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Fantasy .:Supernatural Cafe:. (PLZ JOIN)

What is your job?

  • Costumer

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  • Waiter/Waitress

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  • Cook/Chef

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  • Entertainer

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Ipotane above. All Ipotanes are male, and they are almost unstoppable. Their mane is as sharp and sturdy as a sword, and they didn't need to use weapons, but they do anyways.

In her Ipotane form, she galloped over to the caffe. Her sister was always getting sick, and it's never good if a Siren Ipotane gets sick. As she galloped around town, people looked at her oddly. It's very hard to find Ipotanes around groups of people, without killing them. An extremely hard instinct to control. Also, Ipotanes are extremely hard to find, for they can run faster than any wind. She didn't feel like running quickly though. She had reached The caffe. Quickly, she shifts back to Human-looking form, eyes going back to their usual grey. She looked around outside of the caffe, unfortunately seeing many men. Her Siren instincts kicking in, she felt her eyes turn purple. Breathing deeply, she ignores it and walks into the caffe.

"Sorry everyone! My sister got sick!" She screamed to no one. She headed behind the small stage, and placed there her black box, contents unknown. She sighs, and moves next to the stage. She sits there, hooking everything up. Her jet black hair was dry now due to all the running. Music began playing.

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Tris held up her big smile as she looked around. So many people looking wonderful. Tris was whiping the end of a table, she then placed two roses she had been holding into a vase." What now?" She mumbled to herself looking around.





Maggie opened the door out fo her office. Due to the fact she had gotten blood on her red outfit she now wore a black cocktail dress." What's going on now? No more arguements I hope." She ran a hand down her face looking around as she stretched.


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Jake looked up at Maggie. She always was cheerful, which explained why the cafe was always a wonderful place. "Nope! We're all good here. It's pretty chill."

@Bella Bloomet
@Hoki "The cake is not going to magically float or grow legs and land on the customer's tabe, unless there is something else I need to add to list of the madness of this town" Jenkins shouts trying to get the waiter's attention.

OOC changed my appearance don't worry won't change it again.
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He gave a startled yelp, running over to scoop up the cake onto the serving tray with the beverage. "Ah sorry!" Ben apologized, "My bad!" With a word of thanks, he briskly walked over to Jake.

The waiter smiled, standing at the table. "Here's your coffee-" He placed the cup against the surface. "-and your yummy cake." Closely followed was the cake.

Ben held the tray under his arm, head cocked to the side. "Anything else, sir?" The sir was only a joking formality, really. Then Maggie made her comment, coming back out the world of the moderately-living. He gave a thumbs up in her direction. "All is well, boss~!"

@Bella Bloomet (@WelshJaffaCake )
Jenkins had been watching Ben for a while, he admit to himself that Ben was attractive but he know the difference between finding someone aesthetically pleasing/lust than love or whatever loved might. He personally didn't believe in love.

"it is just a bunch of chemicals in the brain finding genetically matching people and then doing the ultimate evolutionary purpose in life spread your genes." That was his own thoughts

He snapped out of his daydreaming, his sister told him about Ben special power was time traveler or something. He had many questions mostly to do with paradoxes

"Ben if that's your name come here for a few minutes" Jenkins called him trying to sound friendly but he still come off dry

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She looked around, watching the small commotion going on near the kitchen.

"This place looks empty..." Looking around, she straitened her white shirt and sighed.

Perhaps I could use my powers..." She smiled wickedly, and dat down calmly. She put on a nice smile, and began singing the song that would bring most people to their doom. But this time, she wouldn't kill them, just bring them there...
He had been in the middle of brushing his bangs back when Jenkins called to him. Turning his head, the longer locks fell back into place with a soft puff. "Hm?" Dismissing himself from both Maggie and Jake, the Rifter lightly jogged over to the cook. He leaned against the wall, placing his serving tray down on a nearby counter. "What's up?" Ben wondered, head tilted.

"Yes you're a time traveler or whatever correct? So what you doing working here. If I could time travel well I don't know what I'll do but definitely not hang around here" Jenkins asked. He was curiosus and needed an excuse to start talking to him.

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"Time travel-- No, I'm not a time traveler," he pouted, arms crossing over his chest. "I'm a Rifter. They're two different things, man." But the pout soon went away and he was smiling again. "And it's fun to see the different people," Ben responded fully, "I dunno, but I rather be here than off there. What about you?"

The pout opened and closed in a quick flash, Jenkin's mind didn't even picked it up. "Rifter so alternative dimensions and shit? Be careful you meant have a sexy evil twin come out". He tried to flirt with the reference to an episode of Buffy, he suddenly went a bit red.

"Smooth talker aren't you? no wonder most of action you had were from pity sex and being wasted" Jenkins thought to himself.

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Massun stopped singing as soon as a man she recognized far too well walked in. Her brother. His eyes were cloudy, but as soon as she stopped singing, his eyes became normal once more. He was, obviously, fuming. His pitch black eyes scuted me, and a low yet powerfull growl escaped him. Massun gulped.


