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Realistic or Modern Summer High School

(i think you and i left off on the top of page 7 and yeah Nutters got two characters ) Zane quickly caught up to the two after they slowed down then he happily greeted Tyler "hey Tyler not much just trying to find my way around " Then he smiled at Teppo "i dont think ive had the pleasure" he said as he made a dramatic bow " im Zane Mori nice to meet you , is it alright if i tag along with you guys im sorta lost, i was trying to get to the auditorium and ended up outside"
Teppo looked at Tyler confused by his gesture. She wondered why everyone treated her like royalty when she was just a regular girl. " You don't have to bow to me, it's weird. " Teppo sighed and smiled at him. " But, sure you can join us Zane. I've got nothing to do until Aldon shows up. " Teppo yawns.
In one of the hallways, in the south part of the school. A particular girl was walking. Her mind was set somewhere in the distance, out the window. She was always the one to accidentally end up lost in her own thoughts. But as she looked outside she noticed the sun giving the trees a shade of peach on their leaves. You could say that some days were far more beautiful than others. Every here and there, where she walked, she would stumble across some other people. She gave them a simple greeting and a smile but didn't bother enough to go talk to everyone at once. Nanami, the girl, walked without really looking around herself. Without her really seeing them, she slipped on a pair of lolipops. She didn't fall, but she made such an ungraceful move that anyone would've laughed. She herself laughed nervously and prayed to god that no one saw that.
Sani quickly steps into the school pushing open the front door, passing her slip the front office to show that she just has transferred to this school. She quickly scampered into the main hallway, her face in awe. She walks in wondering where should she go, noticing that most of the windows are open her claustrophobia wont be a bother.

There were footsteps in the hallways echoing around the school as she starts to walk over to the science classroom, well at the least the nearest one to her. Starting to open up the door and the windows in the classroom. Thinking that this is kind of fun, looking around in this school. Sani looks around the classroom as she sees a wood drawer labeled elements.

After opening the the drawer as she starts to pick out the noble gases, thinking to herself Always there but no one can see them. She puts the tubes in a test tube holder. She was just staring at them, not thinking about them just seeing them as if she was looking at something unseen. Which was true in some ways.
Savior looked at her, turning his back to him as if she had denied many people her attention. "Oh come on, you must have some time for me... You know, in between all that sleeping." He smiled, not convinced entirely that she wanted him gone. Savior let his back arch, slowly sliding on the tree to sit next to her. Though her back was turned to him, Savior gave her all his attention. "I'm Savior Romero, and I'm sure if you'll give me a chance I think I have a few jokes that could wake you up." With this he held out his hand, knowing that she'll turn over to talk to him, as if she could resist him this time.


Oasis had met people who seemed oblivious, but Juniper was taking the cake for today. Instead of rolling his eyes at a confused person, this was a female, and as such he was a gentleman. With his hand out he chuckled,
"Never been turned down in such a way, but it's still nice to meet you Juniper.". He took hers, not in a casual manner, but a formal and delicate one. Oasis turned her hand to the side, allowing his hand to take her fingers instead of the palm. It was proper, a way a man should take a woman's hand, just without the kiss. (@Nutter )
When June said couple Amu stifled her laughter. Me and him a couple yeah right. She thought to herself. She about to say noway they were a couple but he beat her to it. But then June said she was sorry. Amu thought her saying they look like a cute couple . She started laughing this time nit holding it in. "Haha! Yeah right am and him a couple. Like that would ever happen hahaha! Me and Mr. Scary here hahahaha!" Then she saw the glare she was getting. "Aw come on it's funny we know that's not possible."

@Nutter @kira blackthorn
The trio walked around the edge of the yard, Tyler running ahead just a bit like an excited little kid during a game of hide and seek, leaving the new acquaintances to themselves for a bit.

"Sammy! Where'd you go?" He called out. He was about to scream her name a little louder when he spotted a shock of white hair, but noticed a young man sitting under the tree beside her. Tyler's blue eyes widened immediately and he spun around. With a giddy smile he rushed back to his friends and lightly people pushed them back the other way. "Back inside! Back inside! She's socializing! It's a summer school miracle!!!"

@Iallcsz @RagingNoodle
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If Sammy's eyes had been open, they'd be rolling in their sockets. Of course, she already knew who he was, and of course, he didn't know her. Sammy didn't have the kind of energy to keep up with him, but she also could not force him to leave. Accepting her fate, the white-haired girl pushed herself off the ground and turned, immediately pursing her lips. She hated to admit it, but he really was good looking. Not that Sammy would ever say that to Savior's face, he was already cocky enough. She peered at him from under the sweeping eyelashes that lined her drooping eyelids, and raised one finger. "You can tell me one joke, and if I react you can continue talking and I'll tell you my name, but if I don't you may only sit here if you are quiet."

