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Realistic or Modern Summer. (No longer accepting!)

Antonio smiled at Matthew, "Thank you," he took a bite of his food, swallowing quickly to answer. "I'm 16, going to be 17 in October. How old are you?"
Jordan looked at the door but he was determined to help the boy. So he knocked again. He didn't want the boy to be upset and not have anyone to talk too
There was so much going on and so many new people that Maya felt she got carried away in the rush. Most people were downstairs, so she decided to stick around down there for a while. She noticed one of the girls, someone she wasn't sure she'd met, looking very distraught. She approached and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey. You okay?"

(@Rosalie Woodland)
Kurt opened the door again and said "You're pissing me off" Kurt wasn't all there. He decided to punch Jordan to make him go away. He punched him. "Go away ok?"
"Ah! H-hi" She said to the girl a little scared of sudden contact.

"Yes, I'm fine, just a little too emotional. As always" she said with weak smile.

@Fallen from Heaven
"17. Um... which room are you in? I'm on the second floor the third door." He tried to continue the conversation as normally as possible. He looked around a bit, seeing how he really didn't know anyone. He took a sip of his green tea and regretted it. "Hot!" He squeaked and placed the mug down. 'I should've waited.'
"Oh!" She realised the other girl didn't like her touching her and took an obvious step back, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to invade your personal space! Do you need somebody to talk to?"

(@Rosalie Woodland)
Jordan stared in shock as he reached his hand up to his nose, he felt blood. He held his nose as he walked to the kitchen to get some help ' damn he's strong' he thought to himself. Hopefully Antonio is still there

Charlotte stepped into the house and dropped her pack beside the front door. She followed the pair into the kitchen and hung back, watching.

The crowd was... Interesting, to say the least. She pushed a hand through her hair and watched Rhubarb closely, that is until Jordan came back into the room. "Woah man." She moved across the room, ignoring everyone else. "What's happened? Picking fights already?"
"That's ok!" She quickly said "You just surprised me" she added.

"I-I think I will be ok, just need to calm down, drink some milk, yeah, I will be fine" Rosalie replied smilling to avoid to worry the girl.

"But thank you for you care, I will definitely see you for some help if needed" Rose said with a smile and then walked to the kitchen, wanting some milk, this time hot.

@Fallen from Heaven
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He looked at the girl and rolled his eyes " actually I was trying to help someone and they got angry and he just straight out punched me "
Charlie raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? He straight out punched you? In the face?" She gestured that he should tip his head back "Tilt back and hold the bridge. Where is this guy?"
When she walked to the room she saw a few people. "H-hello all!" She said then she saw Jordan.

"W-what happened?! Are you ok?" She asked really woried, moving closer to him.

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Antonio smiled at Matthew, "Room 5 on the second floor. Feel free to talk to me whenever!"

He heard the new person and looked up, rushing over to Jordan, resting a hand on his shoulder. "Whoa, are you okay?" Reaching his hand up to view the bloody nose better, he stopped himself, "Is it okay if I touch your face?"

( @JaCrispy )
"He's in the first room, his name is Kurt I think" he tilted his head back "and I don't mind if you touch my face , anything to stop the bleeding "
"Oh no..." she sighed worried.

Why did he do that?

"I-I will be back" Rosalie said, rushing to Kurt's room.

She breathed slowly

1...2...3... Rose counted in her mind then knocked at the door.

"Okay, cool!" Maya offered a thumbs-up and trailed after her into the kitchen. Aha! It seems she has located the centre of the household, there's so many people here!

There seems to be some drama with what looks like a broken nose and a bunch of new people. Seems she missed most of the introductions. The girl she was following leaves, which means she no longer has a reason to be in the kitchen. Maya sticks around anyway.

"Aw..." She makes a sympathetic noise, peering at the boy with the bleeding nose, and looks on.
Charlotte patted Jordan on the shoulder gently. "I'll deal with this, Man."

She headed past him and followed Rosalie down the hall. She knew where she was going, it seemed. "Oi, Rhubarb."

Jaden Ruse dropped her single suitcase on the carpet of her room, watching the contents lamely fall out as she remembered about the broken zipper of the cheap carrier. She pulled her hand up to sweep the hair out of her face, and took her time as she slowly turned, taking in the room without character of which she stood in. A dresser collecting dust, a neatly made bed, a desk, and a chair. Maybe there was something inside the drawers?

At this time, all she wanted to do was to add something- anything- to this plain room. Jaden Ruse slid open the drawer and found clear tape and scissors. She stared at them blankly, then huffed a small laugh. She laughed until she was lying on her back down on her bed. The ceiling was white- and there were bumps- the wood chips that was brushed into the paint when applying. Even if that wasn't right, it was what she liked to think it was.
Antonio smiled gently, feeling himself go into 'protective babysitter' mode from years of watching the neighborhood kids. He gently tilted Jordan's head up, "The new girl is right, tilt your head back and hold the bridge of your nose, okay?"

( @JaCrispy )
Jordan looked over at the girl that just walked in and tried to awkwardly wave the other hand holding his nose as instructed " hi I'm Jordan, what's your name " he may be in slight pain but he didn't want to be rude
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'A guy was punched and got a bloody nose. On the first day!? Well here I was thinking the biggest problem we were going to have, was shower times.' He froze at the sight of blood. "We really shouldn't be fighting on the first day." He grabbed a bunch of tissues and quickly hurried over to the bleeding man.
"Actually, I think you're meant to lean forward." Maya calls after the boy, "I think if you lean back, you just end up swallowing the blood. The nose is connected to the throat, after all. But yeah, pinch lightly."


She turned to Antonio. "Hi again, stranger. How nice of you to play medic."


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