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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Lol now I'm thinking of a scene of Sheba arriving at the apothecary to assist and learn from her grandmother, and Stefan and Agahnim seeing her for the first time. Agahnim notices Stefan's reaction and proceeds to troll him by going into Goofy Dad Mode.
You shall recieveth once again!
The apothecary is a quaint, bustling shop, filled with the earthy scent of herbs, dried flowers hanging from the ceiling, and jars filled with mysterious liquids and powders lining the shelves. Stefan and Agahnim enter the shop, intending to pick up some ingredients for Stefan’s medicine. As they approach the counter, an elderly woman, the apothecary herself, is preparing a fresh poultice. But just as Stefan is about to greet her, the door to the backroom swings open, and Sheba steps out, carrying a tray of various herbs and tinctures.

Sheba is around Stefan’s age, with long ebony hair pulled back into a simple braid and olive skin that catches the warm light filtering through the shop window. She has a gentle presence, the kind that seems to make everything around her soften.

Sheba: (noticing Stefan and Agahnim, smiling) Oh, good morning! I didn't expect to see you both so early. I'm just here to help my grandmother for a while, learn the ropes. (Giggling softly) And, well, make sure she doesn’t mix the headache powder with the muscle relaxant again.

Stefan stands frozen for a second, staring. He can feel his ears burning and tries to play it cool by casually leaning against the counter—only to knock over a mortar and pestle with a loud clatter.

Stefan: (stammering) Uh—oh, uh, hey, Sheba. Fancy, um, meeting you here. Helping your grandma, huh? That’s... good. Yeah, really good.

Agahnim watches the scene unfold, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he picks up on Stefan’s awkwardness. A slow grin spreads across his face as he leans into "Goofy Dad Mode."

Agahnim: (loudly, nudging Stefan with his elbow) Well, look at you, Stefan! Red as a rupee, you are! You'd think you were standing too close to one of your own fire spells, hmm?

Stefan: (flustered, trying to recover) No, no, it’s... just warm in here, you know? All these herbs and... stuff.

Agahnim: (winking theatrically) Ah yes, the herbs. Mysterious things, aren’t they? Make the heart race, the palms sweat... especially when handled by a certain someone. Isn't that right, Stefan?

Stefan shoots Agahnim a look that could wilt the entire stock of herbs in the shop. But before he can retort, Sheba steps closer to him, studying him intently.

Sheba: (gently reaching for Stefan’s arm) You look like you’re still favoring your shoulder. How’s it feeling today? The poultice from last time helped, right?

Stefan: (softly, suddenly very interested in the floor) Oh, uh, yeah. It's... much better, thanks to you. You always know how to make the right medicine.

Agahnim: (mock-whispering to the apothecary) A natural healer, she is! I daresay my apprentice will be spending a lot more time injured if it means he gets the royal treatment.

Stefan’s ears burn even hotter as Agahnim’s teasing continues. Meanwhile, Sheba looks up at Agahnim, the hint of a knowing smile on her lips.

Sheba: Well, let’s hope Stefan doesn’t get into too much trouble. We need the medicine for those who really need it. (Turning back to Stefan, her voice softening) But I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better.

A small moment passes between them—quiet, sincere. Stefan tries to say something, anything that won't make him sound like a complete fool, but his tongue feels like lead.

Agahnim: (leaning closer, with a mock-concerned tone) Stefan, my boy, you’re looking a bit pale. Are you sure you’re well? Perhaps we should get Sheba to examine you—give you a full check-up, hmm?

Stefan: (mumbling, practically burying himself in his cloak) I’m fine, Professor. Really...

Sheba chuckles, picking up a sprig of lavender from the tray and handing it to Stefan, who takes it gingerly as if it’s made of glass.

Sheba: For the nerves. Lavender helps with calming, you know.

Stefan: (awkwardly) Oh, uh, thanks. I’ll... keep that in mind.

The apothecary, who has been quietly watching the whole exchange, gives a little smile as she starts organizing the jars and herbs on her counter. She has seen this kind of bashfulness play out a hundred times before, and it amuses her to no end.

