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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)

Mary smiled at the title. "I have always wanted to come here! A school where all kinds of magical beings can come and learn? Not to mention stay here! I love my parents with all my heart but I was ready to be on my own a little bit." The smell of food wafted into the hallway they were walking down. "Oh my, we must be getting close!" Mary floated up a bit, her wings flapping slowly. "Wow it smells so yummy!" she clasped her hands together and moved a bit faster down the hall. 

When they reached the mess hall they were greeted by a wide array of foods. Sausages, baked chickens, turkey legs, hamburgers along with baked brussel sprouts, sauteed green beans, corn, and gourmet looking desserts that Mary didn't even know the name to. There was too much to truly list. "Wow!" She said, her eyes as wide as dinner plates. "I've never been so hungry in my life!" she exclaimed, picking up a plate. She piled it high with food that she was sure she wouldn't finish all of. She turned to the boy she had come here with. "Isn't it great! There so much to try I won't be able to finish!" she said, pulling out her card so she could check out. "Well, Hurry up! I want to sit and eat!" she said, gleaming. 
"For a mortal you sure have a lot of energy, I mean I haven't seen anyone move with more enthusiasm than you" he said as he cracked a small smile on the corner of his mouth "I'm coming don't worry, we will make it in time to eat or fill" Akira was intrigued with the energetic girl in front of him. As they waded into the dining area Akira saw many seats and almost as many students "Amazing, one of the many things i've always admired about those who live on the planet is your ability to make friends and communicate with each other" he looked out into the hall with amazement and then proceeded to follow the girl. "So you still haven't introduced yourself or is this how all mortals greet each other?" he asked jokingly. The girl was starting to remind him of someone he had met many years ago but he couldn't quite place the memory so he put it to the back of his mind "I will clean up this table for us to use and then we can get some food and eat" he said after claiming an empty but still messy table. With a wave of his hand, air shot toward the table and gathered all of the garbage left on it up and then willed the air toward the trash bin with the garbage gathered up. With another wave of his hand moisture from the air gathered around his hand and then he sent the water toward the table in a quick motion, and with that the table was sparkling "And there we have it! No one has any respect for the god of house keeping, a close and personal friend of mine!" he said a loud for some of the people around them to hear. "I apologize for the wait, shall we eat?" he asked with a cheeky grin on his face while looking at the winged girl whom had accompanied him.

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Daniel was a bit late upon arriving to the academy. In summary, he got distracted by nature while getting here. "Thank goodness! I finally made it!" Daniel exclaimed happily. He spotted a guard at the gates and showed him the pass he received. With confirmation, he walked through the gates with his pocket watch in hand, a backpack on his back, and his suitcase. Can't wait to meet new friends and have many adventures!, Daniel thought. A fairy appeared in his line of sight who greeted, "Hello arrival! Welcome to the academy. I'll give you a tour and give you plenty of information!" And so the fairy did. At the end of the tour, Daniel was given the school map, his I.D., and class schedule.

Looking at the map, he flew towards the dorm building. Daniel entered and went to the information desk to find out where his dorm was located. "Your I.D., please?" asked the faun. Daniel gave the faun his I.D. "Your room is 210 of the male dormitory, which is to the left. "Thank you!" Daniel said before going to his dorm. In room 210, it was empty. Meaning he didn't have a roommate or his roommate hasn't arrived yet. Daniel occupied himself by unpacking his stuff.
Casey finished unpacking the last bit of her stuff and shoved the suitcases underneath her bed. She didn't like having to share a room with strangers... people she didn't know, and didn't want to know. She had known a lot of people. No, not as friends. She truely knew them. She had saw what people really are. Those cheery smiles and gleeful laughs were all a sickening joke. A mask, to hide under. 

The young she-wolf climbed onto her bed, near the pillow, and opened the window. She set her elbows on the windowsill and rested her chin on her hands. Slightly leaning out, she took a deep breath in, gathering several scents. Her eyes scammed the veiw she had and was slightly surprised to see, not far off, a wood. If it was small or by she didn't not know. But Casey was thankful, because she knew she would go through her change within the next couple days and she would need to go somewhere to escape for a few hours.

Sneaking off in the night wouldn't be too hard since the wood was so near. And she could quietly climb out the window instead of having to go through the halls. It would work out... Casey assured herself. It would all work out.
Winnie nodded her head and gently took the I.D. and examined it and gave her another smile, "It says here that your in the right place, welcome to your temporary home room mate." she said before telling her a few things she had found "There is drawers under your bed for clothes and room for your bags too, you have a book case for your other things" she said before moving aside to clear a path for her room mate, she hoped that she hadn't seemed to annoying to Hananya. 

