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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)

Hananya sighed and pulled her hood further up as she approached the front gates. She looked around as she watched others come through the gates. They all looked so different from one another... but why did she feel so out of place? The beastess fixed her hood and stepped over the threshold of the academy. So... this place was supposed to be a sanctuary of some kind. A sanctuary for her kind. Though she couldn't help but feel rather alarmed at this new place. Hopefully there would be some place she could call her own little sanctuary like a garden or something. Hananya had always had a fixation with flowers, especially red roses. There was something about them that she loved. She couldnt understand what it was she loved about them so much. She just did.

The beast was alarmed as a voice suddenly made her jump as a tiny fairy approached her. She darted her blue eyes anxiously.

"Um... hello." Hananya blinked.

"Hello!" The fairy chirped excitedly, "Welcome to the academy! Here's your guide!" she threw a small book up at Hananya, which she had to catch.

"Um... thank you but I don't-"

"Just head on into the main building for your ID, your map and your key to your dorm!" She pointed to the inside of the building, which Hananya followed after a few moment's hesitation. As she walked, she flinched a little as some passing students stood on her large, brown wolf-like tail which swept around her legs worryingly. 

After a few moments, Hananya had everything she needed and -holding her luggage in one hand (paw?) effortlessly onto the fourth floor. Well... so far so good. The only complaint she had right now was that this ceiling wasn't high enough. Thankfully her hood was stopping her horns from scraping the plaster. Hopefully her room would have a higher ceiling. Stooping like this would not be good for her back. Once she was on the fourth floor, she looked around, searching for her room. She blinked as her eyes suddenly caught something on the floor. Bending lower, she looked at it closer. 

A pocket watch? Hananya picked it up, frowning as she looked at it. Did someone drop this? She glanced over and noticed a door was slightly open. She blinked and rubbed the back of her neck nervously. After knocking on the door as gently as she could (which with her size was pretty difficult) before opening the door, seeing a young girl with short black hair.

"Um... hello?" she said as she pulled part of her hood down. She didnt want to come in, mainly cause she would bang her head on the door frame but she didnt want to alarm the girl inside, "I found this in the hall and I was wondering if it was yours?" she asked, holding the watch out to her.

"hmph, i guess the time has come hasnt it?" Kleo had said to himself. he stands up and with a grumbling noise he stood up and stretched his arms out wide followed by a soft scratch of his back.

"hmm, what was it that weird little imp thing said?"  Kleo began to think about his encounter with the creature that had given him the letter. Your supposed grandfather arranged this. We've been watching you for some time and believe you are a great candidate. You shall be informed more later, all you have to do is accept it and on the date written come to us and be sure you aren't late. Kleo remembered looking down at the letter for a moment but by the time he looked back up the creature was gone with no trace of which way he went, even for a werewolfs sense. Kleo stares down at the little pocket watch with complete doubt filling his mind. He thought for a moment but decided to humor himself so he grabbed his shoulder bag that contained what little he owned and opened the pocket watch. He glanced at it only for a moment then let out a yelp as he was sucked through a portal. his stomach knotted up and he was afraid to open his eyes until the spinning had stopped.

After a few moments which seemed to have lasted forever he was spat out only about 50ft from the gate. staring in awe up at the monument Kleo takes a few steps forward before being approached by the guards who stared at him in silence. He wasnt sure what to think so he put up a fighting stance expecting the worst. The guards chuckled slightly and it wasnt long before they had told him he just needed to show proof of admittance. He rummaged through his bag as his face got warmer and a bit flush with embarrassment he grabs the paper and with a shakey hand shows the guards. 

"S-sorry about that" he claims
"Its ok. we were informed of you and understand you havent had a normal life, so we will let it slide this time. dont let it happen again after this" one of the guards said
"oh.. uh.. right. yes. i-i understand" Kleo said as he rushes passed them through the gate. He had heard a slight buzzing sound when he got in and instinctively swatted his hand around assuming it was a fly buzzing around him. though it turned out it wasnt a fly and he let out a slight yelp when the creature had clung to his arm. 

