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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Don't think I forgot about Papa Joker and his lil Jokeling I had to redraw Joker like 10 times and I was in pain
I’m thinking on names for the Pithra girl, and maybe Melissa or Melina may work better. They’re Greek names meaning “honey bee,” and “honey,” respectively, and they’d flow well with Milton.

Hoo boy! Another Zelda baby! Figuring out succession is gonna be great family fun!

Develius (Samus’s previous player) and I spoke briefly about how Samus and Layton may get along very well. Now there’s a crack ship for ya!
Dhdjvhck it probably also doesn’t help that the baby is also a potential heir to Valla, but since it’s so young the real royal feud’s gonna be between Harkinian and Lux/Aster, and as much as I’m rootin for the little guy, Aster/Lux probably isn’t gonna go down without a fight! 🤜 💥 🔑

Dhskfhdjf with the topic of even crackier pairings, now I’m think about throwing poor poor Isabelle into the ring (When I’m not totally pooped lol) 😮‍💨 If Doomguy we’re still around then I’d have the chance to draw a potentially either really adorable or extremely cursed Isadoom baby, but for now I’ll have to tread new ground!

Don't think I forgot about Papa Joker and his lil Jokeling I had to redraw Joker like 10 times and I was in pain


Dgsjfhd omfg dude this has absolutely made my day! I’m about to leave pretty soon but trust me when I come back I’m gonna have a lot more to say about how much I love this!!!
Pyra loses this parenting struggle. She just thanks the Architect that Serphina didn't get the full powers of the Aegis on top of everything she's learning/has inherited from Sephiroth

Poor Pyra really needs a good tempered child. Even her canonical daughter is just a mini Mythra LMAO

Byleth just sighs. Crazy Hand got him good this time. Don't be fooled, he'll be in the library of the Smash House later with kiddo in lap sleeping while he's reading

Melina is such a cute name!
lol luckily she won’t have means of making materia as he’s not gonna let her have the meteor materia. Granted, there’s talk of the red materia.. my he won’t be able to stop her from getting her hands on one but confiscate it.
Thanks! GOD that took me forever but I'm glad I got it up! Now to post for Cyan, Peregrine, and Chuck so the trio can head to the Badlands 😈
When I read that part of the President my brain went oh everyone knows what happens with Seph and Presidents. 👀👀 hopefully he won’t end up a human shish kabob like el presidente Shinra
Dhdjvhck it probably also doesn’t help that the baby is also a potential heir to Valla, but since it’s so young the real royal feud’s gonna be between Harkinian and Lux/Aster, and as much as I’m rootin for the little guy, Aster/Lux probably isn’t gonna go down without a fight! 🤜 💥 🔑
I'm gonna go with the name Aster name wise! She may not go down without a fight, but Papa Roxas steps in and probably grabs her by the collar of her dress (he clearly doesn't know parenting) and tells her she's not becoming the next Queen of Hyrule (much like he didn't become king). She clearly hates that and probably tries to fist fight her own father. She is not as well behaved as her half-brother and it shows. She went on too many visits to Valla with Roxas and probably watched him get heated defending Sora from Corrin's family on many occasions. She does not pick up on Roxas' "baby" side only his recklessness and sour attitude when he's annoyed

On the flip side, Percy probably doesn't care much about being King of Valla and happily lets his big half-sister have way to the throne. He's just happy being with his family even if they are overly affectionate towards him. Besides, he also knows his dad likely never took the throne either (Corrin's family would riot we all know it LMAO) so he doesn't mind being like his dad

Dgsjfhd omfg dude this has absolutely made my day! I’m about to leave pretty soon but trust me when I come back I’m gonna have a lot more to say about how much I love this!!!
Omg I'm glad it made your day ♥️♥️ We all need a lil soft dad moments in our life from time to time
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what are the chances of Seph running into Roxas again? He wont ever admit Roxas has guts.
Don't think I forgot about Papa Joker and his lil Jokeling I had to redraw Joker like 10 times and I was in pain
This is so precious! Thanks a lot! 💕 I bet Jokeling is very squishy!

I may have to do some doodles of the twins with their parents, and Lil' Prince Harkin with his, though I still have the idea of Harkin being terrified of Dark Pit! I'd love to do one of baby Harkin in the Souflee onesie!