------------- @Huntrey @kira blackthorn @animegirl20 --------------

"Oh," June let out, looking down at their joined hands. She stared at them for a moment before looking back at Oasis with sparkling eyes. "Is this one of those handshakes you do with your friends? Like a fist bump or something? So cool!"

She pulled away from him and rushed back to Amu, who was busy denying her relationship with Kioru. Juniper had already forgotten about that, though, and quickly snatched up the other girl's hand in the same manner Oasis had done for her only moments before. "Isn't it cool, Amu?"
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"This!" June held up their hands as if that answer were completely obvious. She pointed at Oasis with her free hand and grinned excitedly. "He showed it to me. I think it means we're friends. I 'd like to be friends with all of you, especially since it's my last year."

The girl even briefly grabbed Kioru's large hand and held it for a moment before clapping once with a short squeal. June wasn't sure if she had meant her last year with the ability to hear, or her last year in high school. Either way, she was happy to meet new people along her journeys.
(omg, I am so sorry, @Iallcsz ! i will post now. >.<)

@BlackJack too! )

Liana was walking out of the library when she suddenly felt something slam into her, and she immediately fell backwards, dropped the two books and program she was holding. "Ow..." She looked up to see a male, but immediately noticed his black eye.

Then she felt someone tug her up to her feet, which she was grateful for. ( @Iallcsz - I hope that's what you meant in your post. xD )

Liana smiled at the boy she met that morning, and turned her head back to the boy she has just bumped into. She held out a hand, hoping that the boy didn't injure anything. "Hey, should I take you to the nurse's office? I mean..." She trailed off, not wanting to mention the eye, since it might be a hurtful topic... "You look a little....beat up to me."



(tell me if I wrote something that's wrong, because i am somewhat unsure. xD And i am so sorry for 'stopping' your characters from RP-ing! you could move on without me if I don't reply next time, okay? it's fine, and i won't get mad if you do. :D )

Moriko dug half of her face into her red plaid scarf. Her eyes looked up to the large high school building. She was quite relieved to find her brother, Ayuta, going to the same summer highschool as her. Due to her smart brother coming, she knew she wasn't called in for failed grades. When Moriko first saw the paper for the summer high school, she went into a frenzy, checking all of her grades in each semester.

Her eyes scanned through the surroundings, many students eyes staring back at her. Which seemed odd was that she was wearing a scarf-- in a hot summer day. Maybe that caused the attention presented on her.

Ayuta was dragging along behind her. He was tempted to skip this summer high school, but instead came along. Ayuta did not really have anything to do during the summer but draw, read, and laze around. He did not have any intention in knowing if he failed or not. Ayuta wore his optional school uniform, along with Moriko. Moriko wore the school uniform because most of her appropriate clothes were in the laundry.

After a few minutes, They were on school grounds. Moriko looked around, expecting for someone to greet them or give a pamphlet about this school event.​
Emma rushed to the auditorium, her brown hair flying behind her as she ran. It's a good thing it was summer--not too many teachers were around to tail you every step of the way, so she was allowed to run...for a little while, at least.

"I hope I'm not late!" Emma burst into the auditorium, some loose strands falling on her face. She sighed, knowing that she wasn't late. Looking around, she spotted another student there in the empty auditorium.

Emma smiled, walking quickly over to the male, jumping the last foot just to try and startle him a little bit. "Hi," she greeted happily, pushing the lighter strands of brown hair from her face, though they stubbornly went back. "Aren't you lonely in this empty place?"


A few long minutes passed. Moriko opened the doors to the school and went to the auditorium straight ahead from the entrance. Ayuta followed, his emotionless eyes boring right through students passing by. Ayuta opened the door of the auditorium for Moriko. Moriko let out a small 'thank you' to Ayuta.

"No problem."

Ayuta followed Moriko, closing the door behind him. Ayuta looked around, not viewing many students inside. We are not late. Ayuta let out a small sigh of relief. Moriko scanned her surrounding before taking a seat at the far end of the auditorium. Ayuta sat right next to her, waiting for it to start. The siblings did not wish to socialize with other students, more of focused onto the task at hand.
Gideon jumped when the silence was broken. Some girl had burst into the auditorium. He glanced up a quickly looked down when he saw it was the girl from earlier. He stared back at his camera trying to play it cool, and like he didn't notice her. Please don't talk to me. please don't talk to me. Gideon pleaded silently to himself. He saw her jump landing in front him.

