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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- I talk about this RP with friends in Discord, and we just had a conversation about how funny and awesome it'd be if Captain Falcon became a frog and still FALCON PAWNCHED the Malboro to oblivion lol
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- I talk about this RP with friends in Discord, and we just had a conversation about how funny and awesome it'd be if Captain Falcon became a frog and still FALCON PAWNCHED the Malboro to oblivion lol
Frog Falcon be like:
If you want to have Zelda experience dreams about what I mentioned above, go for it, unless you'd rather I do that. I don't mind either way. 👍
I think if/when an opportunity comes up in the rp I’d definitely like to work with you on what the actual content of the dream would be, especially if you’re interested in that idea of having Lunaris communicate with Zelda through it. Fhsjfjd and I really do love the novelty of two players working together on a post!
Frog Falcon be like:
Captain Falcon has a Ribbon, but he hasn't assigned a meaning to it to activate its power, yet.

I think if/when an opportunity comes up in the rp I’d definitely like to work with you on what the actual content of the dream would be, especially if you’re interested in that idea of having Lunaris communicate with Zelda through it. Fhsjfjd and I really do love the novelty of two players working together on a post!
Cool! 👍

It doesn't even need to be anything deep or grand, just brief glimpses of the past and future. Zelda can even have an encounter with the Blight Dragon in her dreams and make the connection between it and Lunaris. Maybe the only form Lunaris takes in her dreams is that of the Blight Dragon, much like he does in his nightmares! Thankfully for Zelda, Lunaris doesn't have so much control over the dreams that he can use them to find out where she is.
Thankfully for Zelda, Lunaris doesn't have so much control over the dreams that he can use them to find out where she is.

Fhdjfjf oh gosh but imagine if he did though 🫢 Zelda would either have to pull a nightmare on elm street and just force herself to try and stay awake or would have to basically travel on her own to prevent her friends’/ the pillars location from also getting out! Either way, it’s definitely a good thing Lunaris doesn’t have that at his disposal, though (if I’m remembering right) isn’t there still the Shemum that snuck onto Samus’ ship? So even without that he and Odessa still have a way to track them lol
Oh! And off topic but I have the outline for Pichu’s next post pretty much done. I just need to address some irl stuff first (fshdhjf I need to drop a class and figure that out with my advisor lol) and I’ll be good to get his post done by the end of this week!
Fhdjfjf oh gosh but imagine if he did though 🫢 Zelda would either have to pull a nightmare on elm street and just force herself to try and stay awake or would have to basically travel on her own to prevent her friends’/ the pillars location from also getting out! Either way, it’s definitely a good thing Lunaris doesn’t have that at his disposal, though (if I’m remembering right) isn’t there still the Shemum that snuck onto Samus’ ship? So even without that he and Odessa still have a way to track them lol
It can be freakier and Zelda ends up experiencing Lunaris’s nightmares! Lunaris was once the Bringer of Dreams and Omens, so a dream connection between the two makes sense to me.

Yeah, the Shemum is still hiding in Samus’s ship. I haven’t forgotten about it. 🐍
You know this Zelda and Lunaris talk made me ponder the possibility that Shulk’s visions are indirectly manipulated in some regard whether that’s by Lunaris or something tied to him. I hadn’t put much thought into it before since I was just going off the logic that the Smash realm deemed it an important part of his character despite no longer possessing such power, but that would be something the Hands would likely do and ya know they ain’t here and since in Xenoblade his visions are controlled by Zanza (aka bad god man) and there is some doubt already planted in him from what he’s seen, it could be unique plot line for him but that’s just me rambling and tbh with how he’s just kinda existed I wouldn’t expect to do much with him anyways but ty for coming to my Ted talk
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You know this Zelda and Lunaris talk made me ponder the possibility that Shulk’s visions are indirectly manipulated in some regard whether that’s by Lunaris or something tied to him. I hadn’t put much thought into it before since I was just going off the logic that the Smash realm deemed it an important part of his character despite no longer possessing such power, but that would be something the Hands would likely do and ya know they ain’t here and since I’m Xenoblade his visions are controlled by Zanza (aka bad god man) and there is some doubt already planted in him from what he’s seen, it could be unique plot line for him but that’s just me rambling and tbh with how he’s just kinda existed I wouldn’t expect to do much with him anyways but ty for coming to my Ted talk
Fhskfk omg that would actually be so so so interesting to see play out in the rp! Admittedly I know -1 information about xenoblade so I really can’t comment much about the logistics of it but I’ve already been super intrigued at how the visions he’s already been shown have seemed to paint the other fighters in a negative light and I’d think it’d be so gosh darn cool to see that be expanded upon, whether like this or through some other means! fhdjfjf fr tho I just think the concept of there being subjectivity in the perspective of Shulk’s visions is way too cool 🤩
Fhskfk omg that would actually be so so so interesting to see play out in the rp! Admittedly I know -1 information about xenoblade so I really can’t comment much about the logistics of it but I’ve already been super intrigued at how the visions he’s already been shown have seemed to paint the other fighters in a negative light and I’d think it’d be so gosh darn cool to see that be expanded upon, whether like this or through some other means! fhdjfjf fr tho I just think the concept of there being subjectivity in the perspective of Shulk’s visions is way too cool 🤩
Shulk's visions can definitely set up conflict depending on what he is shown given he can act to try to change those visions and alter the future since all visions are things he would see with his own eyes. For example, say he had been given a vision of the Stadium before it had fallen and he sees Joker's interaction with Wandering Quill who is very clearly on a mission to bring the Stadium down. He would see Joker as an accomplice in such if he had been to arrive at the scene and it could put him at odds with him.

Obviously this example isn't going to happen, but just to give an idea of what could be explored with him. To think someone could be manipulating Shulk in some form could be a very fun concept to explore and even cause conflict between specifically Shulk and the others. But I am just spitballing of course. Most of what I've done with his visions so far is merely to give his group a bit of direction and plot
Lunaris is the reincarnation of the corrupted Night Dragon, who was once a demigod-like being who brought magic to Hyrule, created the constellations and nebula clouds that colored the night sky, and guarded the dreams of the Hyruleans. Maybe it's as simple as the Dragon's presence in the Smash Realm that is affecting Shulk's visions and Zelda's dreams, because dreams and omens are part of the Night Dragon's portfolio. Lunaris has nowhere near the level of power he had in his past life, but there are fragments of that power within him, and because Lunaris is corrupted that may cause those powers to be twisted as well.
Now I had a thought of the Smash Bros. having an encounter with Katrina from Animal Crossing, and instead of nonsense her omens actually make sense! Even she is concerned by this!
You know since I talked a bit about Shulk and know I’m pretty much the only one that really knows Xenoblade here, I figure I’d offer this video talking about him cuz I thought it did a pretty good job of explaining him. It is a bit long, like 15 minutes, but ya know if anyones curious it’s a good watch. I think his motivations kind of play into the thoughts of how he could be manipulated and all that. Of course the reasons would need to be more tied to the rp itself but it gives a general idea

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