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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Alright, heading to Eastern Russia, and I may be from an Alternative Dimension/universe,but the Avengers don't exist there"
"Alright, heading to Eastern Russia, and I may be from an Alternative Dimension/universe,but the Avengers don't exist there"
All three collectively said "oooooh" then Skeeter said "Well welcome to our universe! Enjoy the stay and make sure to get some tamales. If you want to get into some action, try moving to Edgewood in Utah."
The Plane soon went faster than the speed of sound, and soon enough, it could actually be seen over Utah, LW had slowed it down and put it in hover mode over Edgewood, before dropping off a box labeled "Tamale Making stuff" LW soon spoke on the radio "Tamales exist in my Universe, I don't care for them, anyways, look outside"
The Plane soon went faster than the speed of sound, and soon enough, it could actually be seen over Utah, LW had slowed it down and put it in hover mode over Edgewood, before dropping off a box labeled "Tamale Making stuff" LW soon spoke on the radio "Tamales exist in my Universe, I don't care for them, anyways, look outside"
"Uuuhhh I'm not in Utah." Skeeter said "HOLY SHIT! TAMALES! YEAAAAH BABY!" a random pedestrian screamed
Eric nods as they keep walking, soon getting to a neighborhood full of houses. Eric opened the gate as they got to one with a brown fence. "Come on in."
Jei walks past the gate and studies the house. It wasn't what she was expecting, but maybe that's a good thing. She turns to Eric. "Nice house." What else could she say about it? Nothing really. It's a house. There's not much to compliment.
Jei walks past the gate and studies the house. It wasn't what she was expecting, but maybe that's a good thing. She turns to Eric. "Nice house." What else could she say about it? Nothing really. It's a house. There's not much to compliment.
"Thanks." He opens the door and walks inside. "Mom, dad, I'm home. I brought a friend we are going to play video games." He called out. A woman called out from the kitchen. "Okay Eric. Your dad and I are going to have a family meeting later tonight! Let me know if you want to come" he laughed. "Nah. Last thing I want to hear about is how you all are going to try to find Aunt Venus and try to go after Aunt Minerva."
"Thanks." He opens the door and walks inside. "Mom, dad, I'm home. I brought a friend we are going to play video games." He called out. A woman called out from the kitchen. "Okay Eric. Your dad and I are going to have a family meeting later tonight! Let me know if you want to come" he laughed. "Nah. Last thing I want to hear about is how you all are going to try to find Aunt Venus and try to go after Aunt Minerva."
Jei awkwardly pretends not to listen in on their conversation, considering it seems like a family affair and they don't even know her. She wonders if she should acknowledge his parents, but decides against it. Her eyes briefly scan the inside of Eric's house, making note of the furniture placing and whatnot. In the end, she decides to say at least one thing to his mom. "Uhm, thank you for having me."
(I don't see why not.)

"Alright, can you all walk or shall I carry you?" Sasha asked

"Of course I didnt. You're a part of my pack. " maddy smiled. "I'm fine with walking."

Hunter handed the gun and the magazines back to Sasha. "Thanks for letting me borrow these"
Eris smiles as she walks with them. She sees something in the corner of her eyes. It's Narakomi. She looks at Eris with her arms folded and nods with a smirk on her face. Then, she vanishes.
Eris smiles as she walks with them. She sees something in the corner of her eyes. It's Narakomi. She looks at Eris with her arms folded and nods with a smirk on her face. Then, she vanishes.

Sasha took the gun "Alright, everyone follow me. It's two blocks away to the apartment. We'll take the penthouse!" She began walking
Hunter turns to Tyson and Robby. “So we gonna join them or head home?”

Maddy ate the protein bar that Sasha gave her as she walked. Eris would have gotten a text. It was from Allyson.
“Peter's body was taken to Avengers tower, being looked at by doctors. It is apparently in a cocoon like state right now. If you want to head there I can send someone to pick you up whenever. Or I can keep you posted on updates"
Jei awkwardly pretends not to listen in on their conversation, considering it seems like a family affair and they don't even know her. She wonders if she should acknowledge his parents, but decides against it. Her eyes briefly scan the inside of Eric's house, making note of the furniture placing and whatnot. In the end, she decides to say at least one thing to his mom. "Uhm, thank you for having me."
"Its no problem. " she replied. Eric lead the way to his room. The house just looked like a normal house.
Hunter turns to Tyson and Robby. “So we gonna join them or head home?”