@Rumble Fish (Sorry I wrote this so late, haven't had a chance to reply) 
Kleo sat on that branch for quite some time and felt completely oblivious to the world surrounding him. he sketched out an entire spot of the wooded area he was looking at and if you held it at just the right angle it would match up perfectly. he rummaged through his bag and pulled out a water bottle to drink. He was rather enjoying himself up on that branch with all the sights off the wood and the sweet smell of lavender filling his nostrils and ended up laying back until he dosed off a bit without realizing.
Hananya blinked as the girl enthusiastically told her that she was sharing a room with her. She blinked again and smiled nervously, "Oh... well, that sounds great." She said  while rubbing the back of her neck. She looked around the room, seeing the bed and drawer that Winnie was talking about. The chimera was wondering how she was going to sleep in this bed, which was pretty small for her. She looked around before looking down at the girl, she glanced up for a moment, seeing her horns were almost scraping the ceiling. Being 7ft, Hananya figured she would have to think of some way to get around this and not be in Winnie's way. As she turned around to put her bag on the bed, her tail swung around as she moved, causing Hananya to grab her tail and try and keep it still. 

After dealing with her bags and clothes, Hananya sat on her bed, though she was pretty alarmed to hear it creak as she sat down. She sighed and looked at Winnie, figuring that if she was going to live with this girl for a while, she might as well know what she looks like. Hananya sighed and lowered her hood, shaking her head to shake out her main and it causes her ears to stick out, also allowing her to hear better. She looked at Winnie and rubbed her arm, "So... what are you doing here? Like, studying?" she asked, hoping to build conversation with the girl.

[Scarlet Hisui]

In front  the school stood a confident looking redhead, wearing a grin and carrying nothing but the clothes back. She was probably the only person who hadn't brought millions of things from her own home with her though not many would be able to find out that the only reason for that was because she hadn't had the means to do so plus she didn't have that many important belongings at her house anyhow. She put the pocket watch that she used to travel here away and proceeded inside. First thing she noticed was that this world was much difference than the youkai world where she lived. Not only was the sun shining brightly there was a less heavy atmosphere and the air wasn't polluted by the auras' of her kind which was overwhelming to some people who weren't accustomed to it. The air of this world was fresh and wasn't practically suffocating like that of her home world.If she knew this would be such a drastic change from her usual atmosphere she would of prepared herself.

In this place she felt like a fish out of water. Literally it felt terrible to breath in this air. It was hard too, she wasn't used to this. She felt less powerful than she did before arriving. She showed no sign of this however and carried on, trying to keep up her appearance. A fairy, which she assumed was the greeting party came to her and explained a few things with a very happy demeanor. Obviously she was attempting to make her feel welcomed but the fairy was failing badly at that. The fairy must of notice since she got visibly uncomfortable but still she tried to force a energetic disposition. Persistent she was. Once she was done speaking she was giving directions to her dorm room with a key, of course plus some other items. She walked away from the small flying person with a simple alright. She went straight to where she would be residing for the next year.

Upon entering she noticed she wasn't the only person in the room. She was quick to direct her attention to the presence. Honestly she wasn't sure if she had noticed her but assuming otherwise Scarlet popped of her head and approached her. It would be safer just to use her head. "Who are you?" 

@HuntedFox (Sorry! Sleep had claimed me!)
Casey was deep in thought, wondering what to do bext when she heard a voice behind her and quickly turned around. What she saw, she never-.. it was a head! A-and it wasn't attached for the body beside it. Her eyes seemed to widen twice their normal size and she quickly slipped off her bed, raising her tail and pinning back her ears. Even though she was trying to contain a scream, she reminded herself she couldn't revert back to the weak live she was, so she straightened herself up and narrowed her eyes. 

Instead of answering, she shot another question at the thing infront of her.

"What are you?"

Casey quietly inhaled, trying not make a face at the strange smell the stranger had.


(Totally okay! Weird time zones. xD)
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Mary grinned at the compliment. "Thanks!" she said happily. She followed him over to where the other students where dining, and she realized for the first time just how many students were at the school. The place was teeming with other students, talking, laughing, having fun. When Akira ask her her name she gasped. "Oh my goodness, I haven't introduced myself! My name is Mary Sypen, and I am an angel, as you may have noticed," she said, giggling and flapping her wings for emphasis. "So sorry for not introducing myself earlier, I get so sidetracked sometimes I must have just forgotten." 

