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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I think Pyra and Pittoo would get along well, mostly for the same reason I can see him and Zelda getting along. Both Zelda and Pyra have calm, friendly personalities that are not at all overbearing, which is great for a more reserved person. They are genuinely kind people, not fake, and act like they have functioning brains. I can see Dark Pit and Pyra being curious enough about each other to ask questions. However, I think he'd be slightly annoyed by Pyra's habit of apologizing.

A lot of the KI fanbase tend to portray Dark Pit as being hostile to everyone, but I think he's a lot more chill than that; it's just that in KI:U he constantly has to be in aggro-mode. There are a few instances of him showing genuine happiness, the multiplayer shows him as a good sport, and the Japanese characterization of Dark Pit is less arrogant and snarky, and more selfless, than his English counterpart. I think he's fully capable of being friendly and playful, just not to the extent of Pit or the other child-like fighters.

I think if Dark Pit were to suffer the same tragedy as Pit, he'd be a lot more determined to try and find out what happened as he's not as duty-bound to Viridi as Pit is to Palutena. When he eventually realizes there is nothing he can do, I can see him trying to deal with his pain through endless fighting. Bringing up those he lost is likely to get a hostile reaction.
Pyra may be apologetic, but she'd probably try to tone it down if directly asked. It is a habit she'd try breaking if others really found it annoying. Mythra made her to be very understanding, sweet and likable after all, so she'd try to tune into her more confident side if needed. Perhaps more of her badass side comes out because of him!
But the fact that they're both "clones" so to say makes an interesting combo. I could see them definitely asking each other lots of questions and having a lot to bond over because of the circumstances that brought them into the world

And just because I don't feel I share enough Pyra compared to Mythra, I offer a badass, yet bittersweet Pyra moment

Pit and Mythra haven't seen each other, nor their babies, in 1,000 years! They deserve to be together like a real, complete family even if it's only brief. Though now I'm thinking how funny it'd be if the twins inherited Mythra's sleepwalking habit!

AHHH the joke ship became a very depressing one!

Supposing that is the case, I would imagine arrangements and exceptions can be made considering their nephilim children. Though I do wonder if they're having crystals on their chest does anything for them?

As for sad or cruel ideas, I personally don't mind them, and I have plenty myself! Moments of sadness make the happy and triumphant moments better! As for sad ideas, going back to the idea of Dark Pit telling his son that he doesn't need to be like him, maybe that was his last lesson with a teenaged Harkinian before he goes off to a battle he doesn't come back from. :'C
For a short while she allows them to be like a complete family. She doesn't mind. I think she'd probably realize how important it all is after so long. And it would be amusing if one or both of them got that horrible habit, even worse if they start throwing stuff like Mythra does

The crystals would have some effect I assume. It may be possible they inherit power similar to Mythra because of them, though it's hard to say they'd naturally have Mythra's immortality since they are not the Aegis themselves. However, a core crystal does naturally buff the average strength since blades were always stronger than regular humans so they'd have that too, in tandem with what they'd inherit from Pit
Okay okay lemme serve up some sad (with some cute mixed in) stuff cuz I'm a cruel person also this is so long I'm spoilering things LMAO

What happens to lil Mika when Joker and Inkling have to go home? Well they can't really go with Joker back to Japan. They would be treated as some abomination or a scientific discovery and he would never put them through that. Obviously Inkopolis would be the optimal location so they can be around other Inklings, but Joker would feel bad not only putting full responsibility on Agent 3, but also being unable to visit cuz a human showing up in a world where they are extinct and all that. I could see them coming to an agreement the Smash Realm is the best option and lil Mika ends up in an adopted family. Joker's visits to the Smash Realm end up being far more frequent than others though, even after he starts his own family with Ann. He definitely brings his daughter to meet their silly half-sibling at some point because he's a proud papa through and through. Mika definitely travels to Inkopolis when they can though, but never actually lives there
Fhskfkfbo I suddenly had a jimmy neutron brain blast of Mika headcanons so I offer these while they’re still fresh on my mind 🧠
  • Although Mika visually most resembles an inkling, there are a number of features about them that are certifiably human. For one, they have bones in their body, albeit not as many as the human skeleton. Still, this means acts like moving through grates or super jumping are a whole lot more difficult for them.
  • Along those lines, their vocal chords and general mouth structure are a mash up mix between that of human and squid which made it insanely difficult for them to speak comprehensible Japanese or Inkish during their early years. However they did eventually jump that hurdle and figured out how to speak both (Although native speakers of either language would definitely notice a heavy accent when they speak)
  • Last thing on their biology, Mika is significantly taller than the average inkling, though this is easily just passed off as them just having certified tall people genetics™️
  • Older Mika’s personality takes on Joker’s penchant for rebellion against the status quo, and sprinkling in Splatoon’s emphasis on youth culture, I could definitely see them leaning strongly into a more punk aesthetic and attitude.
  • their favorite Inkling clothing brand and favorite band would definitely have to be Annaki and Diss-Pair respectively.
  • When it comes to the Splatoon idols, although they aren’t particularly a huge fan of any of them, if forced to pick Mika probably would vibe with Deep Cut’s music the most.
  • On the other hand, an absolute guilty pleasure music artist of their’s is definitely the j-pop idol herself, Risette.
  • Thankfully Mika doesn’t take after their mom in regards to hygiene habits
In the English translation of Splatoon 2’s story mode there’s multiple jokes about how agent 3 kinda stank