He stared at Massun, his sister, and growled. He shook his head, and sat at a nearby table, getting the menu and scanning it.


Maggie nodded as she walked to Jenkins and tapped on his shoulder." I'm sorry if I'm interffering with your conversation. Though I'd like to apologize Jenkins about earlie I was not in the mood." She said placing a piece of hair behind her ear." If you will excuse me I have a special costumer to welcome too." She said as she walked out of the kitchen to greet a girl." Marianna, how are you?" She asked the girl.


"Purrfectly fine Maggie, I'm just waiting for a waitress or waiter. So I may order my usual. Milk Tea and Strawberry cake." Marianna answers leaning back in her chair as she looks around. She takes a sip of her water her ears twitch as she raises her head.

@Any Waitress/Waiter

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Moka was in the back the whole time helping the chef restock the shelves for a while since she had nothing to do around. She heard the bell chime go off each time someone came into the cafe so she walked out from the back and assisted those customers and when she was done taking their order she went to get their order and when she was done she walked back behind the counter to refill the small napkin holders which were empty.

Tag: @anyone
Henry had been walking around the cafe doing barely anything. There were very few customers, and they all seemed fairly entertained by the waiters or their friends. Out of the corner of her eye, Henry spots Tris, setting two nearly identical roses in a vase on a table. For a moment, Henry froze, scared to approach her. She then remember what Hope had told her earlier. Talking to Tris couldn't hurt anything, so why not talk to her? Henry took a deep breath before walking up behind Tris and lightly tapping her shoulder. Henry had realized that she hadn't planned any way to start a conversation before walking over. "Uh, hello! How have you been doing today?" she finally stutters.

@Bella Bloomet


Mason looked around, the menu in his hands. She could see inside the kitchen, and spotted a Pink Haired girl. He leaned back to get a better look, but couldnt see an more. He sighs. He sets his menu down, and hears Hemmn, His Lion, on the back of his head. He is purring, ad could hear the smirk in his tone. Mason smiled, and glanced over at Massun...

And yet, the flirtation wasn't ignored. Sarcastically, he flipped a strand of hair over his shoulder - a useless effort with it being shorter - and smiled. "Excuse you, I am the sexy twin," he joked, looking over his shoulder. His eyes caught sight of a new customer and his eyes widened in minor amusement. "Ohoho," Ben teased, retrieving his notepad from his pockets, "Massun's in trouble now~"

With a wave of farewell, Ben approached the grumpy male seated at the table. "Welcome!" he greeted warmly, "What can I get for you?"

@Supermegabrenda2 @WelshJaffaCake //Feel free to ignore - I realized I was literally nabbing up all interactions xD


Massun was hunched over her computer, stressed. She grunts, and slamms her laptop shut. She looks up, seeing Mason being aproached by Ben. She smiles. Standing up, she stretched her back, and looked around the restaurant.​
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Mason looks up.

"Oh yes... Eh... I would like this cappucino, and... The chocolate Croisan."

He looks up at him and gave him a kind smile. He sets down the menu. He looked over at Massun, grinning.​
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"Comin' right up," was Ben's reply, sliding the menu over to himself before setting off. Again, like usual, he set the order and went to get the drink prepared. It didn't take very long, and soon he was back with the cappuccino and sweet treat, placing it before the other. "Need anything else?" he offered, the serving tray back under his arm.

Matt nodded politely as thanks when Ben strode off, and dug into his coffee cake. As delicious as always, he thought to himself. He quickly finished the dish, leaving an empty plate with nothing but crumbs on it in front of him. He started to drink his coffee and went back to work.



"No thanks." He said, taking a sip of his cappucino. He was in the middle of an intence staring contest with Massun.

Needless to say, Massun was winning.


Why does he do this? He knows he'll loose..."

She laughed internally as Mason blinked again. She held up 7 Fingers, and opened her Laptop Again. She sighed, bored. Calmly she began singing, Mason slipping his earbuds in. After all, she was a Siren.

@Hoki @Anyone

Jenkins watched Ben walk off, he was happy that his attempt at flirting didn't backfire. Jenkins carried out the orders nothing was tasking he just got the cakes and dress them up pretty on the table. With it being dead in his standards out in the cafe he went through food item list. He hadn't cooked professionally in 2 years and everyone knows in the culinary world once you get that passion, it will never leave you.

He got his pen and started writing recipes in his pad afterwards he started chopping, peeling and dicing away while humming to himself.

"I am not going to be paid to slice cakes all day" he thought to himself

OOC sorry afk,typical the rp gets going when I leave
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Moka had finished stacking the napkins after a few minuets later and she walks back to the kitchen to get a small hard candy made of blood that she had personally made herself. Moka poped the candy in her mouth and when she looked she saw Jenkins there,"Oh hey, sorry I didn't see you there," She told him as she put her hair behind her ears. "How has your day been so far?" She asked him. @WelshJaffaCake


Tris was humming quietly to herself as she folded napkins, surprised by Henry she spun around." Oh hi Henry! How are you doing? I saw you the other day singing you were amazing." She answered leaning against the table. She blushed a bit as always.

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