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Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

What is your job?

  • Costumer

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  • Waiter/Waitress

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  • Cook/Chef

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  • Entertainer

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Jake walked into the cafe with his keyboard under his arm and his backpack on his back. "Bonjour!" he said, walking over to a table and putting down the keyboard, setting up his stuff, "How are you all doing this fine morning?" his tone had a slight french accent to it, but it was hard to hear.

"Ok now stop it! I will not have arguments on the first day. If there are arguemnts this buisness if going to be driven into the dirt!" Maggie snapped with a low growl. Her fangs pierced her lip a bit she wiped the blood off." Now look what happened." She mumbled at the black blood on her red outfit.

"I'm good, how are you?" was Ben's reply, going over to the musician. He tucked the notepad away in his apron, leaving his hands free to hide behind his back casually. He eyed the male, and the equipment like per usual, tilting his head. "It feels like it's been a while-" When it really hadn't been, but frankly he felt time was a weird concept to him.

You try jumping between rifts.

He had tried to ignore the argument, but the big boss had gotten pulled in. he sighed with a smile, shaking his head as he pulled his hat off. clicking his tongue as he shook his head." maggie, maggie. you know what getting upset does. if the manager cant control herself, how can the employees? not to mention what the customers would think!" he covered his lips, feigning shock, before giving a smile, pulling a small spray bottle that could be mistakened as cologne, and tossing it to the vampire" clean of that black mess. it clashes horribly with the color!" he joked,all the while wearing a playful grin

@Bella Bloomet
"of course boss, I just don't like little runts who know nothing about food disrespecting my cooking" Jenkins said hoping to calm Maggie
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@Bella Bloomet @WelshJaffaCake

Nyght couldn't help but start laughing.

"Runt he says." Nyght growled, looking at the manager. "I'm still out of it, just give me another minute, this is probably just some heat getting to me. Nyght glanced back at the chef and rolled his cyan blue eyes. "My anxiety levels are out of it anyways."

But then, Nyght realized where he was. That's right a kitchen, sharp objects, loud noises. Oh dear, this place was just a nest of things to throw someone like Nyght out of it. "This setting isn't helping, I'm going to step out." Nyght said softly, raising a hand for a second and walking out from the kitchen, and across to the door of the cafe, sitting down right at the front with ears flattened and tail curled around his torso.

Maggie scoffed tossing the small bottle in the trash and dusting herself off." I will control my temper if you will control you tongue." She said obviously pissed off before looking around.

"All of you should get back to your stations." She said before opening the door to her office.

"Good day!"She slammed the door which creaked.

"bloody pansy, I can't wait to see his arse run around panicking when it's busy" Jenkins muttered under his breath
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Jake cocked an eyebrow, "Really? Well, time is just perspective," he said, chucking, "Could you get me a double tall non-fat latte please? And some coffee cake."


Henry stood wide eyes on the stage, amazed at what was already happening so early in the morning. She saw the chef mumble something under his breath. She hopped off the stage and went to greet Aiden. "He better be one hell of a chef if he's going to be acting like that," she jokes. While she tries to keep professional at work, the few people who she thought of as friends definitely brought out her more playful and sarcastic side.


Aiden smiled, nodding in agreement" aye. sadly we cant say the same about the boss. I dont think she'll every change" he chuckled, pulling he violin free. he seemed visibly happier now that he had it. he paused though, thinking. "oi. think you can get something the codger has touched?" he gestured toward the chef, a wicked grin threatening his cheerful smile

Ben gave a mock salute, maintaining his smile all the while. "Coming right up, sir~" Walking off, he scribbled the simple order down and put it in its respective place for the chef. At least, for the coffee cake at least. Leaving it there, he went and readied the drink. It was always such a "complex" drink, so many details.

@WelshJaffaCake (@Foundry )

Walking in with a blank expression, Jaclyn's soft eyes were cast on the floor, hand raised to the strap of her bag which was slung over her shoulder lazily. She was playing hookie, again. Jackie did this often, not going to school because of how cast out she felt. No one liked a necromancer in their midst. Necromancers were considered the devil's children. But, the cafe was a place she considered safe. No one really knew her, it was easy.

