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Realistic or Modern Summer. (No longer accepting!)

"I know we only each other for only a day, but I don't know I feel like we belong together." He says with confidence
She didn't know what to say. Rosalie have never been in a situation like this, noone ever liked her this much.

"Kurt..." she started but didn't say anything more, she just continued staring into the ground, blushing madly.
kurt stared at her waiting for an answer. After a moment, he decided to take the lead and he kissed her.
'Someone knocked on the door. Wait someone knocked on the door. I have to get it.' He walked to the door and opened it swiftly. "Um... hello, are you going to be staying here too?" He asked shyly.
She just stood, shocked at his action, she let him kiss her. Rosalie closed her eyes, feeling her cheeks burning, and his soft lips on her didn't helped at all.

She pushed him lightly, looking into his eyes.

Then she heard a knock.

Using the situation she quickly said "Oh, did you heard? Someone knocked, better check!" And run out of the room.

When she was at the main exit she saw Mathew and a girl.

"Hello!" Rosalie said quickly and louder than usually, hoping that her burrning cheeks aren't that visible.

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Kurt stood there whitout saying anything. "I shouldn't have done that." He told himself. He slowly sat on his bed and a tear started rolling out of his eye
Antonio smiled, "It's no problem."

At Jordan's question he paused, rubbing the back of his neck. "I haven't actually checked to see if there's food, but I think Rosalie and Kurt were eating earlier, so we should check." Once he had realized he was standing stationary as he spoke, he made quick strides to catch up with Jordan.

( @JaCrispy )
He made his way down stairs with Antonio next to him. When he got down stairs he instantly walked towards the kitchen. 'Thank god there's food ' he thought to himself as he pulled out the things needed to make a sandwich " do you want one?" He asked Antonio.
Charlie smiled her lopsided smile at Matthew and held out a hand for him to shake "You bet man. Two months in this place seems pretty sweet now I've seen the digs!"

Rosalie caught her eye before she even spoke and Charlotte raised an eyebrow at her breathless tone. She smirked, registering those very red cheeks "Hey there rhubarb"

"I'm Charlie"
Antonio had made beeline for the coffee pot, checking the variety of flavors and strengths of coffee they had. "Oh, hazelnut," he whispered before looking up at Jordan.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I'll make my own if you just leave the stuff out?"
She offered him a hand and he shook it. "I'm Matthew, nice to meet you." He said then retreated his hand. "I hope we get along. Oh come inside!" He said and motioned toward the interior of the large house.
Rhubarb?! - She thought "Can it be more embarrassing?" She sighed "At least I wasn't called a tomato"

"H-hi! I'm Rosalie" she smilled awkwardly, reaching her hand.

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He looked up as he finished making his sandwich " okay no problem" he grabbed a glass of water and made his way to the living room. He sat down on the couch and started eating.
Dylan went to the stairs passing the guy he met earlier with Rosalie, but he just waved as he walked by. he sat on the 3rd level stairs to start trying to master a few songs.[media]

[/media]. the window above the stairs let light brightly shine on him.
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Matthew heard the sound of water boiling. "My tea!" He yelped and scurried inside. He rushed to the kitchen turned off the kettle. He panicked and grabbed a random mug from a cabinet and poured the steaming water into it. 'Hot hot hot hot hot hot! I should've kept my attention on this!" He thought and placed the teabag inside the hot cup of water.
Antonio had turned to making his sandwich when the guy came scurrying in. Looking up has the guy made his tea, Antonio chuckled. "I don't think we've met yet," He called, hoping the new guy would realize he was trying to get his attention.
"Yeah I don't think we have. I'm Matthew." He scratched the back of his head sheepishly with a weak smile. 'What were you so worried for!? Water can't burn! And now you've made a scene. Great job Matthew.'
"Nice to meet you Matthew, I'm Antonio." He started to put away his sandwich supplies, thinking of conversation starters. "I'm glad you got that when you did, I wasn't paying attention and it could have easily boiled over and made a mess!" He laughed softly, cursing how high pitched and feminine it sounded.
Kurt got up and went to the kitchen. When he was in the kitchen he opened the fridge without saying a word and took an apple. He then took a cup and poured some of Mattew's hot water in it. He then headed back to his room.
"Antonio, cool name. I like your laugh, it's different from other guys'." He blew on the cup of tea and turned his attention back to Antonio. "So how old are you?" He asked trying to make this a little less awkward.
Jordan saw a boy walk into the kitchen and realised that he hadn't met the boy before. He put his empty dishes in the kitchen and went to follow the boy. He saw him walk into a room and close the door. He decided to knock. *knock* *knock*

Kurt opened the door and said in an angry tone. "What?" He looked like he had been there for a long time.
He looked at the boy surprised but offered a kind smile " I just came to introduce myself, I'm Jordan, are you okay you seem upset ?
She saw Kurt as he walked to the kitchen, not for so long because just 2 minutes later we walked out and went to his room.

She felt puzzled, about her feelings, about this new situation.

She felt like she maybe hurted him but it wasn't her intention. Rosalie just didn't knew what to do, she paniced, she was just really shocked.

"What should I do?" The girl asked herself
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