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Realistic or Modern Summer High School

Yukina looked up, blinking sleep and confusion out of her eyes as she tried to get them into focus. She squinted a little, since her vision was still a little blurry from just waking up, and the fall.

"A-ah..." Yukina needed to cut herself off, since she sounded like she was choking. She coughed again, rubbing an eye as she regained her composure. "Thank you, but I'm fine. I kind of..." She looked away towards the bookshelf she was near just before she fell. She did not want to admit she was sleeping as she was standing. "Uhm, anyway, I'm okay now, thank you."



Kuu said:
(It was @macaron xD her character fell asleep while standing.)
Emma smiled, happy that she made a new friend today. Usually, people would try and laugh things off, knowing that she was a little to bright for their personalities, but Gideon seemed to allow her to be herself. And she really appreciated that.

"You know," Emma said, pulling away, but still with a large smile on her face. "You seem to take this all without a problem." Emma paused, realizing that she wasn't being clear. "I mean, my personality is...'too much' as people say, but you seem fine with it." Emma looked away shyly, since it sounded a little embarrassing. "So...thank you!" She turned back to him, another smile on her face.

(Yeah, that was Yukina. :P )
Gideon looked at Emma listening to her. Now that he thought about it she did talk a lot, which does normally bothered him. However, for some reason she doesn't bother him. Maybe its because she doesn't expect him to return the same energy like many others do...or maybe it was because she was so cute.

He smiled at her and shrugged "y-you just have enough personality for the both of us." he commented lightly. "I-I don't seem anything um...wrong with that." he added quietly. He notice her look away shyly. He tilted leaned towards her and moved his head so he could see her face, "Y-you don't have to be shy, you know." He knew it was sort of hypocritical to say, seeing as he was shy himself and couldn't say a sentence without stuttering to her. Gideon she didn't want her to dim her shining personality because unlike him she had a good personality.
Emma looked at Gideon, surprised at his response, but very, very happy. She blushed at the sudden closeness of him, and looked away again, hoping that Gideon wouldn't notice. Her heart was quicken its pulse for some reason. "Y-You're too kind, Gideon," she said, taking off her headband again so she could use her hair to cover her blush.

"You have a nice personality, too," Emma pointed out, finding her shoes interesting. Why am I so shy all of a sudden? Emma glanced at Gideon, her blush slowly disappearing, but still there. "You too," she countered, another smile appearing on her face. "You don't have to be shy." Then she enthusiastically hugged Gideon again, but carefully so she wouldn't cause him to drop his precious camera. At least this way, he wouldn't be able to see her red face. "Hehe, you're so nice to hug!"

Sora casually headed into the library. He was quite late to this 'summer event' thing as his parents forced him to go against his will.

"My peaceful summer is ruined... Those bloody runts." Sora whispered to himself as he walked through the masses of bookshelves that towered over everyone. A heavy buzzing sound could be heard from his pocket throughout the library, it seemed as if an alarm had been set off in the middle of the disturbingly quiet area.

"I THOUGHT I SET YOU TO SILENT!" Sora yelled while taking out a touchscreen phone with a sleek yellow paint job. He slammed what seemed to be a million different buttons on the phone but after about five minutes, the buzzing finally stopped. "This stupid thing, i really need a new one." He silently but angrily uttered.
Zane laughed a bit "sorry i was just joking around but sweet lets get going then " He said happily as the trio continued there walk. Tyler was running ahead a bit and was all jumpy like a little kid. Zane thought it was funny but he had gotten used to it. Zane hadn't know Tyler for long but they had gotten to know each other fairly well during there last soccer season.

While Tyler was busy running around and yelling for his sister Zane began to make small talk with Teppo so he could get to know his new companion better. They talked about there favorite movies and what kind of music they listened too. Teppo was just about to talk about her brother when Tyler stopped abruptly and ran back towards them pushing both Zane and Teppo slowly backwards while saying something about a summer miracle. Zane backed up a bit then puffed out his chest suddenly acting tough but only as a joke. "Hey Tyler whats the big deal !?" Zane said in a deep voice.

@Iallcsz @Nutter
Gideon couldn't stop smiling as he looked at her. He watched her hair fall in front of her face, he could of sworn he saw her blush. He couldn't tell if she possibly liked him like her liked her or if she was just being her friendly self. He assumed she was just being friendly, no one could possible ever have a crush on him.

He was surprised when she hugged him again. He wrapped one arm around her and held his camera with one hand. He leaned back to look at her and smiled a bit "you're a hugger aren't you?" he said chuckling a bit. He tried to see if she was till blushing, but it was hard to tell. Gideon didn't mind the hugging, he could get used to it.
Emma smiled into Gideon's shoulder. "Yeah, I'm a super hugger," she giggled into Gideon's shoulder. She shifted so that her face could be hidden from his view. She really liked to hug him--she felt very comfortable and safe in his arms, though she wouldn't say that to him until...the time was right.

"I can't...not hug you when you're hugging distance from me," Emma said, blushing at what was coming from her mouth. What's gotten into me? Is this what you call love at first sight? Instant crush?

