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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)

Casey tilted her head. "Well I don't know what to address you as because you're very obviously not human. So you really can't blame me." She listened a bit more and raised her eyebrow. "Using your logic, I don't have to answer you question either. So I guess we're in a kind o-" She was cut off as the door was slammed. The loud bang made her flinch back and press her ears to her head, as if they weren't already.

Casey began panicking in her mind. Nothing sound ever happened behind closed doors. This wasn't good... she shouldn't be here. What if the creature was angry and had decided to teach her a lesson? She might be able to defend herself but-... she needed to get out of there.

Taking another step backwards, she found herself bumping into her small bedside table. From there she just edged sideways toward her bed, all the more closer to the window. She didn't keep her eyes off the, what now looked like a girl. And while the girl spoke, she cracked open the window. It was useless to hide it so she just pushed it open,

"Yeah... I think I'll pass." 

And then she was on her bed and out the window, slamming it closed behind  her and bolting straight towards the woods.

Her tail flailed behind her and she dared not look back as she broke the tree-line and continued on.

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(I'd appreciate knowing what is mainly happening. I haven't been on this site for a while as I have been catching up on school work and other stuff.)

Lucifer adjusted its clothing as it stared up at what was to be its school building. The building seemed pretty spacious for a school- most of the other buildings Lucifer had ever seen were small or didn't look as advanced as this place. It was interested by all the different sections of the campus but it knew it was late to classes and well, the first day but it wasn't to blame- well, at least it didn't think so. Hell was very difficult to pass through at the time- a sudden influx of spirits made it hard for Lucifer to turn away from its position. Poor Charon was working around the clock to lead them back and forth while Lucifer went through the examination and the decisions for punishments. The worst spirits needed to be assigned brutal punishments- for example, being stretched and pulled constantly between two trees at the end of the river. Falling to the river would be painful as well as being stretched so the spirit was trapped in eternal pain. The better spirits who had come for one small crime like a minor sin or other action had lighter punishments- such as not being able to sing on-key for all eternity or not being able to eat a certain food. There was a lot more spirits to punish than normal so it took even longer for Lucifer to make the choice of how to punish them. Finally, he had gone through the entire list and was able to come to school. Charon ferried him across the river and then Lucifer flew to the school. And now here it was, before the school that it would be at for a while. It walked forward through the gates, both excited and anxious to start.
[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)][Scarlet Hisui][/COLOR]

She blinked a few times as her roommate ran off, out of the window and towards woods. This wasn't exactly surprising, she did think her movements were strange and she had noticed the sudden shift in attitude. Though running wasn't what was expected exactly. So she stood there, unmoving for a second before a odd sound came from came out of her. It started out quiet but soon it grew louder and eventually it was clear what this awful sound was. A laugh.

She found that hilarious. It was so funny that she was literally crying. She almost forgot how entertaining it was to see someone afraid of her. Oh, how she loved making people jump. This school thing would be more enjoyable than she thought it to be.
(Winnie Locke and Hananya are conversing in their dorm,

Akira, Mary, and Daniel went into the small part of the wood and stumbled across Kleo.

Scarlet and Casey were talking in their from when Casey semi-secretly freaked and ran away into the woods as well.)

(I am so sorry for being so late, I've had some internet issues. It's all fixed now, shouldn't happen again! I'll admit, I'm a tad lost though... ^^; )


"Aaaaaaaaalright! Finally here, about time..."

Jia Hai was a bit late to arrive to her new academy. Wasn't her fault it was so far from home! Not a fan of public transportation, she opted to fly all the way here from her island home of Fumori...which, in hindsight, made much more work for her than if it would have just taken a plane over. Tired skeletal wings hung heavy behind her as she looked up at the academy building. She would admit, it was not as bad of a place as she thought it would be. Of course, that didn't mean she wanted to be in some preppy school, but she guessed she could find ways to have fun around here. She bypassed the gates and began her way up the path, dragging a suitcase behind her. She sighed as she made it up to the entrance. She quickly made her wings retreat back, leaving behind their origin markings. She grinned and glanced down to her right arm, where a black tattoo of a dragon found itself wound around her entire arm.

"Alright, Xi'Jian...it's showtime~"

She proclaimed before cracking her knuckles and flinging open the front doors. She let out a loud whistle before speaking to no one in particular.

"Guess who's heeeeeerrrreeeee~? MAN! I'll tell ya, it was not easy getting here. 8 hours of flying can do a number on a girl's wings..."
"Summon him?" Mary asked, intrigued. "That sounds like fun," she said, smiling. 