Mary's eyes widened as Akira used his powers to clean the table. "Wow! Never shall I question the power of the god of house keeping. Not that I knew he existed before, but, you bet I won't question it now." she said, sitting down. "Really, that was super cool. I wish I could make stuff move with my hands," she said, looking down at her own palms in amazement. She quickly remembered her food, though, and picked up her fork. "I don't know where to start!" she said, stabbing her food blindly. She shoved something in her mouth, groaning with pleasure. "so yummy," she said through a mouth full of food. Once she had taken a few bites, she looked up at Akira. "So, Akira, what has drawn you here? I told you why I was here, but you never told me," she smiled. 

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After finishing unpacking his things, Daniel left his dorm and walked to the cafeteria. At the cafeteria, he saw the many things he could eat. Of course, I wouldn't eat too much, Daniel thought. He gathered some food and looked for a table to sit at. I have no idea where to sit, wondered Daniel. He looked at what seemed to be another angel and a male who cleaned the table they were at. Daniel walked over to them and asked, "Is it okay if I accompanied you?"

@GreyGremory @JustAlexandra 
Akira was startled by both Mary's question and the bot who had asked them for permission to sit "Yes you may sit, but I must say for this many angels to crowd me is a little strange" he said addressing the boys question and his wings. After responding to the boy he looked back at Mary while he ate 'How do I answer her question?! I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to tell anyone about my trial but then what do I say?' he couldn't think of something good to say "Well as long as you don't mention it to anyone else I guess I can tell you. I have been exiled from the cosmos and even more troubling I have been stripped of my immortality" he said regretting he told anyone. He looked at the girl and waited for her response "I'm not even able to use my full power thanks to some gods awful seal placed to limit my ability" he was trying to stop himself from talking but he couldn't keep t in around his girl 'What is wrong with me today?! I'm not usually this open with divine secrets but why to this girl am I talking about my darkest secret?!' He thought in agony as he opened his mouth again to begin speaking. Akira was ready to shut up, now, if only he could "I also am supposed to find a reason for living and must protect it and live for it to pass my trial" he said so matter afactly that he wished the Greek god Zeus would smite him already.
"Of course you can sit with us," Mary smiled at the other angel. "It's so nice to see another angel! I wasn't sure if there would be any others here, but I'm glad there are!" she fluttered her wings happily. "Where are you from?" she asked. 

She turned to Akira when he spoke to her. "I am great at keeping secrets," she said, her eyes wide. 

"Holy cow! This must be so hard for you!" she shook her head. "How could anyone be so insensitive! What will happen now that you are not immortal? Are you going to age really quickly? What if you stay here for years? When you go back will you be older?" she asked, completely enthralled in Akira's problem. She had never heard of such a thing. That being said she had never met a god, either. "The limit on your ability must be tough, but on the bright side you wont break anything!" she said, trying to sound cheery. "Remember the gods I had told you about before? You may have been kicked out and then you could never have gone back to your life!" she said, frowning. She noticed him looking troubled. "It will be fine. I will help you find something to live for," she said, smiling sweetly. "There are so many people and opportunities here! It musn't be hard. Before you know it you will be back into the gods good graces and back to the life you lived before!" She said, cheering herself up as she spoke. She was good at that. Mary tended to be optimistic, obviously, but she did this mostly by speaking. She liked to talk out her thoughts. 

She turned to the angel next to her "Oh! I didn't ask, what is your name? I'm Mary Sypen," she smiled at him. 

@GreyGremory @NextGenRolePlayer
"The name's Daniel Ethan Myers, but just call me Daniel," He greeted as he sat down. "I'm from the city of clouds. It's a pleasure to meet both of you." Daniel proceeded to eat his meal. "I was a bit distracted when arriving to the academy," He reported, with a slight of embarrassment. Daniel loved to explore the world, but he finds it hard to concentrate on his tasks. "What's your name?" Daniel asked the male next to Mary.

