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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Ploegy Ploegy Oh! And for Zelda and Roxas’ kid, I thought it’d be very cute if she was named Aster after the Tatarian Aster flower.

So I did some brainstorming instead of napping like I planned LMAO and these are the ideas regarding names I came up with:

Mythra-Pit kiddo: Milton. This name is very sentimental to Mythra
Basically Milton was a character Mythra was very close with, basically was like a little brother to her and when she lost control and fought Malos she indirectly ended up killing Milton which actually is the real spark for her creating Pyra. But yeah it's commonly agreed upon that IF Mythra's kid was a boy, his name would be Milton because of this we never got her kid though!

Roxas-Zelda kiddo: Lux. For starters, I thought it'd be cute to have a name with an X in it to match Roxas'. Second, it means light. How could you ask for more lol. It's cute, simple and probably fits in with Zelda names well enough.

Joker-Inkling kiddo: Mika. With a huge language barrier between them, naming a child like this is hard. Because of this keeping a name simple is what I aimed for. Mika in Japanese has some meanings regarding seashells and the like, plus "IKA" literally means squid in Japanese so close enough right LMAO. Should be easy enough for them all to say I didn't wanna gender this baby too much, but oh well girl name it is

Pyra-Sephiroth kiddo: Seraphina. Close enough to seraph which ya know is an angelic being and all. Also is close to Sephiroth's name which I could see him liking. Pyra is getting no say in the name, though it funnily enough has ties to fire anyways

Sora-Corrin kiddo: Percy I AM IGNORING THERE IS A KID IN FATES NAMED PERCY AND IS IRONICALLY VOICED BY PIT'S VA WHICH MAKES IT EVEN FUNNIER THAT I AM PICKING THIS NAME. It feels Disney enough while legit being a name that fits well into Fire Emblem as well. It really has no depth other than that LMAO.
Bonus: The name Uryu came up while I was searching which means "Rain Dragon" in Japanese, but it didn't feel it fit well with Sora (despite his name literally being Japanese). It'd probably fit well with Hoshido in Fates though

Ploegy Ploegy Oh! And for Zelda and Roxas’ kid, I thought it’d be very cute if she was named Aster after the Tatarian Aster flower.

Me typing out this TED talk and you hit me with this suggestion and I just ahhhhhh. This is so good!!!!

Ploegy Ploegy Now I'm wondering, how well do you think Roxas would take to becoming King of Hyrule? 83c
Oh boy, I cannot imagine Roxas takes well to becoming King of Hyrule. He's probably such a mess when he's told he needs to be a prince, and now he has to be KING OF A WHOLE KINGDOM??? He's not used to being the one at the top.. He's used to being the one ordered around. It's very weird for him to get used to. Plus he probably has a very strong desire to be independent which being king wouldn't allow him to have.
So I did some brainstorming instead of napping like I planned LMAO and these are the ideas regarding names I came up with:

Mythra-Pit kiddo: Milton. This name is very sentimental to Mythra
Basically Milton was a character Mythra was very close with, basically was like a little brother to her and when she lost control and fought Malos she indirectly ended up killing Milton which actually is the real spark for her creating Pyra. But yeah it's commonly agreed upon that IF Mythra's kid was a boy, his name would be Milton because of this we never got her kid though!

Roxas-Zelda kiddo: Lux. For starters, I thought it'd be cute to have a name with an X in it to match Roxas'. Second, it means light. How could you ask for more lol. It's cute, simple and probably fits in with Zelda names well enough.

Joker-Inkling kiddo: Mika. With a huge language barrier between them, naming a child like this is hard. Because of this keeping a name simple is what I aimed for. Mika in Japanese has some meanings regarding seashells and the like, plus "IKA" literally means squid in Japanese so close enough right LMAO. Should be easy enough for them all to say I didn't wanna gender this baby too much, but oh well girl name it is

Pyra-Sephiroth kiddo: Seraphina. Close enough to seraph which ya know is an angelic being and all. Also is close to Sephiroth's name which I could see him liking. Pyra is getting no say in the name, though it funnily enough has ties to fire anyways

Sora-Corrin kiddo: Percy I AM IGNORING THERE IS A KID IN FATES NAMED PERCY AND IS IRONICALLY VOICED BY PIT'S VA WHICH MAKES IT EVEN FUNNIER THAT I AM PICKING THIS NAME. It feels Disney enough while legit being a name that fits well into Fire Emblem as well. It really has no depth other than that LMAO.
Bonus: The name Uryu came up while I was searching which means "Rain Dragon" in Japanese, but it didn't feel it fit well with Sora (despite his name literally being Japanese). It'd probably fit well with Hoshido in Fates though

Me typing out this TED talk and you hit me with this suggestion and I just ahhhhhh. This is so good!!!!

