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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Can Sora's keyblade unlock the secrets to eternal youth, happiness, and the meaning of life?
Aww thank you! Fhdifhsif now I finally just need to do inklings and I’ll be all caught up on my characters 😭
Wish I could say the same lmao. I have let all my characters stack up like the dumbass I am
Hmm…So I’ve been thinking of possibly adding a general time/weather section to the world map. Mostly Cus due to the non linear nature of the rp, it can lead to it being different times of day/weather for the groups, making it difficult to keep track of which group is experiencing what. Here’s an example of what that could potentially look like but I’d love to hear y’all’s input on the matter 👍

(Please note that the isn’t the actual weather/times of day for each group, it’s just meant to visualize the concept in its whole 👍)
Hmm…So I’ve been thinking of possibly adding a general time/weather section to the world map. Mostly Cus due to the non linear nature of the rp, it can lead to it being different times of day/weather for the groups, making it difficult to keep track of which group is experiencing what. Here’s an example of what that could potentially look like but I’d love to hear y’all’s input on the matter 👍

View attachment 1057867
(Please note that the isn’t the actual weather/times of day for each group, it’s just meant to visualize the concept in its whole 👍)
I like, I like. Also, thanks again for all the effort you put into these maps. It's a really good resource, and just a nice piece to look at at the very least.
Yeah, I've mentioned before how passage of time can be very confusing when there are multiple groups in one game. I want the Smash Realm to feel big: the PCs shouldn't be able to go from one end of the map to the other in a matter of minutes or hours, yet it wouldn't be fair to force other parties to pause their RP until another scene is done just to keep the time consistent. This actually happened in the old RP. Two RPers were having dinner in the Stadium while the rest of the PCs, who were in Marth's castle, when to bed for the night. I RPed my PCs actions for the next morning and one of the players who was having the dinner scene threw a fit about it. They wanted everyone else's RP paused until their PCs were done with dinner.

I'll think on the suggestion. You do great work with the maps, SheepKing SheepKing , and I don't want to feel like more work was put on you. The Realm is unstable so random weather events and such can happen. That's actually what the cyclones were with Team Pyra.
Can Sora's keyblade unlock the secrets to eternal youth, happiness, and the meaning of life?
If they're locked in something then yes lmao

Hmm…So I’ve been thinking of possibly adding a general time/weather section to the world map. Mostly Cus due to the non linear nature of the rp, it can lead to it being different times of day/weather for the groups, making it difficult to keep track of which group is experiencing what. Here’s an example of what that could potentially look like but I’d love to hear y’all’s input on the matter 👍

View attachment 1057867
(Please note that the isn’t the actual weather/times of day for each group, it’s just meant to visualize the concept in its whole 👍)
Seems like a good idea to me! And fr like it's already been said, you are godsend for keeping up with these!
So sorry I keep taking forever to post! >///<;;

Also let me know if I need to fix/edit my post in any way!
You're fine, Minako Minako !

Krook: What're yer names?

Pit: Pi---Ike!

T'ink: *Link noises*

Krook: Sounds good!


Sora: *trying to hide* PICHU! 8D

Primids: 8O!!!

Sora: 8O!!!

That reminds me Jeff needs a name.. it’s a tie between Edward or Albert personally love Edward as his fake name..
You know how earlier in the OOC thread I talked about Team Pyra having their own ship and becoming famous pirates that Samus hunts? They find their wanted poster. Pit and Toon Link are SUPER STOKED about it.

"T'ink! Look! We're wanted pirates! That's SO COOL!"


Mythra explodes on the two of them because now that means their ALTER EGOS are wanted criminals along WITH THEIR REAL IDENTITIES! NOT COOL!!

You know the boys are gonna show that off to Sora if/when they meet! Or Sora sees the wanted poster before meeting them and is like, "Man! This Captain Pike sounds so cool!" 8D


Samus: *reads wanted poster* "'By order of Lord Lunaris, wanted: Captain Pike of the Lady of Light, 100,000 Gold dead or alive--' *suddenly squints at the portrait of "Captain Pike"* Waitaminute!"