@GreyGremory @JustAlexandra
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"My name is Akira! It is a pleasure to meet you but I have a new question, are all angels as energetic as you two?" He asked as he tried to figure out an answer to everything that was said. Akira finally stopped spilling his secrets thanks to the angel boy whom of which he wanted to thank "Thank you young man, had you not shown up and asked my name I would never had stopped leaking all my secrets" he couldn't believe that he girl had the power to draw the truth from others but what else should he expect from a school that taught his father. As he thought about the girl he remembered a similar situation when he was tempted to tell a mortal all of the gods secrets and then began to try to remember he woman's face 'Why does she remind me so much of that Mage from 150 years ago?' He thought as he ate his meal. Akira looked at Mary again and then his mind went blank then filled with thoughts of her for only a moment then he snapped back 'Gods I'm acting like a mortal with an infatuation! I've got to fill my thoughts with other matters' he couldn't possibly handle human emotions for to long which added more resolve to prove his worth as a god again. "I would appreciate your help Mary if you could. I want to show my thanks with a treat if you will join me, both of you please" he said to the two angels sitting with him.

@NextGenRolePlayer @JustAlexandra
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"I'll try to answer your question," Daniel started saying. "I wouldn't say 'energetic', I think curious is the best term. And, your welcome(?) for stopping you." What secrets? Meh, I shouldn't focus on that subject, Daniel thought. "So we're friends?" He asked the two. Daniel finished up his meal, and looked around to where he could place his garbage.

@JustAlexandra @GreyGremory
"Hmmm Well i guess i could consider you a friend although I can't speak for Mary of coarse" he said to the boy while finishing his meal. Akira looked around and noticed that the students were starting to leave the cafeteria little by little 'Seems that mortals don't stick in places for to long' he thought to himself as he watched people leave before going back to his conversation "Ah allow me" he said to Daniel as he grabbed the garbage from the tray and held it in the air "Watch this!" with a simple snap of his fingers, the garbage that was in his other hand, burst into flames and burned away till there was nothing left but a little smoke and ash. After he was done disposing of everyone's garbage, he summoned some water to wash his soot covered hand "And that takes care of that! Now Mary, Daniel, shall we be off i have something i wish to show the both of you if you would follow me" he said as he tried to feel the presence of some nearby forestry. As he focused he felt a very strong amount of nature energy coming from behind the school 'Incredible! Mortals haven't yet destroyed such a large piece of nature yet?' he thought before going back to the group infront of him.

@JustAlexandra @NextGenRolePlayer
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Kleo had awoken so suddenly to the point where he let out a small yelp for nearly falling out of the tree. Unaware of where he was he stood up on the branch and leaped up to a taller tree so he could scan his surroundings. It was strange, he had no memory of where he was but he could tell he wasnt home. many different buildings arose around him and the scent wasnt even the same. He was feeling a bit scared until the sweet aroma of lavender filled his nostrils once more. Now that makes sense. lavender has always helped me sleep and that would  explain why i slept so deeply. he thought to himself then with a grumbling yawn he hopped back down to the branch he was on before and started to sketch another area of the forest. His memory came back almost instantly when he got back to his sketch pad and thought a few more would make decent additions to his dorm room wall.
[Scarlet Hisui]

She admitted that the question momentarily took her off guard but soon her words set in. What was she? This female that showed up at the place she was sent to had the courage to refer to her like she was some kind of creature? Less than human? True, she wasn't one but she definitely was not below humankind or any type of vicious abomination.  Scarlet's eyes narrowed to slits as she gave this person a look over, letting her animosity project outwardly though it was hard to determine if it was towards her or the comment. Some might of assumed both.  

"You're in my lodging. Why should I answer to a intruder?" the fact she was going to have a roommate had completely slipped her mind so she had not known that was the identity of this person. Even if she had that information she would of still needed a name so her question wouldn't of changed, then again she would of probably  never have asked it in the first place ."Now tell me who you are." she repeated but in a more commanding voice and in a way where it sounded like she was issuing a threat of some kind.

Casey flicked her ears kind of uneasily as the creature seemed to take offense at the comment. She knew she shouldn't be surprised, but she couldn't have helped hoping that it would just answer. She was in that creatures lodging?? Yeah, right! She got here first, so technically this was her lodging. Well, it was both of theirs. But the fact that the girl was so oblivious to not even see the two extra beds made her question if it could see straight.

"Your lodging? Excuse me, I got here first." Casey jerked her thumb to her already unpacked part of the room and crossed her arms. "And if you've failed to notice, which obviously you have, this dorm room is structured to house three people. The fact that you think it's all yours makes me think your just a tiny bit selfish..." Her tail swayed slightly as she looked at the creature. "Now, why should I answer a question from something that barged in here, acting like this was her domain even if it wasn't? That's quite rude. So I'd much rather have my question answered." Casey flicked her ears and returned them to her pinned bake position. 