Oh boy, I cannot imagine Roxas takes well to becoming King of Hyrule. He's probably such a mess when he's told he needs to be a prince, and now he has to be KING OF A WHOLE KINGDOM??? He's not used to being the one at the top.. He's used to being the one ordered around. It's very weird for him to get used to. Plus he probably has a very strong desire to be independent which being king wouldn't allow him to have.
It’s fitting for Seraphina he’ll definitely like it. I can see him being the kind to pass down his knowledge and ability’s to her. ( Safer Sephiroth maybe a huge maybe)
Roxas-Zelda kiddo: Lux. For starters, I thought it'd be cute to have a name with an X in it to match Roxas'. Second, it means light. How could you ask for more lol. It's cute, simple and probably fits in with Zelda names well enough.
Context: Lux were an in game item earned when defeating heartless and was used for rankings between unions. During the later half of the story when shit started to go down a bunch of keyblade wielders started falling to darkness due to their their obsession with collecting it, resulting in them being turned into darklings ✨The more you know✨

Chdkvhdkv but besides that (Cus who cares about Khux lol) it’s still such a cute name!
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Context: Lux were an in game item earned when defeating heartless and was used for rankings between unions. During the later half of the story when shit started to go down a bunch of keyblade wielders started falling to darkness due to their their obsession with collecting it, resulting in them being turned into darklings ✨The more you know✨

Chdkvhdkv but besides that (Cus who cares about Khux lol) it’s still such a cute name!
Oh my god I am so dumb for forgetting this imma blame not playing the mobile game and only cramming videos of it into my brain as why I forget. Now it makes sense why it felt familiar and not cuz of LoL

It’s fitting for Seraphina he’ll definitely like it. I can see him being the kind to pass down his knowledge and ability’s to her. ( Safer Sephiroth maybe a huge maybe)
Sephiroth's gonna need a "Girl Dad" hat soon lmao
Oh my god I am so dumb for forgetting this imma blame not playing the mobile game and only cramming videos of it into my brain as why I forget. Now it makes sense why it felt familiar and not cuz of LoL

Sephiroth's gonna need a "Girl Dad" hat soon lmao
Oh he does lol I can’t unsee it.
Oh my god I am so dumb for forgetting this imma blame not playing the mobile game and only cramming videos of it into my brain as why I forget. Now it makes sense why it felt familiar and not cuz of LoL
Aww you aren’t dumb, Union Cross is basically the only kh game I’ve actually played with my own two hands (plus a little bit of 358/2 Days but that’s besides the point lol) so it’s probably easier for me to remember random details like that 😅
Just cuz I put this is my own head, I had to actually doodle it don't mind me drawing the first shadow I could think of from Persona just to make this happen
Just cuz I put this is my own head, I had to actually doodle it don't mind me drawing the first shadow I could think of from Persona just to make this happen
Joker and Jokeling have it in a Hee-Hold up! get it…hee-ho
So I did some brainstorming instead of napping like I planned LMAO and these are the ideas regarding names I came up with:

Mythra-Pit kiddo: Milton. This name is very sentimental to Mythra
Basically Milton was a character Mythra was very close with, basically was like a little brother to her and when she lost control and fought Malos she indirectly ended up killing Milton which actually is the real spark for her creating Pyra. But yeah it's commonly agreed upon that IF Mythra's kid was a boy, his name would be Milton because of this we never got her kid though!

Roxas-Zelda kiddo: Lux. For starters, I thought it'd be cute to have a name with an X in it to match Roxas'. Second, it means light. How could you ask for more lol. It's cute, simple and probably fits in with Zelda names well enough.

Oh boy, I cannot imagine Roxas takes well to becoming King of Hyrule. He's probably such a mess when he's told he needs to be a prince, and now he has to be KING OF A WHOLE KINGDOM??? He's not used to being the one at the top.. He's used to being the one ordered around. It's very weird for him to get used to. Plus he probably has a very strong desire to be independent which being king wouldn't allow him to have.
Lux is the name of one of Pit's unicorns. Phos is the Greek word for light, while Lux is the Latin word for light. I believe they're called Flash and Silver in the Japanese script.

Aww, even though I don't play Xenoblade, I would like Mythra to have her little boy named Milton! With Mythra holding the twins and crying, I imagined Pit wanting to get a look at them, but Mythra's being possessive. I wouldn't be surprised if it takes a while for the poor angel to finally be able to see and hold them. After all, they're not together, and it's possible Mythra may see them as HERS, not THEIRS!

Poor Roxas! I think Dark Pit would make a great king, it's more that he likely would not want the job. I think it's a safe assumption that he has all of Pit's memories prior to his creation, so he has experience in leading people, and he may be very familiar with royal ceremony and politics. I think he and Zelda would be great compliments to each other: she's the brains on the throne, and Pittoo is the brawn. She's got the patience and wisdom while he has the strength and experience. Zelda would very likely be the one doing most of the governing work while Dark Pit is in charge of the military. Oh, he'd whip those soldiers into shape! The difference between their relationship and the one between Pit and Palutena is that they'd be equals. I can see Zelda trying a diplomatic approach to a problem and when it doesn't work she allows Dark Pit to exercise his brand of diplomacy 😈 I can see it being very hard to lie to Dark Pit as I think he can pick up BS a mile away, which is valuable as a leader (lol I can imagine their child learning very early on that lying to them will achieve nothing!). They may butt heads at times, but I think they'd eventually be able to compromise and be stronger from it. Assuming Dark Pit accepts a proposal from Zelda to become her consort, I think what could make this partnership work is open and honest communication, a genuine gratitude and appreciation toward each other, and that they never try to hold power over the other.

