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Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

What is your job?

  • Costumer

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  • Waiter/Waitress

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  • Cook/Chef

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  • Entertainer

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Jake furrowed his brow once again. He reached for the side of his computer, expecting a USB, but it wasn't there. "Damn," he said, "must've left it." He stood up and ran out of the cafe, leaving his stuff behind.
Jenkins took the candy from her, "This is a commercial kitchen for use to make food for customers and I am busy kicking up the dead horse called the menu". He said. He hates people talking to him while he is designing menus or really anytime he is cooking unless it had to do with work. He tried one of the candy, he bite into it then suddenly the taste of sour blood filled his mouth. He run to the stink and punk out the blood.

"What the hell are you making? if need something job wise talked to me through the pass if not get out of my kitchen!" He shouted

He had bloody sick all way down his chef's jacket. "What the fuck is this shit on my jacket" he thought, he took his jacket off and went to his bag in the kitchen to get a white t-shirt.

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"Umm excuse me?!" She exclaimed to Jenkins who took her candy. Moka's true vampire form was about to show but she remember that she was at work and didn't want to get fired so she contained herself from slapping Jenkins. He was always yelling at her for some odd reason, always bickering but Moka had enough for one day and she lifted her hand and slapped Jenkins across the face,"Don't you ever yell at me like that, that candy was especially made for me, and we all are sharing the kitchen." She exclaimed as she slammed her hand on the counter top. Moka had never done something like that before and she didn't regret a single action that she did because he deserved it.

Moka's face was red with rage and she tighten her fist together trying to hold herself back. "You're a pretty great person, but you gotta stop yelling at me like that." She said to him looking straight at him with her glowing red eyes.

Jenkins put his t shirt on to only to turn around and be slapped in the face by Moka, he saw that Moka was getting angry. He could see the red eyes and fangs growing from her mouth. He give a little whimp and grip his bag, he had various items a small hand gun with silver buttles, stakes, holy water anything he could think to scare off supernatural creatures.

He took out a cross, he didn't know if would work but he was honestly pancing at this point.He pulled it out in front of him and started waving it at Moka's face.

"Easy just under food hygiene practices if we have anything like that here. We don't make staff meals in the commercial kitchen and just ate most likely human blood" he said trying to calm the situation down but his hands were shaking.

OOC it's been our first interaction with each other by the way.

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"You out of all people don't need to tell me about food hygiene's since I don't even eat here, that piece of candy I made it at home. And to think that you can just take it from it that's unacceptable, it's not like I walk into this kitchen and sabotage your dishes." SHe told him still angry and watched as he waved a rosary in her face. She took the rosary from him and slammed it on the counter top as well,"You think some stupid rosary is going to send me to hell?" She said and let out a chuckle. She stepped away from Jenkins and headed back towards her bag which was in the back to take out another piece of candy because she knew she couldn't handles being in front of Jenkins at the moment. She took out another piece and put it in her mouth. "Yumm, I did a pretty good job making these candies." She thought to herself. @WelshJaffaCake
He went over to the sink and started to rinse his mouth out, the sour taste still lingered in his mouth.The cooker come on and the flames were on high. He saw the flames on the corner of his eye, "Oh shit I got to it keep under control".

He finished washing out his mouth and turned the cooker off

OOC I am done for tonight/evening/afternoon
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Jake ran back in, holding a USB drive in his hands. He sat back down at his table and plugged the drive in, and waited for it's contents to upload. He looked around the cafe. Pretty regular crowd. The place was well known for it's amazing food and drink. It's been around for a while; it has always been a local favorite. He hummed a simple tune as he waited.

Moka finished having a small argument with Jenkins in the back and she walked out of the kitchen running her hands through her hair and she looked around to see if there were any new customers. She saw a guy walk in and take a seat at a table,"Hello sir, my name is Moka and I will be your server today. Is there anything that I can get for you?" SHe asked him when she had approached him and put a menu in front of him. @Foundry


Maggie took a sip of her new pack of blood. It was inside a sippy cup for some reason, though she didn't care. She raised her head to find Moka and a costumer. She wiped blood off her fangs then smiled.

"Good day Moka, goody day sir." She said waving holding her sippy cup behind her.

@Foundry @sprouhtt

"Hello Maggie!" Moka said really excitedly and she gave Maggie a big smile before turning back to her customer and waiting for his response. @Bella Bloomet
Jake looked up and smiled, "Hi! May I please have... oh gosh... la soupe a l'oignon? That's onion soup, please." He turned to Maggie, "Hey Maggie!"