"What, are, you?"
Mary laughed. "I agree with Daniel, I think I am just particularly happy all the time. Its quite lovely." She grinned. "And I would love to help you Akira, it would be no problem." 

She clapped her hands as Akira made the trash burn up. "Wow! I need you to come clean my room back at home - it takes me ages! And then it just gets messy again. I can't help it. Plus, my room back home is a bit small for my wings," she said, flapping them subconsciously. She stood up, walking behind Akira. "Yes, where are we going? I do love surprises!" She said, turning to Daniel. "So, Daniel, What made you come here? Anything specific? I just love this place, its so charming and wonderful, don't you think?" 

@GreyGremory @NextGenRolePlayer 
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Akira was still stunned by her w much she talked all in the span of a few seconds 'I swear she has way more entertainment than a mortal needs' he thought about how her talking adds to her charm but then snuffed the thought outright quick 'More of those mortal infatuations are appearing in me, I need to get home soon' he couldn't stand human feelings much more than he already had. As he got up he gesture to the both of them to follow him as he lead them outside "Hopefully there is enough outside for me to summon him" he said two the angels behind him while thinking of his best friend up in he cosmos. He kept looking back at the girl and was always taken by her beauty 'Seriously what is wrong with me?! This has got to stop!' He thought to himself as he looked for and in the direction he wanted to led them "Ah and here we are nature incarnate" he said as he gestured to the big patch of forest in front of them "With this we can hopefully meet Byaku my closest friend and maybe he can help restore some of my power" he wanted his friends help and couldn't think of anyone else to turn to. "Please follow me I have someone I want to introduce the both of you to oh and show you all something incredible while I'm at it" he put on a huge grin before walking into the forest and felt an unfamiliar aura almost beast like but also refined like a god's 'Something dangerous is near' he thought as he stiffened up and began looking all around him.

It wasn't long before he noticed an individual up in a tree branch doing what looked to be drawing "Hey you werewolf have you noticed anything odd or dangerous here?" He asked he lycan so matter afactly. Akira wasn't going to let his new "friends" get hurt nor would he let the boy up there suffer any injury either 'Gods, compassion really is a troublesome human emotion' he thought to himself before moving closer to Mary and Daniel.

@JustAlexandra @NextGenRolePlayer @Nuuchi
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[Scarlet Hisui]

Scarlet scoffed at the retort of this girl, her glared intensified slightly a obvious show of irritation and a indirect threat. There was  some truth in what she said but she wasn't going to admit that. Now that she had mentioned it the room was spacious, there were more beds than needed too, and like she pointed out what she assumed to be her belonging were already unpacked. The fairy had mentioned this to her already so she should of known ahead of time. Also examining her living space  would of led her to the fact she had to live with another person. She had missed the clues completely...Didn't mean she was just going to roll over. She kept on the defensive side even if she had been a little bit in the wrong "Don't refer to me as ''something'' that's rude as well. And if you are my roommate and not somebody who just broke in I don't feel obliged to answer for the simple  fact this is as much my place as it is your's." 

Scarlet's head flew back to the doorway where her body was and placed her head back on her shoulders before walking back inside now wearing her lower half. Now that she recognized this female was just her roommate she felt no need to be cautious. "I asked my question first anyway." she shut the door behind her with a loud slamming noise. She leaned against the door, watching her intensely to make sure she wouldn't try to attack her. Last thing she was going to do was let her guard down around this person she just recently found out the identity of. Still they did not know each other's names and both didn't seem to be close to answering the other. This could turn out to  be a stalemate. "To make it easier on the both of us let's introduce are selves." 

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Kleo had finished up 2 more drawings and was getting ready to start the next one when he was taken by surprise and ended up dropping his pencil. his ears pressed back as he was quite annoyed with the fact that someone just called out to him without warning. It wasnt long before he realized that someone really was trying to talk to him and he collected himself before hopping down to grab his pencil and confront whomever was talking to him.

"odd or dangerous you say?" kleo stated as he glanced around. 
"cant say that i have, and ive been here for some time although i was only as far as that one tree." he said informing the other. he wasnt really sure what to think or what else to do really so he just hopped back up into the tree where his bag was and started putting his things away.



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