  • I could see Mika having complicated feelings in regards to their relationship with Inkling, maybe even a touch of envy towards the dynamic between her and the New Agent 3, since at that point Inkling would have likely matured enough to be able to have a more parental, or at the very least a more guardian adjacent presence within the New Agent 3’s life, something that Mika themself wasn’t able to have.
  • overall I think Mika would moreso view Inkling and Joker as aunt and uncle rather than as their actual parents. That’d make Joker and Ann’s kiddos their nieces and nephews and so on.
  • If through some means Mika was able to obtain a persona, it literally couldn’t be anything but a giant Kraken 🦑
  • Maybe at some point Mika managed to actually sneak into Japan with Joker and hoo boi were a lot of hijinks ensured while they were there. But thankfully Mika made it back home in one piece before any government could catch wind lol
  • Just to further reconfirm, Mika indeed eats playdoh when no one is looking
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Fhskfkfbo I suddenly had a jimmy neutron brain blast of Mika headcanons so I offer these while they’re still fresh on my mind 🧠
  • Although Mika visually most resembles an inkling, there are a number of features about them that are certifiably human. For one, they have bones in their body, albeit not as many as the human skeleton. Still, this means acts like moving through grates or super jumping are a whole lot more difficult for them.
  • Along those lines, their vocal chords and general mouth structure are a mash up mix between that of human and squid which made it insanely difficult for them to speak comprehensible Japanese or Inkish during their early years. However they did eventually jump that hurdle and figured out how to speak both (Although native speakers of either language would definitely notice a heavy accent when they speak)
  • Last thing on their biology, Mika is significantly taller than the average inkling, though this is easily just passed off as them just having certified tall people genetics™️
  • Older Mika’s personality takes on Joker’s penchant for rebellion against the status quo, and sprinkling in Splatoon’s emphasis on youth culture, I could definitely see them leaning strongly into a more punk aesthetic and attitude.
  • their favorite Inkling clothing brand and favorite band would definitely have to be Annaki and Diss-Pair respectively.
  • When it comes to the Splatoon idols, although they aren’t particularly a huge fan of any of them, if forced to pick Mika probably would vibe with Deep Cut’s music the most.
  • On the other hand, an absolute guilty pleasure music artist of their’s is definitely the j-pop idol herself, Risette.
  • Thankfully Mika doesn’t take after their mom in regards to hygiene habits
In the English translation of Splatoon 2’s story mode there’s multiple jokes about how agent 3 kinda stank
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  • I could see Mika having complicated feelings in regards to their relationship with Inkling, maybe even a touch of envy towards the dynamic between her and the New Agent 3, since at that point Inkling would have likely matured enough to be able to have a more parental, or at the very least a more guardian adjacent presence within the New Agent 3’s life, something that Mika themself wasn’t able to have.
  • overall I think Mika would moreso view Inkling and Joker as aunt and uncle rather than as their actual parents. That’d make Joker and Ann’s kiddos their nieces and nephews and so on.
  • If through some means Mika was able to obtain a persona, it literally couldn’t be anything but a giant Kraken 🦑
  • Maybe at some point Mika managed to actually sneak into Japan with Joker and hoo boi were a lot of hijinks ensured while they were there. But thankfully Mika made it back home in one piece before any government could catch wind lol
  • Just to further reconfirm, Mika indeed eats playdoh when no one is looking
The day Joker hears Mika speak to him is the day he cries. He never expected to understand his lil weirdo but here they are. He’s so proud!

Mika winning the “tall” genes from papa somehow also made their squid form larger than normal as well

Mika will be a big fan of the Big Man. I refuse to have it any other way. But also in regards to music, I actually had the thought that they end up liking a lot of the music sang by the official P5 vocalist, Lyn (and a bit of P3’s vocalist, Lotus Juice). They especially are fond of songs like Counter Strike, Daredevil and Nothing is Promised

DON’T LET JOKER EVER KNOW THEY DON’T VIEW HIM AS A FATHER!!! Poor papa probably understands why but it would hurt his heart. Probably would feel guilt of some kind over it

God now I imagine how panicked Joker is gonna be when he finds out not one or even two, but all three of his children (given the whole concept of where his daughter with Ann comes from he also has a son) have personas. He knows what such a thing signifies and it means all his babies were wronged in some capacity and all came to terms with their own shadow selves. While it could be something to be proud of, it means they’re hurting in some way and that idea hurts him. Plus he imagines them going through painful awakenings and that upsets him
Bonus: his kids have secret meetups in the Metaverse that has officially came back even though Joker thought he destroyed it

On the persona thought, Joker let’s Mika meet the other Phantom Thieves at least once, but I imagine they come to know some a little more than others- like Ann, Morgana and Ryuji. Ann probably warms up to them eventually since she knows it would put Joker at ease that they wouldn’t have a bad relationship. They get along to an extent but there’s a clear distance between them. Mika LOVES Morgana! They end up 100% being a cat lover. Judd and Judd Jr are not safe when they visit Inkopolis. Ryuji is the reason Mika learns vulgar language and Joker IS NOT happy about it

Mika visits Japan 1 time and Joker is an absolute mess. He’s happy to see them but oml he’s in protective dad mode as he’s walking them to the cafe he runs. IF ANYONE even looks rudely or says a bad thing about his kid they’ve got him glaring!
Sad things help balance things out. Gotta have some good with the bad

Awwww yes a birthday present! Corrin and Sora probably made it together so then it's extra special!

