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Realistic or Modern Summer High School


Ryu felt the vibe that this Aldon guy really did not like him, Ryu had helped the girl but he kinda swooped in and got her, but to be honest Ryu could care less, she was in better hands, Ryu would have done an awful job anyway. Ryu noticed a new kid walking over, quite loud he was and a bit rude and that the commotion was quite high at the moment so Ryu decided it was the best time to high tail it and run, well to say the least he snuck away again this time Liana could do nothing, she was paying attention to the other boy so Ryu was safe, Ryu rubbed his head on the way out, almost losing his balance in the process.

His head was killing him, felt like it was hit by a train, unless a door and a beer bottle count as a train then this made no sense, but he still noticed how in poor shape he was, he felt sick and really could not hold his own as he exited the library and grabbed the side railing, it felt like reality was slipping away, and it was really because thats kinda what happens when you get hit in the head a couple times, Ryu then saw Teppo who he actually was afraid of, and made sure to get away from her and her brother before hitting the floor. Sadly his attempts were deeply in vain because he only made it about 10ft away from the two

(Sorry, I'm a little beat up right now....is it okay that I start the assembly tomorrow? I'm going to take a long nap now.


Teppo looked at Ryu and ran to him, she looked at him and checked if he was still breathing. Teppo propped him up and carried him. Teppo was

a strong indiviual, she played sports during the summer and was physically strong. She lugged him to the door. " Aldon, can you help me here? " Aldon looked back surprised that her sister was there. He ran off downstairs but tripped and landed on the floor. Teppo sighed and looked at him. " Nevermind, just stay in library until I take him downstairs. Teppo carried Ryu outside the nurse's office. Teppo's breathe became heavier. " It's the first day of this program, and I already have to lug people. Great. "

Teppo looked at Ryu, his apperance was shabby and messy. She combed through his head and saw a cut at his scalp. There was blood leaking through the wound " What happened to you? " She placed him down and walked to the office. @BlackJack
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Ryu had legit passed out for a bit, then the 2 came and helped him after that, he could not quite remember what happened after they came, he just bolted up when Teppo asked him a question like he was in some freak nightmare. Not saying that he was not having one before he had awoken. Ryu looked at Teppo and his face turned white and his mouth opened like he was scared. Ryu did not understand why but he was afraid of Teppo, maybe because she was part german or because she reminded him of a gun toting girl. Ryu got over himself after he noted how much pain his head was in and how stupid he probably looked.

Ryu tried to think up a lie like when he said he fell on rocks but all he could come up with was that he fell on rocks again so that was what he said "
I-I fell on rocks..." Ryu says looking as suspicious as possible, but it was clear that after he passed out from the blow to the head it was clear it was not rocks "My..parents fight....okay...." Ryu says in the most sad way possible his fake smile he always wore collapsed as he said the words sadness might just as well been pouring out his mouth. Ryu rubbed his head again, man it hurt, losing vision again.....and he passed out again, K.O.

(( Gonna go pass out, see you guys in the mornin ))

Teppo sighed and placed her hand through his hair. She tried to calm him down, her voice was quite and friendly. " Don't worry i'm taking you to the nurse's office alright? Just tell me what happened. " Teppo was concerned about him and was still holding onto him. " Where did they hit you? " Teppo sighed about the whole incident. Last year wasn't this dramatic. She remembered when she was close to Aldon. Teppo sighed she missed the old days.

Amu followed June through the crowd. While doing that she looked around to see if she could find Kioru. "Bet he is hiding in a dark corner some where." June had found her friend so Amu went to sit down but then she noticed June on the stage. "Why is she on the stage?" Once she saw what she was doing Amu smiled. She looked at the red head and said, "Hey save these spots for us."

@Huntrey Then she ran to the stage and said to June, "Mind if I join ya?"

@Nutter @kira blackthorn
Tyler nodded and the two boys began their walk back inside. They were, however, kept from going inside the auditorium, which was beginning to fill up. A group of their teammates on the school's soccer team had congregated in the hall and had waved them over, causing the detour. Tyler didn't mind. He would much rather hang out with his friends than listen to a boring assembly.

