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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)

What was that? You took about a month or 2 to accept a character? Sorry but I'm out. I completely forgot about this thanks.
Sorry @TheOnlyCatbug, I honestly thought that people weren't very interested in this anymore, and when the update came I was uncomfortable with it and stayed away from the site. Anyways, thanks for telling me that you didn't want to be apart of this instead of just disapearing
Hey there I was wondering if i could get in on this RP? I used to have an account on here before the update but now its gone or something and so ive made a new one.
Sure @GreyGremory

Note One:

Role play will be starting today!

Note Two:

If you've been involved in this role play before you know how the dorm mates work, but if you haven't I'll explain, I choose dorm mates by sexuality and gender, boys with boys and girls with girls, because that's how it works in reality and most fiction. I give you some time to pick your own dorm mates if you wish but after a certain time limit I choose them myself, but the rules stay the same, if your character doesn't have a specific gender or sexuality, it doesn't matter. 

Note Three:

I will continue accepting character sheets in the beginning but after we are too far in the rp I wont accept.


           Fluffy Marshmallow

TOD stands for "Type Of Day"

it is also known as "Time Of Day".

The person that is in charge of the RP usually does one to start the RP, and then, if they want, at the beginning of each new day.

A TOD usually includes:



-(for the very first one, some ppl include the month but it doesn't matter that much)

-Anything else you might think of to define the day, like maybe if it's hot, cold, warm, or something else.
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@FluffyMarshmallow I totally get the decision not to let in new people after it starts, but I just meant will there be a thread for out of character discussion for the people in the game?
Winnie Locke arrived at the academy dizzy, she had her eyes shut tight because she was nervous. When she gained the courage she opened them she saw a big iron gate in front of her. It was a bit sunny, around noon in this area. A guard walked towards her and she took the paper that her mother had given her before she left and flashed it toward the guard. He nodded his head and the gate started to open. When she stepped through the gate she was greeted by an overly excited fairy. "Hello! I'll be your guide today and I'm going to show you the ropes of our academy. She took Winnie's hand and pulled her towards the gym. "This is the gymnasium where first years are given a magical creature to take care of and train, they are look like balls of fluff and students refer to them as Floofs, but their species is named Phyrs, they are a peaceful species and were created to be companions and or familiars, depending on how they are raised." Winnie wanted to know more about them but before she could open her mouth the fairy dragged her to the barn. "Newborn Floofs stay here with their families till they can be raised, also a few other magical creatures" Winnie was yet again dragged away and taken to another place. It looked like a garden or field. "This is where you learn how to grow herbs with many different uses"  The fairy walked slow now, away from the garden and Winnie followed. The fairy stopped and pulled out a few things "Now I gave you a brief tour of three places, but I have to show another student around, here is a map of the campus, your I.D. so you can get to your classes and shopping area, and your class schedule, don't loose your I.D." Winnie was confused about all of this information, but she looked at her map and went into the middle building that was marked dorms. As she walked in she spotted a female faun sitting at a desk marked "Information" She walked up to the desk and cleared her throat "Um, Excuse me, Do you happen to know what dorm room i'm in?" The faun looked up and only said one word, "I.D.?" "Oh, yes of course, Winnie took out her I.D. and handed it to the faun. The faun typed up some info on the computer and said, "Room 213, female dormitory, which is on the right" Winnie nodded her head and thanked the faun before grabbing her bags once more and walking toward her room, her room was on the fourth floor, but thankfully it had an elevator. When she got to her room she noticed that the door took I.D. cards as well, and she knew now that she should take good care of her I.D., She slid her I.D. in and it opened, the room was empty with a window seat and two beds that had drawers built into the frame, there was also a bookshelf on each side. Winnie noticed that the room was empty so that meant her dorm mate was not here yet or hadn't been assigned. Winnie took this opportunity to unpack her things and put some of her stuff on the shelves. There was a space under her bed for her to put her bags so she finished surprisingly quickly.


50 rooms per floor
"I'll miss you."

Casey said as she hugged her mother. Her mother smiled at her as she took a few steps backwards.

A weeks prior, Casey's mother came to her room one night and after tending the, thankfully, small wounds she'd gotten that day, placed a pocket watch in her hands. She explained what it did, and of the place it would take her. Of course, Casey was skeptical and afraid so she waited an entire week before deciding... she would go.

Casey stood before her mother, two suitcases beside her. One bigger, one smaller. She looked down at her pocket watch. This was it. She pressed the button, and she instantly disappeared.

During the time she travelled there, which seemed like an eternity and a split-second all at the same time, she had closed her eyes and resisted the strong urge to curl up..

