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Fantasy Supernatural Highschool of Norway ((Always Open))

Luna finished unpacking and decided to go get some breakfast. She went down the hall and thought about the guy she ran into. I really hope he knows I'm sorry

She got down to the cafeteria and didn't see anything she liked, so, obviously she had to find food, elsewhere. She got to the main hall and shifted into her wolf form. Luna trotted out the building and into the surrounding woods.
Marzia nervously peeked her head inside the office, wringing her hands. Looks like Mr. Coil was back. Stepping in with a sheepish smile, she said, "Um.. Mr. Coil? I was wondering if I could have a map and, uh, if having my familiar here with me was okay?" Her pitch went up in nervousness, and she held her bag with her ermine in it up. She really hoped she wasn't intruding. @Queen of Fantasy
Nudge said:
Marzia nervously peeked her head inside the office, wringing her hands. Looks like Mr. Coil was back. Stepping in with a sheepish smile, she said, "Um.. Mr. Coil? I was wondering if I could have a map and, uh, if having my familiar here with me was okay?" Her pitch went up in nervousness, and she held her bag with her ermine in it up. She really hoped she wasn't intruding. @Queen of Fantasy
Coil smiled, though trying as hard as he could, didn't look too kind. "Yes ma'am. I think I have one around here somewhere... Aha!" He said, pulling out a large piece of paper. He handed it to her. "And of course your familiar is welcome. Just don't cause trouble." He said sternly. "If it does make trouble, it'll have to stay elsewhere."
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Coil smiled, though trying as hard as he could, didn't look too kind. "Yes ma'am. I think I have one around here somewhere... Aha!" He said, pulling out a large piece of paper. He handed it to her. "And of course your familiar is welcome. Just don't cause trouble." He said sternly. "If it does make trouble, it'll have to stay elsewhere."

Marzia almost let out a nervous laugh at the smile. At least he was trying to look kind... Still kind of creepy though. Grabbing the paper she gave it a quick once-over and let out a relieved breath. She could finally find her way around! At the mention of her familiar being allowed to stay, a genuine smile came across her face. "I'll make sure he won't! He will be the best behaved familiar you've ever seen! Thank you so much!" Forgetting all about being nervous, she let out a happy laugh and with the map in hand and bag in other, she said a couple more thank you's as she raced out the door.
Hunter had been exploring the school for a while and saw many other students come inside the school, but he just let them, checking the time he decided to head the library to see the selection, as the shifter walked in he noticed two girls talking, one looked about his age and the other in her freshmen or sophomore year, what caught his eye were the wolf ears on the younger girls head, but the but he filed that away for now and just walked past them to browse the books.

@Queen of Fantasy, @Ballerina
Melaina watched as people entered and exited the cafeteria. Well isn't this exciting? She thought sarcastically. Without a word she stood up and exited the large room. Boredom quickly consumed the spider and she walked around aimlessly. After a while she removed her helmet, tucking it under her arm. "Does nobody want to talk to the big, bad spider?" She said to no one. She stretched her arms above her head as she sighed. "Maybe it's better that way." Melaina mumbled as she turned a corner.
kenryuko said:
Hunter had been exploring the school for a while and saw many other students come inside the school, but he just let them, checking the time he decided to head the library to see the selection, as the shifter walked in he noticed two girls talking, one looked about his age and the other in her freshmen or sophomore year, what caught his eye were the wolf ears on the younger girls head, but the but he filed that away for now and just walked past them to browse the books.
@Queen of Fantasy, @Ballerina
(I'll reply later super busy)
kenryuko said:
Hunter had been exploring the school for a while and saw many other students come inside the school, but he just let them, checking the time he decided to head the library to see the selection, as the shifter walked in he noticed two girls talking, one looked about his age and the other in her freshmen or sophomore year, what caught his eye were the wolf ears on the younger girls head, but the but he filed that away for now and just walked past them to browse the books.
@Queen of Fantasy, @Ballerina
She looks through the bookshelf, having a feeling that someone had watched her. "Psst... I think we have an audience." The girl said in an excited tone, but softly to Laima. Celia walks over to the bookshelf and pushes a few books out of the way to reveal a male nearby. "Heyo!" She yelled at him, her face peeped through the other side of the shelve.