Dhdjvhck it probably also doesn’t help that the baby is also a potential heir to Valla, but since it’s so young the real royal feud’s gonna be between Harkinian and Lux/Aster, and as much as I’m rootin for the little guy, Aster/Lux probably isn’t gonna go down without a fight! 🤜 💥 🔑

Dhskfhdjf with the topic of even crackier pairings, now I’m think about throwing poor poor Isabelle into the ring (When I’m not totally pooped lol) 😮‍💨 If Doomguy we’re still around then I’d have the chance to draw a potentially either really adorable or extremely cursed Isadoom baby, but for now I’ll have to tread new ground!
I'm gonna go with the name Aster name wise! She may not go down without a fight, but Papa Roxas steps in and probably grabs her by the collar of her dress (he clearly doesn't know parenting) and tells her she's not becoming the next Queen of Hyrule (much like he didn't become king). She clearly hates that and probably tries to fist fight her own father. She is not as well behaved as her half-brother and it shows. She went on too many visits to Valla with Roxas and probably watched him get heated defending Sora from Corrin's family on many occasions. She does not pick up on Roxas' "baby" side only his recklessness and sour attitude when he's annoyed
The thought of Roxas flat out saying no to Aster being Queen is hilarious to me, I don't know why! XD Make me wonder if Aster would pick on Harkinian though. Maybe his inner Pittoo comes out when he's older. I've said that he reminds me of Bambi, and he became a badass at adulthood too!

On that What-If of Zelda proposing Dark Pit become her consort scenario, I had another thought of Dark Pit taking some time to himself to consider the offer. What makes him go for it is Viridi's ranting in his head because she is NOT happy at the idea of HER officer running off to serve a disgusting HUMAN kingdom, and he's like, "Yeah, okay, being king has GOT to be better than this!" Then, Dark Pit's mind suddenly goes quiet (to his relief) only for Viridi to suddenly give him her blessing because if he marries Zelda and becomes king that means Link will still be single! 😆

Y'all... don't be surprised if I ever make any Queen Zelda/King Dark Pit artwork. This is way too much fun of an AU to think about! 😅
Pyra loses this parenting struggle. She just thanks the Architect that Serphina didn't get the full powers of the Aegis on top of everything she's learning/has inherited from Sephiroth

Poor Pyra really needs a good tempered child. Even her canonical daughter is just a mini Mythra LMAO

Byleth just sighs. Crazy Hand got him good this time. Don't be fooled, he'll be in the library of the Smash House later with kiddo in lap sleeping while he's reading

Melina is such a cute name!
I wouldn't put it past Pit to name a pet or a child after food. He and Palutena suggest "Pita" at first, because OMG the pun, but quickly change their minds when Mythra gives them a look! XD
what are the chances of Seph running into Roxas again? He wont ever admit Roxas has guts.
I'm not sure. Depends on how things go moving forward and where they end up

This is so precious! Thanks a lot! 💕 I bet Jokeling is very squishy!

I may have to do some doodles of the twins with their parents, and Lil' Prince Harkin with his, though I still have the idea of Harkin being terrified of Dark Pit! I'd love to do one of baby Harkin in the Souflee onesie!

The thought of Roxas flat out saying no to Aster being Queen is hilarious to me, I don't know why! XD Make me wonder if Aster would pick on Harkinian though. Maybe his inner Pittoo comes out when he's older. I've said that he reminds me of Bambi, and he became a badass at adulthood too!

On that What-If of Zelda proposing Dark Pit become her consort scenario, I had another thought of Dark Pit taking some time to himself to consider the offer. What makes him go for it is Viridi's ranting in his head because she is NOT happy at the idea of HER officer running off to serve a disgusting HUMAN kingdom, and he's like, "Yeah, okay, being king has GOT to be better than this!" Then, Dark Pit's mind suddenly goes quiet (to his relief) only for Viridi to suddenly give him her blessing because if he marries Zelda and becomes king that means Link will still be single! 😆

Y'all... don't be surprised if I ever make any Queen Zelda/King Dark Pit artwork. This is way too much fun of an AU to think about! 😅
Lol np! Honestly all I needed to be told was "Draw Joker" and I'd do it LMAO. Any excuse to draw my boy. I'm glad it turned out decently cute after all the struggles I had with it. And lil Jokeling probably is a lil squishy. Papa Joker gotta make sure he doesn't squish too much

I wanna draw more of the characters with the babies, so I probably will at some point