It wasnt long after that that the thing had explained what she was and more of where he was. she had dragged him around the entire campus letting him know the rules and where everything was. The meeting was brief and he had many questions he was to ask but before he knew it the fairy was gone and he was in some sort of courtyard, unaware of his surroundings and was trying to figure out what to do. Kleo found a near by bench and decided to have a seat to kind of take in everything that had just happened and try to make sense of it. Then he looked over and his eyes got wide as he was in shock. He couldnt believe that he was looking at another werewolf, someone that was and had similar features as he did. Only thing was that this werewolf he had spotted was a girl.

Winnie looked up from the book she was reading, she had started it to pass the time but she was really getting into it now. In her doorway stood what she could guess was a chimera. She gave her a smile and looked at what she was holding. She bounced off her seat and flushed red with embarrassment, "Oh! I must have dropped it, sorry" she said and she walked up to her, taking the watch and thanking her. "Hi, my name is Winnie, are you one of my new neighbors?" she asked politely, trying to make a friend. She learned from her mother that the best way to survive school was to have friends to support you and help you get through things. Besides, she looked nice, though she seemed a bit shy, and Winnie could relate. It was a new place filled with unfamiliar places and faces, and besides that, the campus was HUGE. 

@Rumble Fish
Akira looked at the inside of the main building as he follows his fairy guide "Where are you taking me?" He asked angrily "I'm taking you to get your dorm room assignment oh and you can thank your father he sent you your clothes and other necessities so now all that needs to be done is for you to get a room" said the fairy in a half insulting voice directed toward Akira. He had been shot by star shower arrows and had been run over by Bishamontens carriage, he'll he'd even been rejected and then insulted by his fathers immortal priestess but never had he ever been insulted by a 3" tall fairy with a green glow "How dare you speak I'll toward a god you inse--" he was interrupted again this time by a fairy "Sorry but former god, a Demigod now. Anyway your in no position to complain. You're lucky the headmaster is a friend of your fathers otherwise you would have been sent to some random town with no money or anything" Akira was taken a back by that comment about his father. He thought the only mortal that his father Izanagi was the immortal priestess but now he couldn't be so sure.

 After receiving his room assignment he made his way toward the dormitory area to see what kind of accommodations had been prepared for his arrival "It had better be to the approval of a god" he said to himself as he made his way to the male side of the building. As he made his way up the stairs he could hear other mortals, no they're students, going about their own business throughout the building "Are they always this loud?" he asked himself before going to what was said to be his room. As he made his way up to the door he read the small plate on it "215". He held his new ID card up to the handle and heard a click and then watched the door lurch open slightly "Why didn't it just open all he way for me? Well mortals never were very good at making these things" he was never impressed with any inventions the humans made other than sword. The sword was the only thing that was able to show that humans had the ability to make up for their own weakness. Akira looked about the room after entering and almost began to laugh until he noticed a not on a pile of his things that his father had sent him 'My dearest son, I do not regret what I have don't but I do wish it was a step that never had to be taken in the first place. I have spoken to the headmaster and have secured you a place in the school as long as you're still mortal. Son I will also leave you with this advice find something to live for and cherish and protect it only then will you gain entry back into takamagahara. With that I am officially unable to communicate with you during his trial. Take care my boy!

p.s I left you your sword and packed you some talisman crafting supplies and some Shikigami beads to protect yourself should you need to.' And with that his father letter burst into a pile of star dust all over the supplies his father had left him. 'Hmm so I have to find something to live for and Chadian and protect it in a dump of mortal wastes like this.....' he thought to himself as he slowly went through the bags unpacking and placing his clothes into the drawers in his room like he had seen humans do once. After a bit he felt his stomach vibrate and heard a gurgling sound "Am I hungry? But this is a mortal fucti....." he stopped himself after remembering he was mortal "Well better try and look for someone who can bring me food" he said to himself after grabbing the pouch of mortal currency his father had left him for his trial. After changing out of his dusty clothing he left his room to find someone who could help him in his goal to find sustenance.
Casey stood still, staring up at the huge castle infront of her, her suitcases at her sides. She... couldn't believe it. A few moments earlier, she had been racking her brain trying to figure out what that tiny bug-like creatures were, when it clicked in her mind.