@Queen of Fantasy
Ballerina said:
She looks through the bookshelf, having a feeling that someone had watched her. "Psst... I think we have an audience." The girl said in an excited tone, but softly to Laima. Celia walks over to the bookshelf and pushes a few books out of the way to reveal a male nearby. "Heyo!" She yelled at him, her face peeped through the other side of the shelve.
@Queen of Fantasy
Laima smiled. "Do we?" She whispered softly back. She opened her book again and started to read as Celia surprised the young boy. She drifted once again into daydream, about princesses... Princes, and a happy ending. She couldn't help but smile at the thought.
With a burlap bag filled with books, and pouch containing various materials for writing. The young magician trotted towards his second home, the library. The books contained within the shelves were nothing compared to what Quoath guarded in his room. Where libriary's books would bestow its reader with beautiful words of wisdom, love and beauty in as itself, Quoath's ghastly tomes would grant individuals madness, power and an insatiable hungry for their desires. Resting his hand upon the handle of the door, Quoath took a deep breath and gave the door a push. Clack! The door refused to open. 'Ah...' Quoath pulled the door. He entered, only feeling slightly embarrassed.

Entering the room, he was met with only a small group of people an individuals. Looking around the room with his doll-like eyes, he noticed an individual. It was Coil's daughter. Ever since Quoath was administered into SHON one and a half years ago, he knew about the chairman's daughter (@Queen of Fantasy). However, he knew nothing about her. Conversation with her in the past were sparse, and we're often kept to a bare minimum. Quoath didn't harbor any ill feelings towards her, he just didn't fell the need to get involved with her. The only reason he was here is to study and pacify him from causing destruction and chaos. Quoath set himself down at a table and unpacked his bag. Unpacking lasted for a minute or two. When he was done, his desk was filled with various different inks, quills and books. Some inkwells contain mysterious red liquids and some quills looked quite exotic. Cracking open a tome, Quoath began reading and scratching down notes and images in another.
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Hunter tensed slightly when the younger girl yelled a greeting to him through the shelve and looked at her with his usually stoic expression "You do realize libraries are quite." He said to her before continuing to browse.

Sarah got up from the ground "owww that hurt i really need to keep practicing on my super speed." she went to go find someone.
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She eagerly nods in response to Laima. The male tensed up when she greeted him through the bookshelf, which didn't surprise Celia at all since it was normal to tense up a bit after being surprised. "You do realize you're a butt-face." The girl responded with a smile on her face, frustrated that he was ignoring her.
Melaina's feet tapped along the hard wood floor as she made her way to the front office. Might as well get what I need then scope out all the different class rooms. With this plan in my she knocked lightly on the door, leaning on the frame waiting to either be let in or told to go away.
Hunter merely ignored the insult and continued to browse before finding an interesting book and walking over to a free seat to read in peace hopefully, but he doubted it with an energetic girl like this around.

Luna came back from the woods with a nice satisfaction in her stomach. Too bad that deer wasn't faster than her.

Luna walked back into the school building and decided to visit her classes. She began to wander the halls
kenryuko said:
Hunter merely ignored the insult and continued to browse before finding an interesting book and walking over to a free seat to read in peace hopefully, but he doubted it with an energetic girl like this around.
She furrowed her brows in frustration. The wolf girl stealthily follows the man, mimicking how predator stalks its prey. Celia plops herself right onto the library table he was sitting at, but rather than attacking the male, she began stop strike a conversation with him. "I said hi, what's your name anyways?" She asked her tail swooshed side to side on the table she was sitting on.
Hunter sighed as the girl got on the table "Hunter." he replied without ever looking up from his book, green eyes darting back and forth as he read each line.

