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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)

Akira snapped out of the content anger he had been feeling for he men he knocked unconscious "If the woman looked like her than th male must have looked quite wild and almost beast like" he said as he thought about the information he had been given "That means they are still on school grounds and that means they aren't done here" he didn't know what they were planning but he knew it was something bigger than the last since he'd destroyed that one. He went back to the man "Anything else you can tell us" he took out another healing spell tag and placed it against the mans shoulder "There now we just have to set it and then it should be better with a few days rest" he said as he painlessly set the joint back together. He didn't know why he shattered the thugs shoulder socket but he also felt like it had to happen. Akira looked around at the other men and threw some healing tags at them and said a chant to go with them. After the men were healed he despelled his own enchantment and when back to normal "Now please tell me before something else unseemly happens. Maybe tell me where her dopplegangers are seeing as how you had to receive orders from them from somewhere" he said as he brushed himself off and fixed his clothing position.

@JustAlexandra @KaraRPMikaelsonFray
"Not possible" he said with a high level of certainty "There is no way that they would know what Belladonna and Byakko looked like if they hadn't met with them somewhere on campus" he wanted to find them as soon as possible and end what ever they were up to. He looked back down at the man "How about this, I'll just check his phone and see who he's been talking to" he said as he rummaged through the leaders pockets and found his phone barely charged "How you mortals use these hinge I don't know but at least he didn't have a password" he said looking through the recent calls. He started calling one of the latest numbers that didn't have a contact information saved "Hello I'd like to speak to who ever is on he other line" he said as he got an answer from a distorted but male breathing before he spoke.

@JustAlexandra @KaraRPMikaelsonFray
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((To be honest, thinking about quitting this RP. It's probably my own fault, but my character is just too passive. My posts are seeming just like filler and to be the doppelganger of Belladonna. I tried to add a bit more to my character just now but we have a lot going on and idk if adding more issuses is going to be pointless or overwhelming or whatever.))

Mary watched the two grill the men for information. She didn't really have much to do, so she just stood to the side - out of the way. Akira got on the phone shortly after. How strange this school was, with Doppelgangers and people with true enemies. Although, Mary seemed to have a doppelganger and therefore enemy as well, but she had never really spoken to her. 

And then there was Elena, of course. Which her situation goes without saying. 

Mary sighed, and as she let out her breath she felt a tingling in her hands. Something similar to what she had felt before. She looked down to the same purple light as before emitting from her hands. "Um... Akira?" she said, holding them up and looking at him. She felt something strange inside of her. Something upsetting. 


((Aw ok.))

Elena rolled her eyes then looked at the mans phone with Akira. Elena noticed the voice instantly, "Where are you?"
(I'd be fine with adding more issues. It would be a shame if you quit. I'm really enjoying this, plus I was going to put Belladonna and Byakko into action soon)

Akira turned to Mary when he heard her speak "No I thought I took care of that, how is this even possible?" He said handing the phone to Elena "Mary are you feeling alright? Not angry or upset?" He asked her trying to confirm if what was happening was the same as back then. He took the phone from Elenas hand "Hey bastard where are you, I want to meet with you, with all four of you" he said in an urgent voice "I'll come alone if I have to but I need to speak with the witch" he wasn't sure what he would do if he saw Belladonna again but he knew she was the only one who could fix it, it was her curse so she had he only way to stop it.

@JustAlexandra @KaraRPMikaelsonFray
"So eager to die?" Elena growled and clenched her fists, "What the hell do you want from me?" Lucas grinned, "I want to be your king... I want control of your pack... A army." Elena grabbed the phone and moved away from Akira and Mary, "I will NEVER let that happen you psychotic bastard!" Lucas shrugged, "You won't really have a say in the matter."
"I'm not going to die but I need to do something!" He was now angry but more so at himself for not being able detect any residual corruption from Mary since he took the amount from her had vanished into him. He started hating himself for being mortal "Damn why do I have to be mortal when this happens?!" He was starting to lose hope.

@JustAlexandra @KaraRPMikaelsonFray
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( I will stay for now, we will see what will happen :) )

Mary shook her head. "It's okay Akira, I will be fine," she gave him a small smile, but she was not sure of herself at all. Elena took the phone from Akira, and Mary's eyes landed on Elena. Her mind flashed back to when she had tried to kill Mary, and Mary felt something strange inside of her. Something she did not normally feel, or ever feel, really. Her fists balled up and she locked her eyes onto Elena, who had her back to the two of them and was on the phone. 

"You...."she wanted to say a bad word, but something inside stopped her from it. But what stopped her was not a good thing.

Mary leaped at Elena, jumping on her and knocked her to the ground. Mary was on Elenas back, ripping her hair, holding her head up. "You almost killed me. YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!" she screamed. 


