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Fantasy Supernatural Highschool of Norway ((Always Open))

kenryuko said:
Hunter's eyes shot up in a small glare when the girl tried to take the book from his hands, but he kept a firm death grip on the novel "1. Don't take my book, 2. You never gave your name, and 3. Sometimes" he said as he gently pulled the book out of her grasp, and continued to read.
She looked back at him with eager eyes, firmly gripping the book, but perhaps not strong enough to beat his death grip. "Why do you care so much about that stupid book or my name?" Celia asked. "That's really cool that you like to hunt 'sometimes', I do too, what kind of animals do you hunt down usually?"
Hunter merely closed the book as he realized he wouldn't be able to read it with the girl nearby "I gave you my name, why can't I know yours, and the book isn't stupid, in it's cover is a world beyond our own, one that is always changing and shift from reader to reader, it is an escape and a home." He said completely ignoring the second question.

kenryuko said:
Hunter merely closed the book as he realized he wouldn't be able to read it with the girl nearby "I gave you my name, why can't I know yours, and the book isn't stupid, in it's cover is a world beyond our own, one that is always changing and shift from reader to reader, it is an escape and a home." He said completely ignoring the second question.
She stubbornly looked at him, her tail still swooshing from side to side on the table. "Fine! Fine! I'll tell you, ok? It's Lucille, but do me a favor and call me Celia, will ya. It's sounds so much cooler." Celia said, studying the cover of the book. " What's the world called? I've really never been one for books."
Hunter offered her the book instead of giving a straight answer "That Ms. Celia is an answer you should find for yourself, it just might surprise you if you read it." He said as small smile formed on his face instead of the stoic expression it normally would have.

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kenryuko said:
Hunter offered her the book instead of giving a straight answer "That Ms. Celia is an answer you should find for yourself, it just might surprise you if you read it." He said as small smile formed on his face instead of the stoic expression it normally would have.
She excitedly took the book and started to flip through the pages to get a general gist of what it was about. "Ok, I doubt something like a book is suprising, because you always can see it comin." Celia commented, her eyes lit up when the male formed a small smile.
A small chuckle rumbled from the blonde shifter's chest when he heard the wolf girl's reply "how could you know without ever reading a book to find out?" Hunter asked her, the smile having yet to leave his face.

kenryuko said:
A small chuckle rumbled from the blonde shifter's chest when he heard the wolf girl's reply "how could you know without ever reading a book to find out?" Hunter asked her, the smile having yet to leave his face.
"You act like I'm iliterate or something!" She chuckled. " But have you accidently flipped to the wrong page and all the book is spoiled for you?" Celia asked, skimming the text at the back of the book. " In my opinion, comics are soooo much better because you can actually see what's happening."
Hunter shrugged, his smile disappearing "To each there own I suppose, but with a novel you create the scenery through the details and mind instead of being shown what everything is supposed to look like." He said as he looked out a window, before looking back a Celia.

kenryuko said:
Hunter shrugged, his smile disappearing "To each there own I suppose, but with a novel you create the scenery through the details and mind instead of being shown what everything is supposed to look like." He said as he looked out a window, before looking back a Celia.
"But that's so much work! Isn't it much easier to just know exactly how things are supposed to look like? Then, you have so much more time to think about other things as well." She explained, looking at the window Hunter looked out on, curious to see if there was something of interest outside.
When the blonde heard that he shook his head "Celia, a man once told me that nothing in life worth doing would be easy, that you would have to work for a place in this world," Hunter said as he looked back at her "but if you would rather read a comic book because it's easier to visualize, than a novel, and possibly experience something great with a little more effort, that's your choice not mine."

kenryuko said:
When the blonde heard that he shook his head "Celia, a man once told me that nothing in life worth doing would be easy, that you would have to work for a place in this world," Hunter said as he looked back at her "but if you would rather read a comic book because it's easier to visualize, than a novel, and possibly experience something great with a little more effort, that's your choice not mine."
"Hey! Just because I like to take short cuts doesn't mean that I don't work hard to get what I want nor do anything extraordinary." She said, placing the book down onto the table. " Anyways reading can be over-rated once your mind is polluted with all that text-book crap. Like seriously, how can you stand to read for fun after having to read twenty pages of a textbook plus notes for homework?"
Hunter gave a small laugh "Well I can't argue there, as a novel can get a little dull after reading a textbook, but that is to say I don't have fun through reading alone." He said grabbed the book and put it back in its place on the shelves before returning to the conversation "do you have your dorm mate or schedule yet?" He asked still standing.

kenryuko said:
Hunter gave a small laugh "Well I can't argue there, as a novel can get a little dull after reading a textbook, but that is to say I don't have fun through reading alone." He said grabbed the book and put it back in its place on the shelves before returning to the conversation "do you have your dorm mate or schedule yet?" He asked still standing.
Celia cockily grinned after he confirmed that her opinion was valid. She stood up as well, following Hunter. " I have yet to have a confirmed schedule or dorm mate, what about you? We can head together to the main office to get one."
The shifter shrugged "Don't have info, so sure" Hunter said as he started to walk towards the door "you like chess?" He asked as pushed the library door open.

kenryuko said:
The shifter shrugged "Don't have info, so sure" Hunter said as he started to walk towards the door "you like chess?" He asked as pushed the library door open.
"Okie dokie then! We're going to the office then." She said, trailing behind Hunter. "Nah, too boring, life's too short to be sitting still all the time." Celia replied as she headed straight out of the door.
"Yet life is never long enough to appreciate the beauty hidden in the world " Hunter replied in an almost sagely manner as they walked to the office.

