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Fantasy Supernatural High School

Kitty pushed off as well when she got close enough, landing without stumbling. She pricked her ears, making sure no other sound but them was around. When the coast was clear she looked at Cael, "This place is super creepy at night" She said. "I bet theres ghosts" SHe added as she began walking
"That would make for an adventure. " Cael quipped cheekily. Reaching out his fingers began running over the cracking wall ivy grown from them as he did so. "Whats so special down here anyway?"
"I'm all for adventure, but ghosts... Not so sure" She said, her eyes watching around at the mention of ghosts. "And this part of the school is really old, so nobody hardly comes here. Its so open and fun to explore" She said. "And locked doors are su-purr easy to get into"
"I guess." Cael shrugged keeping his eyes out for any ghost. "Though, if we do die I bet they won't find out bodies for at least seven months. "
"Eh, if we die then, well, shit. I guess" She said, not too worried about dying. "We'll be fine-" She stopped in her tracks at seeing a shadow. "No fucking way" SHe breathed, her ears flattening and she looked at Cael. "You saw it too, right?"
"Hmm." Humming an affirmative Cael kept a weary glance on where the shadow had gone. Around him vines seemed to be growing rapidly on the offense. "Yea. I bet it's nothing. Probably just another curious student. "
Kitty wasnt so sure about that, but nodded anyway. "Things just got a lot more creepy" She said, and began to walk again. SHe could hear clicking, it sounded like metal. What student here has metal? None that she has seen. "Should we follow?"
A loud yawn escaped his mouth, as he didn't even bother to cover his mouth to hide it away from any onlookers nearby. "So sleepy..." How he hated getting up forcefully. But it couldn't be helped, couldn't it? "How long are you going to keep trying to run away from me? I can sense from miles away, there's no use trying to escape me." Huh, saying it out loud sounded worse than his head. Oh, well. Once again, Maya felt the atmosphere around him change for a split second. "...Making the temperature lower won't do the trick either."
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"Uh, " Cael uttered glancing around warily. Follow the shadow or go on their own. What would tv do? The answer was clear. Grabbing her hand he began following the shadow. " Let's follow who knows it could be fun. Be on the offense though in case of an attack.
"Alright, good thing your going first" Kitty said, nervousness creeping into her being. She was usually the 'who cares? If its dangerous then its more fun!' type of gal. But ghosts. She was terrified of ghosts. She could hear the movement better as they followed, seeing the shadow turn a corner. This was so creepy!
"...let's see...black hair...cold temperature...ghost-like figure...Oh!" Maya tapped his fist onto his palm. "...Nah, wait, this isn't Japan. It must be something else. Like a western counterpart?...Then again, it seemed to small for one." He folded his arms with a sigh. If he were to exorcise this creature he had to know it first. Otherwise, he would just keep messing up and end up staying hours in this damn forest. "Alright, you damn spirit, you wanna play hide and seek? Let's play hide and seek!"
Whoever they were following must have known they were there, because it headed to a room with breakers and switches to control lights. And with a flick of a switch the whle part of the building they were in went pitch black. Kitty let out a small merow of surprise and fear, hugging Cael's arm. SHe didnt care who she was with or where they were, if there was a chance some creep may be stalking around in the dark near them then she was going to be clingy. This is why nobody takes her to haunted houses anymore also.
Well this is... interesting? Head tilting slightly his eyes narrowed as they tried to adjust to the darkness. He sighed when that failed and with a flick of his fingers the vines that followed them began to bloom with glowing blue and white flowers that resembled roses. They caste a dim light around the room allowing them to see. Glancing at Kitty with an arched brow he spoke. "Is that better kitty?"
Kitty pricked her ears at the plants that grew, blinking at the glowing. "Whoa, purr-etty!" She said, then looked at Cael and backed off quickly with an embarrassed laugh. "T-they're gunna have to try harder to scare me" She said with a smile.
Kitty almost didnt hear him, being distracted by the glowing flowers. They were so cool! Flowers, that glowed! Glowing flowers are the best kind of flowers! She was basically fixated on them, then her ears swiveled over toward him and she looked over. "Huh?" She asked.
"Do you see the shadow anywhere?" Cael repeated a tad amused and fondly exasperated. A vine covered in flowers began to emerge from a bracelet on his wrist, he had the bracelet when he woke up. It draped itself over his shoulder and arms then curled around Kitty's wrist giving them more light. The flowers around her wrist trinkled a hello.
"Uhh, noooooo, not real- AWW! Their so cute!" Kitty purred at the flowers that greeted her. "That's a neat ability!" She added to Cael, looking up. She forgot about the shadow at the moment, amazed and entertained by the glowing flowers.
"So I've been told. " Cael grinned proudly. He was very fond of his powers. "You should see what I can do with a field. Especially angry."
"I am not sure if I should be scared of you when your angry then or not" She said, getting rather tired of standing there and sat down. She lightly touched the petals of the flowers, a loud purr coming from her throat. "They're just so purr-etty!"
"They are some of the prettiest flowers there are." Cael agreed joining her as he made a soft layer of moss grow under them to cushion them. Reaching up he ran his fingers fondly over the flowers causing them to glow brighter. He contemplated talking to them as he heard them whisper but didn't want to be rude. Kitty couldn't hear them after all and it sounded like rustling leaves when he spoke. Shrugging he turned back to Kitty. "Its to bad that usually you can only find them in more remote places. Though that's likely to the amount of predators that favor them. I hope since they have recently evolved enough to gain a protection mechanism that they will start growing in other places."
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"Really? What's their purr-tection?" She asked curiously. The glowing of the flowers reflected from her yellow eyes, as well as amazement and happiness. She liked a lot of things, funny thing is catnip was her favorite, but to see flowers glow like this with this much intensity. It was pretty and calming to her, so calming she forgot about the whole ghosts situation.
Smirking Cael flicked his fingers and a vine of the flowers grew in front of them. Tilting his head he focused on their whispers as he spoke so they heard him. His voice sounded like rustling leaves. "Will you guys activate your thorns."

He smiled proudly when they eagerly did as asked. Small thorns rose on their petals and their glows turned a dark purple. In the bright light of the others one can see liquid dripping from the poisonous thorns. "See. Deadly and pretty."
Kitty's ears pricked in astonishment, watching the process with upmost curiosity. "Wowie! What a meow-velous purr-tection mechanism!" She said with a wide smile. "Being deadly and purr-etty is something that is amazing, big cats are able to be so as well" She said.

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