like that." She tangled and untangled her hands nervously
Jasil said:
Luna looked up "oh I uh just need my things, like class schedule, dorm room, stuff like that." She tangled and untangled her hands nervously
"Ah, yes. Of course." He said, pulling a drawer open. He pulled out files, and fingered through them before find Luna's. "Here it is." He pulled out the file, and pulled out the information she needed. "Your thingsh ave been placed in your dorm... Which is 319 in the girl's wing." He said, staring at the file. "Anddd..... Here's your schedule." He handed to her a piece of paper with her schedule. "It's pretty much the same for everyone. Our classrooms are quite large." He chuckled.
Luna gave him her best smile as she stood. "Thank you so much." She collected the papers and left the room, waving goodbye to everyone in it.
@Queen of Fantasy @Jasil

Giving a short nod to the departing student, Max sat down in the office. "Yeah, you can call me Max."

He looked Coil over, and said "So, you hired me for some sort of cultural studies class, right? I need you to set up some guidelines and tell me where I'll be working."
Luna headed off to find her dorm. It took her a decent 20 minutes because this school is massive. She eventually found her room and used her key to get inside. Looking around she eventually plopped down on one of the beds
Hazeron said:
@Queen of Fantasy @Jasil
Giving a short nod to the departing student, Max sat down in the office. "Yeah, you can call me Max."

He looked Coil over, and said "So, you hired me for some sort of cultural studies class, right? I need you to set up some guidelines and tell me where I'll be working."
(Okay so I am so uneducated when it comes to this, I'M GONNA WING IT.)

Coil nodded and stood. " I guess it would be easier to show you the classroom then to tell you where it is. This is a big place." He walked over to the door, and opened it, walking out into the hallway. He came upon double doors, and opened them, showing a large classroom and one simple desk at the front. "This is where you will be teaching."
Hazeron said:
@Queen of Fantasy
Nodding, Max said "Alright. Any rules I got to follow, or do I have to make up the curriculum. Also, can I have a list of everyone taking this class?"
Coil nodded. "For the rules, just no cursing on the job. Common sense, y'know. For the curriculum, make up your own. And EVERYONE is required to take this class. It's human past, if they want to go out there someday they gotta learn, right?" He laughed.
@Queen of Fantasy

Max looked a little sad at the no swearing part, but nodded and said "All right. Thank's, Mr. Coil. Gonna think of a curriculum now; I'll probably start with hominids, and Neandrathalis.
Hazeron said:
@Queen of Fantasy
Max looked a little sad at the no swearing part, but nodded and said "All right. Thank's, Mr. Coil. Gonna think of a curriculum now; I'll probably start with hominids, and Neandrathalis.
Coil nodded. "Good luck. You'll need it." He chuckled, as he walked back to his office.

He sat back down and started reading the letters once again.
The room grew more lively with each passing minute. Munching on the sweet bit of bread he held in his mouth, he quietly watched the various type of people that entered the cafeteria. Slowly, the room filled and the noise grew from a quite funeral to a bustling market in the city. Quoath did his best to wolf down the last remaining bit of toast and jam. As more students entered, Quoath left. Walking the halls of the school, he made his way to his room to pick up several books, trinkets and writing materials. Deep his own thoughts about the secrets of dark rites and harnessing divine energy, his focus was shattered when a young girl collided with him (@Jasil) who seemed to be in a hurry. She gave a simple apologetic geture and continued dashing. Picking himself up, Quoath dusted himself off with slight irritation. 'Kids these days...' He muttered.

Pushing the door to his room open, he was once again greeted the familiar smell of death emanating out his room. Although his room was meant for two students, he's almost always alone. As he took a step into his room, the room came to life, or rather brought back to life. Several minions of varying sizes, some made of flesh and other made of bone, lurched towards Quoath. The moaned and clattered awaiting their young master's command. 'Fetch me my writing tools and foci!' The young master commanded. As his minions began packing his bag, Quoath sorted though his books and collected certain books that related to ancient rites. 'Aaaaaaaaaahhhh' groaned the newly summoned imp behind Quoath, confirming that the task was complete. 'Aaaaaaahhhhhh!' The imp once again groaned, this time awaiting a new task along with his undead brothers. 'That's enough, lie dormant till I return!' Quoath commanded, 'oh... And protect my books and item through non-lethal force! IF I get a new dormate I don't what them searching these tomes and books... Knowledge is dangerous...' Quoath left his room, making his way down the halls.
Max sat down at his desk, and began writing notes on the upcoming presentation.

The first class would mostly focus on the early humans (Neandrathalis, and the likes), and ending with the start of the agricultural revolution. He would go on from there. Kicking back his feet, Max rested his feet on his desk, waiting for class to begin.

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