@Bella Bloomet

The male watched everyone bicker and argue, and couldn't help but smile. He particularly focused on a specific feline in the group,and sigh. Slowly he adjusted himself, and the music escaped him, the violin give a sweet melody as he played. "Counting stars", for those who listened, and as if by magic, the tools of the kitchen and counter began to shift with the tune. As He continued the song they began to come together. A glass of milk and tea was poured, a slice of cake floated free, and the condiments and napkins folded and settled together. Everything floating with the music, resting before the vampire and neko. He smiled, having shifted to the stage. Gotta get the customers somehow. He continued to play, soon shifting to "sky full of stars"

A genuine grin played across his lips. The only time he smiled like that was when he played...

@Bella Bloomet
Foundry said:
Jake looked up and smiled, "Hi! May I please have... oh gosh... la soupe a l'oignon? That's onion soup, please." He turned to Maggie, "Hey Maggie!"
@Bella Bloomet

"Sure thing coming right up," SHe said with a smile and headed back to put the order in motion. She waited for about fifteen minuets before the soup was done in the back by the chefs and she brought it back to him with some lightly salted crackers and placed it in front of him on the table,"can I do anything else for you?" She asked him.
Jake smiled, "I think I am good from here, thank you!" He tried the soup. It was quite good, tasted just like home. He smiled and kept eating, making sure not to spill any on his equipment.

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Neil Connors Dylandy

As Neil approached the cafe he stopped. Looking in through the window he witnessed what appeared to be chaos. Recently he had taken up a job as a police officer and was under a lot more stress than usual, so a friend of his had recommended to him this cafe. What was it Dylan had said? Relaxing? Entertaining? Enjoyable? Well so far it looked like none of those things. Just by looking in through the window he could see a violinist playing and random items floating in the air, swaying to the music while several arguments took place. The waiters and waitresses seemed to be bouncing around from costumer to customer and taking orders, so at least the place had that going for them. Who knows. He thought to himself. Maybe I'll meet some new people. And although he told himself that's what he should do, what the man really needed was some goddamn peace and quiet. As Neil steps through the door he is welcomed by a very pleasant Violin melody and the hustle an bustle of the Cafe. He sniffs the air. Pleasant. After dodging a few floating adornments Neil waits to be seated. To pas the time he glances around at the people in the cafe, each one seemingly preoccupied with some sort of task or duty, or merely chatting with a friend. Not as chaotic a he first thought it would be. As his eyes wander the establishment, his gaze becomes affixed on a beautiful Neko woman. She was in the middle of a conversation with another young lady and Neil couldn't help but watch her. She was breathtaking. He pried away his vision, hoping no one noticed. His thoughts began to wander. How long has it been since I've even considered talking to a woman? Neil thinks back to his last relationship which ended about as well as the Hindenburg, fire everywhere and the screams of many. Except instead of fire it was booze and the there were no screams just broken hearts. It was hard to find a girl who was willing to look past the fact that he was still living with his mother. Sure he was the one providing for her, and it was her that had no other place to go but that still didn't make the ladies any less uncomfortable. That's alright, Mom is the only woman I need in my life right now. Neil knew that was a lie. He had told it many times (to himself and his mother) but it was all he could do to keep himself sane.

Current form:


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Foundry said:
Jake smiled, "I think I am good from here, thank you!" He tried the soup. It was quite good, tasted just like home. He smiled and kept eating, making sure not to spill any on his equipment.
"You're welcome, tell me if you need anything else." She said with a sweet smile as she held her pen and paper tightly in her hand hoping to get another customer since she didn't want to go back restocking the napkins or straws. Moka felt that it wasn't right to stare at the customer while he ate so she looked away and walked towards the end of the cafe. Moka saw a young man sitting at the end of the cafe, he looked to be the new officer in town since it was on the paper and plus news around here carries out quick. She walked over to him with a bright smile and she stood in front of his table,"Hello sir. Is there anything I could get you? My name is Moka and I'll be your server for today," Moka said to him as she put her pink herbal smelling hair behind her ear so that it wouldn't get in her way. Moka saw that he looked to be thinking about something important or maybe that was just the way his face looked but she wasn't sure if she should leave him alone or keep serving him. Moka didn't like to bother any customers so seemed to be having a stressful day she felt if she did she would add more stress to their plate. @Throne Trinity


Marianna listened to the music taking sips of her milk tea. Quite Beautiful she thought to herself raising her head to the stage. She smiled and waved at the violinist wondering if he saw her.