"Have fun with Mary I think was her name... Now you can either choose to fight her and kill her or you can die either way its either you or her." Elena jumps out of the way panting heavily, "What the hell did you do to her!?" Elena looks around the campus for anyone suspicious, "I WILL find you all and you WILL be stopped! Akira keep her busy while I go find them!" Elena had to get away from Mary so she could concentrate, 'Maybe I can follow the blood scent from Mary and it will lead me to them... That has to work... But in order to do that... I need to make Mary bleed.'
Akira tried to get near Mary but felt almost like a repelling force around her "Damn it! The only other way I could help is maybe if....I think I got something" he threw two tags up, on on him and one on Elena. After a second passed Elena had disappeared and then in Akiras place there looked to be another Elena "Hey if you want me come and get me" said a disguised Akira as he ran by Mary hopefully drawing her off of Elena "I tried to kill you and now you're taking your anger out on the grass?" He hated having to talk the way he was but he had to help Mary some how and couldn't think of anything that could help him get close. He didn't want Mary to get hurt or end up dead and he knew that if any of those things happened, something inside would snap and he would become much worse than Byakko or Belladonna.

@KaraRPMikaelsonFray @JustAlexandra
Elena blurred into the Forrest near the academy and she closed her eyes and concentrated. She focused on all the smells and sounds, 'Come on... Where are you...'  Once Elena got something she opened her eyes and they glowed then she looked around, 'They would have to be hidden... But still see us... Close enough to hear us...'
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Mary looked up at Elena. How could she have missed? She ripped some grass from the ground, throwing it. It did nothing, of course, which somehow managed to make Mary even angrier. She pulled herself off the ground and made a beeline for Elena, who had the audacity to insult her. She was the one who was wrong! 

"You're the killer!" she screamed, in a way trying to excuse her own behavior. Some part of her didn't know what came over her, but mostly she was just concerned with killing Elena. Or really really hurting her, at least. 


(Sorry I've been busy at work I'm responding now) 

Akira, still disguised as Elena kept running to draw away Mary "Come on Flappy you seriously can't catch an injured hybrid?" He yelled as he struggled to keep sprinting. As he ran he could feel his spell fading 'Damn well I guess I have to figure something else out' he thought as he stopped to face Mary "Alright here I am" he braced for her impact. 

(Sorry I've been busy at work I'm responding now) 

Akira, still disguised as Elena kept running to draw away Mary "Come on Flappy you seriously can't catch an injured hybrid?" He yelled as he struggled to keep sprinting. As he ran he could feel his spell fading 'Damn well I guess I have to figure something else out' he thought as he stopped to face Mary "Alright here I am" he braced for her impact. 


((Are you in control of your 2 enimes? Belladonna and her master? And its ok))
Alex was getting tired as he stood up I felt alone and lonely he sighed and began looking for his dorm he was hoping that the stuff he sent over was there but I was in daubt and expensive gaming of through the mail it was unlikely be he was still hoping so he carried on walking.
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Mary chased 'Elena', ready to kill. She could feel the real part of her trying to stop herself, but the 'new' part of her wasn't listening. Something was sickeningly pleasurable about the chase - about the potential kill. She smiled as Elena stopped, ready to jump. She watched Elena for a moment, head tilting to the side. "You aren't going to run anymore?" she asked in a voice that mocked sadness. She grinned wickedly and jumped onto Elena, scratching and pulling whatever she could. She cursed subconsciously. Why did she have to have trimmed nails? Why couldn't she have grown them out? t was such a simple defense - she would have to work on it. 

(sorry for crappy post. I wanted to get something out lol) 


Akira bared the assault from Mary and instead of defending himself, decided to feel for a fluctuation in her aura 'No, it can't be...' he felt traces of the corruption he thought he'd removed weeks ago 'It must have had time to grow, its as though she was using her magic....' Akira had realized something that he didn't think about when he woke up. He could feel the spell he put up failing and he could also feel her magic growing darker "Mary, it's me Akira, you have to fight what ever it is that's making you do all this" he tried helplessly to get back to his feet but she was unbelievably strong for a girl her size. He decided he had one more weapon in his arsenal which he had been hoping to use later that night. Akira with both hands gently grabbed Mary's cheeks and pulled her close for a kiss. Akira had kissed mortals before. His first kiss was with Belladonnas mother and his most memorable were with Belladonna before he had to kill her. The kiss with Mary sparked things in him he wanted shut away forever. Instead of remembering his feelings for Belladonna, he received a vision of a future with Mary. He didn't understand it but he knew she was special. Akira pulled her close after the kiss and started siphoning he corruption into himself. He at first felt a dark sensation but then felt the strain getting lessened and soon it became easy to bare. He waited as Mary's energies started going back to the pure form they had been when they met "Please come back to me" he had said as he waited for her to return to normal. 

@JustAlexandra @KaraRPMikaelsonFray
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Mary blinked at Akira, her more "humane" part of her listening, but she ignored it, growling at him. Despite the fact that he no longer looked like Elena, she still wanted to hurt him. Kill him. Perhaps it was because she had felt lied to, for looking like Elena. She was perhaps just confused, and angry because of that. Either way, she ripped at his chest - not doing any true hard but drawing a small amount of blood. She doubt it felt good, at least. 

When he grabbed her face, she tried to pull away, feeling as if that was a weakness for her. But then he kissed her, and something strange happened inside of her. She could still feel the anger, the need to kill, but it was like the anger had been boiling and now it was just at a simmer. She felt it drain from her, slowly. It was an uncomfortable feeling that she wasn't exactly fond of, but when it finally left she sighed. Her stomach hurt, as well as her head. She sat up a bit, first seeing the marks she made on Akira. "What... happened?" she asked, confused. She looked around, not remembering how she got where she was. 



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