"A fairy..." She murmured, not knowing that fairies were a totally different species. Her eyes widened. They were... real. Fairies were real. 

Casey shook her head. Of course they were real! Her mother told her that all he creatures in fairy tail books were actually real and she would meet them in this place. The only reason it was slightly belivable was because she herself was a werewolf. But the only only superhuman species she had met were vampires. Casey shuddered as she recalled the horrifying experience. She almost died.

Swallowing, and bringing herself to the present, she swayed her tail and pinned back her ears anxiously. She calmed herself for, probably the fifth time and began to observe her surroundings. In the front courtyard there were benches... and a couple trees to provide decoration and shade. But as she scanned over the benches, she saw someone sitting on one. Staring straight at her. She blinked surprisedly, meeting the stranger's gaze.

Kleo hadnt realized that he was staring until this mysterious shewolf met his gaze. he felt shocked and his tail began a nervous wag behind him as he looked away quickly. he wasnt sure of what else to do so he got up and just before he started to walk away he stopped himself. no, you cannot run away now. you have to go at least say hi because she is the first werewolf youve seen in ages. he thought to himself. so he collects himself and takes a deep breath and slowly making his way over to her he lets a soft nervous smile emit on his face and his tail swiped nervously a bit behind him. The closer he had gotten, the more butterflies seemed to fill his belly but he wouldnt let it take control of him.

He finally approached her with his hands behind his back and ears slightly tucked.
"H-hello, my name is Kleo" he began
"Kleo Veldtstrom, pleasure to meet you" He said with a soft smile in hopes that he didnt upset her with his staring

Casey swallowed, her ears perking as they stared at eachother. She started to feel relieved when the boy stood and began to walk away, she saw his tail and froze. He was a... werewolf? Another werewolf? But then he turned and she silently cursed. As he began to walk towards her, she pinned back her ears flat against her head and reminded herself of the all the possible dangers. Her arms seemed to twitch slightly, like they wanted to raise for her to defend herself. Her tail instinctively raised to show dominance as he stopped infront of her. Her legs were ever so slightly bent, barely so, but in a place where they could bend more to flee, or to fight. 

When the boy introduced himself, her brown eyes searched his facial features, looking for any sign of malice or bad intent. She fought the urge to wrinkle her nose and just turn away and spoke in a slightly curt voice.

"I'm Casey."

As she spoke, her ears perked for a split-second in curiosity before they were back down again. She pressed her mouth into a line as she looked at him. She was kind of struggling to maintain any tough act because the place was so unfamiliar and in all honesty, she was afraid. But... also maybe.. because he was a werewolf. And some tiny voice inside her told her he might be different. But the years experience told her otherwise, and warned her to be vigilant. Not like her Lykaios was helping at all. Mitz was completely ecstatic to see another werewolf.


(Holy cow, sorry it's so long. Dx)
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Kleo could clearly see the Cassie was very tough, to the point where he even felt intimidated by how she held herself during their encounter. Kleo was very good at paying attention and could see she was fighting herself to remain dominant. He had no intention on challenging that but instead he found it impressive and looked up at her with soft eyes examining her every movement to see whether or not she was about to engage in a fight. He wanted to walk away but when she said her name he was a little shocked. He had just assumed she didnt want company with how she was acting but noticing her subtle movements he could see she was just about as curious of him as he was of her therefore he stopped himself from walking away. They stared at each other for what seemed like forever before he finally decided to speak again.

"So have you..." he began "well, were you... i mean, youre a werewolf too right?" he finally managed to get out after he stuttered a bit feeling like a moron for doing so and asking such an obvious question but he didnt know what else to say really until she decides to let her guard down a bit


(its cool :P  i dont mind really)
Casey, well, Casey was taken aback at how calm his eyes were. She almost tho- no, no. She had to be wary. Him being a werewolf didn't mean anything different. Did it? She's never seen another one before. So of course she was freaking out a little bit. Should she act rude? Should she try to fight him? Should she run? She figured running was the safest bet, but somehow, she couldn't find it in herself to do anything. She just stood there and looked at him. They said nothing, just examining eachother for what seemed like an eternity. And then he spoke again. He asked an obvious and stupid question, but he spoke. 