He brought his head up, he tried to hide the shyness that was overcoming him. Oh no she's talking to me he thought to himself. He stared up at her and tried to speak. "H-Hi.." He managed to utter. He shook his head to answer her question. He continued to stare at her. He couldn't believe that she was talking to him. He realized he'd probably been staring too long, and looked back down to his camera. He internally scolded himself Now she won't talk to you again, idiot.

He wasn't sure if she had left yet, but quickly looked up and blurted out "Gideon." His cheeks turned a slight shade of pink "t-that's my..uh n-name." he stuttered to her.


Ryu had hit his head pretty hard, in the same spot he had been hit a couple of days ago when...no it was a touchy subject, while Ryu had been rubbing his head it seemed a new guy came along, Ryu was deeply afraid of groups of people and he had made quite the scene and to make it ten times worse his phone was missing and that Zane kid was no where to be found. It just felt like a big mess, he was sitting down as the kid pulled up the girl getting his belongings together, he expected them to leave seeing as how no one should have cared what happened to him, no one ever did. Ryu was surprised to see the girl did however.

Ryu looked at her "
I-Its fine....I j-just fell this morning......I-Its nothing to w-worry about..." Yes because falling gives you a black eye and cuts all over your hands, that was a horrible lie, Ryu kept thinking to himself as he hit his head with his palm repeatedly "I-I can assure you....w-we don't n-need the nurse..." Also the stuttering was making him sound way less suspicious...not...Ryu got up regaining his balance acting as if he would fall again because getting hit on the head hurt and probably would make you a little bit light headed, he seemed very skiddish so it was clear he was more then likely going to run in about 5 seconds however it was to be noticed that if he did, he would fall again.

(( @Kuu ))

Aldon looked at Liana and the other indiviual who had bumped into her. Aldon bit his lip and tried to express himself but the words weren't coming out. Aldon wondered why he was getting worked up about Liana. Aldon mustered his courage and spoke. " I-I'm sorry for bumping into you earlier today. I was just reading a book, and I didn't notice you. Please forgive me. " Aldon's voice was shaky and uneasy. He was barely keeping himself composed, and the thought of running off was still present in his mind. " M-my name is Aldon, what's yours? " He continued @Kuu
Kioru glowered at the two girls. He wasn't exactly sure how he ended up in this situation but he didn't like it. Growling he bit out. "I have no friends." Turning on his heels he headed toward the auditorium alone. Just how he liked it.
(Yay, finally posting~~)

Yukina was in the corner of the library, taking a nap, though she woke up to some commotion somewhere not far from her. She opened her eyes, lightly rubbing them as she turned her head, spotting two males and a single female student, who all seemed to be tied in the same situation.

She put a hand on her mouth as she yawned, tears brimming the edges of her eyes. Yukina pulled herself off the chair she was resting on and turned her back towards the scene, running a couple of fingers along the spines of the many books in the library. She was in the middle of picking a book when she decided to settle down and take a nap.
Liana nodded, and bent down to pick up her things, though she kept her eyes on the boy who seemed to be in...bad shape. "You should see the nurse," she advised. "I mean, at least get some ice on the places you hit today...You really should."


Liana turned her head, looking at Aldon, who had introduced himself. "Don't worry yourself, Aldon," she said, smiling. "I wasn't paying much attention either. Oh, and I'm Liana, nice to meet you." She held out a free hand in a symbol of greeting while she used her other hand to place her books into her bag.


"Let's check out the library."

Ayuta suggested. Moriko's face brightened up as she nodded. They stood up and exited the Auditorium. There was a map posted on the wall, Ayuta looked at the map. Ayuta started heading down toward the library. Moriko was half skipping, half walking down the library. Just seeing his sister be happy made the corner of his lips pull up to a smile. Moriko opened the clear doors of the library for Ayuta. Once he got in, Moriko was already at the romance genre shelf. Her hand ran along the spins, feeling the different textures and grooves. Ayuta sighed as he sat at a circular table by a napping girl. @macaron
Yukina turned to look at two new people who had entered the library. She turned back towards the bookshelf, her eyes skimming the titles on the spines, though she wasn't really registering anything since she had just woken up from dreamland.

She had a small urge to speak to them, but due to her tired, disorientated state, and lack of social communication abilities, she just returned to looking for books, though she was kind of falling asleep on them.

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