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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

ANY game with the Smash Brothers turns into chaos.
The scenario reminds me of the Draw The Squad bases, for example:
Fhskfhdkf omg a looong while back I actually did one of those draw the squad arts with the cast lmao
Fhskfhdkf omg a looong while back I actually did one of those draw the squad arts with the cast lmao
Ty for reminding me of this. God Joker is such a loser LOL
*Insert Joker "I lost..." voice line here* can't be asked to go find it in his voice lines lol
Hellooooooo, how are all you beautiful people? I'm sorry that I kept people waiting on my post for Agent 8, but I hope it didn't disappoint!

Yeahhhh, but I'm gonna try to post some art soon, even if they're random doodles-

For sure! You're definitely right on that being more probable and in-character. It's also really cute! She'd probably not talk about it due to not wanting DP to get annoyed at her overly-caring antics. Lol she knows that Zelda's the one that's given the petting privileges!

Totally lmao, I can definitely see that being the case for Dark Pit. He could totally tell on-the-spot if someone isn't being genuine with him.

This reminds me of a headcanon I had with Corrin for some reason- due to the Dragon's Hoard, magpie-like behavior we were talking about waaaay previously, I thought that she'd collect things like neat rocks that sparkle, lost jewelry, pretty flowers, etc. I like to think that she gives away the things she collects to those she cares about the most- it's her subconscious way of saying "I find you just if not more valuable than my hoard". Sheik and Marth would receive dozens of her little trinkets!

Aeojrfiuwhbfr bro's face says "Hewwo :D" and his body says "Cross me and you will be wiped off the face of the Earth :D"

Oof, would NOT want to be on the receiving end of that! And idk, Valla's whole shindig on it's monarchy is kinda weird now bc of Harkinian and Melina. First, Kaida would have been the crown, but she got married to Hark, so now she has to deal with Hyrule. And Plo's whole headcanon with Percy suffering a fate similar to Sora's, on top of Melina's relationship with him, also makes things kinda funky.
Personally, I think Corrin will end up ruling Valla until her death. Of course, Kaida will have her period as its queen when she resigns from being a royal knight, but I'm quite sure with all of the drama that's going on now with Valla's royal children, Hoshido and Nohr would feel most comfortable if Corrin remained it's monarch.
Idk tho, that's just me.

ANY game with the Smash Brothers turns into chaos.
The scenario reminds me of the Draw The Squad bases, for example:
The ladies of the Lake Shore are gonna be like:


I imagined a slightly different scenario where Pittoo is stuck with the ladies for a long while, and he starts to warm up to them as he's now around people who genuinely care about him and appreciate what he brings to the group. He feels like the "Man of the House" for the first time, and it's nice! Then Link and Marth show up. Link does the hunting, foraging, and can even cook; and Marth helps with training and fighting off threats. He's also a lot more friendly and charming, and so gets a lot of attention. Dark Pit goes back to being sulky and solitary, feeling overshadowed and forgotten.

The whole thing with Percy and Melina is a happier alternative where Percy doesn't meet such a sad fate, and Melina and Milton don't disappear for 1,000 years due to the events in XC3. It'd be incredibly sad if Percy and Melina were seeing each other and either one or both tragedies happen. Percy disappears and a broken-hearted Melina is trying to call him back through their bond, or Melina and Milton are gone for 1,000 years and everyone they knew is long dead.
So Ann's canon birthday is tomorrow but since I don't think I'll have much time tomorrow I offer this messy lil doodle

I could not be asked doodling Joker's coat. Sometimes I just don't wanna figure out how that dumb coat collar would lay
Honestly, this is pretty cool. I should see if there's something like that locally.
Classic XC2 memery right there lol

Actually I meant to post this because of Pyra’s whole plan rn and even though I couldn’t find a non meme version this works for what Pyra is likely about to do to Futopia
It's been a little quiet here so lemme ask a random question for a lil fun. What are your characters like in the morning? Are they morning people or nah? If they're not what is keeping them up all night?

I'll offer up my kiddos soon, I just wanna be a menace and get people to talk lol
It's been a little quiet here so lemme ask a random question for a lil fun. What are your characters like in the morning? Are they morning people or nah? If they're not what is keeping them up all night?

I'll offer up my kiddos soon, I just wanna be a menace and get people to talk lol
Paula is up at em she helps her parents run the pole star preschool so she’s used to caring for kids. I definitely see her as a morning person.

With Cyan there’s no morning or night he’s a retainer so he has to devote his time to the Doma royal family. Yeah that was before the events of the story in final fantasy 6. (That heart aching plot)

Haha Seph barely gets sleep anymore. If he does I see him more of the same cold man nothing different.
It's been a little quiet here so lemme ask a random question for a lil fun. What are your characters like in the morning? Are they morning people or nah? If they're not what is keeping them up all night?