Aster might bully him sometimes, especially when she sees him getting more attention than she is, but I feel like if someone were picking on him, she'd go lil gremlin mode on them. She has some sibling love in there, just not always. It probably shows up more when she realizes he's really not that bad- much like how Roxas was with Sora

After all this thinking on this kiddos, especially around where they would end up living situation wise and I got some sad feels. Do I share or not.... hoo boy idk
I'm not sure. Depends on how things go moving forward and where they end up

Lol np! Honestly all I needed to be told was "Draw Joker" and I'd do it LMAO. Any excuse to draw my boy. I'm glad it turned out decently cute after all the struggles I had with it. And lil Jokeling probably is a lil squishy. Papa Joker gotta make sure he doesn't squish too much

I wanna draw more of the characters with the babies, so I probably will at some point

Aster might bully him sometimes, especially when she sees him getting more attention than she is, but I feel like if someone were picking on him, she'd go lil gremlin mode on them. She has some sibling love in there, just not always. It probably shows up more when she realizes he's really not that bad- much like how Roxas was with Sora

After all this thinking on this kiddos, especially around where they would end up living situation wise and I got some sad feels. Do I share or not.... hoo boy idk
Harkin looks to be 2-3 years old. I’m assuming he was designed to be the same age as the twins, which I did design to be around 3 years old. So, he’d be too young to know how to fight back, most likely. I see him hiding under Mama’s cloak a lot.

And go for it! I already shared my thoughts of unfriendly gods trying to take Harkin, believing he’ll grow to be powerful, and wanting him as their servant, as well as Pittoo being away at war during the whole thing.
Okay okay lemme serve up some sad (with some cute mixed in) stuff cuz I'm a cruel person also this is so long I'm spoilering things LMAO

What happens to lil Mika when Joker and Inkling have to go home? Well they can't really go with Joker back to Japan. They would be treated as some abomination or a scientific discovery and he would never put them through that. Obviously Inkopolis would be the optimal location so they can be around other Inklings, but Joker would feel bad not only putting full responsibility on Agent 3, but also being unable to visit cuz a human showing up in a world where they are extinct and all that. I could see them coming to an agreement the Smash Realm is the best option and lil Mika ends up in an adopted family. Joker's visits to the Smash Realm end up being far more frequent than others though, even after he starts his own family with Ann. He definitely brings his daughter to meet their silly half-sibling at some point because he's a proud papa through and through. Mika definitely travels to Inkopolis when they can though, but never actually lives there

The Pithra twins probably stay on Alrest for a short while before ending up in Angel Land, but probably for more reasons than the Gods want them. Rex welcomes them into his family happily (he's an orphan who was taken in so he's happy to welcome kids in that aren't his own) and they probably live quietly for awhile until some Gods come knocking and Mythra has to tell em to piss off, but that's not the end of it. When word of the worlds of Alrest and Bionis/Mechonis will be merging start coming up, Mythra is faced with the fact that if things go terribly wrong, the two worlds could destroy each other, and to keep her babies safe she agrees they should be in Angel Land. She does not speak of the potential fate of her world though. Her babies can at least be safe and she probably visits a bit before everything happens
Of course when the worlds combine, all goes wrong and she disappears for around a thousand years, likely trapped in Origin's Memory core or trapped in her core crystal which resides in Matthew's gauntlets/Noah's sword sheathe. She only returns after Noah and his friends successfully destroy the Endless Now and separate the worlds again

Similarly to Mythra, Pyra has the same fate, though she likely has very little contact with lil Serphina anyways. It's likely she is always with Sephiroth, even when Pyra suddenly disappears. Does she care? Maybe a little... maybe not...

Percy obviously resides happily in Valla and has a very content life... well for the most part. There is the issue that his father is a Guardian of Light and has his own responsibilities. Plus Sora would be wary to reside solely in Valla, especially if he finds out it was closed off from the rest of the world for so long. The last thing he wants to do is have Heartless show up and cause problems all because they're drawn to his keyblade. He stays for long periods, but when he senses something is off, he likely takes a trip to the other worlds he's traveled to and hopes that doing that will keep Valla safe from the darkness. It makes lil Percy sad when his dad is away, but Sora always tries to come back with a fun story to tell him and little gifts to make it up to him with. He thinks about taking him with him one time, but as soon as any of Corrin's relatives catch wind, they're on his ass like hawks. Sora has a lot of lingering guilt from being away though. He wants to be hands on, but is very concerned. Things probably get worse when he sees Percy has somehow gotten a keyblade and he starts to think everything he's done to keep Valla safe will come crumbling down