Sora's got Roxas by the collar of his shirt, but it's too late. He's already bonked both Leo and Takumi with his keyblades. AT LEAST HE WENT FOR THE PRINCES AND NOT THE KINGS, but knowing how Takumi and Leo are, things aren't ending pretty. They're gonna fight Roxas now, especially Takumi with that sour temper of his. To make matters worse, Donald is trying to fight Ryoma and Xander. He goes straight for the kings. He don't care. Luckily Goofy stops him on behalf of Sora, but Donald is still screaming. Yep Sora is never living this down and is gaining no ground with Corrin's family at all. He immediately has to send all his "family" off and he just ends up finding a quiet place to try and clear his head. He doesn't wanna immediately face her family again. He can't put his usual smile on in that moment

Roxas showing up in Hyrule after all this and has a convo along the lines of:

Zelda: So how was your trip to Valla?
Roxas: Pretty sure I'm not welcome back there...
Zelda: ...Did something happen?
Roxas: I smacked the princes of Nohr and Hoshido upside the head with my keyblades... I don't regret it either

It's a good thing Roxas isn't considered part of Hyrule's Royal Family after this LMAO
True, everything can't be sunshine and rainbows (sadly)

I'd like to imagine birthdays at Valla would be really grand. There'd be a ball and feast, everyone (regardless if they're a menace or not) would be invited for the sake of the boi.

Oh dear...the males of Hoshido and Nohr got a bone to pick with Sora's family now! Corrin meanwhile would be trying to calm down the princes and kings and restore order. She'd excuse herself and try to find Sora to comfort him, telling that she knows he did his best dealing with the stress of being with her family, and that's all she'd ask from him. I imagine Corrin knew from the start that things wouldn't go well but wanted to host the dinner anyway, just in case her hunch was wrong.

She wouldn't blame Roxas and Donald, but Corrin would probably make sure they didn't come in a 20 foot radius with the people they attacked (or attempted to attack) until things died down...if they ever did.

The kingdoms of Hyrule and Valla will be intercorrelated...but they might not always be on friendly terms, especially after what happened at the family dinner!
Cool! ^^
I like to imagine that these two mercenaries want their kiddo to be as un-mercenary-like as possible XD
Also I like to imagine Samus trying to stuff Byleth into a space suit lmao, he'd be so uncomfortable! Meanwhile Felis is mad that it isn't HIM in the suit!! Also, good on Byleth for shouldering the extra responsibility for the sake of the kid. He's a good dad deep down :3

Poor Sora, and poor Link too! They don't deserve the dinner with a side of slander qwq
Link doesn't talk much already, but he would talk even less at the dinner. Although he would privately thank Sora for backing him up afterwards.

Yeah! Kaida would love Percy unconditionally, and she would even like Sora as well, which is a big contrast from the rest of Corrin's relatives adhdhdhdh

XD I'd love to see Link being the type of parent that just is incapable of reprimanding his children. Corrin's going to have to be the disciplinarian by default!

Lol I just really adore Corrin's voice. Her JP voice gives me brain tickles while her EN voice makes me crack a smile. She's so endearing!
Link would just sit by as he and Corrin tuck Kaida in for bed; once Corrin begins singing her lullabies she turns around and sees that Link fell asleep in his seat!

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Agh it's so nice for Link and Sora to be homies, just like their children! ^^

Lmao Corrin's probably not going to be any better at discipline, she'll probably have to have a lady-in-waiting taking care of the children when it comes to refining them and reprimanding them, since she was never that type of person anyway!

True! Corrin has a really cute voice no matter what language, which is one of the things I love about her <3
Aww! That's so cute! Corrin would wrap him up in a blanket and kiss his cheek. She wouldn't want to wake him up!

LMFAO, that meme is so accurate. Link has to endure snide comments and judgemental remarks all evening!
Also, I just realized: All of Corrin's kids have her red, wild eyes. Maybe that gene is just really prominent?
Pyra may be apologetic, but she'd probably try to tone it down if directly asked. It is a habit she'd try breaking if others really found it annoying. Mythra made her to be very understanding, sweet and likable after all, so she'd try to tune into her more confident side if needed. Perhaps more of her badass side comes out because of him!
But the fact that they're both "clones" so to say makes an interesting combo. I could see them definitely asking each other lots of questions and having a lot to bond over because of the circumstances that brought them into the world

And just because I don't feel I share enough Pyra compared to Mythra, I offer a badass, yet bittersweet Pyra moment

For a short while she allows them to be like a complete family. She doesn't mind. I think she'd probably realize how important it all is after so long. And it would be amusing if one or both of them got that horrible habit, even worse if they start throwing stuff like Mythra does

The crystals would have some effect I assume. It may be possible they inherit power similar to Mythra because of them, though it's hard to say they'd naturally have Mythra's immortality since they are not the Aegis themselves. However, a core crystal does naturally buff the average strength since blades were always stronger than regular humans so they'd have that too, in tandem with what they'd inherit from Pit

I can see this ending with Mythra finally making the decision to return to Alrest, and Pit, with a light joking tone in his voice, tells her not to stay away for 1,000 years this time. Then he tells her that she's his family too, and that's forever.

If the crystals buff the average strength of its bearer, and Pit in KI canon has super strength, durability, and an infinite and divine lifeforce (allows him to use divine weaponry, power weaponry that uses life energy as ammo ((Palms)) without wearing him out, and prevents life-stealing enemies from leeching life from him), those kids are going to be VERY powerful, indeed! It's little wonder enemy gods may want them!