Agahnim: (clapping Stefan on the shoulder, causing him to flinch) Well, we’ll take whatever you have ready for his usual potion. You know how he gets if he misses a dose, poor lad. Wouldn’t want our Stefan swooning at the sight of a friendly face!

Stefan gives Agahnim another desperate look, trying to get him to stop talking, but Sheba just keeps smiling kindly.

Sheba: I’ll get it all ready for you. I have a new batch of herbs that I think will help a bit more with the aches, Stefan. And... don’t worry, they don’t taste quite as bitter as before.

Stefan: (smiling awkwardly) That’s... that’s great. Really great. Thanks, Sheba.

As Sheba turns to the back to fetch the herbs, Agahnim leans in to Stefan, grinning ear to ear.

Agahnim: (whispering) Quite the healer, isn't she? I wonder how long it'll take for you to end up back here with another "mysterious injury." You know, a bump, a bruise, a broken heart perhaps?

Stefan: (muttering under his breath) If you don’t stop, I’ll give you an "injury" to patch up. Don't ruin this for me, old man...

Agahnim chuckles, clearly enjoying himself as he watches Stefan’s obvious discomfort. The two wait as Sheba gathers the herbs, Agahnim continuing to make teasing, fatherly comments while Stefan pretends not to hear them, all the while sneaking glances at Sheba.

When Sheba returns with the prepared satchel of herbs and medicines, Stefan accepts it with an awkward smile, their fingers briefly brushing as she hands it to him. He thanks her quickly, mumbling something about needing to get back to his studies before practically rushing out the door.

Agahnim lingers a moment longer, turning back to Sheba with a more genuine smile.

Agahnim: (softly) He’s grateful, you know. For your help. He just... well, you’ve seen how he is.

Sheba: (nodding, smiling warmly) I know. And I'm happy to help, truly.

Agahnim gives her a gentle nod before heading out after Stefan, already mentally preparing the next teasing remark as he follows his red-faced apprentice back to their tower.
You shall recieveth once again!
The apothecary is a quaint, bustling shop, filled with the earthy scent of herbs, dried flowers hanging from the ceiling, and jars filled with mysterious liquids and powders lining the shelves. Stefan and Agahnim enter the shop, intending to pick up some ingredients for Stefan’s medicine. As they approach the counter, an elderly woman, the apothecary herself, is preparing a fresh poultice. But just as Stefan is about to greet her, the door to the backroom swings open, and Sheba steps out, carrying a tray of various herbs and tinctures.

Sheba is around Stefan’s age, with long ebony hair pulled back into a simple braid and olive skin that catches the warm light filtering through the shop window. She has a gentle presence, the kind that seems to make everything around her soften.

Sheba: (noticing Stefan and Agahnim, smiling) Oh, good morning! I didn't expect to see you both so early. I'm just here to help my grandmother for a while, learn the ropes. (Giggling softly) And, well, make sure she doesn’t mix the headache powder with the muscle relaxant again.

Stefan stands frozen for a second, staring. He can feel his ears burning and tries to play it cool by casually leaning against the counter—only to knock over a mortar and pestle with a loud clatter.

Stefan: (stammering) Uh—oh, uh, hey, Sheba. Fancy, um, meeting you here. Helping your grandma, huh? That’s... good. Yeah, really good.

Agahnim watches the scene unfold, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he picks up on Stefan’s awkwardness. A slow grin spreads across his face as he leans into "Goofy Dad Mode."

Agahnim: (loudly, nudging Stefan with his elbow) Well, look at you, Stefan! Red as a rupee, you are! You'd think you were standing too close to one of your own fire spells, hmm?

Stefan: (flustered, trying to recover) No, no, it’s... just warm in here, you know? All these herbs and... stuff.

Agahnim: (winking theatrically) Ah yes, the herbs. Mysterious things, aren’t they? Make the heart race, the palms sweat... especially when handled by a certain someone. Isn't that right, Stefan?

Stefan shoots Agahnim a look that could wilt the entire stock of herbs in the shop. But before he can retort, Sheba steps closer to him, studying him intently.

Sheba: (gently reaching for Stefan’s arm) You look like you’re still favoring your shoulder. How’s it feeling today? The poultice from last time helped, right?