Aster probably resides in Hyrule, though probably only because Roxas doesn't know where else she could stay and it only feels fair to let her stay with her mother. He's very conscious of the problems that Aster brings in terms of the family system (the people of Hyrule probably don't let him hear the end of it) and he is very mindful of the relationship between Pittoo and Zelda. He doesn't wanna impose on that nor let his daughter (likely another reason he's against her being queen). However, like Sora, Roxas also has the issue of drawing Heartless to him because of his keyblades. He has to leave her in Hyrule because he knows he can't let her be around darkness and he also can't let it threaten Hyrule. Aster probably has some temperamental problems because Roxas is away. He tries to bring her with when he travels some times, though probably much to Zelda's dismay. He probably brings her to visit his friends 1 time and they're with Aqua, Terra and Ventus which only causes major confusion when Aster sees Ventus and asks why two daddys exist. Roxas will never live that one down. He can never bring her to visit if Ven is around otherwise it's pure embarrassment for him. Luckily, unlike Sora's case, Aster doesn't somehow accidently get a keyblade, so he only has to worry about himself bringing unnecessary darkness to Hyrule

Then there's Byleth and Samus' boy. I can see him likely ending up back in Fodlan with Byleth even though he rather be traveling space with his mother. In terms of safety, it's the better option, especially since Byleth has settled into his role as the Archbishop and Fodlan is at peace for now. Lil boy probably has a lot of troubles feeling comfortable in such a world though and his father isn't exactly well versed in parenthood. His experience comes solely from his time with his own father which was a life of a mercenary. Samus PROBABLY wouldn't mind but Byleth doesn't feel that is how he should be raising a child. Luckily the students, and now his aids, from the Golden Deer House are very helpful when it comes to these things. While he's stern on his kid, his former students love to spoil him, and he probably learns devious things whenever Claude comes to visit. The day Byleth sees his son pulling ridiculous plans and making poisons, he knows who was at it. One thing Byleth is happy about though is the fact his son, despite being stoic, does show a full range of emotions unlike himself. Still, there is always some distance between the two of them
So bittersweet!

The Pyra/Mythra ones are especially sad imo. I can only imagine how helpless Pyra must feel about her whole situation!

Pit would probably need a hug because even though he and Mythra were never a couple, he still cares about her a lot, especially as the mother of his children, and he would be wondering where she is for a thousand years! Though it's also possible that time moves differently between worlds, but still! After the Stork brought the twins, I honestly wouldn't put it past him to think about proposing to Mythra out of a sense of responsibility, and feel immense regret and guilt for not having done so, even if the whole situation was never his fault at all. I can see Mythra's last few visits before SHTF being intense because Pit wants to know what the hell is going on (he wants to help!) and Mythra isn't talking!

The SSB fighters that got kids love them dearly, but I can imagine they still gave Crazy Hand one hell of a talking to... which probably wasn't too effective because it's CRAZY Hand, but Master Hand probably reassures them that it won't happen again. Maybe.
Bittersweet is what I do best

Poor Pyra got the short end of the stick in all this frfr. Poor girl did not deserve any of this!

Now that you mention it, time PROBABLY does move differently given how all of XC3 is to begin with and it's ending
Basically the post credits scene goes back to young Noah which was shown from when the worlds were separate and has time resume back to the moment despite a thousand years passing, indicating that upon ending that world everyone was sent back to that very moment. So what was likely a thousand years for Mythra could all just be like a minute passed barring how Xenoblade's time would fit in among everything else ofc. It's all like it never happened as well, though there is some sign that Noah at least has familiarity with Mio's flute music since he hears it and walks towards it. So someone like Mythra could possibly remember everything despite memories being erased

And with the spoiler on my last post in mind, I'm just gonna send what's Mythra's real fate was before the world's were returned to normal

Bye bye Pyra/Mythra 😭
While on the topic of Smash Kids, I think that Captain Falcon, while not having kids of his own, still proceeds to be an uncle/grandfather figure to most of the Smash Kids. No different to how he serves as a psuedo-father figure to most of the younger Smashers
Bittersweet is what I do best

Poor Pyra got the short end of the stick in all this frfr. Poor girl did not deserve any of this!