Imagine if Zelda and Pittoo had daughters! Lol I can see the Kings of other kingdoms showing up with their sons in tow for the purpose of arranging a marriage. Dark Pit is glaring at them and Zelda has to nudge him and tell him to smile. He does so, but it's NOT friendly, and scares the crap out of the visitors. For the rest of their time at Hyrule castle, the visiting princes are paranoid of every shadow because they keep seeing red eyes glaring at them!
True, everything can't be sunshine and rainbows (sadly)

I'd like to imagine birthdays at Valla would be really grand. There'd be a ball and feast, everyone (regardless if they're a menace or not) would be invited for the sake of the boi.

Oh dear...the males of Hoshido and Nohr got a bone to pick with Sora's family now! Corrin meanwhile would be trying to calm down the princes and kings and restore order. She'd excuse herself and try to find Sora to comfort him, telling that she knows he did his best dealing with the stress of being with her family, and that's all she'd ask from him. I imagine Corrin knew from the start that things wouldn't go well but wanted to host the dinner anyway, just in case her hunch was wrong.

She wouldn't blame Roxas and Donald, but Corrin would probably make sure they didn't come in a 20 foot radius with the people they attacked (or attempted to attack) until things died down...if they ever did.

The kingdoms of Hyrule and Valla will be intercorrelated...but they might not always be on friendly terms, especially after what happened at the family dinner!
Everyone is on their best behavior for the sake of the boy! His birthday will not be turned into drama. It’s the one time of the year they manage to get along! Maybe because it’s the rare occasion that King Mickey is there.
The first time they discover Sora has some connections to an actual royal family is rather shocking, even if it’s very indirect connection- Donald and Goofy are royal knights assigned to protect the “wielder of the key” after all plus Sora is a Guardian of Light alongside said king. Nonetheless the presence of a king on Sora’s “family” changed things up a bit could bring up Kairi being a princess as well but hoo boy I can’t imagine Sora bringing a girl around who he canonically risks his life for would fair well for him in this case LMAO
Bonus: for one birthday Sora is allowed to take Percy to another world and he decides to have a lil family trip to Destiny Islands where he grew up. They can have a nice beach vacation. Sora probably says to Percy “I know it’s not some grand kingdom, but I hope you enjoy it”

Sora always has the same spot he goes to when he needs to be alone- somewhere quiet and up high. Corrin probably picks up on it quickly and knows where to find him after it happens a few times

Donald and Roxas making relationships with outside kingdoms poor and they ain’t stopping until the men of Hoshido and Nohr stop!

I can see this ending with Mythra finally making the decision to return to Alrest, and Pit, with a light joking tone in his voice, tells her not to stay away for 1,000 years this time. Then he tells her that she's his family too, and that's forever.

If the crystals buff the average strength of its bearer, and Pit in KI canon has super strength, durability, and an infinite and divine lifeforce (allows him to use divine weaponry, power weaponry that uses life energy as ammo ((Palms)) without wearing him out, and prevents life-stealing enemies from leeching life from him), those kids are going to be VERY powerful, indeed! It's little wonder enemy gods may want them!
Mythra probably admittedly finds it wholesome he says that but doesn’t outwardly show it. She probably throws back that he can always visit her. Maybe he knows she has a kid with Rex, maybe he doesn’t. Either way he probably hasn’t seen the hectic household that exists back in Alrest

It really is no surprise the gods would want such kids- the offspring of an angel and an Aegis. Those kids got some real power in them
You know even Sora's own disappearance arc (while it likely doesn't happen when Percy is around) would provide some really sad shit too. Obviously who knows what KH4 has in store, but Sora just being banished to Quadratum and being unable to visit Percy for an extended period of time is a sad thought. Plus Roxas likely needing to be the bearer of bad news that they cannot find Sora, though he's very mindful to not say it in front of Percy to avoid unnecessarily upsetting him
I had a thought back to this... KH3 ending but Kairi is just replaced with Corrin all for the purpose of me making angsty situations

A HORRIBLE thought that popped into my head:

Zelda: Children, pack your things! In two days we will be going to the resort at the Goron City for a vacation!

Hawk: YAY! The hot springs! Mama! Will I be getting a new brother, or a sister?

Zelda: … What do you mean, dear?

Hawk: Last year, after we went to the hot springs, you said I was gonna have a new brother or sister, then (youngest sibling) was born! And the time before that, (first sibling)!

Zelda & Pittoo: …

Impa: Ho-HO! What an observant boy you have, Your Majesties! You know, Harkinian, you came along soon after the King and Queen’s first trip to the hot springs!

Hawk: Whoa! Really?