When he he did decide to speak, her ears slightly raised. Not to the point they were perking, not even to where they would be if they were in their relaxed position. Somewhere between relaxed and pinned back. And they stayed that way. So to combat his obvious question, instead saying something, she raised an eyebrow and moved her tail sideways so it peeked out behind her back. Then she flicked her ears.

But... she couldn't help but return the question in that same, slight curt voice. "You?" Her brown eyes flashed as she awaited an answer.

Hananya waited for a few seconds before suddenly seeing the girl make a noise and jump off of her bed. The chimera'ears flattened under her hood and she took a step back. Did she scare her? Blue eyes darted slightly and she was about to simply throw the watch to the girl and run away, not wanting to scare the girl. Though maybe not since she was wearing a large wine red hoodie with the hood up so most of her face was hidden. 

But it there was no real need for her to worry as the girl then proceeded to thank Hananya for giving the watch back.

"Oh, um... You're welcome." She said as she looked around the room, stooping down for a moment to avoid hitting her head on the doorframe. She looked at the girl as she gave her name. Winnie. That was a lovely name. It caused Hananya to remember a cat that her owner once had called Winnie who was a cute honey coloured feline with a nature as sweet as his colour. 

"I'm Hananya. It's a pleasure." She contemplated putting her hand out for her to shake, though she didn't under the worry that the size of her paw might worry the girl. 

"Um... While I'm here... Can you read this for me?" She asked, holding her ID out to the girl, "I don't know my room number and... Well I'm not good with numbers, don't really know how to read them." She admitted. She could read well enough and did really enjoy books but numbers? Not so much.

Kleo seen her hesitance and started to feel a bit more calm about the whole situation regardless that she still had her dominant appearance and sound. Though he answered her question the same as her by flicking his tail out from behind him. His tail no longer hung but slightly wagged even though he tried to keep it as subtle as possible so casey doesnt feel as if hes not taking her seriously. Kleo then lets out a small laughter by accident but not directed at her but more of a playful tone. He stopped himself after only a couple seconds hoping it wasnt rude. Then he looked her in the eyes and gave a gentle smile. 

"sorry about that. ive just never met another werewolf like myself in a very long time." Kleo started as his ears relaxed a bit now as well. it would seem she was just as interested in him as he is of her, but he couldnt be sure at this point.

Was she getting too close..? Casey lightly chewed on the inside of her cheek in thought as he responded to her question. She supposed he was fine as an acquaintance, but he was still dangerous.

Her sharp eyes caught the wag of Kleo's tail and she pinned her ears back again. He laughed and she slightly, and uncomfortably crossed her arms, her tail moving back to its high position. She didn't like how co gotta Le he was getting talking to her. Was he planning something? Waiting for her to get her guard down before striking? Maybe... but it seemed so unlikely... but the look in his eyes was friendly.. Casey blinked, catching herself before she got swept off track again.

Casey shifted her weight from foot to foot a couple times before coming to a rest when he spoke. She tilted her head ever so slightly and gave a small frown.

"Well I've never met one." She said it so bluntly it surprised even her, and she straightened herself up awkwardly. 

Kleo had never met someone as stubborn as casey, but at the same time he was a little excited simply because they shared one big trait and he wasnt going to let her go so easy. He did his best to make it appear as he was no threat to her even if he knew she wasnt going to accept it so easy. just when he thought she would drop her guard any more there it was. A slight frown emitted on her face showing signs of change as she spoke. very blunt, full of questioning and curiosity which was a nice change to get more than just one word out. 

"i should feel honored then, ive only met one other...but thats another story" Kleo kind of trailed off at that last moment. eyes sinking in slightly with sadness and ears tucking again. though he attempted to shake the feeling. he slightly brushed his hair out of his face and smiled again.
"Is this your first time here as well?" he asks with his ears a little more relaxed now that he stopped thinking about it

Casey wasn't quite sure why this, Kleo was still talking to her... Her kept searching for one sign to write him off as the the same as anyone else she'd met. But... she also found she was curious. I mean, a real werewolf? Oh that's a silly saying, she was a real werewolf too but seeing one before her very own eyes... it was kind of amazing. Now she wasn't sure if she should act more rude or not to get him to leave her alone, but a little part of her... kinda didn't want to chase hi


When he spoke yet again his voice was, different. It was sorrowful. As if he were remembering something terribly sad by saying those words. She figured something might of happened to the werewolf Kleo was talking about. But she wasn't just about to ask what. He tried to brush it off... Casey blinked with uncertainty that meant he wasn't focused on her. Maybe he wasn't out to hurt her... so she hesitantly nodded her head in response to his question as she thought.


