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Realistic or Modern Summer High School

Moriko was at the same book shelf Yukina was looking into. She chewed the inside of her cheek. Moriko read the title of a book that was printed onto the spine. Moriko pulled the book out of the shelf, she turned it around to read the summary on the back.


"No.....Lets just keep this between y-you and me..." Ryu says dusting himself off, it was clear he was hiding something and did not want anyone to know it, but that did not mean that before they went on this big trip he would be injured. Ryu looked at them trying to change the subject, he seemed shaken up and kept slurring and stuttering, he was awful at lying and it was easy to tell he was. Ryu sighed and tried to think up something else. Aha he remembered something that may make them forget. He tried to place together all his words so that he could steer them off course however after he said this it would be clear he was hiding something.

And by his eye and hands it would be clear, he hated his parents for a reason...this was why "
So....." Ryu says hiding his eye from them by staring at the floor and twiddling his thumbs "W-what if someone wants to get out of this p-program...." Ryu says knowing that would change the conversation.

Aldon looked up at Liana and tried to hide his embrassment. He looked at Ryu, getting up and took a deep breath. " I didn't hurt you or anything right? I-I feel bad about bumping into you! " Aldon blurted out. He moved back trying to salvage his first impression of Liana. He already knew, that another person was intrested in her. Aldon felt weird, he had not experienced this emotion. His cheeks were beginning to get red from embrassment.

" I um want to make it up to you. " He said. Aldon reached into his backpack and grabbed his book titled " Brave New World. " He handed it to Liana, " It's one of my favorite books, its about a dystopian future were society has become distorted. Please take it. "
Liana looked at the boy. "You want to drop out of the program?" she asked, her eyes a little wide. "What is it that you don't like? If it's my clumsiness, I promise to watch my way!"


Liana's head turned as Aldon started to speak to her, and her eyes landed on a book--Brave New World.

"Y-You don't need to make it up to me!" Liana squeaked, feeling bad for making Aldon give up a book. She knew how much books meant to people like her. "I-I feel bad for making you do that...." She looked away, trying to rearrange her thoughts before looking back at Aldon. "Instead, how about we be friends? That will work just fine with me," Liana said with a smile.


(sorry, i didn't see your post!)

"Hi, Gideon," Emma said, happy that he decided to talk to her. At least he seemed friendly, and she found his stuttering kind of cute, too. "I'm Emma." She smiled before tugging on the edge of his clothes in attempt to get closer to his camera.

"Sorry for being rude," she said, but didn't pull away. "But I'm really curious about your camera....do you mind if I look at the pictures with you?"

Aldon was biwildered at why she wasn't mad at him. He thought she was still annoyed about the whole thing. Aldon tried to let it go and looked back at Liana.

" What does a friend mean? I never had one of those. " he replied. " I just wanted to make amends about what happened. " Aldon was telling a balant lie, he wanted more than to say sorry. But, he didn't know how to talk to girls, so he tried to appear innocent. " I have some more books if you want to look at them. But don't feel bad about it, my room is practically a library itself. " he faked a smile, he was still uneasy. Aldon couldn't believe that he was actually talking to a girl besides his sister. @Kuu
Liana looked at Aldon, her mouth a little open in surprise. She closed her mouth, thinking of how to explain the concept of 'friend' to Aldon...well, not that she really had many of them herself, but...he's never had one...

"Friends do lots of things together," Liana explained, her face flushing in embarrassment as she realized that she wasn't going to be much help. "In the past, my friends and I would go out to cafe's and eat together...other times we would go shopping...."

Liana looked down at her shoes, or actually, anywhere but Aldon as she thought. For some reason, his presence was suddenly flustering to her...

"But you're not...a girl," Liana said awkwardly. "So! I think we can take out the shopping part, right?"



Ryu watched the two talk back and forth it was quite the odd exchange off things, the one kid had never had friends before, neither had Ryu but that was because he just never talked to anyone and just drew and played piano alone like a weirdo, but hey he could not say he was not a weirdo. Ryu thought for a while and decided it was best to just leave. They seemed to care about each other more which was great and all plus they forgot about his issues so he decided it was best to leave "Sorry..." Ryu says to them.