Pittoo: Ah, yeah… I remember now. Let me tell you that story, son. It was a full moon night, and Zelda was wearing—

A red-faced Zelda smacks his shoulder!
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Mythra probably admittedly finds it wholesome he says that but doesn’t outwardly show it. She probably throws back that he can always visit her. Maybe he knows she has a kid with Rex, maybe he doesn’t. Either way he probably hasn’t seen the hectic household that exists back in Alrest

It really is no surprise the gods would want such kids- the offspring of an angel and an Aegis. Those kids got some real power in them
I think Pit and Rex would get along very well! He is finally allowed on leave so he gets to go to Alrest. I can see a very flustered Pit and Mythra trying to convince her family and friends that a Stork from the Smash Realm brought the twins, and getting skeptical looks in response!
Everyone is on their best behavior for the sake of the boy! His birthday will not be turned into drama. It’s the one time of the year they manage to get along! Maybe because it’s the rare occasion that King Mickey is there.
The first time they discover Sora has some connections to an actual royal family is rather shocking, even if it’s very indirect connection- Donald and Goofy are royal knights assigned to protect the “wielder of the key” after all plus Sora is a Guardian of Light alongside said king. Nonetheless the presence of a king on Sora’s “family” changed things up a bit could bring up Kairi being a princess as well but hoo boy I can’t imagine Sora bringing a girl around who he canonically risks his life for would fair well for him in this case LMAO
Bonus: for one birthday Sora is allowed to take Percy to another world and he decides to have a lil family trip to Destiny Islands where he grew up. They can have a nice beach vacation. Sora probably says to Percy “I know it’s not some grand kingdom, but I hope you enjoy it”

Sora always has the same spot he goes to when he needs to be alone- somewhere quiet and up high. Corrin probably picks up on it quickly and knows where to find him after it happens a few times

Donald and Roxas making relationships with outside kingdoms poor and they ain’t stopping until the men of Hoshido and Nohr stop!
They uphold a 24 hour truce on Percy's special day, once it's over the truce is ended lol
i mean- it may be an anthropomorphic talking rodent, but...it's royalty lmao
Sora's title sounds important enough, but similarly to Link, titles aren't enough to appease Corrin's relatives XD
Dude! That would be so wholesome! Especially since most of Percy's time is spent in Corrin's world, it would be so nice if Sora took some time to show his to Percy and Corrin!

It would be quite a twist if Corrin went off by herself to have a moment alone from whatever was causing her stress and anxiety, and Sora ended up finding her in his spot when he had been looking for a quiet moment as well.

They're the dastardly duo, here to make sure that every step Sora takes forward it's perfectly balanced with two steps back lmfao
I had a thought back to this... KH3 ending but Kairi is just replaced with Corrin all for the purpose of me making angsty situations

Noooo, my heart </3

Corrin would have to come up with an explanation as to why Sora's gone, and as she's telling Percy she would be trying her hardest not to cry in front of her son. q~q
A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity Forgive me my child, for I have sinned once more, but this time it's much worse. So you know Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid? Um- cue me sketching Corrin in a frilly french maid outfit- I'm not sorry either. I wiLL REPENT WITH THE DRAWING OF PERCY AND KAIDA LATER OKAY qwq

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Byleth being put in a suit against his own will. He definitely does not like it one bit- it's too tight for his liking and somehow annoys him more than his cloak. He only wears it because 1. Samus asked and 2. While Felis wishes he was wearing one, it makes him happy to see his dad wearing something very different. He is a good dad, just in his own way

Sora and Link both have their struggles with Corrin's family, but are homies to each other. They have 0 problems with each other

Sora definitely would be very kind towards Kaida and while he's not her father, he probably tries to spoil her a bit to try and be fair, though Percy definitely gets a lot more because obviously that's his son. He's probably extremely grateful she's so kind to her little brother!

THIS LOOKS SO ADORABLE!!! Can't wait to see it finished!
It's cute how Byleth puts up with the suit for Sam and Felis <3 <3

It's 2 v 4 (with Corrin trying to be neutral probably), but it's better than every man for themselves!

Aww, that's so nice of him! Kaida would definitely appreciate Sora's kindness despite not actually being responsible for her.

And thank you! I'll post the finished product later today! ^^
Agh it's so nice for Link and Sora to be homies, just like their children! ^^

Lmao Corrin's probably not going to be any better at discipline, she'll probably have to have a lady-in-waiting taking care of the children when it comes to refining them and reprimanding them, since she was never that type of person anyway!

True! Corrin has a really cute voice no matter what language, which is one of the things I love about her <3
Aww! That's so cute! Corrin would wrap him up in a blanket and kiss his cheek. She wouldn't want to wake him up!

LMFAO, that meme is so accurate. Link has to endure snide comments and judgemental remarks all evening!
Also, I just realized: All of Corrin's kids have her red, wild eyes. Maybe that gene is just really prominent?
The bro code kicks in!

Lmao, then Corrin would just be awake at midnight worrying about them! Maybe she can't actually sleep until she knows they're okay...

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Lmao you're right! They've all got her eyes! Talk about dominant genes!
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A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity Forgive me my child, for I have sinned once more, but this time it's much worse. So you know Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid? Um- cue me sketching Corrin in a frilly french maid outfit- I'm not sorry either. I wiLL REPENT WITH THE DRAWING OF PERCY AND KAIDA LATER OKAY qwq

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Listen, I just gotta say- your drawing ability is both a blessing and a curse. If this is just a sketch than I'd love hate to see the finished drawing.

But in your defense Corrin has very nice features
The bro code kicks in!

Lmao, then Corrin would just be awake at midnight worrying about them! Maybe she can't actually sleep until she knows they're okay...

images (16).jpeg

Lmao you're right! They've all got their eyes! Talk about dominant genes!
I like how you go from sus to wholesome in a nanosecond XD

That'd be really cute, but I'm sure Corrin knows that Link can protect both Kaida and himself.