I'll offer up my kiddos soon, I just wanna be a menace and get people to talk lol
If I were to guess, as officers the Pits are likely up early for exercising and training with their troops, and they've done it for so long that waking up early is ingrained into them. It's rare for them to sleep in, and if they do it is likely due to illness or injury. Either Pit not being present for breakfast would be a sure sign that something is wrong! I wouldn't be surprised if they have almost the exact same morning rituals. It's probably a good idea to not pester Dark Pit soon after he wakes up. Unless it's an emergency (or you have food) it's best to give him time to go through his ritual and adjust to being awake.

Toon Link will definitely sleep in unless someone wakes him up. If he's woken up, he'll be in a half-asleep zombie-like state for a while until he fully awakens. He's not a morning person, but he's also not a night owl. If given the chance, he'd probably go to bed early because he loves sleep so much.

Pikachu has no schedule, but she's diurnal. If she is with people, she'll adjust to their schedule so she is up at the same time they are.
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Yoshi does what Yoshi wants. He doesn't really have any kind of schedule. He sleeps when he wants. He does like to laze around a lot but can easily be tempted to get things done with fruits. He will happily greet others in the morning though when they wake up and will stuff his face with lots of fruit

Joker isn't a morning person per se, but he almost always is up early because he's on a strict schedule. If he does get a chance to sleep in, he probably will because man he does TOO much in his life and is always busy. It's amazing he gets sleep like his does. He always gets woken up by Morgana and has to have morning coffee to function. He does sometimes do morning workouts before his coffee, but only if he has enough time

Ann doesn't like getting up in the morning, but she spends a lot of time getting ready so she has to get up and get moving so she can do her hair and makeup. She always has to have a sweet breakfast as well to really motivate herself. If she were to stay with Joker, she is 100% keeping him in bed and is very cuddly and clingy

Given how much Sora seems to find himself asleep, it's hard to say he's a morning person yet at the same time he is probably super cheery and happy in the morning while being a sleepy little guy. Mornings are probably the only time Sora seems to be somewhat low energy

On the other hand Roxas is not a morning person. He's grumpy when he gets woken up and gives everyone side eyes if he's not slept enough. He mellows out pretty quickly once he's been up for a bit or hasn't been woken up by others. His mood goes sour when people tell him ice cream is not a proper breakfast though

Pyra is very much a morning person and she'll wake up early to prepare breakfast for others. She is very happy to be awake up in the early hours while Mythra is not exactly a morning person. She is extra grumpy and will get very irritated if she was sleepwalking and ended up somewhere embarrassing. Both of them do like a nice cup of tea in the morning to wake them up though and Pyra will usually prepare said tea for herself. Mythra generally needs someone else to

Shulk is not a morning person. He was up all night working into the early hours unless Fiora forced him to bed. He's running on his 15th cup of coffee trying to stay awake while being a little nerd most of his days. If he gets proper sleep, it's is by force or completely out of necessity otherwise he'd be in his lab all night working. Even when he does sleep, he doesn't like to get up early because he's so used to being up late

Byleth is very accustomed to early mornings as both a mercenary and a professor. Sleep is actually a luxury for him that he doesn't get a lot of. Does that make him a morning person? Not exactly, but he's like Joker in the sense that he has a schedule and he stays to it, or you know he has to worry about his own life. It isn't rare to find him passed out at his desk with paper spread out everywhere or an opened book. He definitely needs a morning coffee or tea. He likes to cook his own breakfast as well even if he could easily have it made for him. He finds it relaxing and always makes a simple meal anyways
This makes me imagine the various fighters lounging around in their PJs, and cute things such as Yoshi being asleep with Pikachu napping on his back.

Though now I have to ask: what do your PCs do when they wake up and find that Mythra has been sleepwalking again, and is in their bed with them? XD
This makes me imagine the various fighters lounging around in their PJs, and cute things such as Yoshi being asleep with Pikachu napping on his back.

Though now I have to ask: what do your PCs do when they wake up and find that Mythra has been sleepwalking again, and is in their bed with them? XD
Paula wonders how Mythra got there likely try to get her back to bed without waking her up but uses her PSI to drag her butt back to her own bed.

I imagine Cyan is too gentlemanly though surprised but like Paula would carry her back to her own room.

Sephiroth is easy he’s not as nice just drops her at the other side of the door and locks it. shaking his head and wonders how the tf she got there.
This makes me imagine the various fighters lounging around in their PJs, and cute things such as Yoshi being asleep with Pikachu napping on his back.