Maddy ate the protein bar that Sasha gave her as she walked. Eris would have gotten a text. It was from Allyson.
“Peter's body was taken to Avengers tower, being looked at by doctors. It is apparently in a cocoon like state right now. If you want to head there I can send someone to pick you up whenever. Or I can keep you posted on updates"
"A cocoon? That's odd. Definitely keep me posted." Eris replied.
Hunter turns to Tyson and Robby. “So we gonna join them or head home?”

Maddy ate the protein bar that Sasha gave her as she walked. Eris would have gotten a text. It was from Allyson.
“Peter's body was taken to Avengers tower, being looked at by doctors. It is apparently in a cocoon like state right now. If you want to head there I can send someone to pick you up whenever. Or I can keep you posted on updates"
"A cocoon? That's odd. Definitely keep me posted." Eris replied.
They all reached the apartment. The lobby was extravagant. The marble floor was reflecting their images like water, the ceiling was covered in ornate decorations and the guests were all wearing high quality attire. Sasha approached the front desk "Ah miss Grabinski. We have a penthouse available for you and your friends." The woman then took out a keyboard "P251." Sasha merely smiled "Shall we?" She said to the others
"Its no problem. " she replied. Eric lead the way to his room. The house just looked like a normal house.
Jei follows him to his room, not having any expectations. She's never been a boy's room before, so it could look like anything and she'd think it was normal. Jei shrugs out of her jacket and lays it on his bed. "What game did you want me to hack? It can be anything."
Hunter turns to Tyson and Robby. “So we gonna join them or head home?”

Maddy ate the protein bar that Sasha gave her as she walked. Eris would have gotten a text. It was from Allyson.
“Peter's body was taken to Avengers tower, being looked at by doctors. It is apparently in a cocoon like state right now. If you want to head there I can send someone to pick you up whenever. Or I can keep you posted on updates"
Robby shrugs. "I've got nothing better to do."

"I guess we can chill with them for a bit." Tyson said.
Allyson texted back. "I have a liaison agent there. Hes keeping me posted. "

They all reached the apartment. The lobby was extravagant. The marble floor was reflecting their images like water, the ceiling was covered in ornate decorations and the guests were all wearing high quality attire. Sasha approached the front desk "Ah miss Grabinski. We have a penthouse available for you and your friends." The woman then took out a keyboard "P251." Sasha merely smiled "Shall we?" She said to the others
"Wow....nice place you got here." She said.
They all reached the apartment. The lobby was extravagant. The marble floor was reflecting their images like water, the ceiling was covered in ornate decorations and the guests were all wearing high quality attire. Sasha approached the front desk "Ah miss Grabinski. We have a penthouse available for you and your friends." The woman then took out a keyboard "P251." Sasha merely smiled "Shall we?" She said to the others

Robby shrugs. "I've got nothing better to do."

"I guess we can chill with them for a bit." Tyson said.

"Wow....nice place you got here." She said.
Hunter nods following. She carried her bow and the remaining arrows she had. Maddy looked around the lobby when they got her, seeing the guests in expensive attire. "Yeah we definitely stand out here, let's head up and I can take care of any injuries the rest of you got.."
Jei follows him to his room, not having any expectations. She's never been a boy's room before, so it could look like anything and she'd think it was normal. Jei shrugs out of her jacket and lays it on his bed. "What game did you want me to hack? It can be anything."
It was actually pretty neat. The walls were a dark blue and his twin size bed was in the corner. His computer on the other side with a tv and game console near by. The walls were decorated with video game posters. Eric shrugged picking through a few games he had. "Well do you got a type game you like? "
It was actually pretty neat. The walls were a dark blue and his twin size bed was in the corner. His computer on the other side with a tv and game console near by. The walls were decorated with video game posters. Eric shrugged picking through a few games he had. "Well do you got a type game you like? "
Jei studies his posters as she thinks about her response. "I'm not particular, but if I had to choose....I'd go with FPS. Although, you can choose whichever."

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