When she landed, she slightly over-reacted and ended up tumbling into the ground with a surprised yelp. Her blurry vision already starting to clear, she looked up and an expectant guard. When she started to look confused, the guard explained she needed to show him a paper. 

"O-oh..." Casey reached into her jacket and pulled out the paper her mother also gave her, showing it to the guard. 

She stood up, grabbed her bags, walked through the gate where was met with this strange, mini... flying person?! What was that?! Casey's eyes widened and she took a few steps back. But naught any more because the Sprite had grabbed her hand, forcing her to carry her two suitcases in the other, and dragged her off to quickly explain things.

Soon enough, Casey found herself in the middle of a small courtyard with no idea what to do or where to go.

(The rest of my posts will probably turn out to be shorter than this. This is just long cuz' it's the first one. Su..)
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Akira stood quietly in black space. He stood just between earth and mars waiting for what was supposed to be his punishment. As he waited he thought to himself 'this is just going to be another one of my fathers lectures and then I'm going to have to save a species or something like he always makes me do', and while waiting he found it strange that he had to wear cosmic cuffs since he didn't commit a grave crime against the heavens. "Are you ready for me to pass judgement?" said a very powerful and deep voice "Yes father now hurry it up please I have mortals to smite" answered an annoyed and clearly in the wrong Akira. 

His is father looked him over for a moment and sighed "You leave me no choice! For your inability to show compassion to mortals and your disregard for your duty I am given no other option than to banish you to the human realm!". Akira looked shocked and felt betrayed "BANISH ME TO THE FILTHY MORTAL WORLD, WHY WHAT HAVE IBDONE THAT WAS SO BAD THAT YOU NEED TO EXI--" Akira was cut short in his sentence "Enough! You have done nothing but cause trouble for the mortals and the gods alike" his father said loud and stern. His fathers face looked almost hurt that he had to exile his own son but Akiras behaviour was unacceptable. Akira looked around hoping his best friend Byaku would help him, plead his case but that didn't happen, instead his friend looked at him with the same disappointed look all the other gods in attendance had. "From here on you will live as a mortal and have your powers limited! You will age and will experience all the pain they do and will befriend them and prove you deserve to be a divine like those you see all around the cosmos" after his father finished speaking Akira felt a pain like he's never felt before on his back, almost like a burning feeling, and then nothing just immediate cold "What did you do to me?" he asked confused and angry "I have made you mortal and have sealed 90% of your power and have placed a consequence on the seal should you use anymore power than you have in your mortal form" and with that his father waved his hand almost half heartedly and cast his son into the mortal realm. 

When Akira awoke he found himself in front of a pair of school doors with a strange pocket watch in his hand and a talisman holister strapped to his leg "Where in he world am I?" he asked confused. As he looked around he noticed a strange floating glowing creature, a fairy waving at him almost as if waiting for him. Akira dusted himself off and made toward the fairy "Welcome to the academy we have been expecting you" said the small creature with a smile as it lead him toward the main building. 
"Really, Father, I'll be fine!" Mary said, trying to release herself from her Fathers bear hug. "You're crumpling my feathers," she wimpered. This finally made her father let go, and she took a deep breath and smiled at him. "I'm going to be fine, Father! I'm really really excited to be here, you know that," she said in her usual cheery voice. 

"I know, darling, it's just so hard to watch my little girl go off," he said, tears welling in his eyes. Mary shook her head, shushing him. "Really, Father, I'll see you in a couple months for winter break. It's really not that long! If you truly need me, I'll apply to come back for a weekend, okay?" she said, trying to be of comfort. 

"Okay," he said, giving her one last, shorter hug before letting her go and walking around to the passengers side of their little car. She could have taken the pocket watch to get to her new school, but her father could not bear to have any less time with Mary, so he decided to drive her the entire way. It took three days, but it made her Father happy, so she didn't complain. 

Mary waved goodbye as her father drove away. She turned around to the big wrought iron gates and spotted a guard. "Sir, I have my pass!" she said happily as she ran up to him. She thrust it into his hands, talking a thousand miles a minutes. "I'm just so happy to be here! It took forever to convince my parents and oh my goodness did the drive take long but I really really wanted to come this is where i've dreamed of going to school since I was a little girl and here I am finally!" she exclaimed, her wings fluttering. She clasped her hands together, a dreamy look in her eye as she regarded the school through the gates. It looked so magnificent to her.

 The guard gave her a gruff nod, handing her back the paper. He opened the gate for her and skipped in, quite literally, whilst holding her suitcases. She was greated by a small fairy, but before the fairy could talk to her she said. "Wow, you're a fairy! I've only seen one before. You're so pretty! Are you here to show me around?" she asked, again speaking quickly. 

The fairy was taken aback, but only for a moment. "Yes, of course! Follow me. This is gymnasium where first years are given....."

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