Now, Peach knew Zelda was much, much wiser than she could ever hope to be, and she didn't want to insult her friend's intelligence by forgetting that OR treating Zelda like she was ignorant, and there was only one way to go about it...​
Fhskfjdfhd that moment when I, a dummy, realize that I’m gonna have to rp Zelda as an actual intelligent person 🙃/hj
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Aww thank you! Fhdifhsif now I finally just need to do inklings and I’ll be all caught up on my characters 😭
Isabelle: “My-uh my name’s Isabelle by the way. Thank you for saving me, Mister Slayer”
Slayer: *grunt*
Isabelle: "The two robbed people mentioned you were from another world right? Well…welcome to the Smash Realm"
Slayer: *grunt*
Isabelle: “I guess this really isn’t the best first impression is it? The realm isn’t usually supposed to be all like…this”
Slayer: *questioning grunt*
Isabelle: “I’m sorry if I’m talking too much…”
Slayer: *Looks down* "No." *plops Isabelle on shoulder* "Keep... talking..."
Isabelle: "Are you sure?"
Slayer: *Affirming grunt*

GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow - Is there possibly a way to get an onboard AI for the Praetor Suit akin to VEGA in the Research Facility by any chance? Just to make conversing a bit easier~ albeit from a 3rd party mediator?
Hmm…So I’ve been thinking of possibly adding a general time/weather section to the world map. Mostly Cus due to the non linear nature of the rp, it can lead to it being different times of day/weather for the groups, making it difficult to keep track of which group is experiencing what. Here’s an example of what that could potentially look like but I’d love to hear y’all’s input on the matter 👍

View attachment 1057867
(Please note that the isn’t the actual weather/times of day for each group, it’s just meant to visualize the concept in its whole 👍)
i love this idea
Isabelle: “My-uh my name’s Isabelle by the way. Thank you for saving me, Mister Slayer”
Slayer: *grunt*
Isabelle: "The two robbed people mentioned you were from another world right? Well…welcome to the Smash Realm"
Slayer: *grunt*
Isabelle: “I guess this really isn’t the best first impression is it? The realm isn’t usually supposed to be all like…this”
Slayer: *questioning grunt*
Isabelle: “I’m sorry if I’m talking too much…”
Slayer: *Looks down* "No." *plops Isabelle on shoulder* "Keep... talking..."
Isabelle: "Are you sure?"
Slayer: *Affirming grunt*

GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow - Is there possibly a way to get an onboard AI for the Praetor Suit akin to VEGA in the Research Facility by any chance? Just to make conversing a bit easier~ albeit from a 3rd party mediator?
I'm not a huge expert on Doom, but I'm assuming you're meaning like a "Cortana" for Doomguy? If that's the case, I see no problem with it!
Fhskfjdfhd that moment when I, a dummy, realize that I’m gonna have to rp Zelda as an actual intelligent person 🙃/hj
In the world of D&D and PF, Wisdom and Intelligence are two different things! I actually wanted to ask folks early yesterday which stat, INT or WIS, you think would be higher for your PCs but I completely forgot!

For those who may be unfamiliar:

Wisdom: Measures a PC's willpower, perception, intuition, and common sense. A street-smart person may have a higher WIS score than INT.

Intelligence: Measures a PC's ability to learn, reason, and memorize information. A book-worm may have a higher INT than WIS.

All three of my PCs will likely have higher Wisdom scores than Intelligence scores. Both Toon Link and Pit are very strong-willed and resolute, and they can find secrets such as hidden doors (Perception). Pit has to have awesome situational awareness (again, Perception) to be able to fly, fight entire enemy hordes, and keep up with conversations between other parties at the same time. He's also capable of detecting changes in his environment, such as sensing Ness's PSI according to Palutena's Guidance. Pikachu, being more of an animal, would naturally have a higher WIS score than INT.
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Well I’d say like every character of mine falls under wisdom. My squad kinda lacking in the brain cell department very fitting given I do too lmao