Ryu began to try to sneak away in an odd fashion, he had a good feeling he could find a place to draw somewhere before they left or maybe a piano to just play and enjoy the music before the boring presentation or whatever. Was Ryu really up to travel the world with people he could not even talk to...he kept thinking this was a big no...maybe he should go home and just accept his life there and not ruin peoples here.

Gideon felt Emma tug on his clothes. He felt his face get really warm, I must look like a tomato he thought to himself. This will surely drive her away. Nonetheless, he moved his camera towards her. He began flipping through his photos. The photos consisted of landscapes. Many of his photos looked like they could be on the back of postcards.

He took the opportunity too look at her while she was distracted by the photos. She was so cute he thought to himself. He quickly brought his eyes back to the camera so she didn't catch him. ((@Kuu ))
Aldon was beginning to be calm, he stopped studdering and made eye contact with Liana. He noticed that Ryu was moving away from them, and wanted to keep talking to Liana. Aldon started to feel better about himself and replied back.

" I still don't get what friends mean, but if it makes you happy i'm glad to be your friend. " He emptyed his backpack and his books fell on the table. He organized them quickly seperating the books he read besides the books he did not read. " What books do you have? We can trade them if you want. " ( @Kuu )
"Hey," Liana said to the boy who was sneaking away. "I don't know your name yet." She watched him try and sneak away, but she was still wondering about his...incident. He seemed to be shaken up with something, but she didn't know what....and still, it was best not to pry it out of someone.

"We're going to be friends, so you can't sneak away like that," she said defiantly, and walked in front of him so he couldn't walk past her without her noticing.


Liana looked at Aldon over the mysterious boy's head, though she kept her attention on both males at the same time since she wanted to converse with Aldon, but not let this sneaky boy get away.

"Yeah, it will make me happy if you're my friend," she said to Aldon. "I forgot to bring most of my books," she admitted. "I'm planning to bring them on the trip soon, but I forgot them on my desk this morning..."

Liana looked back at the escaping boy ( @BlackJack ) and nodded at him. "You, too, I'd like to be your friend, though I really need a name from you."



Emma's mouth opened a little as she watched the photos that were shown on the camera. "You're amazing!" Emma exclaimed, turning to look at Gideon. "I mean, these look so beautiful..." She trailed off before an idea hit her. "Have you ever decided to sell these pictures? As in, for portraits, and lots of other things."

Emma looked back at the camera. "I can't wait until we start going around the world. But when we do, you have to show me your photos, okay?" She tilted her head so that she was looking at Gideon again, and a smile was plastered on her face.

Aldon was disapointed that Liana was still talking with Ryu, he thought he was the only one she wanted to be friends with. Aldon felt jealously, but he didn't let it bother him. He was just gald that he meet Liana, someone who was like him. Aldon also realized Teppo wasn't bothering him, he wondered where she went.

" You can still have some my books if you want them. " Aldon replied. " That's what friends do right? " ( @Kuu )
Gideon couldn't believe that she was complementing his photos. No one ever complemented them, then again he never really showed them to anyone. He heard her suggestion and he never thought about it because he never thought his photos were good enough.

He shook his head "I-I haven't, b-but thanks though." he responded quietly. He heard how she wanted to see more pictures he beamed at her and nodded. Nobody had ever expressed interest in his photos before. He nodded and glanced up at her. He felt his face warming again, so his face must be turning red. Gideon hoped she hadn't notice and he looked away again. He was loving sitting next to her, but he just wished he could talk to her like a normal person.
Liana smiled at what Aldon said. "R-Right!" she said a little too eagerly. She was very happy right now, especially because she had met Aldon, who seemed just like her, today.

"How about we go over to my house this week so we can...exchange books?" she asked, getting happier by the minute. People often just ignored her since all she did was read and stick to herself, but this time, it was different. "I don't need permission, so it's okay," Liana added, wondering if Aldon's parents would allow him.



Emma laughed at how cutely Gideon was stuttering right now. "You're so cute," she giggled, smiling up at him, and she ignored that it was weird to tell someone who was taller than her that he was cute. But still, it was true, and Emma wasn't afraid to say so.