It wasn't all fun and games though, and Tyler got a little angry when one of the boys called out, "Hey, Tyler! Where's your twin brother? You know, the one always loitering behind you playing videogames?"

"Shut up," he sighed, rolling his eyes. All of his friends knew his sister, Sam, was a Samantha, although she acted more like a Samuel most of the time. He usually teased her about it too, but his brotherly instinct switched on when other guys made fun of her. He knew they didn't mean any harm still, so he relaxed. He ushered Zane over as he began speaking. "Actually my sister was outside, you know, sleeping like usual. Except not! There, sitting under the tree beside her, was none other than Savior Romero! I almost couldn't believe my eyes, but it was really happening. She was socializing!"

Everyone laughed at his enthusiasm, but some uneasily. It was common knowledge that Savior was a bit of a player. Tyler was just too naive to notice it, so didn't think much about the boy and Sammy together.

"Sure!" June shouted, relinquishing the microphone to Amu. She was probably a much better singer, while June had no talent for singing or dancing. Nevertheless, the girl switched from one to another without a second thought. She jumped down from the stage and luckily landed on her feet, albeit unsteadily. Plenty of students were laughing and giving her funny looks, but June just thought they might want to join her. She danced her way over to a group of student standing in the aisle and wiggled her way to the center. Only one kid had guts enough to join her, but that was enough to satisfy this simpleminded girl.

June was giggling and dancing like a maniac, but it was more fun with friends and she knew it. Her golden eyes quickly located the only two boys with bright red hair here. She pointed at each of them with either of her hands, then pointed at her sides as if to invite them to dance with her. A few other students had joined into the fun, and someone started playing the actual song on his phone. She figured Kioru probably wouldn't come, so she locked her eyes on Oasis.

@Huntrey @kira blackthorn @animegirl20
"If peace and quiet is really what you want Sam, then I'll let you have it." Savior made no attempt to move, only shifting his head from looking at her to looking to the sky. His eyes skidded across the many clouds, the sun, and the branches swaying above him, all the while his smile diminished. His face turned solemn, thinking to himself about anything that came to mind, but mostly of Sam's predicament with him. Antisocial or not, this girl just seemed bored in his presence, which made him wonder if he wasn't himself or if this girl was crazy. Savior sat back against the tree, slouching slightly, his demeanor almost matching hers.


Oasis saw the girls, and almost fell out of his seat when he saw Juniper's singing. She reminded him of Savior, jumping on stage in a flurry of happiness, content with seeing just one smile. It made him chuckle, but even more so when her friend left his company to join her. He got up, straightening his jacket so he didn't look completely stunned by the events today while he danced. Walking up to June, "Care for a dance?".
Sam didn't respond, letting the silence between them linger. She resisted the urge to move now that she was in this strange predicament and let her eyes wander over to Savior. He wasn't smiling and his shoulders had dipped forward, giving off a completely different feeling than just moments before. Sammy felt like she'd been playing a game up until now and she had won, but she didn't know how to react to that conclusion. With a deep sigh, she followed his gaze to look up at the sky. "You gave in easier than I had expected, you know."


"I'm already dancing," Juniper stated with a smile. It was hard to hear the music very well, but found it didn't matter all that much. Dance parties at June's meant her and her parents jumping on their couch and singing loudly without any accompaniment. Her dad said that the music was in their smiles, so actually hearing it wasn't really necessary. She extended one hand towards Oasis while the other was swinging wildly as she mover without any rhythm at all. "You're the one who needs to ask himself that question."
Kioru walked into the auditorium and toward the back of the bleachers. His glare did as it was meant to and sent students scattering out of his way. Lest they fall victim to his boots. The familiar reaction calmed him down from the rage the little twirp who spilled water on him earlier caused. He's lucky He's alive and that he had been able to wash it out. Taking his usual seat at top in the very end he pulled out his iPod slipped his headphones in and turned his music on high. If anyone bothered him they would personally meet his fist.
Amu joined June in the danced party she had just started. "Haha! Hey June I'm surprised I didn't know you sooner!" She danced and jumped around with her. Then she saw the red headed guy ask June to dance. She ran over to them and said, "Now you guys look like a couple!" Then she danced away laughing. Then she noticed Kioru by himself again. She ran over to where he was sitting and pulled his head phones from his ears again. "Hey come on join the dance party your like the only one sitting down!" She said laughing.