Any drawings with the dragon girl are more than welcome! I love to see art of her ^^
I am quietly cooking up HCs for all these kiddos beyond what I've shared so far. I am in too deep and having too much fun

I think Pit and Rex would get along very well! He is finally allowed on leave so he gets to go to Alrest. I can see a very flustered Pit and Mythra trying to convince her family and friends that a Stork from the Smash Realm brought the twins, and getting skeptical looks in response!
Rex and Pit definitely would get along. Mythra would probably hate needing to explain it all, but at least Pyra could probably back her up in the whole ordeal and help explain things. It'd definitely make things go easier!

They uphold a 24 hour truce on Percy's special day, once it's over the truce is ended lol
i mean- it may be an anthropomorphic talking rodent, but...it's royalty lmao
Sora's title sounds important enough, but similarly to Link, titles aren't enough to appease Corrin's relatives XD
Dude! That would be so wholesome! Especially since most of Percy's time is spent in Corrin's world, it would be so nice if Sora took some time to show his to Percy and Corrin!

It would be quite a twist if Corrin went off by herself to have a moment alone from whatever was causing her stress and anxiety, and Sora ended up finding her in his spot when he had been looking for a quiet moment as well.

They're the dastardly duo, here to make sure that every step Sora takes forward it's perfectly balanced with two steps back lmfao

Noooo, my heart </3

Corrin would have to come up with an explanation as to why Sora's gone, and as she's telling Percy she would be trying her hardest not to cry in front of her son. q~q
Of course Sora's title means very little to them. It may give him a connection to a royal, but he still isn't royalty himself
Sora: You realize as a Guardian of Light I am trusted to protect all worlds from darkness... It's kinda a big thing. There's only seven of us after all...
All Corrin's Male relatives: We hear you and have chosen to ignore that fact
They simply cannot get over the weirdness that surrounds Sora. Who could blame em

Sora just has to hope for one vacation Destiny Islands doesn't begin having darkness issues. The last thing he wants is Percy and Corrin seeing what he deals with when he's away

They both just end up sharing his lil hiding spot. It's the best one around after all! They probably have quiet, comforting moments there. Neither really talks, they just find comfort being around each other there

Roxas and Donald only bring it back two steps when they see Sora struggling. They may be pains, but they do it with reason

Corrin needing to explain why Sora is gone without saying he sacrificed himself to give all his friends (and possibly her if we just put her in Kairi's place as a whole) a "happy" ending, while he doesn't get his. Saying that would definitely not be a good idea. Saying he's off traveling, while a lie, probably would work, but also put pressure on all the other Guardians to figure out where he vanished to so he's not gone for too long
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Listen, I just gotta say- your drawing ability is both a blessing and a curse. If this is just a sketch than I'd love hate to see the finished drawing.

But in your defense Corrin has very nice features

I like how you go from sus to wholesome in a nanosecond XD

That'd be really cute, but I'm sure Corrin knows that Link can protect both Kaida and himself.

Any drawings with the dragon girl are more than welcome! I love to see art of her ^^
It was just because I stumbled upon that anime again and was like, "Hey, we already got a dragon waifu, all we need is for her to dress as a maid!" hshshshshsh
SEE?! Corrin's hot! Link wouldn't be able to help but sneak a glance or two-

Again, I sincerely apologize, it won't happen again...most likely.
Speaking of Link and Kaida, imagining them taking Corrin on a camping trip in the wild with them. Corrin just watches as they stand around and watch food cook in a pot while the music plays XD
Of course Sora's title means very little to them. It may give him a connection to a royal, but he still isn't royalty himself
Sora: You realize as a Guardian of Light I am trusted to protect all worlds from darkness... It's kinda a big thing. There's only seven of us after all...
All Corrin's Male relatives: We hear you and have chosen to ignore that fact
They simply cannot get over the weirdness that surrounds Sora. Who could blame em

Sora just has to hope for one vacation Destiny Islands doesn't begin having darkness issues. The last thing he wants is Percy and Corrin seeing what he deals with when he's away

They both just end up sharing his lil hiding spot. It's the best one around after all! They probably have quiet, comforting moments there. Neither really talks, they just find comfort being around each other there

Roxas and Donald only bring it back two steps when they see Sora struggling. They may be pains, but they do it with reason

Corrin needing to explain why Sora is gone without saying he sacrificed himself to give all his friends (and possibly her if we just put her in Kairi's place as a whole) a "happy" ending, while he doesn't get his. Saying that would definitely not be a good idea. Saying he's off traveling, while a lie, probably would work, but also put pressure on all the other Guardians to figure out where he vanished to so he's not gone for too long
That's true. I guess Link still manages to surpass him due to his bloodline and status of Zelda's personal knight.
"You may protect all worlds from darkness, including ours, but you and your squad are goofy asf."

That would be a real bummer fr, especially since it's Percy and Corrin's first time seeing Destiny Islands. There's always that "What-if" when characters travel to each other's worlds; catastrophes might happen and foreigners would be clueless as to what to do.