(Sorry, sleep wanted to hang out for a bit. Most annoying friend I have. xD  I honestly fell asleep before I could tell you that I was going hit the hay.)
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Normally Kleo was very shy, and he talked to her with the intention of breaking free from his chain. He had tried many times in the past to do the very same but he was scared of what others might think of his look. He believes that Casey being another of the same is what was pushing him to talk to her with somewhat ease. He noticed she was very weary of him and couldnt help but notice that her appearance had changed slightly. Not the way she held herself but her eyes. Kleo could tell at that moment that she wasnt doing this to him specifically, but she wouldve treated anyone that approached her this way. He felt a bit relieved finally realizing that fact though he didnt let it show much that way she wasnt aware that he knew until they have gotten to know each other better and she actually begins to possibly trust him more. 

"Do I bother you Casey?" he said softly with ears tucked. He wasnt sure what else to do. Almost as a last attempt to show her he isnt a threat in any way and also said her name as well so she can hear it in his voice. Remembering what his grandfather once told him; Kleo one thing you have to know before i pass, you can tell almost every time what a persons motives are towards you simply by how they say your name. Be it the way they say it, or even the tone of their voice when they said it. Of course at the time he hadnt thought anything of it, until now.


(totally cool :P  i would imagine we are on quite different time zones so there will be times when we can go back and forth easily, then there will be times when one of us is sleeping. so no worries xD )
Casey had just noticing Kleo was observing her and much as she was observing him. It was kind of a strange feeling and she wondered if it was mutual. But with each passing moment she was growing more and more uncomfortable. She's been talking too long. S-she didn't want to talk. This wasn't good. And it didn't exactly help that her wolf was trying to convince her to stay. Casey looked around, mouthing two words when she turned her head away from Kleo. If one could read lips they would identify the words as 'shut up', but they were not directed at Kleo. They were directed at, basically herself. 

Casey looked back as he asked another question. Her eyes widened in surprised and flickered hesitantly. Her mouth was slightly open, as if she didn't know how to respond. Her tail lowered significantly, and she blinked, kinda like a panic. Suddenly she reached down and grabbed her bags. "I gotta go." She muttered before running off towards the office building.


(Good point.)
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As confused by some of the human world as he was he spent enough time in it with Byaku to know how to spend money and how to wear clothing, what he didn't know however was where to find food in a school. Akira had never been to a school ever and now he had no idea what he was supposed to do while there "How does father expect me to pass my trial with literally no clue as to what I've got to do" he asked himself that as he walked through the grounds looking no around at all the other 'students' going about their business. As he found his way toward more the front of the main building he ran into a girl walking away from something suddenly "You mortal I require your assistance" he said as normally as he could. As he waited for a response he walked a little closer to the girl and noticed animalistic features "Ah a lycanthrope wonderful, can you help me find some place a mortal would get sustenance" he didn't know how else to ask so he continued to talk the same way he always had.

Kleo watched her closely as casey began acting strange. He had no idea what to think but he really didnt expect her to have ran off with such a quickness. 

"Hey!" kleo called out to her, but she had already gone.