@Nutter @Huntrey @kira blackthorn
Kioru twitched irritated. When would this girl learn he didn't want to be bothered? Better now then never he supposed. Standing he snatched his head phones from her and sent her an icy glare. "Listen you little brat, I am not your friend and never will be. Don't bother me again or I will forget where we are and treat you like i would any other idiot out of school. " Turning he stalked toward the other end of the bleachers and resumed listening to silence.
She silent when gave her the icy glare and told her off. When he walked away and sat down some where else she thought for a min. She wasn't really scared of him she felt a little sorry. Well he did startle her a little bit. Why would someone want to be alone all the time? She wanted to say something but she decided against. She glanced at him and noticed he had glanced at her. She smiled at him showing him she still wasn't scared of him. Then she yelled out, "You know if you really hated me you would have dumped me off a long time ago!" She waved at him and danced back into the crowd.

@kira blackthorn
Kioru twitched realizing the girl still hadn't learned. Damn her. Why did she have to be so irritating? Shaking his head he set it back against the wall closed his eyes and lost himself in his music. He will deal with her later. Wretched girl.
Zane and Tyler had joined there teammates instead of going into the auditorium. Zane didn't mind he was more then happy to mess around a bit more with his old friends then to just go in and sit while waiting for something boring to happen. He was making his way back to Tyler when the rest of the guys started joking around with him about his sister. Zane was glad he didn't have a sister because he was sure he would be given a hard time too. Tyler got pretty defensive over his sister but Zane knew it was just his brotherly instincts kicking in. Tyler then proceeded to explain to Zane what had happen outside.He told Zane about about how his sister was finally socializing and how he had seen her talking with Savior Romero. "Savior Romero huh? isn't he known for being a lady killer" Zane said playfully "better watch out Tyler he might just sweep her off her feet and steal her away from you" Zane had never met Tyler sister but he had herd a lot about her. He know she was sorta anti-social, a bit manly hence the jokes about his "Twin brother" and for the most part a bit on the boring side but that was only what he had picked up from the soccer team. He never liked making assumption about people before getting to know them himself so he hadn't really paid much attention to any of that plus he was a big fan of video games so he figured she couldn't be that boring.

"Oh, does that mean you were also expecting this conversation to last longer?" Savior's grin came back as he looked at her over his shoulder. Savior rolled his shoulders back, leaning against the tree beside her. He didn't look sad, just more relaxed then he had been. "You do have a way to spread your laziness, even I feel tired next to you." He yawned, "Do you sleep at your brother's games? I don't think Tyler would appreciate that. His name is Tyler right?" He gave a small chuckle before he looked at her, a little more calm then before.


Oasis took her hand into his, letting her swing about as much as she wanted. He laughed, but he was beginning to get a little blush dancing like this. "Let me try something." He pulled her close to him, then with the space left between them Oasis grabbed her free hand. With both her hands now in tote, Oasis began to switch between pushing her with one hand and pulling her with the other. This constant motion pinned one side of his body against hers before switching to the other side, all within the rythem of the beat. (@Nutter )
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Emma nodded. "Yeah, it should start soon...I wonder if people are going to attend." She smiled and stood up, looking around the assembly. "Where do you want to sit?" She skipped around the empty auditorium, looking up and around the large hall. "I'm okay with sitting anywhere."


(Will if be okay if you guys start gathering at the auditorium? I just want everyone to meet each other. :D )

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