Now that you mention it, time PROBABLY does move differently given how all of XC3 is to begin with and it's ending
Basically the post credits scene goes back to young Noah which was shown from when the worlds were separate and has time resume back to the moment despite a thousand years passing, indicating that upon ending that world everyone was sent back to that very moment. So what was likely a thousand years for Mythra could all just be like a minute passed barring how Xenoblade's time would fit in among everything else ofc. It's all like it never happened as well, though there is some sign that Noah at least has familiarity with Mio's flute music since he hears it and walks towards it. So someone like Mythra could possibly remember everything despite memories being erased

And with the spoiler on my last post in mind, I'm just gonna send what's Mythra's real fate was before the world's were returned to normal

Bye bye Pyra/Mythra 😭

OH NO!! PYRA/MYTHRA GOT YEETED!! That's both sad and hilarious; I'm awful I know!

The time flowing differently would be a good thing on Pit's end, then. He's incredibly loyal, so I can see the poor angel taking a bit of time out of each day to go to where Mythra usually appears when visiting Angel Land in hopes of seeing her again. Even Palutena wouldn't be able to know what happened because her powers don't extend that far! And with their last few meetings likely being a lot of yelling and arguing with each other, Pit would likely feel a lot of guilt and sadness over it. Having everything just be a minute for him, rather than a thousand years, would be a mercy!
OH NO!! PYRA/MYTHRA GOT YEETED!! That's both sad and hilarious; I'm awful I know!

The time flowing differently would be a good thing on Pit's end, then. He's incredibly loyal, so I can see the poor angel taking a bit of time out of each day to go to where Mythra usually appears when visiting Angel Land in hopes of seeing her again. Even Palutena wouldn't be able to know what happened because her powers don't extend that far! And with their last few meetings likely being a lot of yelling and arguing with each other, Pit would likely feel a lot of guilt and sadness over it. Having everything just be a minute for him, rather than a thousand years, would be a mercy!
It's pretty funny. Even funnier knowing they hid the fact that the core crystal was in there until the end of the DLC which came out several months later. So it hits a bit different looking back at

My heart!!!!!!!! But poor Pit gonna have Mythra show up and she just has all these memories (or at least an idea) of what happened. She's a mess, but doesn't know how to express it all cuz it's as if none of it happened anyways

Imagine she never brought her kids to Angel Land. They get trapped in XC3's whole cycle and have to fight to survive their whole lives as they're constantly killed and reincarnated with 0 memories, unless they actually live 10 years and just are taken out of the cycle and dead forever in that world (though likely kept in Origin's Core like everyone's true memories are). Mama wouldn't even be able to help them
It's pretty funny. Even funnier knowing they hid the fact that the core crystal was in there until the end of the DLC which came out several months later. So it hits a bit different looking back at

My heart!!!!!!!! But poor Pit gonna have Mythra show up and she just has all these memories (or at least an idea) of what happened. She's a mess, but doesn't know how to express it all cuz it's as if none of it happened anyways

Imagine she never brought her kids to Angel Land. They get trapped in XC3's whole cycle and have to fight to survive their whole lives as they're constantly killed and reincarnated with 0 memories, unless they actually live 10 years and just are taken out of the cycle and dead forever in that world (though likely kept in Origin's Core like everyone's true memories are). Mama wouldn't even be able to help them

And for that extra stab in the heart, Pit wouldn't know what happened! They simply stop showing up one day, no warning at all. Imagine having to deal with that pain and loss for 1,000 years! I doubt he'd ever recover from something like that; he'd be changed forever.

This is definitely an example of the potential terrible consequences of folks from different worlds, timelines, and social statuses pairing up! Byleth's point is tragically made here.
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I think I mentioned before I didn’t think a good reason for mentioning Cyan with the whole fan kid thing. He lost his wife and young son as emperor Gestahl ordered the genocide of Doma kingdom it was Kefka that went through with poisoning the water. Only a nameless who is a retainer and Cyan survived by not drinking the poisoned water.