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kenryuko said:
Hunter sighed as the girl got on the table "Hunter." he replied without ever looking up from his book, green eyes darting back and forth as he read each line.
Her eyes lit up when he finally succumbed. "Hunter, huh? Do you like hunt deer or do something along those lines?" She asked curiously, prying the book from his hands.
Renjin said:
With a burlap bag filled with books, and pouch containing various materials for writing. The young magician trotted towards his second home, the library. The books contained within the shelves were nothing compared to what Quoath guarded in his room. Where libriary's books would bestow its reader with beautiful words of wisdom, love and beauty in as itself, Quoath's ghastly tomes would grant individuals madness, power and an insatiable hungry for their desires. Resting his hand upon the handle of the door, Quoath took a deep breath and gave the door a push. Clack! The door refused to open. 'Ah...' Quoath pulled the door. He entered, only feeling slightly embarrassed.
Entering the room, he was met with only a small group of people an individuals. Looking around the room with his doll-like eyes, he noticed an individual. It was Coil's daughter. Ever since Quoath was administered into SHON one and a half years ago, he knew about the chairman's daughter (@Queen of Fantasy). However, he knew nothing about her. Conversation with her in the past were sparse, and we're often kept to a bare minimum. Quoath didn't harbor any ill feelings towards her, he just didn't fell the need to get involved with her. The only reason he was here is to study and pacify him from causing destruction and chaos. Quoath set himself down at a table and unpacked his bag. Unpacking lasted for a minute or two. When he was done, his desk was filled with various different inks, quills and books. Some inkwells contain mysterious red liquids and some quills looked quite exotic. Cracking open a tome, Quoath began reading and scratching down notes and images in another.
Laima noticed a student from the past years enter the library. Quoath was his name, she believed. She stood, took her book and walked over. She didn't like to introduce herself, but she doesn't see him around people all that often. She thought it would be nice... To be nice. She cleared her throat awkwardly when she reached where he was. "Hello." She said, rubbing the back of her neck. "I-I'm not sure if you recognize me from the past years." She softly spoke, considering they were in a library. "My name is Laima. I've been here for 2 years. I've seen you around..." She started. She thought that she sounded kind of weird. "I'm sorry.. I'm not the best at striking conversations." She laughed. She noticed the books he was reading and decided to go with that." So, um... What are you reading?" She asked. "Not to pry.. I mean, I don't mean to pry..."
Hunter's eyes shot up in a small glare when the girl tried to take the book from his hands, but he kept a firm death grip on the novel "1. Don't take my book, 2. You never gave your name, and 3. Sometimes" he said as he gently pulled the book out of her grasp, and continued to read.

Quietly studying his tome, Quoath read a section that explain the exchange system between physical realm and the spiritual realm. The old tome was written in an archaic language that He had to translate, then encrypt for safety purposes. 'For one to make a meta-physical exchange with the inhabitants in the spirit realm, one must properly prepare for such contact. Three things are needed for an exchange. First, an anchor; a small location that the spirt can "physically" manifest itself safely without dissipating. Second, I single drop of blood on a sheet of parchment; the spirited equivalent of a formal contract or agreement of exchange. And third, an item of equal or more value.' Just as Quoath was about to turn a page the meek whispers of a young girl interrupted his hand. Looking up, he saw the chairman's daughter (@Queen of Fantasy). Her timid interactions was met wide childish stare.

'Uh... Hello' his tiny voice squeaked. 'I'm not one for conversation either. I've seen you around as well.' Quoath could see that Laima was clearly uncomfortable. He gestured for her to join him at the table, gently pulling is possessions closer to make room for her. Soon after, her curiosity was drawn towards his tome. Normally, he would tell a person asking to not pry into his studies. However, being the chairman's child he trusted to an extent. 'It's just an old book that needs translating and encrypting.' He explained.
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Renjin said:
Quietly studying his tome, Quoath read a section that explain the exchange system between physical realm and the spiritual realm. The old tome was written in an archaic language that He had to translate, then encrypt for safety purposes. 'For one to make a meta-physical exchange with the inhabitants in the spirit realm, one must properly prepare for such contact. Three things are needed for an exchange. First, an anchor; a small location that the sport can "physically" manifest itself safely without dissipating. Second, I single drop of blood on a sheet of parchment; the spirited equivalent of a formal contract or agreement of exchange. And third, an item of equal or more value.' Just as Quoath was about to turn a page the meek whispers of a young girl interrupted his hand. Looking up, he saw the chairman's daughter (@Queen of Fantasy). Her timid interactions was met wide childish stare.
'Uh... Hello' his tiny voice squeaked. 'I'm not one for conversation either. I've seen you around as well.' Quoath could see that Laima was clearly uncomfortable. He gestured for her to join him at the table, gently pulling is possessions closer to make room for her. Soon after, her curiosity was drawn towards his tome. Normally, he would tell a person asking to not pry into his studies. However, being the chairman's child he trusted to an extent. 'It's just an old book that needs translating and encrypting.' He explained.
Laima smiled. "Thank you." She whispered as he pulled out a chair for her. "I didn't mean to bother you..." She said again, sitting down at the table. As she listened to him speak, she heard him talking about his books. Her interest was peeked. "Really?" She said excited, yet still quiet. "Thats very interesting."
With an over exaggerated sigh Melaina pushed off the wall and began down one of the many halls once again. Her claw-like nails dragged along the wall as she walked along. "If I wanted to be alone I would've stayed home." She mumbled before rounding yet another corner. It was strange that such a large building, made for large groups of people, was so empty. Maybe I scared them all off. Melaina scoffed internally. She stopped, her attention grabbed by a large room with a multitude of books and a few people dispersed randomly. With a shrug that would equate to 'why the hell not' she quietly entered the room and peered at the spines of many books.
Sarah started walking to the front office she finally reached there. She waited in the room for someone to come so she could get some help with the room and classes.

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