Aww, that's adorable! Those are the best types of relationships IMO- where you're so comfortable with being around the other person that you don't have to say or do anything together to enjoy being with each other. ^^

It's so nice that they look out for each other!! I feel like Corrin would enjoy being around Sora's "Family" rather than her own- the struggle of trying to appease both Hoshido and Nohr at all times can get rather exhausting at times. It already was a giant hassle on Corrin to get both nations to stop bickering and work together

It would tear Corrin apart inside, as she has already seen too much sacrifice, and sacrificed much herself, for the sake of others. But to have Sora take such a grand risk for not only her sake, but for the sake of their child, would be heart wrenching. She knows what it's like to lose a parent prematurely, and she would have prayed that none of her offspring would have to deal with such heartbreak. Of course, she would cover for Sora to save face in front of her family (the last thing she'd want is for them to believe that Sora left her and Percy for no good reason) as well as to hide the painful truth from Percy, as he's much too young to understand, let alone cope with his father's sacrifice.
It was just because I stumbled upon that anime again and was like, "Hey, we already got a dragon waifu, all we need is for her to dress as a maid!" hshshshshsh
SEE?! Corrin's hot! Link wouldn't be able to help but sneak a glance or two-

Again, I sincerely apologize, it won't happen again...most likely.
Speaking of Link and Kaida, imagining them taking Corrin on a camping trip in the wild with them. Corrin just watches as they stand around and watch food cook in a pot while the music plays XD
Well, it's not like Corrin isn't used to dressing...like that.
Yeah uh I clearly don't need to explain
and uh-
Ya know, she's wearing a literal TWO PIECE 💀
The point is, Corrin is very comfortable with flaunting her curves. ANYWAYS-

Lmao I'm just visualizing Corrin watching Link and Kaida hunt and scavenge for random animals and vegetables, tossing them all willy-nilly in a pot with some spice and salt, stand with their hands on their hips as a rhythm of pots and pans plays from nowhere, and BAM! Out comes a 5 star meal!
That, or dubious food!
Corrin would choke it down to try and be nice, but she'd come down with a terrible stomach ache the next day! XD
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Well, it's not like Corrin isn't used to dressing...like that.

Yeah uh I clearly don't need to explain
and uh-

Ya know, she's wearing a literal TWO PIECE 💀
The point is, Corrin is very comfortable with flaunting her curves. ANYWAYS-

Lmao I'm just visualizing Corrin watching Link and Kaida hunt and scavenge for random animals and vegetables, tossing them all willy-nilly in a pot with some spice and salt, stand with their hands on their hips as a rhythm of pots and pans plays from nowhere, and BAM! Out comes a 5 star meal!
That, or dubious food!
Corrin would choke it down to try and be nice, but she'd come down with a terrible stomach ache the next day! XD
Well- at least she's kinda comfortable with her body? She's supposedly self-conscious but I guess not so self-conscious that she can't have the entire KFC bucket on display for the world to see.

Summer Corrin isn't too bad, it's the Resplendent one that's kinda 😳, you know. Summer Corrin is more cute in my opinion, with the necklace of flowers and stuff, like she's on a tropical vacation on the beach or something. I might actually draw her splashing around in some ocean waves; after all, Corrin has a rather obvious affinity with water! :3

Lmao, it's not like Corrin is any better! Isn't it canon that she's terrible at household stuff like cooking and cleaning? She has no room to judge him! XD
Can you imagine what the baby shower for Zelda would've been like? XD I can see Zelda bringing up to Dark Pit that Palutena wants to host it, and he shoots it down faster than Yoshi can scarf down a melon! Palutena just really wants to annoy Dark Pit by calling him "Papa Pittoo" as much as possible!

If we ever get a Lucario, I've been thinking about having Pikachu crush on him. There's a litter of Pichus and a single Riolu!

A long time ago I designed a Link/Tetra child. She had brown hair because Tetra's mother had brown hair. Sometimes kids take traits from their grandparents, or even resemble them.

I once joked in this thread about Dark Pit one day having a son that is a perfect clone of Pit, which annoys him greatly. Imagine if Harkinian inherited brown hair instead! XD
Dskfjdkflf I finally watched the direct today
OMG DEDF1SH HIIIIIII ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


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Dskfjdkflf I finally watched the direct today
OMG DEDF1SH HIIIIIII ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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The Pearlbot is so cute I just- aghghgh

But Peachie getting a new game is still hype <3

Have you SEEN how they massacred Wii Sports? If they DO make another Tomodachi Life, they better not mess it up like they did with Switch Sports, because it is a legendary game.
My friend saw all my lil child related art and said to make the what is good/bad to do with baby somehow and I could not resist, so I offer the stupidity that came from my brain
The Pearlbot is so cute I just- aghghgh

But Peachie getting a new game is still hype <3

Have you SEEN how they massacred Wii Sports? If they DO make another Tomodachi Life, they better not mess it up like they did with Switch Sports, because it is a legendary game.

Lmao poor agent 8 really just can’t catch a break, and fhdjfjgjg pearlbot is absolutely adorable!….but I need to know where my baby Marina is!!!!!!! Or heck, where the real pearl is hanging out for that matter!

Omg the perfect game would be one with all the princesses hanging out together! (+ Pauline and Toadette cus they deserve in on the fun too!)

my hopes would be they’d go the miitopia route for tomodachi life cus all of those character customization options were legitimately amazing 🤩🤩🤩….but if it did just become a switch sports 2.0 I’d actually cry, no game deserves to be put through that hell again 😭

My friend saw all my lil child related art and said to make the what is good/bad to do with baby somehow and I could not resist, so I offer the stupidity that came from my brain
Awww!! dnc,ckfv for a second I thought Roxas was holding up aster by her ear I was like “Ouch!”
Awww!! dnc,ckfv for a second I thought Roxas was holding up aster by her ear I was like “Ouch!”
Lol honestly fair cuz I did not try and even fix what was going on there LMAO. My brain said “good enough” and continued to doodle
That's true. I guess Link still manages to surpass him due to his bloodline and status of Zelda's personal knight.
"You may protect all worlds from darkness, including ours, but you and your squad are goofy asf."