What’s worse he saw his wife’s and son’s spirits boarding the phantom train that departs for the other side. With everyone having kids he’ll be happy for everyone and supportive though that sadness is there.
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He probably brings her to visit his friends 1 time and they're with Aqua, Terra and Ventus which only causes major confusion when Aster sees Ventus and asks why two daddys exist. Roxas will never live that one down. He can never bring her to visit if Ven is around otherwise it's pure embarrassment for him.
I had to make this happen and I'm not even sorry LMAO Roxas definitely wears his Organization cloak for traveling purposes
Don't Shulk and Rex disappear at the end to fix everything? I've only done very surface-level research into this, so I don't have the full context. So not only do Pyra/Mythra have to go through what they do for 1,000 years, but they lose their spouse too, poor girls. If all those years passed between both worlds, I can only imagine what Pit and Mythra's first meeting after all that time would be like, especially if the twins were on Alrest during those events.

To make things a bit happier, Milton wouldn't have to be too self-conscious about his head-wings because he meets the Centurions and sees they have head-wings too!

If Aster stays on Hyrule, I'm of the opinion that Pittoo would help Zelda with her as much as he can. I cannot see him being resentful toward or bullying children, especially since that's the kid of his two closest friends. The Japanese script implies that despite being the embodiment of Pit's dark side, Dark Pit is still pure-hearted, which is why he is neutral at worse. I've also been imagining these scenarios with all minor fighters being adults for the obvious reason, so he'd be more mature. I'm of the impression that Aster likely wouldn't get along with him though, and rebel against his attempts to discipline her.
Pyra loses this parenting struggle. She just thanks the Architect that Serphina didn't get the full powers of the Aegis on top of everything she's learning/has inherited from Sephiroth

Poor Pyra really needs a good tempered child. Even her canonical daughter is just a mini Mythra LMAO

Byleth just sighs. Crazy Hand got him good this time. Don't be fooled, he'll be in the library of the Smash House later with kiddo in lap sleeping while he's reading

Melina is such a cute name!
Lmao now they've gotta take care of a kid ON TOP of their responsibilities in their respective worlds. Samus would be the type of mom to show her love through actions instead of words.
Samus would find their relationship very comical- after all, Byleth had been the main nay-sayer!

We could name the boy Felis- it would fit with the FE style, and is also the name of a constellation! And there's definitely not a character from Three Houses that almost has the same name
She went on too many visits to Valla with Roxas and probably watched him get heated defending Sora from Corrin's family on many occasions. She does not pick up on Roxas' "baby" side only his recklessness and sour attitude when he's annoyed

On the flip side, Percy probably doesn't care much about being King of Valla and happily lets his big half-sister have way to the throne. He's just happy being with his family even if they are overly affectionate towards him. Besides, he also knows his dad likely never took the throne either (Corrin's family would riot we all know it LMAO) so he doesn't mind being like his dad
Lmao I think Corrin's family would also be slightly disapproving of Link- have you seen the hijinks he gets up to? At least he's a royal knight and a legendary hero...

Lirrin would be very protective of her younger half-brother, and want to teach him everything she knows. I can imagine Lirrin teaching Percy how to spar once he's old enough. Percy would have a keyblade and Lirrin the Yato, since only Link can wield the Master Sword.
Then there's Byleth and Samus' boy. I can see him likely ending up back in Fodlan with Byleth even though he rather be traveling space with his mother. In terms of safety, it's the better option, especially since Byleth has settled into his role as the Archbishop and Fodlan is at peace for now. Lil boy probably has a lot of troubles feeling comfortable in such a world though and his father isn't exactly well versed in parenthood. His experience comes solely from his time with his own father which was a life of a mercenary. Samus PROBABLY wouldn't mind but Byleth doesn't feel that is how he should be raising a child. Luckily the students, and now his aids, from the Golden Deer House are very helpful when it comes to these things. While he's stern on his kid, his former students love to spoil him, and he probably learns devious things whenever Claude comes to visit. The day Byleth sees his son pulling ridiculous plans and making poisons, he knows who was at it. One thing Byleth is happy about though is the fact his son, despite being stoic, does show a full range of emotions unlike himself. Still, there is always some distance between the two of them
Samus is also a mercenary, and also suffered loss at a very young age. Both her parents died to Ridley; she has limited parental skills as well (the most possibly being the incident with the baby Metroid). She'd want her child to not have to suffer the way she did, so she'd try her hardest to be there for her boy, and visit as often as she can. She would have a tough time relating to the pair of them, though, since her universe is much more futuristic. I can imagine her being very hesitant on letting her child join her on missions and such.
Don't Shulk and Rex disappear at the end to fix everything? I've only done very surface-level research into this, so I don't have the full context. So not only do Pyra/Mythra have to go through what they do for 1,000 years, but they lose their spouse too, poor girls. If all those years passed between both worlds, I can only imagine what Pit and Mythra's first meeting after all that time would be like, especially if the twins were on Alrest during those events.