They walked outside to the back yard of the school. There was a forest there, where students weren't allowed to go too far into. It was fine to explore a bit, she knew, but if you went to far and someone found out you would get in trouble. She wasn't concerned, though, as it was the first day they had gotten there and she doubted that anything would happen. "Byaku...." Mary mumbled, trying to pronounce the name. It came out a bit strange and she giggled at herself. "We are going to use the forest to summon your friend...er...Byaku?" she butchered the name again. 

Mary stepped into the forest with Akira, and immediately stepped into a puddle of mud. "Ew!" she said, pouting. She floated up a foot or so from the ground. "I think i'll have to fly from here on, but its okay," she said. "I don't mind, it feels good to stretch my wings anyways. Especially after the car ride here." She looked down at her shoe, now stained with mud. "I'll have to wash these, later. Hopefully it won't be too hard to get out." 

Mary tried to pick up the pencil that fell from the tree, but before she could get it a werewolf had jumped from the tree and snatched it up. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." 

She listened to Akira, then frowned. "Dangerous?" she murmured. "Akira, I don't know about this. I don't want to deal with anything dangerous," she pouted, much like a little girl. "Sorry to disturb you!" she added as the werewolf climbed back into the tree. 
Winnie shook her head "No, I just like to read in my spare time." she looked at the floor for a second and looked back up at Hananya " By the way, I know that this is a cramped space and all, but don't worry about it, we can move some stuff around to make you more comfortable and figure stuff out" She then stood up and made her way toward the door, "I'm going to explore the campus, do you want to come with me?" she asked a little timidly, she really hoped that she could make some friends here but she didn't exactly want to be controlling about it. She grabbed her I.D. and her satchel, slipping her camera, a few bucks, and her phone inside and placing her hand on the doorknob waiting for a response.

@Rumble Fish
Hananya blinked as she looked at Winnie as she spoke about moving things to stop things from getting cramped. She tilted her head, "Hmm... well... I guess we could do that." she said, rubbing the back of her neck. Though the thing that bothered her was the fact that the younger girl... wasnt afraid of her? That was weird... not the reaction she was expecting. She stood back up and put her hood up, "Well... I guess we could explore the campus." she said after a moment. Grabbing her things, she went out the door and into the hall, tightening her hood. While Winnie didnt seem to be worried about her, Hananya couldnt help but be worried.

Winnie walked down the hall and towards the elevator, truth be told she didn't feel like walking down the flights of stairs. She got inside and pushed the button, directing it to the first floor. She got off and decided to go to the cafeteria because she hadn't eaten for a while. She looked up at Hananya and asked if she was hungry, that way she wouldn't drag Hananya around and doing things that she didn't wan't to do. 

@Rumble Fish
Hananya stayed quiet during the ride down the elevator, stuck in her own thoughts. She really wanted to check out the garden, maybe there were roses there. But she was brought out of her thoughts when Winnie questioned her if she was hungry. She opened her mouth to answer but was cut off as her stomach rumbles in response. Hananya huffed through her nose and looked at the younger girl. "Hm... Yes but the only thing is, I... Only eat meat. And I don't know if there's anything here that I could have. Any other food aside from meat makes me sick." She admitted, rubbing the back of her neck. This was becoming stressful. Something worried her that due to her appreance and being carnivorous, people would think she was some kind of monster.

Winnie nodded her head and understood "I'm pretty sure they have meat, some beings have specific diets and i'm sure that they have many options"  she said while walking toward the cafeteria and she smiled when she smelled a delicious aroma wafting around the building. When she walked inside she saw that the cafeteria had been divided into different sections for food she smiled, there was a deli area that she found particularly yummy, truth be told she wanted a sandwich. She walked toward that area and ordered a ham and mayo sandwich and leaned on the wall to wait for her food

@Rumble Fish
Akira sized up the male now standing in front of him 'Why do mortals immediately think that they are bigger than me' he thought annoyed at the attitude given by the lycan. Akira, still feeling the ominous aura didn't want to have to face what ever was putting out on his own "How about instead of standing around here we go and call my old friend like promised, you can also come with us if you like?" He said addressing the lycan male with no contempt. 'I know this feeling......but why?' he could remember what exactly sparked the memory but he suddenly saw an image of a large four legged animal with long fangs "Ah here this place will do nicely" he said as he lead he group to a clearing farther into the forest. After clearing his mind he set to work on his summoning circle with the talismans he had on him "WHIT TIGER, HIDDEN LOTUS. BLACK CLAWS, FORGOTTEN FANG. COME FORTH EAST GUARDIAN, BYAKKO BAI HU!!!" he yelled his chant and threw the final tag needed to complete he summon. 

