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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Eric laughed. "We can take care of ourselves"
She just shrugs and glitches her hand through various objects that they walk past. "If you say so." A couple walks by and Jei quickly pulls her hand to her chest until they pass by completely. Then, she continues to use her ability.
"That'll work! Follow me from a safe distance, and as soon as we're out of the range of his powers, let him have it!" Eris said to Makoto and Sasha.

The Coelacanth tries to fight Maddy off of him as one of her swipes knocks his sword off of him. "What are you trying to poison yourself again?" He then looks and sees Eris escaping. "Oh no you don't. Get back here!" He puts his hands under Maddy's stomach and fires a blast of wind to knock her off of him. Then, he flies off after Eris.

Eris continues to fly forward, noticing The Coelacanth rapidly approaching her untill he finally catches up to her and grabs her. However, she still keeps flying, so he charges his body with electricity and shocks her until she finally falls out of the sky and crashes. The Coelacanth gets up, looking down at Eris. "You annoying brat. I oughta make you suffer for making this difficult, but I'll give you a quick death instead for making this challenging. He goes to draw his sword, but realizes that it's gone. So he tries to conjure another one, but nothing happens. That's when he notices that he's no longer inside of the zone of his powers. The skies return to normal.

"It worked! Now's our chance to finish him before he can use his powers again!" Alita said as she spotted him and Eris.
maddy got knocked off of him. She turned back to normal but her eyes stayed yellow. "I'll risk getting poisoned to help my friend " she smiled watching Eris take him on.

Hunter smiled seeing Coelacanth out of the power range. As soon as Makoto send off the explosives, she let loose another arrow.
Makoto gave a wind up and threw his jacket at the Coelacanth. "FIRE!" he screamed
maddy got knocked off of him. She turned back to normal but her eyes stayed yellow. "I'll risk getting poisoned to help my friend " she smiled watching Eris take him on.

Hunter smiled seeing Coelacanth out of the power range. As soon as Makoto send off the explosives, she let loose another arrow.
Makoto gave a wind up and threw his jacket at the Coelacanth. "FIRE!" he screamed
The arrow hits the jacket and causes a massive explosion.
Tony took the call in another room. "Depends on what you need done.": He said
"Bioweapon. Something called Eden. According to the notes we got, it has some good powers. Currently being constructed by some underground lab, possibly mafia. We got word that an organization called Lotus is going after it. If you think you can get this thing for Shield, might make the world a better place." Fury sipped his coffee.

The arrow hits the jacket and causes a massive explosion.
"Is it dead?" Makoto shouted
"Bioweapon. Something called Eden. According to the notes we got, it has some good powers. Currently being constructed by some underground lab, possibly mafia. We got word that an organization called Lotus is going after it. If you think you can get this thing for Shield, might make the world a better place." Fury sipped his coffee.

"Is it dead?" Makoto shouted
"Right because Bioweapons in the hands of shield is what we all want." Tony said. "I'll get a team together but I'm not promising that the thing won't be destroyed."
"Right because Bioweapons in the hands of shield is what we all want." Tony said. "I'll get a team together but I'm not promising that the thing won't be destroyed."
"Kinda what I'm hoping for. I'll be sure to rephrase that. Ever since Makoto Takanuchi's clan spread throughout the world, mobsters and governments around the world are trying to reinvent the wheel. Destroy Eden or take it for the Avengers. I'll leave it to you." Fury said "How soon can you get going?"
"Kinda what I'm hoping for. I'll be sure to rephrase that. Ever since Makoto Takanuchi's clan spread throughout the world, mobsters and governments around the world are trying to reinvent the wheel. Destroy Eden or take it for the Avengers. I'll leave it to you." Fury said "How soon can you get going?"
"Soon as I get Wolverine and Cap."
"Soon as I get Wolverine and Cap."
"Flight will be at the top of the tower." Fury said

The smoke was still in the air blocking Makoto's sight of the Ceolacanth. Makoto looked at Eris "I did all I can. I have to leave! Good luck!" Sasha levitated him down to the streets as Makoto then hot wired a random car to get to the airport. "I'll stay!" Sasha yelled LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix
"Flight will be at the top of the tower." Fury said

The smoke was still in the air blocking Makoto's sight of the Ceolacanth. Makoto looked at Eris "I did all I can. I have to leave! Good luck!" Sasha levitated him down to the streets as Makoto then hot wired a random car to get to the airport. "I'll stay!" Sasha yelled LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix
Soon Steve and Logsn were there both in uniform. Tony was there in his mark 49 suit.
Aqua didn't say anything she just looked down. How could he think of her as such, all she known for so long was behind the glass walls and what ever the director deemed of importance.
BreeE on the other hand didn't see how anyone could see her as anything other than a person. He manipulated emotions for a living but he never used his powers to outright control others
She just shrugs and glitches her hand through various objects that they walk past. "If you say so." A couple walks by and Jei quickly pulls her hand to her chest until they pass by completely. Then, she continues to use her ability.
Eric nods as they keep walking, soon getting to a neighborhood full of houses. Eric opened the gate as they got to one with a brown fence. "Come on in."
"Bioweapon. Something called Eden. According to the notes we got, it has some good powers. Currently being constructed by some underground lab, possibly mafia. We got word that an organization called Lotus is going after it. If you think you can get this thing for Shield, might make the world a better place." Fury sipped his coffee.

"Is it dead?" Makoto shouted

"Flight will be at the top of the tower." Fury said

The smoke was still in the air blocking Makoto's sight of the Ceolacanth. Makoto looked at Eris "I did all I can. I have to leave! Good luck!" Sasha levitated him down to the streets as Makoto then hot wired a random car to get to the airport. "I'll stay!" Sasha yelled LumaThePhoenix LumaThePhoenix

"Woo!" Hunter smiled. "That's what I'm talking about."
There was nothing left when the smoke cleared. Tyson and Robby had cleared out the area to prevent casualties, and there were no signs of The Coelacanth's presence anymore. He had used the shadow Nyx left for him to escape, and even then, he wasn't coming back any time soon.

"Looks like we got him. Or at the least we've hurt him enough to force him into a retreat." Shadow Eris said. "It's a good thing too. Not sure my body could've held out much longer. Guess this body isn't as weak as I thought." She winces in pain, showing that she had pushed a bit too far as well as the effects of getting caught up in the blast radius of the explosion. Her powers disappear and Eris returns to normal before letting out a pained yell from the overuse of her powers. "Are you all okay?"

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