That would be a real bummer fr, especially since it's Percy and Corrin's first time seeing Destiny Islands. There's always that "What-if" when characters travel to each other's worlds; catastrophes might happen and foreigners would be clueless as to what to do.

Aww, that's adorable! Those are the best types of relationships IMO- where you're so comfortable with being around the other person that you don't have to say or do anything together to enjoy being with each other. ^^

It's so nice that they look out for each other!! I feel like Corrin would enjoy being around Sora's "Family" rather than her own- the struggle of trying to appease both Hoshido and Nohr at all times can get rather exhausting at times. It already was a giant hassle on Corrin to get both nations to stop bickering and work together

It would tear Corrin apart inside, as she has already seen too much sacrifice, and sacrificed much herself, for the sake of others. But to have Sora take such a grand risk for not only her sake, but for the sake of their child, would be heart wrenching. She knows what it's like to lose a parent prematurely, and she would have prayed that none of her offspring would have to deal with such heartbreak. Of course, she would cover for Sora to save face in front of her family (the last thing she'd want is for them to believe that Sora left her and Percy for no good reason) as well as to hide the painful truth from Percy, as he's much too young to understand, let alone cope with his father's sacrifice.
Hopefully they can have a nice little relaxing vacation and Sora can show them around the island he grew up on. Maybe Percy even wanders and ends up finding Sora's old lil cave hiding spot from when he was younger!

It's probably a huge change of pace for Sora to be like that. He's super social after all, but to be able to just quietly find comfort, he's happy to have that every once in awhile!

Corrin can enjoy Sora's "family" goofiness and actually not be stressed. I can't see any of them holding ill will against her given she'd be kind with Sora. They're probably glad not to need to be protective of Sora for once!

It's all rather sad until a few months later a few of the other Guardians of Light show up with Sora. They're all pretty exhausted, but they had promised to bring him back once they could and they did just that (probably after A LOT of struggling to actually find where he went after he disappeared). The truth behind it all is kept quiet, but all ends well, though Sora probably needs a talk on sacrificing himself like that
A few lil HCs for kiddos I really should stop LMAO. I'm so sorry I am a menace with this. I'll see myself out after these

  • While he can be a bit sassy, he is usually a pretty quiet kiddo. Much more reserved than most his family
  • His wings cause him A LOT of problems, like sometimes having a hard time seeing his peripherals and his hair gets caught on his feathers
  • For a while he struggled to sleep comfortably with his wings, he now sleeps with them over his face like a blindfold
  • Has a Nopon plushie which he affectionately calls his Bebe
  • His core crystal glows when he gets to worked up and can be seen through his shirt when this happens
  • Much like Milton, her hair gets caught in her wing a lot!
  • She is a massive bully and probably would pick on her cousins if they met
  • Definitely runs around with a knife and nothing will stop her
  • Will try to burn someone if they upset her, no warning at all
  • If they get a persona, they probably end up becoming a Fool Arcana like their father and with that probably becomes a Wildcard as well (since the Fools are the protags and they can wield more than their given personas

  • His keyblade ends up looking a lot like Yato's base form with key teeth that mimics Sora's emblem I cannot be asked to try and draw this
  • The reason he got a keyblade was because Riku decided to perform the ceremony on him without Sora knowing
  • Has a habit of having his fangs out when he's in deep thought (or maybe not thinking at all)
  • Strong refusal to wear shoes. His feet are always scuffed up because of it
  • His favorite story from Sora's adventures is the ones involving Winnie the Pooh
  • He has a strong affinity to water magic and struggles with fire. When learning Sora ends up drenched by his magic more times than he cares to remember
  • Not very crafty, but he tries to make matching bracelets for him and Kaida
  • One time saw Sora lose control and enter his anti/rage form in order to protect him, but doesn't know how to comprehend what he saw
  • If he were to lose control in dragon form, it'd probably be worse than what Corrin's is like because traces of an anti form might exist in him
  • Very strong light magic. She is an actual menace with it. Roxas let her use Oathkeeper 1 time to see what would happen and he was rather surprised when her magic could probably surpass his own. He quickly realizes how insane she would be if she obtained a keyblade but refuses to perform the inheritance ceremony on her (assuming he's become a keyblade master himself by then)
  • Despite having many of Roxas' bad personality traits, she is actually very wise for her age and actually is more tech savvy than her father ever will be. She is very much a tomboy (basically think of how people portray Daisy, but add in a bit more anger and that's her)
  • Extreme sweet tooth!
  • Has a habit of biting things/people she does not like. Also will fist fight anything and everything
  • Climbs up to high places A LOT and just sits there to look out at everything. She got this habit from the times Roxas has brought her to Twilight Town and let her sit on the clock tower where he and his friends always relax (Bonus: Roxas has probably let her climb on the edge there without stopping her and when Axel points out that might be dangerous, he says "Well, if she falls, it'll be a lesson on what not to do." He'll save her if it happens though)
  • Learns how to wield a sword from his father. Luckily (or maybe in his eyes unluckily) he does not bear Byleth's Crest of Flames so he cannot inherit the Sword of the Creator
  • He wonders where his teal hair comes from since Byleth has pale green and Samus has blonde and Byleth has to explain his natural hair color is teal. He tries to avoid speaking of why it's green now, but Felis is too nosy and curious. He ends up wildly confused
  • Very crafty and very intelligent. He learns and adapts very quickly to things
  • Probably saw a Metroid once and wanted it as a pet

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