"When the program ends today, how about we go to the park?" Emma suggested, smiling, but trying to get hair out of her face. She gave up, pulling her headband off. "I have a camera at home, too, but I never use it. My little sister uses it a lot since she loves taking pictures. I could always use hers, since she's always asking me to take pictures of the places I go to."

Emma put her headband back on, so that hair would no longer escape. "Yeah, I used to travel a lot, too, with my uncle," she explained. "But my uncle is always the one taking pictures. So, once I go grab that camera, would it be okay with you to come with me to the park? I have to learn how to take pictures, anyway," she added, smiling again.



Ryu dropped his head down in shame as she caught him trying to escape, why did she care so much to be his friend, he did not want friends....well he did but she cared more about the other guy and that was good. But she still kept stopping him when he tried to escape. He really did not want to be here and wanted to go explore. Clearly she had different plans for the time being, she wanted them all to be friends. Ryu sat down a little bit away from the two where he was in the back to begin with.

Ryu did not say his name or anything he just kinda went and sat down a slight weak smile on his face all the time, but he seemed still shaky as always. Ryu watched them get all happy about books, he loved books to but he did not want to intrude so he stayed quite and sat there wondering when she would let her gaurd down so he could escape

Aldon was unsure if Teppo would allow him to go to Liana's house. He was happy that he got Liana's attention, but he was still concerned about how Teppo was going to react to this. "This is the first time I had a friend." he said to himself. " Is that good? " Aldon started to get nervous again. What if Teppo didn't let him talk to Liana. This is the first person who made him feel this way, Aldon didn't want that to go so he tried to find a solution. He started to panic a bit thinking about the issue, he started to be tense again.

" D-Did you know that I um... " Aldon was still keeping eye contact with Liana. He tried to change the topic. " Did you know Japan outnumbered the Americans in the Battle of Midway? Cool right? " Aldon regretted saying that he was messing up his chance with Liana. Dread started to fill his head. He was still inexperienced in talking with people so he didn't know how to react properly.
Yukina slipped, and she stumbled to the floor, now completely, or more awake than not, as pain flared at her side. She had fallen asleep while leaning on the bookshelf. Wonderful.

I need to watch myself. Yukina silently pushed herself to a position where she could actually breathe. Why did I fall asleep? She coughed, since a lot of the oxygen in her lungs were pushed out. She winced as she tried to stand up. Her ribs felt a little sore. How long would I have to sit here?
Oh my god. She said I was cute, Gideon wanted to tell her that he thought she was cute too but he couldn't do it. Gideon nodded "t-the park sounds fun." He hoped his face was so red, the last thing he wanted was for this girl to thing he had some weird disease. He nodded once more when she asked him to teach her how to take pictures.

Gideon smiled at her "S-sure, I would love you." His eyes widen realizing what he said. "to. I-I meant to say to. I-I would l-love to...teach you." Gideon couldn't believe it you idiot. You just blew it. He was completely mortified. ((@Kuu ))
Liana smiled at Aldon's shy act. "I didn't know that. That's pretty cool." She smiled, wondering if this was Aldon's first time speaking with people in general. "Did you know--"

Liana's eyes turned towards a light "thud" sound in the corner of the library. She saw a girl that fell, and called out, "Are you okay?" Then she commented to herself, "People are falling a lot today."

Liana watched Aldon, wondering what'd he'd do in a situation like this. The thought suddenly came into her head, and she suddenly wanted to know what other sides Aldon had to him. So this time, instead of immediately walking towards the fallen girl, she watched Aldon.

@Iallcsz (no pressure, though. xD I just think I'm getting too involved with everything, so other people should get a chance to RP. xD )


Emma nodded, happy that Gideon agreed. "I hope that it would be okay with your parents?"

Then she started to laugh again. "I already love you for your pictures," she said in between laughs. Seriously, Gideon's stuttering was adorable, and that last line was jackpot. "I'd I'd love you, too, if you'd really teach me, and since you said yes, that's all done."

Emma threw her arms around Gideon--he represented a cute teddy bear with his nature. It was so adorable, Emma couldn't help but give him a hug, even though she knew it wasn't ladylike to do that. "Why are you so adorable?" she asked indirectly, giggling to herself.