A large beam of light shot into the sky for only a few moments and kicked up a lot of dust as the light dimmed "Alright everyone meet my friend Byaku" he said as he gestured to the shadowy figure that stood up inside the light "I wish you'd stop calling me to the human world when ever you wanted" said a female voice from within the circle. Akira was stunned and shocked at the deity that he called "Suzaku, how this is impossible, I thought I called Byakko!" He said toward the woman now staring at him with an annoyed look. The girl in front of him and his group was a beautiful red haired woman with a red and gold battle garment almost made to look both like a fashion item and a war uniform. The woman also had red wings sprouting from her back that glowed a brilliant red with fire around them "Hmm so it's just you Watasumi, sorry I thought you were my immortal priest" she said toward Akira with some apology in her remark "The name in using now is Akira Ryujin, at least for my trial anyway" he said telling the vermillion deity his new name. Akira was sure he did his summon properly but couldn't understand why the wrong god appeared "Where is Byakko? He should have been summoned" Akira said with a stern voice "Ah yes about that he has gone missing. And we are sure he's been infected by shadows miasma" said the Suzaku with a hint of urgency. "Everyone stay close to the circle! Byakko had become a danger to us himself and us" he said gathering his group closer to the fire goddess 'I will protect them I promise I will not let these mortals die' he thought before summoning what celestial might he could.

@Nuuchi @JustAlexandra @NextGenRolePlayer

(Not god modding. Just building up for a disappointing presentation of power. He will have almost no super ability besides what I mention in the character sheet)
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(So Imma start coloring Casey's speaky words. It shall be THIS. If sown own else already has that color, I'll change it.)

As Casey ran, she heard some commotion a little ways off to her left so she decided to veer right, still going on strong. She just needed to get away for a bit. This was too overwhelming. Maybe all this was a bad idea.. There were so many strange creatures that she never thought existed before! A fairy? (She doesn't know the difference) Some weird humanoid whose head can come off and float?! She'd even met another werewolf! She'd seen people with wings, horns, long tails...

All of that wasn't supposed to be real. She had actually thought that werewolves and vampires were the only supernatural creatures that existed... a-and it was freaking her out. 

Casey stopped running, panting. Not that she was tired or anything, she had just worked herself up. Looking around, she sat down beside the base of a tree, leaning her back against it with a sigh. 

And for a minute, she would close her eyes.
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Kleo was packing his things up though he really wasnt sure where he was going to go. he thought this would be an escape from reality for him but it has gotten too crowded for peace. He heard the others offer and he almost declined but instead said nothing and followed close behind because he knew that the only thing he was probably going to do was go back to his room and just sit there. He hasnt really made friends and wondered if he would even try to again with how his last attempt went but he was at least curious as to what the others were up to. Kleos vision somewhat blurred at the sound of the others chanting and as soon as the flash of light came Kleo ran. He ran far and he ran fast fore what seemed as a ritual scared him to death with slight flashbacks when he was still held captive by the gypsies. His emotions were overcoming and his wolf form was starting to call out to him loudly. He knew it was only a matter of time before it took over so he wanted to be far away from people he doesnt trust which at this point was everyone.

Suddenly he tripped over something and went flying into a tree and crashed hard into a nearby bush. He peaked out of the bush with blurry sight and it appeared he had tripped over a person. a few more blinks and squints that wasnt just anyone, but he had recognized her face almost instantly. 
"Sorry Casey, please...I'm..." he said before drifting off. Kleo knew his wolf self was taking over now and even though casey is one as well she said she had never met another and tried to warn her so she didnt freak out too much.

Casey's eyes snapped open as something kinda hit her. She looked around and saw Kleo, assuming he's tripped over her. With wide eyes, she kind of stumbled to her feet. What was wrong wi-... Casey blinked, realizing what was happening. She had quickly noticed he seemed kind of sweaty and looked like he could see very well. And when he desperately tried to explain, she slowly nodding with understanding. "You're changing. I know, it's okay." Surprisingly, she spoke in a slightly softer tone than before. She knew he couldn't hurt her while he was changing so she wasn't too worried at the moment. But she also found.. she was sympathetic, knowing that the process hurt.