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kenryuko said:
"Yet life is never long enough to appreciate the beauty hidden in the world " Hunter replied in an almost sagely manner as they walked to the office.
"Agreed! Life's too short, so I try my hardest to do everything I possibly can do." She commented as they walked. "Hey, you don't suppose that we could ask to room together?"
Hunter gave her a look "You can ask him all you want, and if he agrees, well ok. But it might lead to some problems later in the school year." He said as looked forward again

kenryuko said:
Hunter gave her a look "You can ask him all you want, and if he agrees, well ok. But it might lead to some problems later in the school year." He said as looked forward again
"Well then, I'm going to ask him, unless you'd rather room with someone else." She said as they walked.
kenryuko said:
Hunter merely shrugged instead of a verbal response and continued walking till they got to the office and knocked on the door before entering.
@Ballerina, @Queen of Fantasy
She looked over at Hunter, who she really couldn't tell if he'd rather room with someone else. Once they got to the office, Celia joins in on the knocking, before heading into the office.

@Queen of Fantasy
Melaina watched in bewilderment as two people pushed passed her as if she wasn't there.She raised her arms in shock, still trying to comprehend how two seemingly intelligent people walk by an eight foot spider and not give it another thought. To hell with school if that's all it was going to be. With her short temper wearing thin she huffed softly and began towards the front doors. "Who needs school, I manage fine on my own. This school can burn down for all I care." She growled as she headed for the front doors.
The chairman's daughter (@Queen of Fantasy) and the child prodigy sat opposite to each other on a table littered with books and materials. Laima expressed her interest in what Quoath was doing. 'Is that so?' Quoath chuckled with a wry smile. He looked back down at his tome and flipped the page. He scanned the page for a brief moment, unravelling the each scrawling in his mind. To his surprise, it was an unrelated page from the last. 'Tch' Quoath clicked his tougne in disappointment, 'It's missing a page.' This was a common occurrence for him. With books that have been neglected and left to age and rot, pages would often be missing or destroyed. Quoath closed the tome and dropped it on top of another. Pulling another book from the pile, he adressed Lamia.

'May I ask what you are doing in the library?' Quoath asked. As he listened to her, he could help but noticed that two individuals (@Ballerina, @kenryuko) were having a discussion that slowly grew more lively. Feeling slightly irritated he wished for the two to just go outside at talk. Surprised again, they rushed out the door.

'Who were they? You were talking to the one with ears before, weren't you?'
Renjin said:
The chairman's daughter (@Queen of Fantasy) and the child prodigy sat opposite to each other on a table littered with books and materials. Laima expressed her interest in what Quoath was doing. 'Is that so?' Quoath chuckled with a wry smile. He looked back down at his tome and flipped the page. He scanned the page for a brief moment, unravelling the each scrawling in his mind. To his surprise, it was an unrelated page from the last. 'Tch' Quoath clicked his tougne in disappointment, 'It's missing a page.' This was a common occurrence for him. With books that have been neglected and left to age and rot, pages would often be missing or destroyed. Quoath closed the tome and dropped it on top of another. Pulling another book from the pile, he adressed Lamia.
'May I ask what you are doing in the library?' Quoath asked. As he listened to her, he could help but noticed that two individuals (@Ballerina, @kenryuko) were having a discussion that slowly grew more lively. Feeling slightly irritated he wished for the two to just go outside at talk. Surprised again, they rushed out the door.

'Who were they? You were talking to the one with ears before, weren't you?'
Laima was a little confused on why he had stopped reading, and looked a bit upset. She snapped out of her confusions and answered his questions. "I was just browsing, really. I enjoy reading." She smiled. "As for the girl, her name is Celia. We just met today. She's a real sweet girl, and very energetic." She laughed, quietly.
Millions Crowley was sauntering his way up to the front doors of the scenic-- even, idyllic-- Norway Highschool for the Supernatural when, out of those very same front doors burst forth an horrifying, enormous arachnid woman (@Deadly Darkness ). This succeeded in summoning a yelp of surprise, and then a wail of horror from the young Warlock, who took a step aback at the sight of the freakish, spidertaur before him.

"What in the name of Aiwass is that?!" One of his hands gripped the pair of miniature, porcelain goat-skulls that resided at one of his hips.

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