To make things a bit happier, Milton wouldn't have to be too self-conscious about his head-wings because he meets the Centurions and sees they have head-wings too!

If Aster stays on Hyrule, I'm of the opinion that Pittoo would help Zelda with her as much as he can. I cannot see him being resentful toward or bullying children, especially since that's the kid of his two closest friends. The Japanese script implies that despite being the embodiment of Pit's dark side, Dark Pit is still pure-hearted, which is why he is neutral at worse. I've also been imagining these scenarios with all minor fighters being adults for the obvious reason, so he'd be more mature. I'm of the impression that Aster likely wouldn't get along with him though, and rebel against his attempts to discipline her.
Luckily Shulk and Rex’s involvement in everything happens near the beginning of the combination of the worlds and they set things in motion for Noah to eventually end things. The whole DLC is a prequel to XC3’s main story. Shulk and Rex presumably end up locked away in Origin until the worlds are released so they’ve also been trapped for nearly 1000 years. Mythra is probably a mess when she returns but thankfully neither of the kids would remember the events. She probably has a hard time talking about things, and probably doesn’t know everything because she physically wasn’t around but it’s enough to bother her. It probably takes awhile for her to talk about it

Roxas probably holds no resentment himself, he’s just very conscious of everything and he tries to stay as out of the way as he can. Hell Aster could probably pass as a kid of Zelda and Pittoo given it’d be hard to object that she doesn’t just get her blonde hair and blue eyes from Zelda, and Roxas probably debates if it's a good idea to just not be involved so he doesn't intrude, but Aster definitely has fits about wanting to see her dad and it's clear seeing Pittoo does not fix that so Roxas quickly figures out he can't do things like that even if it causes unnecessary problems. Aster probably doesn't resent Pittoo either, but she seems to know very much so who her dad is, and she will not have any other way. Pittoo obviously wouldn't be trying to replace Roxas, but she'd see it that way good thing she won't have to experience Roxas' disappearance arc. God that would make things worse

Lmao now they've gotta take care of a kid ON TOP of their responsibilities in their respective worlds. Samus would be the type of mom to show her love through actions instead of words.
Samus would find their relationship very comical- after all, Byleth had been the main nay-sayer!

We could name the boy Felis- it would fit with the FE style, and is also the name of a constellation! And there's definitely not a character from Three Houses that almost has the same name

Lmao I think Corrin's family would also be slightly disapproving of Link- have you seen the hijinks he gets up to? At least he's a royal knight and a legendary hero...

Lirrin would be very protective of her younger half-brother, and want to teach him everything she knows. I can imagine Lirrin teaching Percy how to spar once he's old enough. Percy would have a keyblade and Lirrin the Yato, since only Link can wield the Master Sword.

Samus is also a mercenary, and also suffered loss at a very young age. Both her parents died to Ridley; she has limited parental skills as well (the most possibly being the incident with the baby Metroid). She'd want her child to not have to suffer the way she did, so she'd try her hardest to be there for her boy, and visit as often as she can. She would have a tough time relating to the pair of them, though, since her universe is much more futuristic. I can imagine her being very hesitant on letting her child join her on missions and such.
Felis is a cute name! I like it!
And Byleth being the main nay-sayer but stepping up because he's not gonna just be a dick for no reason. Him and Samus would definitely have the same approach of showing through actions rather than words! It's a good thing Byleth doesn't try to raise lil Felis as a mercenary and tries to give him a normal life- or as normal as one can have when their father is the Archbishop of an entire land. Byleth and Samus having a hard time relating cuz of their world differences is a big reason I paired them tbh. It makes for a funny scenario. I can see Felis being more drawn to Samus and her world, but being put in Byleth's instead. Byleth probably assumed she wouldn't want to be putting Felis in danger by bringing him along with her thus can offer a more relaxed life at the Monastery.

Link probably is more accepted than Sora. He may have hijinks and all, but that hero and knight status definitely surpass what poor Sora has as a Guardian of Light. Link gets some heat, Sora probably defends him and ends up getting all the heat thrown on him instead

Lirrin and Percy being happy half-siblings is such a soft thought! They don't care that they're not fully related, they still act as normal siblings even despite whatever differences they have. Valla is in very good hands with these two as its princess and prince.

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