Though now I have to ask: what do your PCs do when they wake up and find that Mythra has been sleepwalking again, and is in their bed with them? XD
Pikachu and Yoshi just basking in the sun together and when they wake up they happily eat berries together!

The fighters lounging around in PJs and eating breakfast together. Some of them have special coffee mugs, like Byleth and his “best/#1 teacher” mug

Hoo boy Mythra sleepwalking when I have some boys with girlfriends is a wild thought lol

Joker 100% feels dirty when he wakes up to it since he is a good, loyal boyfriend and while he’s trying to remain calm, he is completely red in the face and likely wakes Mythra up only to get things thrown at him or to get slapped. He is a handsome young man after all, Mythra would be super flustered waking up next to him. Even funnier thought is the that while at the Smash house if Ann is there, she’s likely staying in Joker’s room so he could wake up to being snuggled by two women. Let’s hope Joker isn’t tiredly snuggling into the wrong woman and making things worse. Ann is likely embarrassed as hell, but trying to get Mythra off her boyfriend immediately, but she does not want to get into a fight with Mythra either. Luckily it probably goes smoother with Ann there because it’s very clear to Mythra this isn’t her room so she’s extremely embarrassed and leaves quickly

The other one with a girlfriend? Shulk. He’d be super flustered especially since he isn’t exactly great with such things. He’s a little awkward so he’s just staring at first and then he’s trying to politely trying to wake her up thinking that’s be okay but that’s his big mistake. He’s getting Mythra throwing stuff at him too

Yoshi doesn’t really care and is used to people wanting to cuddle him so he just leaves her be and keeps sleeping. He’ll let her figure it out when she wakes up

Sora is big time flustered. His face is red as a tomato and he’s too shocked to do anything. He’s panicking the moment she wakes up and quickly offers to help her back to her room but she doesn’t care. She is angry he’s in HER bed even though she’s in his bed

Roxas is also a flustered mess and panicked but when she starts yelling at him, he’s yelling back. He will not back down to her blaming him for this

Byleth is confused and wonders why she would even end up in his bed. He’s not exactly used to being cuddled so he’s not sure what to really do but he’s smart enough to know Mythra’s normal personality so he doesn’t dare wake her. Instead he tries to get her back to her room while she’s clung to him. Others are probably giving him looks as he’s walking down the hall with her against his chest. They’re wondering when did Byleth get game
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I like to think the Smash House is enchanted to repair itself whenever it is damaged because Master Hand is smart enough to know having all these folks in one place WILL result in chaos!

I love the lack of shits Yoshi gives, and he's likely one of the few who doesn't get objects thrown at him too! Mythra's sleepwalking becomes common knowledge to the fighters, and they all make sure to lock their bedroom doors at night!

I can see Mythra and either Pit slowly waking up at the same time, staring at each other half-asleep, and then the realization of the situation striking them simultaneously! Mythra screams, which causes Pit or Dark Pit to scream back! There is a LOT of yelling and screaming! The difference between the two Pits is that Dark Pit would definitely be throwing things back at Mythra and hurling insults! Mythra is getting a taste of her own medicine with Dark Pit lol! I can picture a scene with Mythra having sleepwalked into Pit's room and chaos ensues, then later there's an exact recreation of that scene, only with Dark Pit, and it ends with all out war breaking out in his bedroom.

If it's Toon Link, I think it's more likely that Mythra will wake up before him. If T'ink wakes up first, he's horrified, but unable to do anything about it. He's just laying there in her grasp, frozen. Poor little guy doesn't know what to do!

Pikachu, like Yoshi, doesn't care. She's been made into a stuffed animal for the fighters plenty of times.
The funniest thing about all this is after it’s all said and done in most scenarios Mythra is probably too embarrassed to show her face around for awhile and forces Pyra out who likely has no clue what transpired because she was asleep herself. There is awkwardness to be had in all that. Poor Pyra is clueless as to why certain people are being so wary and awkward around her
Mythra loosens her grip just enough that T’ink can slip out of her hold, and he immediately sneaks off to one of the Big Link’s rooms. Link opens his eyes to see T’ink in his bed, sees the boy’s expression, and understands the situation and goes back to sleep.

I totally think the Links can communicate just by reading each other’s expressions lol They probably have a Bro Code between them!
Fhsjdhd time for morning and sleepy time hcs (because I am also very sleepy)

Inkling: Pre-Splatoon 2 it’d be a downright miracle to get her to wake up any earlier than 12pm. But once she started doing hero work full time Inkling started waking up way earlier. The problem is she’s also the sort to stay up way into the night so she ends up having a pretty jacked sleeping schedule and a mild case of insomnia. While Inkling won’t be the to type to be super groggy or grumpy in the morning, she’s kinda just at a consistent state of being just a smidge tired throughout the entire day.