Ryu noticed the girl fall and flung up, he did not have to think to know something was wrong for this one, he walked over to the girl. Ryu was always in the same boat when it came to being hurt so he went over to check up on her, he made it before the girl with the pink hair, he knew her name it was just he forgot time to time however this girl he had never seen before, he did not know her name which was odd. Ryu looked at her and bent down so he was at her level helping her to regain her balance

Are you okay...?" Ryu asks, he was not one to talk seeing as how he looked like a train wreck but at least he could breath and walk around and talk, the blow to the head with the glass bottle and the door would soon cause problems probably but not now, this girl seemed to have some sort of disease or illness.
Gideon nodded "m-my parents don't really care what I do." he said. He couldn't hide the large grin that came across which each complement she gave him. Did she just say she loves me? He asked himself. You're over thinking this Gideon, he told himself.

The next thing he knew, she had her arms wrapped around him, his heart started pounding. He cautiously put his arms around her too. He was nervous, he wasn't sure if he was supposed to hug her back or not. Gideon wasn't really sure how things like this worked. He laughed a little too "W-why thank you." Gideon kept grinning like an idiot, nothing could ruin this moment for him. He had a cute girl hugging him and he was going to show her how to use a camera.

He wondered if he should let go of her. He decided it might be weird if he held on any longer. ((@Kuu ))
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"As long as you react eh? To anything that's a joke... seems fair. Any kind of reaction." Savior sat back against the tree, staring off into space as he thought of the best way to make her react. A sinister grin took over his face, an idea making its way throughout his body. Moving swiftly his left hand went to her's in the air, while his right went to her chin, pushing it upwards to look him in the eyes. Savior moved closer, leaving a little room in between their faces. "What do you call a cat, in the desert, on Christmas?" He paused, bringing his lips to the side of her face, whispering in her ear. "Sandy Claws." With this he recoiled backwards, going back to his sitting positions and hands to himself. Savior chuckled a buy before looking at her, seeing if there was any reaction. (@Nutter )


Oasis looked at the girl, and a genuine smile crept over his face. "Sure Juniper, it means we are friends. Feel free to come sit by me in the auditorium, I don't want to be late so, see ya beautiful." With that he turned to leave her, heading into the auditorium. Being mysterious usually got a girls attention, and Juniper didn't seem to be accustomed to it, making it easier.
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Sammy blinked slowly, still soaking in the boy's words and actions. Her face remained as unchanged as ever, but her intense blue eyes stared at Savior for a full minute. They started at his feet, then sluggishly crawled up the length of his lean body, before meeting his eyes. She said nothing. Then, Sammy very calmly picked herself off of the ground and replanted herself next to the boy.

"I hate you." A pause. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the growing tree. "My name is Sam Preston, you idiot."


June was crestfallen by Kioru's blatant rejection of her friendship, but felt a bit better which Amu's reassurances. Still, her enthusiasm had taken quite the blow so when Oasis invited her to sit next to him, she almost missed what he had said.

"Sure thing," she had replied with her usual merriment, but it didn't matter much now because he was already disappearing into the darkness of the auditorium. June shouldn't worry about this, however. Instead, she should probably try not to be late as well. Mrs. R would get mad otherwise. This is what drove her to pulling Amu along into the auditorium. The senior was immediately awed by the stage, even though she'd seen it plenty of times before. "Wow! Isn't this fun, Amu? We should find aki our and Oasis, too. Then we'll have two times as much fun to go around!"

@Huntrey @kira blackthorn @animegirl20
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Iallcsz said:
( Who is the girl who fell into the library? ) @Kuu
(It was @macaron xD her character fell asleep while standing.)

Emma smiled, happy that she made a new friend today. Usually, people would try and laugh things off, knowing that she was a little to bright for their personalities, but Gideon seemed to allow her to be herself. And she really appreciated that.

"You know," Emma said, pulling away, but still with a large smile on her face. "You seem to take this all without a problem." Emma paused, realizing that she wasn't being clear. "I mean, my personality is...'too much' as people say, but you seem fine with it." Emma looked away shyly, since it sounded a little embarrassing. "So...thank you!" She turned back to him, another smile on her face.


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