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Fantasy Supernatural High School

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/paxilon_by_standalone_complex.jpg.c053689a49ee0e0c456ccd3139e1c5d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85293" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/paxilon_by_standalone_complex.jpg.c053689a49ee0e0c456ccd3139e1c5d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Her suit looks like this, but looks human underneath)

Rek'Sai nodded, standing up and adjusted her mask. She looked down at Kathrine and outstretched her hand but didnt say her name. She didnt like talking, it hurt too much.



  • paxilon_by_standalone_complex.jpg
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Katherine shook her hand. "I'm Katherine" She slowly backed out of the room, back into the hallway.
Rek'Sai watched silently as she backed away, a feeling of loneliness creeping into her bones. Everyone was scared of her suit, or judged it. And the fact she couldnt talk and loud noises made her nervous and scared made her seem like a freak. She breathed like a weird psychopath, and if she was parted from her suit out of animal form she'd die within minutes. She hated even being alive sometimes.
Lane was bored, what didn't help was his phone dying in the middle of a song. He yanked the earbuds out, wrapped the wires around his phone, and put it in his bag with a quiet groan.

New Dominick woke up late. He rushed do get ready, dark fitted slacks, a button up shirt, derby shoes, a navy peacoat, and a gray scarf. He always dressed nice. He hurried downstairs and almost got out the door when he heard his father call down "Break your legs!"

Dominick calmly walked back in, explained the phrase in both Persian and English, and ran to the school.
I looked at my new school. Wow this is huge. my wolf said. I know right. I said.

I go through the doors and to the office to get the schedule."Can I have my schedule please?" I asked nicely. Hopefully she isn't mean.

"Here you go sweetie hope you have a nice stay!" She said nicely while handing me my schedule.
Oh right My name is Kara Midnight. I'm a werewolf a special one the moon goddess made me. She made all of us. My pack they hate me they say i got their alpha and my parents killed but i didn't i was 6 Blake and i were plying hide and seek and rouges found us and killed the alpha and luna and my parents. Blake blames me so he made everyone beat me and his beta raped me. Then on my birthday Blake was my mate but, he rejected me as his mate. But when i packed up to leave after he rejected me. i found a letter in my parents office and it said to go here so i did. so here i am here with my stuff going to meet new people maybe a second chance mate that will love me. But no one knows that i'm special. This is my story.

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Lillith groaned as the room to go to their first class rang. "Why do I even have to be here?" she whispered to herself. She sighed and walked down the stairs to the first floor. Lillith wondered if she should just ditch out and go home, but something inside her was telling her she should stay.

Xander smiled and led her to the most beautiful place that he remembered finding. It took them about 15 minutes to walk there but he knew that it would be worth it. "Hold on. No looking." he said he placed his hands over her eyes, leading her carefully through the cave. When he had gotten them there he freed her eyes to reveal this:

@Chloe Collat too, and any other new comers! :) }
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Joker880 said:
Safe? Arching a brow Cael decided to just nod. Let's see where this leads shall we. Hopefully we arn't caught though.
Soon, they came upon a long staircase straight down. "This looks very steep" Kitty commented. She smiled and jumped on the railing, "Balance is purr-fect for this situation!" She said, looking at Cael. "Watch!" She turned to face him and crouched before jumping and backflipped. She landed on the railing on her feet and bowed, "Purr-etty awesome, huh?" @Joker880



After what seemed like a bit of a long journey, Mihara's eyes were covered when they got close to their destination. A surprise? Wonderful! She absolutely love surprises! When Xander's hand uncovered her sky blue hues, they widened at the sigh in front of her, and once again her breath was taken away. "Oh! Xander, it's...it's beautiful!" She floated off of the ground and looked around, gliding until she reached the edge of the pool and landed softly. "It looks ancient and magnificent, how and when did you find this place?" She spun around and grinned at him, feeling her heart race in excitement.
That looks fun. Cael concluded watching Kitty flip in amusement. I doubt I have the ability but it something to try later. Shaking his head a bit mournful he carefully made his way down and stopped next to kitty giving her a cheeky grin. "Something to consider. "
Xander smiled, "Well, I actually moved here over the summer," he sat at the edge of the walk with his feet dangling above the water, "and I got bored one say and went exploring. That's when I found this place." Xander smiled again and then looked around, "I figured a beautiful girl deserved and beautiful hide away" and his eyes rested on hers.