Then there he stood in the middle of the courtyard with no one around but himself. He was used to being alone, but for some reason he got a deep lonely feeling rushing over him and decided he would check out his "dorm"  room or whatever it was the fairy had called it. He adjusted his bag on his shoulder and stuffed his hands into his pocket before slowly walking in to his room. he pulled out the strange i.d and with about 10 minutes of messing with it he finally figured it out and walked in. A sigh of relief fell over him as he was happy he didnt have to talk to anyone right now. He was happy to get some quiet time even though with how intense his hearing was there was never any true quiet time for him. The room was a nice size and he immediately chose the bed on the left and tossed his bag to it followed by pulling a chair next to the window and began to gaze out of it trying to figure out what he was even doing here. He had next to no encounters outside of the forest he lived in so he has no idea how he had gotten set up to attend this academy or why he even needed to be there. Aside from him being born a wolf and not human he didnt see anything special about himself. Though no matter how hard he tried to ignore it, he could help but think about the strange encounter he had with the shewolf Casey. 
Casey was nearing the smaller building when something ran into her. "Ugh!" She exclaimed, stifling a shriek that almost escaped, stumbling back a step and dropping her larger suitcase. Ears once again pinned back, she looked up to see a boy with bright yellow hair. 'Mortal'...? Was he joking? Her wide, slightly panicked eyes flickered as she realized, in fact, he was not.

She tried to calm herself, reassuring herself that of this strange boy tried to attack her she could defend herself. 

But it she didn't want to get caught up in a conversation so she picked up her suitcase again and shrugged. "Don't ask me." She sniffed, and almost coughed. That boy's scent was horrendous! She quickly turned and darted off, finished her small trip and disappearing within the confines of the office building.

"Miss I was only trying to...." before he could finish his sentence the girl had already vanished into the building behind him. While standing confused he scratches his head and hen proceeded to continue his search for assistance "Why didn't the Lycan help me? I asked like a normal mortal" he tried to figure out what he was doing wrong while he walked through the grounds. As he walked through he began to notice the beauty of nature all around him which bothered him because an ex girlfriend was the goddess of nature and he didn't like that. During his search Akira can across a girl with wings sprouting out of her back "Maybe I should ask her, she should know where I can find human food" as he walked over to the girl he started to feel strangely nervous 'Gods, you're acting like a mortal child! Just go over and talk to her' he thought to himself before addressing the young girl. "Hello my name is Akira. I'm a god looking for your help in finding mortal food as my current form seems to need sustenance. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated" he said to the girl hoping his phrasing wouldn't scare her like it did the lycan girl.

Mary jumped, startled by someone speaking to her. She turned her head, seeing a muscular boy with strikingly blonde hair talking to her. She looked confused for a moment at his strange speech before figuring out what it is he was wanting. "Oh! You're hungry!" She said, laughing a tinkling laugh and fluttering her wings a bit. "Oh it's over here. I haven't been there yet either, so I'll come with you! I should have eaten breakfast this morning, but I was just so excited to come I couldn't eat!" she said, walking down the hallway. She was thankful that she had already sent her bags ahead of time, as she hadn't gone to her dorm yet and was greatfull to not be carrying them around. 

"I didn't know gods could attend school here," she said, filling up space with her words. "Yes I remember reading that Gods could not come here for their power had been too strong in the past, and had destroyed various parts of the school," she nodded matter of factly. She turned her head to him as they walked. "So how did you get here then? That's so amazing, you must have really wants to come here as well! It's going to be so much fun! You're the first person I've really met, besides that lovely fairy at the beginning. She was so nice, I hope she teaches one of my classes."

As Casey entered the office building she reminded herself she needed to keep her 'mask' on. This place may be new, but she couldn't let it get to her. So, with a tough frown she approached the desk and asked what dorm she was assigned to and showed her I.D. Once she got her information she wa sour the door and through the halls, wandering until she got to her destination. She examined the door and pulled out her I.D. card, swiping it in the little a lot and pushing the door open. 

Casey hesitantly entered and looked around, sniffing. Seems like he was the first person there. She examined her surroundings carefully and she closed the door behind her. Stepping forward, she walked through the small living area and entered the only room, surprised to see three beds in it. She had to... share a room. Casey looked around, wide eyed. W-who needed sleep? R-right? 

She walked forward and set her suitcases on the bed below a small window.

