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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

is he gonna use the treasure to build his ship? Won't it need repairs?
Depends on the game. In 1 when Olimar crashed he had to find 30 missing pieces of his ship. In 3 their ship was just perfectly fine after they crashed. In 4 they repair their ship using something called sparklium found on certain treasures
Juri easily cartwheels and hops and slides to avoid the reflected attacks and the arrows, her body was unnaturally flexible, she was nearly making a pretzel of herself as she avoided the attacks. She hears his return taunt and laughs again. Her eye shines purple and suddenly she was right in front of him, he hadn’t even seen her twitch. And before he knew it she’d sent a rising kick up his chin, and swung the same leg back to knock Pikachu away before hopping up and sending a few mid air stomps down into Dark Pits body. The last one hard enough to send him to the floor. “Was that supposed to get on my nerves? Well good job. It worked!” She shouts as she sends another axe kick down toward his head while he’s on the ground.
I need to say that the actions written in this post come across as auto-hitting. It doesn't really bother me too much, personally, as I will just type what I want my PCs to do regardless, but other players might take issue with it if this happens to them.
I need to say that the actions written in this post come across as auto-hitting. It doesn't really bother me too much, personally, as I will just type what I want my PCs to do regardless, but other players might take issue with it if this happens to them.
Hm. I get it. I usually just do one hit at a time to give my partners a chance to react to each hit so the fight feels more reactionary y’know? But I thought you might want me to write more to match your post sizes. I can change it if you need me to? Maybe add a little “if the initial kick hits, she does this thing”
As I said, I'm fine personally as I'll always assume everything is an attempt and just do what I want with my PCs anyway, but other players may not be as cool with it. A rule of thumb is to never make assumptions on behalf of someone else's character. No need to edit your post as I understand the intention.

For example, instead of, "Her eye shined purple, and suddenly she was right in front of him, he hadn't even seen her twitch," you could go for, "Her eye shined purple, and suddenly she was right in front of him! There wasn't even so much as a twitch!"

Instead of, "And before he knew it, she sent a rising kick up his chin..." you could write, "Faster than the mortal eye can follow, she sent a rising kick at his chin."

As an example, the post could be written as such:

Juri cartwheeled, hopped, and slid to avoid the reflected waves and arrows. Her body was unnaturally flexible; she was making a pretzel out of herself as she dodged the attacks. She heard his return taunt and laughed again. Her eye shined purple, and suddenly she was right in front of him! There wasn't even so much as a twitch! Faster than the mortal eye can follow, she sent a rising kick at his chin to knock him into the air, then swung that same leg back toward Pikachu to knock her away. Without hesitation, she leaped upward after Dark Pit and stomped at his body as he fell, the last one having enough power to send him straight to the ground should it connect.

"Was that supposed to get on my nerves?" she shouted as she sent another axe kick toward his head, "Well, good job! It worked!"

It gets the point across that Juri is not to be underestimated, you get to put a combo attack in the post, and it all comes off as an attempt without having to be redundant with "attempts to" or "would have."
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Okay it’s time to get to work on doing some catch up now! Time to get some writing done ^^
Well Mythra is done woooo! I'll work on Roxas maybe later tonight but I need a break cuz man the ideas weren't flowing the best
I need to think on my post for Seph kinda hyped to see what happens next. I’m just not feeling so hot rn.
As I said, I'm fine personally as I'll always assume everything is an attempt and just do what I want with my PCs anyway, but other players may not be as cool with it. A rule of thumb is to never make assumptions on behalf of someone else's character. No need to edit your post as I understand the intention.

For example, instead of, "Her eye shined purple, and suddenly she was right in front of him, he hadn't even seen her twitch," you could go for, "Her eye shined purple, and suddenly she was right in front of him! There wasn't even so much as a twitch!"

Instead of, "And before he knew it, she sent a rising kick up his chin..." you could write, "Faster than the mortal eye can follow, she sent a rising kick at his chin."

As an example, the post could be written as such:

It gets the point across that Juri is not to be underestimated, you get to put a combo attack in the post, and it all comes off as an attempt without having to be redundant with "attempts to" or "would have."
Me, finding the most smiley picture of Roxas for his head just cuz he was baby for part of it lol
I'm thinking, Roxas ends up with Isabelle while Dark Pit possibly ends up taking care of Cream? X3

I don't intend on having Dark Pit permanently separate from the girls. It's his nature to wander off, though, so he needs reasons to stick around. That will be coming in time. It also depends on how Dark Pit's encounter with Juri ends!

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