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Fantasy Supernatural High School

"Mine is Dricks." He checked his watch once more then let his hand fall to his side. He absentmindedly tapped the cane on the ground gradually falling into a rhythm. He looked around the room.
Rek'Sai watched the other guy leave, her paw lowering as the girl stayed and pet her. She looked at the girl when she asked a name and she wished to say something but right now being a rabbit was the best thing that has happened to her. She climbed into Mihara's lap instead, nuzzling her head to her hand.
Xander waved goodbye at the guy who was walking away and smiled back at Mihara. "uhm. I hadn't really thought about it." he smiled again a her, "Something as cute as this should be given a cute name." he paused, "Hmm...how about... Mihara?" he said hoping it was smooth enough.

Lillith looked at the time and sighed, "Well. I guess we better get going. We've got like 5 minutes to find our homerooms now." she smiled at Lane. "See you after class, I guess?"
Quickly getting his homeroom number Cael excitedly began humming as he made his way there. So far things were going rather well. I can't wait to meet some humans. Hopefully with time and enough observation I can blend in better. Instead of feeling like a lonely tree in a meadow.
(I'm getting off for the night. It's a little after 11 pm and I have to get up at about 5:30-6 for classes. I should however be back on tomorrow night ^~^)



Mihara looked to another boy that showed up, not realizing he was there since the rabbit distracted her. She gave the other boy a shy smile as he left, the blonde girl had a hard time opening up to multiple people at once for some reason. When he left she looked back to the young man who held the rabbit, and when he said he'd name it 'Mihara,' she gasped lightly and felt a dark blush warming on her fair cheeks. She giggled lightly and smiled, "Really? That seems so sweet of you, and we only just met!" She was really digging this guy, that was certain.
"Yeah, I'll see ya." He grabbed his schedule and started walking to homeroom. He looked around at all the people surrounding the halls. Somehow it was easier to talk to people when there were no crowds. He always hated hallways, there were too many people moving around and too many who moved carelessly. It was an accident waiting to happen
Rek"Sai personally didn't like being named any other name, no offence to Mihara. She couldnt talk in her rabbit form, and if she turned back to her normal form then they would know they were petting a person, and the person had liked it. Her foot started thumping, ears flicking.
Joker880 said:
Quickly getting his homeroom number Cael excitedly began humming as he made his way there. So far things were going rather well. I can't wait to meet some humans. Hopefully with time and enough observation I can blend in better. Instead of feeling like a lonely tree in a meadow.
Seeing a new person about to enter her homeroom, Kitty waved at him from where she hung upside down on a stone structure of the old room. "Hey, you smell new! How meow-velous!" She purred. @Joker880
Hesitating in the threshold of his homeroom as he was greeted. Head tilting slightly as he observed the girl hung upside down he nodded with a small smile. She was strange but who was he to talk. Stepping further into the room he took a seat on top of a desk near her and held his hand out to shake in what he had learned was a greeting. "My name is Cael. It is nice to meet you..."
Kitty reached down, taking his hand in hers and shook his hand. "Hello Cael! I'm Kitty!" She said with a smile, her incisors poking out into view a little. "Welcome to this school! I think you'll find it purr-fect!" She said with a purr.
"It is nice to meet you kitty. " Cael said politely. Retracting his hand he gazed around the room in curiosity. "Have you been a student here long?"
"Nope, I'm only a sophomore. But hey, this place is cool! I like meeting other cool cats around here, human or not!" She said. She dropped down from the stone structure, turning her body and landing on her feet.
"Hmm. " Humming in agreement Cael approached one of the windows around the room and looked out at the school grounds. It really is nice here. Looking over his shoulder he shot her a wide smile. " I hope to meet more of these 'cool cat's yes?"
"Yea! I'm purr-tty sure you will meet tons of cool cats around here! Hey, if you get lost tryin' to get around I could lend a paw-err-hand. I have hands" She said with a smile. "I know where all the classes are"
Sol came in his homeroom class and he didn't look at no one once he enter he walked down to the corner back where a window was and he sat down and sighed and he thought "I'm surprised there's a lot of people here"
Lillith looked over as another kid walked to the back of the room. She watched as he sat down and then turned her attention back to the blank board. She sighed and leaned back into her seat starring at the ceiling. Lillith closed her eyes and wondered if she would actually meet anyone new, well, other than Lane. She ran a hand through her long, snow white hair and sighed again to herself.
Lane found his way into his homeroom and sat in the closest open seat to the door. He took his phone back out and turned his music back on, it was at the same loud volume that allowed it to be heard a bit of a distance away. The music changed from electronic, to show tunes, to alternative in a random order.
Turning to face her he nodded relieved. He had been worried about navigating this large building. "I would like that very much. Thank you Kitty."
"No purr-oblem! I know how it is to be lost a lot, in this place though its very hard to get lost. Plus you learn scents very fast, it pays to have a great sense of smell!" She said. Literally every time she pronounced an R she always rolled it like a purring cat. "Say, have you seen the old gym yet?"
Christine roams around looking at everything outside .. 'I'm so slow, I hope I won't be late...*sigh*' she thinks, opening the school doors, then checking her schedule before going into her homeroom class... There are a few people there, so she chooses an empty desk near the back of the room..

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