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Fantasy Supernatural High School

" So I'm aware." Cael nodded remembering meeting his jaguars kittens mother. He still shivered whenever he remembered her narrowed gold eyes. "Cats are very deadly and that is well known. Not many people are aware of the extent of a plants viciousness. They are underestimated which benefits them. "
"I have never seen a plant angry before. Well, I remember getting too close to a Venus Flytrap when I was a little kitten-err-girl. My poor nose" She chuckled, looking around to see the glowing and what affects it had on the room. "This adventure went from creepy to wonderful!"
Smiling at her enthusiasm Cael looked around an idea coming to mind. "Hey, Kitty do you know if there are any abandoned rooms near here?"
"I can lock pick, with my claws" She said, getting excited and stood up. "It took so much purr-actice but I finally nailed it!" She said. "But there are many abandoned rooms that we can get into, why?"
"Well, " Cael began lips curling into a mischievous grin. "I was thinking we could make a few rooms into our secret hide out. You know one designed for people with powers like us. It will help when we need somewhere to go when the humans get to be to much. "
Kitty's ears pricked up and a wide smile grew. "Wowie! Great idea! We have to find a biiiiiiig place with lots of room!" She said. She pulled Cael up onto his feet and pulled him with her as she moved rather quickly.
Ideas began spinning in his head as Cael was pulled through the halls. Hand reaching out he brushed the tips of his fingers against the wall as they ran and colorful flowers began joining the glowing ones. Under them a slight sheen of soft white moss began growing on the floor. Not enough to be noticeable unless one knew it was there but enough to soften their steps. "This is going to be awesome!"
Kitty scanned the windows of every locked door, looking at the size of the rooms and everything in just a few seconds. She stopped very suddenly, "Wowie! Look at all the room in there! Yes yes yes!" She purred. She crouched down, putting her claws into the lock. She started to manipulate the lock until she heard the satisfying click of it unlocking and she stood up and smiled at Cael. "Done and done"
Almost jumping in place in his excitement Cael hurried into the room and stopped looking around with awe as ideas shot into his head. The room was large with a cracking stone floor and walls that held a few stone shelfs, two long lights were flickering on the cieling. Two pillars stood on each side of the room and there were two doors on their left and left. He could just bet that one could be turned into a room to spar in. Turning to Kitty he threw his arms out dramatically. "This will be awesome. "
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"It'll be meow-velous!" She purred, looking around. "So, how do we start this out?" She asked, looking over at him. "Where do we move things or put things or something?"
"First we add our own personal touch." Nodding Cael placed his hand on one of the pillars and slowly his powers began to change things. Soft moss grew on the ground in a thick sheen like green carpet and flowers of all sorts ran up the pillars. There were normal ones but the most prominent was the unique ones. Large ones with black petals that seemed like they were covered in splashes of paint, the glowing ones, and a more exotic kind. Buds that were a pulsing pink and purple that were ready to bloom. Ivy grew on the rest of the walls. Stepping back he looked around satisfied before turning to Kitty. "How does it look?"
"Purr-fectly amazing!" Kitty purred. "Lets hope that ghost doesnt mess anything up" She growled, looking behind them and sniffed the air. "We claim this territory!" She said proudly. "And some of the old bulletin boards are purr-fect for sharpening my claws on!"
Getting excited as the new club house came to life Cael began rocking back and forth on the heels of his feet. Wiggling a little he smiled widely. "I wonder if the other supernatural beings here would like to join us. Even more so I wonder what they would add to the room. "
Kitty nodded, turning to say something when she stopped dead in her tracks. "Cael, do not move" She said, ears flat and a low grumble of a growl coming from her throat. A tall being stood there, silent.
"Huh," Tensing Cael turned his head to look at what kitty's attention. Spotting the being he scowled. What the? A flick of his fingers sent several thorny vines silently curly around the figure ready to tighten at any moment. "What do you want?"
Kitty hissed at this new person, or whatever it was. Rek'Sai stood still, she couldnt tell them she wanted to know this place too as a hideout. They said they were inviting other people right? If speaking didnt hurt so much she would talk. "Excuse me, but your being talked to" Kitty growled. Rek'Sai's breathing was audible and sounded calm and rather unnerving.
Head tilting slightly as he heard the beings breathing Cael realized that maybe they were making the being uncomfortable. Relaxing slightly he shook his head an apologetic look on his face. The vines stopped their approach but stayed where they were." Is there any reason you are here?"
Rek'Sai nodded, looking around the room. She reached out, the metal covering her arm keeping her skin okay as she pointed to the decorations the room had. She started wheezing before she redrew her hand back and readjusted her oxygen mask and pressurized the oxygen coming from the tanks on her back. Kitty narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms and saying nothing.
Rek'Sai nodded, though it wasnt just the decorations she liked. She liked the fact that they had the idea to turn an abandoned room into something cool. Though, she should probably walk away now. She couldnt talk, so she was just... Boring.
Head tilting to the side a slow smile spread across Caels face. Getting an idea he walked closer to the girl. "Would you like to add some decorations? They can be anything. "
Rek'Sai stood there for a moment, thinking. They were going to let her add things? They werent going to make her do all the work? She nodded eagerly, reaching down and unhooked a little metal box from her leg and she opened it and pulled out a sharpie. She looked at a wall, then back at Cael.
Seeing her hesitation Cael smiled encouragingly. Gesturing to the wall. "Go ahead. This is a place for us to relax in. So decorate it as you wish. It's ours after all. "
Rek'Sai reached out and started drawing on the walls. It almost looked like something a kid would draw, she drew a cartoon looking bunny. She seemed to be thinking as she drew, her movements slow. She took a step back, and put the lid back on her sharpie. There was a bunny and some flowers and a sun with a smiley face on it. Under it she signed Rek'Sai in fancy letters.
"Perfect!" Beaming Cael looked once more around the room. "We should see about getting some chairs in here. Though I suppose these will do for now. " Twisting his wrist roots began crawling through the cracks near one of the pillars. They twisted around each other forming a make shift couch with soft moss for cushions. Sighing he flopped back onto it.

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