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Realistic or Modern Summer. (No longer accepting!)

She smiled at Rosalie kindly. "Just wanna make sure you're okay; could do without two people being punched in one day y'know." She looked behind her; back towards the kitchen. "Do you know who this guy is?"
He groaned and asked " are you guys nearly finished, I think I need an ice pack or something" to be fully honest he's never had a broken nose before
Antonio frowned, raking his memory for the right way to take care of a bloody nose. "You would think after four years of watching the neighborhood kids I'd remember which way your supposed to lean your head." He chuckled, trying to joke away the panic in his voice.

( @Fallen from Heaven )
Jaden opened her eyes at the sound of commotion outside. She wondered if the kids out there wanted to meet her- she surely didn't want to meet them, at least, not yet. Jaden found that if she observes people before meeting, it increases her chances of having more than decent relationships with people. But she didn't come for the friendships, she came because the thought of an experiment enticed her, especially one circling social situations and real people.

She slipped out her door as quietly as she could, and found a nice spot to sit. As she walked over, she glanced in the kitchen and saw the boy with the bloody nose. "I wonder who he got mad," she thought aloud, laughing to her self.
"H-Here, you probably need these." He handed the tissues to Antonio. 'I'm panicking! I am not very good with conflict, ever.' "I'll get that ice pack!" He sprinted over to the freezer.

"Ah yes... I mean... I know him for a day." She said unsure. "I will be ok. But I think it's my fault he got mad and punched Jordan." Rosalie answered worriedly.

"I just need to talk with him, I will be ok" she added smilling.
"You think you'd be able to do a quick Google search." She smiled, in agreement, "I'm just messing with you. If it makes you feel better, most people get that wrong. Which way to lean, I mean. It's an easy mistake to make."

He watched as the boy ran over to get an ice pack " thanks you guys , I owe you one". He looked at them again , he hoped that they would become friends
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Jaden watches the pale teenager in a panic to get a ice pack intently. Oddly, she find the entire situation funny- a kid- pretty young, too- with a bloody nose, an albino, or whatever he is, in a panic, and everyone freaking out. She felt they needed some help, but decided not to interfere with her entertainment.
He fished out a blue ice pack and closed the freezer door. He noticed the new girl laughing to herself. "Conflict slows us down, but doing nothing gets us no where." He mumbles to himself and speed walks back to Jordan. He gently places the ice pack on Jordan's nose and gives a quick glare to the girl.
Dylan watched as people ran around the house going room to room, floor to floor. he felt a little humorous just then and decided to play something you would see in cartoons when in a chase scene. [media]

@Rosalie Woodland

Charlie tilts her head and drops her smile, looking concerned now instead. "Are you sure about that? He's already acted out against someone he didn't even know... How could it be your fault?"
Unbothered, Jaden positions her elbow on her knee, and rests her chin upon her hand, looking on with interest at the pale boy, as if nothing was registered to her, but below her intent gaze, she was registering everything inside her mind. Her brain worked like that, it took note of everything.


"I will be ok, really." She answered smilling.

" I just did something... or I didn't and this is the problem, I think"

She added biting her lips.

"Anyway!" Rosalie started again.

"Don't worry about me."
Antonio bit his lip, a lot was happening and he still felt slightly panicked that there was violence already. Would that guy be so angry and violent the whole time? He hoped not, but he put those thoughts off focusing on making sure Jordan was still okay.

"It doesn't look that swollen, so I think it'll be fine. Once the bleeding stops, you should go clean the blood of your face, it's really spooky."
Jordan sighed " thanks again for helping and I'm sorry if I caused to much trouble I know it's the first day" he was genuinely sorry that all this had to happen.
Matthew sighed. 'So many questions and they can't be answered.' "It's really no problem." He walked over to the girl watching. "You know, you remind of an anime character. My friend showed me it and there was a character like you. Karma hated him apparently. Anyway what's your name? I'm Matthew."
Antonio gave him a reassuring smile, "It's okay, you were just trying to help him and he punched you. It's no trouble, when you watch essentially every kid in your neighborhood under the age of 10 you deal with weirder stuff than a bloody nose." He chuckled, fondly thinking of the kids he babysat before looking back at Jordan.
Jordan chuckled as well fully understanding that statement " I guess I'll go and clean my face now , by the way what room are you in cause you already know mines" he asked in hopes to talk to him later
Smiling Antonio nodded, "I'm in room 5 on the second floor." He backed away from Jordan a little, so he could leave like he had said.
There was a problem here. Charlotte didn't know exactly what this problem was, but she knew there was a problem.

If one of her friends had acted like this she would have dragged them off, had a smoke, and made them see sense. She couldn't do that with this stranger... For a start she didn't know what she would make of the fact that Charlotte had smuggled in some of the green stuff. There was something going on here which made her feel uneasy.

Back in the kitchen the boy with the bloody nose would've been taken care of by the others; good. At least some of the people here were alright. But here she was, standing outside a closed door with a nervous girl with a violent, potentially threatening guy on the other side of it. "Did he.. Try and make you do something, R-..." Stupid nicknames are not currently appropriate, Charlie. "-...Rosalie?"

@Rosalie Woodland
Jaden was taken aback by his sudden approach, she reanalyzed her activity and came to the conclusion that maybe she was being weird. "Anime? I don't watch that. I'm Jaden." She looked him up and down. Shamelessly, she wondered aloud; "Why are you so white?"

Skye had fallen asleep after the underwear incident. She woke up later to see a boy sleeping on the bed beside hers . "Are you awake?" She asked shyly. Skye's phone rang. She turned from the boy to answer it. "Andrew did you make friends yet? " her dad said from the other line

"My name is Skye. And no, not really. Goodbye dad." She hung the phone, upset at her father
'Strange question to be asking, but I guess I understand.' He thought and answered simply. "Genetics, I guess. So where's your room? You look like the type I can have interesting conversations with." He wanted to know, because he thought about life and maybe she did too, but then again looks can be deceiving.
The boy wasn't answering, so Skye went out of the bedroom to find Antonio. She went to where his room was and knocked. Skye's baggy pants started to fall, so she pulled them up. 'I need a belt. Or I could never wear these pants again. I have a red sundress in my bag I could wear.' Skye was lost in thought, with her fingers curled around her belt loops.

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