Marianna absolutely loved music due to the fact that she played the harp. She leaned back in her chair listening to the music.

The equipment in the kitchen started to dance about. Jenkins was creating a dish, he didn't notice the pots and pans moving around the place untill one whacked back of his head. "Ouch" He said out loud, he turned to see a fish slice and spatula dancing together in sync with the music on a work counter. He throw his oven cloth at them to stop them but they continued dancing. Then his knife bag started to move across the kitchen, the knives were like caged animals trying crawling their way out.

"Everything in this place is designed to piss off" Jenkins thought to himself

Jenkins pop his out of the kitchen window and looks around to see the source of the music. He sees Aiden with his violin .

"it's the the English man but he thinks got the posh "British" accent, newsflashes dipshit there's four countries in the U.K" he ranted to himself

"Limey, cut your crap before you end up taking my eye out!" Jenkins shouted across the cafe. Another pan whack his thigh, "Ouch you little shit" Jenkins says annoyed he kicks the pan across the kitchen floor.

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Neil Connors Dylandy

Neil was snapped out of his daze when a particularly cute waitress walks over to him. He flashes her his best smile. "Hi Moka! Could I get..." He trails off as he looks through the menu briefly. "Just a coffee? Black, please." He hands her his menu.

Current form: @sprouhtt


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The man gave a smile, releasing the bow, the instrument continuing to play without his hand, as he tipped his hat to the neko. He took the bow in hand once again,listening to the man shout threatens about looking an eye"my good man, losing an eye might do you some good. It gives you a new perspective. Trust me, I know"

@Bella Bloomet
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He spent good 10 minutes trying to get his equipment under control while cooking his dish. The roasting tray was always coming out the oven so he had use his foot to keep the oven door shut. He had his other foot on his knife case which was trying to get out the kitchen.

"Limey you will lose the other eye in a minute if you don't stop making the stuff in here going crazy!" Jenkins shouted

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Moka smiled and took his menu back when he handed it to her, was he really going to order just coffee. "Just coffee?" She muttered but then spoke clearly so that he could hear her. She brought her small notebook close to her and began jotting down his order but it was so simple and who could forget this one order. "Alright then sir, I'll be right back with your order." Moka said as she walked off towards the back of the counter and grabbed a white cup and she poured in the coffee and set it on a small tray with a smaller tray the size of a teacup on there that had cubes of sweet sugar and she walked over to him and placed his order in front of him. "Here you go, is there anything else?" She asked him. His scent was rather intoxicating to her, and that wasn't his cologne speaking. She could feel the blood, hear the blood, and smell the blood that was running through his viens and this made her body very tense at the fact that she was a bit hungry since that small hard blood candy was the only thing she brought for lunch since she forgot to grab a sack of blood from home. @Throne Trinity
The sound of the violin coming to a halt was painfully evident. He clenched his teeth,before running the bow across the string harshly. A pan got the cook in the stomach, and then another.swept his feet out from under him. He sighed, going back to playing, the utensils becoming still once again as he closed his eyes,focusing on the music once again

His slammed head against the cooker door when he fell on the floor, Jenkins blood was boiling and his head felt like a kettle letting off steam.

"Fucking limey bastard going to put your precious violin in the oven". He thought to himself

By this time his right arm was on fire and his eyes were burning red. The flames from the cooker floated through the air and it created a fireball on his hand. He stopped foaming at the mouth when he saw the fireball, eyes wide open he started flinging his arm about trying to get rid of the fireball,panicking he give out small screams like Dr Zoidberg

"Woop Woop Woop"

He finally extinguish the fireball when he duck his hand in the stink, he later took out his hand none of it was burnt.

"You know what happened last time" He told himself.

After that little episode he continued cooking hoping no one had noticed what happened
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Neil Connors Dylandy

Neil could see the skepticism in Moka's eyes. Neil internally chuckles. He would have ordered something to eat, but looking into the kitchen, it seemed as though the chef had a lot on his plate (pun intended). As Moka returns with his coffee he takes it and thanks her kindly. When she asks If there is anything else he needs he shakes his head no. Neil seem to take no notice to the hungry look in her eyes. Instead, he's busy in hailing the scent of the dark roast. A smile begins to creep back on to his face. He hadn't had coffee in a long time. He begins to take sips, letting the warm liquid warm his insides. Neil sinks into his seat. I could get used to this place, very relaxing.

@sprouhtt (Please don't eat me :3)

Current form: @sprouhtt


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