Stefan: (softly, suddenly very interested in the floor) Oh, uh, yeah. It's... much better, thanks to you. You always know how to make the right medicine.

Agahnim: (mock-whispering to the apothecary) A natural healer, she is! I daresay my apprentice will be spending a lot more time injured if it means he gets the royal treatment.

Stefan’s ears burn even hotter as Agahnim’s teasing continues. Meanwhile, Sheba looks up at Agahnim, the hint of a knowing smile on her lips.

Sheba: Well, let’s hope Stefan doesn’t get into too much trouble. We need the medicine for those who really need it. (Turning back to Stefan, her voice softening) But I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better.

A small moment passes between them—quiet, sincere. Stefan tries to say something, anything that won't make him sound like a complete fool, but his tongue feels like lead.

Agahnim: (leaning closer, with a mock-concerned tone) Stefan, my boy, you’re looking a bit pale. Are you sure you’re well? Perhaps we should get Sheba to examine you—give you a full check-up, hmm?

Stefan: (mumbling, practically burying himself in his cloak) I’m fine, Professor. Really...

Sheba chuckles, picking up a sprig of lavender from the tray and handing it to Stefan, who takes it gingerly as if it’s made of glass.

Sheba: For the nerves. Lavender helps with calming, you know.

Stefan: (awkwardly) Oh, uh, thanks. I’ll... keep that in mind.

The apothecary, who has been quietly watching the whole exchange, gives a little smile as she starts organizing the jars and herbs on her counter. She has seen this kind of bashfulness play out a hundred times before, and it amuses her to no end.

Agahnim: (clapping Stefan on the shoulder, causing him to flinch) Well, we’ll take whatever you have ready for his usual potion. You know how he gets if he misses a dose, poor lad. Wouldn’t want our Stefan swooning at the sight of a friendly face!

Stefan gives Agahnim another desperate look, trying to get him to stop talking, but Sheba just keeps smiling kindly.

Sheba: I’ll get it all ready for you. I have a new batch of herbs that I think will help a bit more with the aches, Stefan. And... don’t worry, they don’t taste quite as bitter as before.

Stefan: (smiling awkwardly) That’s... that’s great. Really great. Thanks, Sheba.

As Sheba turns to the back to fetch the herbs, Agahnim leans in to Stefan, grinning ear to ear.

Agahnim: (whispering) Quite the healer, isn't she? I wonder how long it'll take for you to end up back here with another "mysterious injury." You know, a bump, a bruise, a broken heart perhaps?

Stefan: (muttering under his breath) If you don’t stop, I’ll give you an "injury" to patch up. Don't ruin this for me, old man...

Agahnim chuckles, clearly enjoying himself as he watches Stefan’s obvious discomfort. The two wait as Sheba gathers the herbs, Agahnim continuing to make teasing, fatherly comments while Stefan pretends not to hear them, all the while sneaking glances at Sheba.

When Sheba returns with the prepared satchel of herbs and medicines, Stefan accepts it with an awkward smile, their fingers briefly brushing as she hands it to him. He thanks her quickly, mumbling something about needing to get back to his studies before practically rushing out the door.

Agahnim lingers a moment longer, turning back to Sheba with a more genuine smile.

Agahnim: (softly) He’s grateful, you know. For your help. He just... well, you’ve seen how he is.

Sheba: (nodding, smiling warmly) I know. And I'm happy to help, truly.

Agahnim gives her a gentle nod before heading out after Stefan, already mentally preparing the next teasing remark as he follows his red-faced apprentice back to their tower.
My heart I can’t this too cute
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- I was trying to find a certain scene from Rurouni Kenshin that made me think of Stefan and Agahnim, but the clip is no longer available. I found a gif from the scene instead. I think it says enough lol

View attachment 1188288

Ploegy Ploegy I found some other clips that made me think of some SSB fighters. The first one can be Byleth with another fighter, or even Layton lol

Joker? XD

I could see the first one fitting Byleth. Him finding something that isn’t commonly seen as fun as such is funny to think on and the other fighters realizing he really has bad/weird tastes in things

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