Then she began to uncomfortably unpack.
[Jack R. Ace]

Jack laid on his bed, in his own thoughts as he pondered about the object that had came into his possession. He grabbed the questioned item and began examining it with a amused looking grin though there wasn't anything funny. It was a pocket watch as anybody with working eyes could see. A average, everyday looking pocket watch and despite the strange design inside it was pretty normal looking. Nothing really stood out about it.  Just a typical watch that you could probably by at a local store or maybe one of those places with unique trinkets and things....Is what it appeared to be. Even he could sense the faint magical properties coming off of the item. This watch actually served a different purpose  than telling the time. It was also a means of teleportation. It wasn't the kind of teleportation that could take you anywhere so it wasn't all that cool. This only took you to one specific destination which was a school. How did he come across this information? Well it's simple actually. His parents had told him. They had sent this little ''gift'' to him via a magic portal with a rather detailed explanation on it too. He wondered why? Wasn't like he was unable to figure this out on his own. 

As he inspected the watch from all sides, in obvious interest  a voice called out to him "Are you planning on going?" he heard. He knew that voice but looked over in the direction of it despite knowing. Just like expected a strange creature was the source. "Hmm?" he said as he sat up, placing the pocket watch beside himself again. This wasn't just some random pest by the way. This was Akuno, his familiar for three years and still running. 

Akuno sighed slightly and jumped off the dresser, onto his bed and repeated "Are you planning to go? To school I mean....You've obviously taken  interest, am I correct?" he asked, tilting his head to  the side. He proceeded to curl himself into a ball while Jack thought over what he said for a second " How'd you know? Well I actually haven't decided on what I wanna do yet...When was the last time I've even met another person!?" he jumped up before running off towards a pile full of his stuff that he's too lazy to do anything with and searching for a calendar. He had no calendar though and even if he had miraculously had one it probably would be out of date. Akuno yawned while he watched his master search. "Not that long....." he  responded. Jack was a bit of hermit but it wasn't like he hadn't seen a person in years. The male swung around before snickering and saying with a smirk "Eeeeeh? Really!? Still...I'm way too shy!" he put his sleeves in front of his face to emphasize his fake sheepishness. Akuno, not amused in the least countered flatly "Don't go then." he wanted to discontinue this conversation before a ''argument'' could start. He was going to go on his merry way again but  he was grabbed by the back of his fur and thrown into a  bag. "H-Huh!?" he started to struggle  around.  Jack's voice was heard from the outside "You put up a good argument~!  But if I'm going I'm taking my precious possessions with me! Including you~!" he wasn't very fond of being called a possession, still he had no chance to argue since Jack already pushed the button that sent them going through a portal that had them in front of the school in less than a minute. The power of magic was so convenient~.

He wasted no time walking inside the school gates, soon being approached by a fairy. He let the fairy speak although his attention was mainly on the wings fluttering behind her. He was in need of fairy wings...

By the end of their one way conversation she looked rather uncomfortable and was quick to run off or rather fly off. "If this school has more things I could use like her than this is going to be a experience to remember." he chuckled to himself as he continued onward with a even wider, somehow unnerving smile. 
Akira had to take a second to process everything the girl had just said "Sorry I should introduce myself properly otherwise my reputation will be ruined, my name is Akira Ryujin I am the son of Izanagi no Mikoto, it is a pleasure to meet such a beautiful girl such as your self" he said like he would when greeting any divine being. While walking with her he thought about what she had said about gods not being allowed at the academy and remembered something his father had said 'When I was a young one like you Akira I went to a place where all magical being could learn together! This place was wonderful and had lots to teach me and it is probably what turned me into the noble god I am today!' there was no way he meant this place though seeing as how gods wouldn't ever usually come to a place like this to learn. "So what brings a divine like yourself to a place like this?" He asked the girl as hey walked toward what he was hoping was food.

Kleo had sat by the window staring out of it for ages. finally realizing that him sitting there isnt going to solve anything so he decided to get up and have a walk around campus so he grabbed his shoulder bag and walked out the door. looking each way down the hall trying to get a good feel for his surroundings in case he needed to escape at some point. He was eager to make new friends but at the same time he wasnt sure if he would confront anyone again considering how his last meeting went so he decided to just keep his eyes open and his mouth shut for the most part. stuffing his hands in his pockets, kleo walks around getting a good look at the campus and all it had to offer which lead him to a wooded area. he couldnt believe how amazing and profound this forest was and it was in its own spot on campus. 

'finally a place to relax' he had thought to himself. His stress began to melt away as he climbed to a low hung branch and lay there for a bit before pulling out his drawing pad and jotted a few sketches from memory.

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