Sitting down in an empty seat, Jaclyn set her bag in her lap and brought out some papers, writing.

Henry thought for a moment. "I don't know. Might be hard, but I think I'm the only one here who hasn't fought him this morning," she laughed. "I guess I'll give it a go. Just gotta think of some reason to go back there. Maybe I should pull the whole 'apologizing on behalf of my coworkers' thing," she raises an eyebrow.


Jenkins took the order "fucking coffee cake, this place doesn't deserve to have me wearing my whites" Jenkins thought to himself he saw that the most of the cakes were premade, he took the cake slice it, put it on the plate then dusty some icing sugar on it. He pressed the bell on the pass for service.
Sunny burst into the cafe, panting a little. She had gotten up late since her alarm hadn't gone off when it was supposed to and River had supposedly forgotten that she had to go to work today. She composed herself, smiling at everyone inside. "I'm sorry I'm a bit late everyone!" She announced, and then proceeded to get ready for dealing with new customers as she usually would on any other day, waving to everyone she passed, and hoping her cheerfulness would distract people from noticing she had gotten in pretty late compared to the other workers.


River followed Sunny into the cafe, as he usually did on his off days. He had no urge to go anywhere else, and he didn't have work today, so the welcoming cafe was his only planned destination so far. He didn't exactly mind, watching whatever went on in the cafe was entertainment enough for him, and it allowed him to keep an eye of Sunny too, so there were no real cons to the decision. He waved quickly before taking a seat, a small smile placing itself on his face as he took in the atmosphere of the cozy cafe.
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He grinned,nodding"go ahead. If we gotta deal with the guy, I might aswell get yo toy with him abit..."he hid the chuckle, before adjusting his violin,checking the tension and tune."take yer time. I just wanna pick on him..."


Henry smiled. She always loved getting in on Aiden's plans. She straightened herself out and made her way to the kitchen. She walked in, closing the door behind her. "Ah, excuse me, Jenkins? It's me, Henry. I just wanted to say sorry on behalf of, well, everyone," she tries to sound as sincere as possible while talking to him. "I was wondering if you'd like some help cleaning up back here? I mean, this is far too much for one guy to do. I could bring in the mops from the supply closet for you?" she offered.


Jake finally powered on his laptop and slipped on his headphones, working on a new project. Whenever somebody new came in, he looked up and smiled at them. "Hello, Sunny! And to you too, River"

Mentions: @LastRomeo Interactions: @Anyone

Jaclyn turned back to glance at the two people who had entered through the door, actually knowing them. Well, she didn't know them, but more like recognized them. The girl worked at the cafe and the male had come with her sometimes. Usually it made Jackie wonder if the two were in a relationship (due to her anti-social personality, she wonders about other people's affairs.), but she kept to herself and continued her writing, brushing some hair from her face and staring at the paper set in front of her with an empty expression.
"It's not the Savoy love I can handle myself but thanks anyway" Jenkins replied.He personally like Henrrieta, her accent reminded him of french waitress he had one night stand with once but his pride come before anything else and he didn't want any help managing his kitchen.

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"Okay, whatever you want. At least let me fetch the mops for you?" she says it like a question, but goes to get them before he could answer. She walks back in with a broom and mop, along with a bucket of soapy water. "Here ya' go!" she says happily before leaving again.


Sunny grabbed the apron hanging up with her nametag pinned on it, grinning at Jake. "Good morning, and um, good luck on whatever you're working on!" She chuckled, tying the ribbons of her apron behind her back. She didn't like to interfere with whatever the entertainers did, as she was never that musically talented. She liked to keep to her social skills instead of going into anything creative.


River nodded at Jake, only shortly saying a "Good morning," in response to the other's greeting. He didn't know the younger boy, but considering that he often saw him visiting the cafe, he assumed that he had good taste, if anything. He turned away from Jake, and let his eyes wander before focusing on the window. He always found comfort in aimlessly staring outside when he didn't know exactly what to do.

Jake looked back at his machine. The project he was working on was making the machine fans whir, as the CPU load was starting to get heavy. Well, what can you do? He kept working at it, sometimes changing facial expression, sometimes smiling, sometimes furrowing his brow in some sort of concentration, or was that frustration? You couldn't tell.

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