Isabelle: Whether or not she has a decent sleeping schedule depends entirely on when the Island Rep wakes up as the moment they do she’s gotta do the Island Announcements broadcast. And based on how I play, the poor girl’s probably constantly being forced to wake up in the dead of night to do them lmao lmao. But all jokes aside I think generally she’s pretty good at being a morning person.

Zelda: Due to all of her princessly duties, she’s probably pretty used to waking up early in the day and thus could be considered a bit of an early bird. Fhskfhdkf There’s probably more I could say about her but my mind is mush atm lol

Pichu: You know the feeling of waking up from a after school nap where you’re all dehydrated, confused, and sweaty? Fhsjfj that’s Pichu waking up in the morning. He’s definitely a certified morning grump. Plus, I could imagine that he accumulates electricity through the night so by morning his fur’s all frizzed up and staticky, giving him major bed head.

(Bonus: A wild Mythra appeared in their bed!)

Inkling: Inklings probably going to try to drag Mythra out of her bed but eventually gives up halfway through, leaving Mythra half still on the bed and half sprawled out on the floor.

Isabelle: Honestly the big question is how the heck did Mythra even manage to fit in a villager sized bed? Poor Isabelle was probably squished to death during the night rip 🪦 🙏

Zelda: Fhskfhdkf out of my characters she might be the one to take heed of the possible implications of Mythra ending up in the same bed as her. Very OOC but I think it’d be funny if even for a split second her mind then immediately went to “Welp I guess we’re going to have to get married now 🤷‍♀️” Mythra proceeds to wake up to Zelda frantically proposing to her with a ring and everything lmao 💍

Pichu: Seeing as he’s probably sleeping in a dog bed Pichu too becomes a victim of being squished to death during the night rip 🪦 🙏
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Zelda and Mythra the real ship of the RP lol. Just two girls of light. What could go wrong? /j

After all this embarrassment Mythra will not be showing up for like a month because she cannot face any of it
Pichu gets up in the morning and Big Sis Pikachu starts grooming his fur the moment she sees him. He's struggling to get away. His fur is FINE! Picturing Pichu in a dog bed made me imagine one of the fighters taking a Pokemon to the Poke'Shop and doing one of those, "Buying whatever my pet touches" events.

After Zelda and Mythra get together, Pit and Dark Pit, unsure of how to process their feelings, go to Captain Falcon's class. He hears the story and is like, "Look, you're angels; miracles are YOUR specialty!" He's not touching that with a 100 ft pole!

Just like that, an entire AU was destroyed, all by Mythra's sleepwalking lol

As for the RP, I'll look into getting a Professor Layton post up this weekend, if that is fine SheepKing SheepKing . Don't take this as pressure to make a Pichu post! ^__^ I know I have to post for Dark Pit, but I need to figure out what to do with him as I made his latest post with the expectation that Juri Han was going to pursue him and... that didn't happen. I know Cream is looking out for him. Maybe Tetra bumps into him and Pikachu while fleeing Sheik A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity ?
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Zelda and Mythra the real ship of the RP lol. Just two girls of light. What could go wrong? /j
Fhskfhdkf you could say that the couple is going to have a very ✨bright✨ future ahead of them


After Zelda and Mythra get together, Pit and Dark Pit, unsure of how to process their feelings, go to Captain Falcon's class. He hears the story and is like, "Look, you're angels; miracles are YOUR specialty!" He's not touching that with a 100 ft pole!

Just like that, an entire AU was destroyed, all by Mythra's sleepwalking lol
Fhskxhdkfj “What to do when ur kinda (but not actually) gf accidentally marries your clone’s kinda (but not actually) gf” is definitely not covered on the syllabus.

…does this mean I have to make a Zelthra fankid now? (If I get the energy to do so I just might-)

As for the RP, I'll look into getting a Professor Layton post up this weekend, if that is fine SheepKing SheepKing . Don't take this as pressure to make a Pichu post! ^__^ I know I have to post for Dark Pit, but I need to figure out what to do with him as I made his latest post with the expectation that Juri Han was going to pursue him and... that didn't happen. I know Cream is looking out for him. Maybe Tetra bumps into him and Pikachu while fleeing Sheik A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity ?
Nah that’s totally cool with me! I’ll see if I can get a post up before the weekend but if not then pls feel free to skip Pichu’s turn 👌

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