The only characters I can see possibly having higher intelligence would be Joker or maybe Pyra. Joker definitely is an intelligent individual but he simply hides it behind goofiness and general recklessness he still is top of his class and one of the smartest phantom thieves so yeah that exists. Still I’d say his wisdom is higher since his willpower to make change is off the charts. Pyra on the other hand is more of a person of reason and she does learn things rather quickly. I’m a way it’s fitting to have her be opposite of Mythra given that’s kinda what she was created to be

But after saying all this I will admit my knowledge of D&D related stuff is very minimal given I only ever did 1 campaign that died very quickly so I hardly learned anything lol. Plus it’s been a few years
In the world of D&D and PF, Wisdom and Intelligence are two different things! I actually wanted to ask folks early yesterday which stat, INT or WIS, you think would be higher for your PCs but I completely forgot!

For those who may be unfamiliar:

Wisdom: Measures a PC's willpower, perception, intuition, and common sense. A street-smart person may have a higher WIS score than INT.

Intelligence: Measures a PC's ability to learn, reason, and memorize information. A book-worm may have a higher INT than WIS.

All three of my PCs will likely have higher Wisdom scores than Intelligence scores. Both Toon Link and Pit are very strong-willed and resolute, and they can find secrets such as hidden doors (Perception). Pit has to have awesome situational awareness (again, Perception) to be able to fly, fight entire enemy hordes, and keep up with conversations between other parties at the same time. He's also capable of detecting changes in his environment, such as sensing Ness's PSI according to Palutena's Guidance. Pikachu, being more of an animal, would naturally have a higher WIS score than INT.
I think Snake would have a reasonably high measure of both of these. Or, high intelligence but even higher Wisdom. He walked through a microwave hallway in the final chapters of his story then immediately after fist fought his brother Liquid while nearly dead from that, canonically has an IQ of 180 and knows 6 different languages. And then there's all the strategic military mumbo jumbo floating around in his noggin. On top of some other, minor throwaway dialogue about scientific disciplines he's at least knowledgeable in.

So he's plenty strong-willed, and booksmart in his own way. He's no Otacon or Jeff, though, so I'd rule his Wisdom is higher than his Intelligence by several points.

Between the Rabbids, I think this fluctuates, but even then, I think they hover under the 15 or less mark. Even the smartest Rabbid is short-sighted and easily distracted, and the most willful are a bit more focused, but not by much.
Isabelle: “My-uh my name’s Isabelle by the way. Thank you for saving me, Mister Slayer”
Slayer: *grunt*
Isabelle: "The two robbed people mentioned you were from another world right? Well…welcome to the Smash Realm"
Slayer: *grunt*
Isabelle: “I guess this really isn’t the best first impression is it? The realm isn’t usually supposed to be all like…this”
Slayer: *questioning grunt*
Isabelle: “I’m sorry if I’m talking too much…”
Slayer: *Looks down* "No." *plops Isabelle on shoulder* "Keep... talking..."
Isabelle: "Are you sure?"
Slayer: *Affirming grunt*

GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow - Is there possibly a way to get an onboard AI for the Praetor Suit akin to VEGA in the Research Facility by any chance? Just to make conversing a bit easier~ albeit from a 3rd party mediator?
ooooooooo, my "oh baby" instincts are kicking in but I don't know FOR WHO
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow my knowledge of DND is limited too. Jeff’s spy ability basically shows stats and weakness of enemies but also if they have an item. It’s one way to get rare item drops like the sword of kings. Would the spy ability fall under perception or intelligence?
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat Ploegy Ploegy May I have some feedback on my posts, please? Am I going too fast, or do you feel too confined within the pirate plot that there isn’t much for your PCs to do? I just want to make sure you’re not stuck on a railroad track, so to speak.
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat Ploegy Ploegy May I have some feedback on my posts, please? Am I going too fast, or do you feel too confined within the pirate plot that there isn’t much for your PCs to do? I just want to make sure you’re not stuck on a railroad track, so to speak.
You’re fine I’m still getting over my writer’s block. I love your posts.
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow my knowledge of DND is limited too. Jeff’s spy ability basically shows stats and weakness of enemies but also if they have an item. It’s one way to get rare item drops like the sword of kings. Would the spy ability fall under perception or intelligence?
I’d say that’s INT as it’s information gathering.

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