Kleo was nearly out when he heard casey speak to him, though it wasnt in its usual tones as it was earlier. she sounded soothing and almost...caring. kleos eyes snapped open only for a moment when he heard it and his face relaxed more until he flipped over and with some grunts and grumbles with a yell at the end turning into a small howl as his black and blonde fur began blowing in the breeze. He looked up at casey with the same tone in his eyes and whimpered a little still feeling the slight pain from the change. Afraid she was going to run from him again he jumped over behind the bush and laid down out of sight and tried to calm himself down

Casey took a step back and looked away as he began his change. She found herself flinching slightly when the boy yelled, and pinned her ears back when it turned into a howl.

Though, when she did hear the howl she quickly looked back again, slightly bending her knees and bracing herself for an attack. Her tail swayed nervously as she looked at him, and he looked at her. She stopped when he whimpered and jumped behind the bush again.

Casey wasn't really sure what to do, so instead of saying something or leaving again, she slowly sat down. She sat on her knees and set to staring at the bush, waiting.

Kleo could tell that Casey was still there by the scent in the air. It would seem she has really moved from where she was before so he decided to slowly step out with his head hung low and tail tucked to try and show her he wasnt mean. He had a lot of past experiences with people either running from the "scary wolf" or trying to harm him that he didnt know what to expect. He slowly walked over to her looking up at her with his seemingly frightened eyes he layed by her with his head next to her though not facing her. This was the first time he had been this close to someone else in this form than hes been since his grandfathers death a couple years ago.

Casey slightly perked her ears when he stepped out, seeing his lowered head and tucked tail. She blinked, slightly relieved and reassured. She found herself holding her breath as he padded up to her. Biting her lip, she slowly exhaled and watched him lay down. What now? Was she supposed to just sit there? Was this him, or did he have a Lykaios? Maybe she shouldn't be here.... but... it was so relieving to see and be near another wolf.. so, very hesitantly, she reached out and stroked his head. She wasn't sure what to expect and prepared herself to quickly jump up.

Kleo didnt expect her to stay, but he was desperate so to speak. he had thought about getting up and leaving so she didnt feel obligated but then he felt her touch stroke his head and slightly flinched at first not expecting her to stay let alone pat him. He cocked his head to show appreciation and laid his head softly on her lap. He wished he were able to speak to her so he could thank her for making him not feel so alone, even if she wasnt exactly in her comfort zone. He laid there for a moment not knowing what else to do or when he would be able to focus enough to change back but he knew there wasnt a point in leaving the wood because he wouldnt be able to access his room in this form anyway.

Casey found herself slightly smiling as she pet him. It was... nice to have something familiar. Something she could relate too in this strange place. And, him being a wolf, it was kind of easy to forgot her worries about being a attacked. 

His fur was so soft, it was kinda nice. But she figured one of the main reasons she was petting him was because from her own experience, changing was hard.

'Sure is hard! It takes sooo much work!' A little voice rang in her head, making her freeze.

Casey, without thinking, quietly murmured a annoyed reply. "You're the one who starts it in the first place." Upon saying this, she heard the voice giggle and and realized her mistake. Kleo was laying down right next to her, and she was talking unprovoked. He might think she was talking to him! Or herself...  she squeezed her eyes shut as the voice began to tease her, and bit her lip to keep form snapping at it. Her wolf was a real jerk sometimes...

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God I hate having to do this. Can I join...? And if so.... where? I can honestly barely read the first post. I'm sorry. Again. 
Kleo felt almost as if he was in a trance-like state when she stroked his fur. The comfort of someone else being there for him and wasnt afraid. He couldnt believe it, is she beginning to trust him? or is it only the wolf in him? He wasnt sure and in all honesty he didnt care at the moment. then he heard Casey speak, though it was more of a snap and it took him off guard. He sat up quick and looked at her cocking his head slightly trying to figure out what she just said and whether or not it was directed towards him. he tucked his head slightly but didnt want to shy away so he just nuzzled her arm slightly to try and show a bit of comfort that she had been giving him. 

Casey let out a quiet, frustrated groan that was more like a tiny growl than anything. When Kleo sat up, her eyes snapped her him and she quickly drew her hand away from him.

"I was just talking to myself." She told him, trying not too sound too rude, but not trying to completely not too. She bit her lip, looking at the wolf. Her ears flicked back, and she kinda edged away from his muzzle when he nudged her, seemingly remembering that he was still a student.

Casey started to look pretty uncomfortable and uncertain, unsure of what to do.

Maybe she should just leave.. 


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