I like the idea of Zelda respecting Dark Pit's need to not be trapped behind stone walls by planning family vacations, or letting him go on hunts or take care of problems such as moblin bandit gangs. She has telepathy; maybe she lets Dark Pit come and go around the castle as he pleases and if she really needs him she contacts him. So long as his responsibilities are taken care of, there's no issue!
Aww, even though I don't play Xenoblade, I would like Mythra to have her little boy named Milton! With Mythra holding the twins and crying, I imagined Pit wanting to get a look at them, but Mythra's being possessive. I wouldn't be surprised if it takes a while for the poor angel to finally be able to see and hold them. After all, they're not together, and it's possible Mythra may see them as HERS, not THEIRS!
I can definitely see Mythra thinking this. How they have wings when they only HERS??? Doesn’t matter. She doesn’t have time to think on such things
I can definitely see Mythra thinking this. How they have wings when they only HERS??? Doesn’t matter. She doesn’t have time to think on such things
Imagine Pyra or Mythra singing, "Baby Mine" from Dumbo to their babies! 🥹

Some of the less noble fighters tell Pit that he's lucky since this possessiveness means he can get off scot-free. But he doesn't want to be a dead-beat!

The only reason Master Hand allowed Crazy Hand to make all these crazy babies and storks to deliver them is because he knows how obsessed with shipping and babies from ships people are, and it'd attract more viewers. Gotta get them Likes and Views! It's a marketing strategy!

Oh shiz, Zoras?! 👀 The Sea Team are going 'Undah Dah Sea' now, bois lmao
I have a feeling Light Wind & Fire are NOT going to respond well to an order to get ANOTHER crystal. Lol upon reading Darklord's new post, I immediately pictured Mythra, Pit, and even Toon Link letting out a loud, "FUCK OFF!!" in response 😆
I have a feeling Light Wind & Fire are NOT going to respond well to an order to get ANOTHER crystal. Lol upon reading Darklord's new post, I immediately pictured Mythra, Pit, and even Toon Link letting out a loud, "FUCK OFF!!" in response 😆
Knowing Pit and Toon Link, they'd probably roll their eyes "Yea, yea, we know the drill" (given how everyone they interact with treat them like errand boys anyways. They honestly need to start charging people for their services)
Imagine Pyra or Mythra singing, "Baby Mine" from Dumbo to their babies! 🥹

Some of the less noble fighters tell Pit that he's lucky since this possessiveness means he can get off scot-free. But he doesn't want to be a dead-beat!

The only reason Master Hand allowed Crazy Hand to make all these crazy babies and storks to deliver them is because he knows how obsessed with shipping and babies from ships people are, and it'd attract more viewers. Gotta get them Likes and Views! It's a marketing strategy!
That would be really cute 🥹

They say that but you know the moment one of the babies does something Mythra doesn’t like or doesn’t know how to handle all hell will break loose. Just cuz she’s possessive in the moment doesn’t mean it’ll last lol

Master Hand knows what’s up lmao. Clearly appealing to my dumbass LMAO
Knowing Pit and Toon Link, they'd probably roll their eyes "Yea, yea, we know the drill" (given how everyone they interact with treat them like errand boys anyways. They honestly need to start charging people for their services)
Pretty much, but they just went through a lot of hell, they're exhausted, and not in a good mood!

The Japanese script of KI: Uprising had Viridi and Hades discussing Pit's undying loyalty to Palutena and they make the implication that she pays him in more than just hearts, if you know what I mean! :xFwink: Palutena refuses to comment on that and Pit states he doesn't understand what they're talking about, and believes that to be a good thing! XD

That would be really cute 🥹

They say that but you know the moment one of the babies does something Mythra doesn’t like or doesn’t know how to handle all hell will break loose. Just cuz she’s possessive in the moment doesn’t mean it’ll last lol

Master Hand knows what’s up lmao. Clearly appealing to my dumbass LMAO
When I first saw that photo of Pyra and Mythra with their kids, I thought, "Mythra's a mom... There was probably chaos!" There was probably a LOT of it as she tries to figure out how to be a mother. Heck, a pregnant Mythra seems like a wild time for everyone involved, and there were two OTHER pregnant women there! Good grief, how Rex survived that is a miracle!

The twins start crying and Mythra immediately dumps them on Pit! I have a headcanon that Angel Land has an "It takes a village" mentality when it comes to raising putti, and putto-sitting is probably a job Pit has to do on occasion, so he might know what to do!

Ploegy Ploegy I was curious what an older Mika would look like and gotta say they still are fresh as heck 😎
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Omg the concept of Joker’s mask becoming how the marking around their eyes is!!!! THAT IS SOOOO GOOD OMG!!!! Joker doesn’t understand how this is possible but blames the weird genetics as a result

But fr THEY ARE SO CUTE AND I LOVE THEM ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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