Mihara was intrigued by Xander's story, and when she locked eyes with him a dark blush crossed her cheeks. She smiled and bit her lower lip, looking down shyly as he complimented her. "Oh! Wow, Xander, you...you really think I'm that beautiful? N-no one's ever said such kind things to me in this way before. Then again, I never felt this way before around anyone." She looked back up at him with a smile, "Thank you so much! I think you're wonderful, Xander."

Tagged: @Lillith Veilas
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Xander smiled again as she blushed, and patted the spot next to him. "Wanna sit with me?" he asked. Xander had never been this nice to a girl, let alone call her beautiful. He was always the player type but when he saw Mihara it was almost like that side of him didn't exist. He wondered if this was what it was like to actually have feelings for someone. He knew he hadn't known her for that long, not even a whole day, but there was just something about her.



The blonde female nodded and floated over to sit beside him, unable to control the blush that had deepened on her face. She looked down at the water and put her feet into it, sighing at the cool sensation on her skin. She looked to Xander with a smile, "I want to be honest with you, this is the first time I've ever ditched class. I'm having so much fun, and I really want to know more about you, Xander. Please, tell me about yourself?" While she still developed feelings for this young man, she wanted to know exactly what she was getting herself into before jumping in. Better safe than sorry, right?


@Lillith Veilas
Xander nodded and starred up towards the ceiling. Vines hanging off of it as water splashed to the pond below, "well...There's not much to tell in all honesty. I love music, play guitar and sing. Uhm..." he paused and bit his lip, "No girlfriend, never really had one either. My parents are pretty chill, as in, there aren't exactly any house rules. Oh! I'm 17 and this is my first year at Glendale." Xander looked back over at her, leaning back and propping himself up on his elbows, "Anything else you'd like to know?"

Walking down the hallway, Katherine stopped at the office to pick up her schedule before the bell rang. She saw that a girl was already in there, so she walked up beside her and asked the lady behind the counter, "I'm here to pick up my schedule?"

"Here you are!" The lady said cheerfully.

"Thanks" Katherine smiled. Then she looked at the girl beside her, "Hey. I'm Katherine," she held out her hand.

@Kara Midnight


Mihara's face brightened, "You're into music as well? Me too! I love to sing!" She beamed happily, "I'm seventeen as well, and this is my third year at Glendale, so since it's your first year here maybe I can help you and show you around?" She laid back, arms behind her head as she stared up at the rocky ceiling, "You? You never had a girlfriend? That's very surprising and sad, Xander, someone like you definitely deserves to be with someone special." She looked to him and smiled, "You know, come to think of it, I've never had a boyfriend either. Usually we Air Elementals stick to our own kind, but a few of us have been known to marry or date someone outside of our clan." She gave a light giggle. "So I'd have no problem dating someone who wasn't an Air Elemental!"


@Lillith Veilas
XAnder smiled, "Well, that sounds like there is a chance for me then, huh?" he chuckled slightly. "But, yeah. No girlfriend. Although..." he paused he probably shouldn't say this but the words were already hanging in the air, "if I hadn't of been such a jerk maybe it wouldn't have been a problem"



Mihara's blush deepened, but she grinned and gave a nod, "Of course! If you really wanted to, I mean...I'm not opposed to the idea." She sighed happily, trying hard not to fall so hard for Xander but it was proving to be a difficult challenge. Her eyebrows furrowed upward in worry and she frowned sadly at him, "A...jerk? What do you mean?"


@Lillith Veilas
Joker880 said:
That looks fun. Cael concluded watching Kitty flip in amusement. I doubt I have the ability but it something to try later. Shaking his head a bit mournful he carefully made his way down and stopped next to kitty giving her a cheeky grin. "Something to consider. "
"It takes lots of purr-actice to be able to do this! One wrong move and you can bust your head wide open!" She said. She bent backwards and gripped the railing with her hands and lifted the rest of her body up into a handstand. She lowered her body, bending her arms, and pushed off and flipped. Again she landed on her feet, "But when you get the hang of it its really fun! Lets hurry! We're close now!" She said, sitting down on the rail and held onto it. "And the fastest way down is the funnest!" @Joker880
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This girl certainly is strange. Nodding Cael to a seat on the rail and shot her a grin as he pushed himself off and began flying down. "I'll meet you down!"
Kitty laughed, pushing herself off as well. "Isnt this funner than math?" She asked, "Or whatever that class was." She shrugged to herself, watching ahead as the floor got closer and closer to them. "Hey, dont fall!" She called.
"It actually is. " Cael laughed. As they approached the bottom he gripped the railing and pushed himself off. He stumbled a bit as he landed but otherwise was alright.

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