"Sorry about this, though...for randomly hugging you..." Emma pulled away again, using a hand to cover her blush since she must be as red as anyone can get. "I mean, you might not like contact with others...." And she trailed off, realizing she was getting taken over my embarrassment and blabbering awkwardly.

Seira slowly walked into the library hoping to find an interesting book to read if she didn't find any friends by the end of the day. She took a careful step inside and looked around. She saw many unfamiliar faces and instantly, her stomach began turning. She dashed out of the room, just outside the door, and took a deep breath.
Aldon quickly ran to the girl who had fallen into the floor. He proped up the girl's head so she can breathe, Aldon lifted her up and tried to see if she is okay. " Hello, are you hurt!? " There was obivious concern in his voice. He didn't want anyone to get hurt, even if he was a lonely person, he still cared about his classmates well-being. Aldon had forgot about Liana for a moment, and placed his focus on the girl.

The girl slowly regained her composure, Aldon supported her body. He took a breathe of relief and looked up. Liana was still standing there, Aldon wondered why she didn't go to help. Aldon didn't realize that he was holding a girl, when he saw Liana's impression it dawned on him. His legs started to get shaky from nervous and he noticed the girl was looked at him. Aldon wanted to jump off but he knew that she was still tired. If he jumped off she would just land on the floor. Aldon kept supporting her until she looked like she was fully awake.

Aldon moved back slowly trying to avoid her attention, he was embrassed at the sitituation. " Why does this happen to me. " he sighed. " Now Liana is going to get mad me. " Aldon thought to himself.

@Kuu @macaron


Teppo was confused at first, she didn't know about the Romeo Brothers. She was observant with her enviorment, Teppo could recognize any student in the school. She didn't know all their names but she could atleast tell the difference between a student and an outsider. " They must be transfer students right Zane? " Teppo looked at her underclass man. " Anyways I better get my brother before anything happens to him. It was a fun venture to be here but I must leave.

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Moriko stared at Sora, tilting her head. The phone ringing did not bother, but the yelling taking place bothered her. Just Sora yelling made a greater disturbance than the phone. Moriko slid the book back in its place, sighing. She went back to Ayuta, shaking her head. Better luck next time. Ayuta got up from his seat and went to the exit where they entered.


((Mobile, expect mistakes and short posts ))
Gideon felet her face in his shoulder, it was the best feeling in the world. He was still in complete shock that this was happening to him. "y-yeah you are a great hugger." He chuckled a bit. He wanted to say something smooth like I guess I'll have to hold you forever then or something like that, but Gideon wasn't that confident. He kept his arm around her.

Gideon shook his head "Don't apologize." he said feeling her pull away, he couldn't help but wonder if he had done something wrong. He usually does. He saw her cover her face. He deduced that she must be blushing he chuckled a bit. He'd seen scenes like this in the movie where the guy gently moves the girl's hand and tucks a strand behind her ear then kisses her. I have to lay off the chick flicks, he thought to himself. There was no way he'd have the guts to do that, he hoped she wasn't expecting anything like that from him.
"Both hate and annoyance, that's two reactions. I must be hilarious." Savior chuckled as she stood, looking over her slim figure with lustful eyes. When she sat down Savior felt the need to put his arm around her, but his control allowed him to put his hands down at his side, one near hers. "Even if you hate me, it's a pleasure Sam or can I call you Sammy?" He gave her a wink, but he was anything but serious, as his smile showed a playfulness within him.


Oasis was within the many rows of seats in the auditorium, sitting back in his chair relaxing. When he looked up to see Juniper he smiled a bit, giving a short wave, but nothing much. She could come over if she possessed the will to, otherwise he would not exert too much energy on her. She was friendly, and awfully sweet and innocent, but Oasis felt as though he didn't need too many friends. At least for the moment. (
@Nutter )
Tyler laughed at Zane's display and pushed his teammate forwards once more. Teasing, he stuck his tongue out at the boy in a rude manner.

"You would know if you listened to someone besides yourself every once in a while. Poor Teppo here was probably using every ounce of her genius to formulate an escape plan, but even the smartest mind could get around your fat ego!" The white-haired boy was still cackling at his own joke when Teppo spoke up. Tyler wasn't sure how he should feel about her only addressing Zane, but brushed it off with an easy smile. "No, wait- Teppo! Don't go! You can't leave me alone with this kid!"

@RagingNoodle @Iallcsz
Ayuta and Moriko headed back to the auditorium, they wondered when it will start. Or did it already start? Moriko was soon confused by this school event. What was the intention of this school event? Ayuta sensed Moriko's confusion and decided to look around for people to talk to. Ayuta stood up and started to wander as Moriko stayed in her seat.
Zane laughed at Tyler's response he was expecting something like that. He stopped puffing out his chest and said "come on Tyler the ladies can never get enough of me if anything they try to come up with way to stay around be as long as possible" then Teppo spoke and said that she was leaving to go find her brother "alright ill keep an eye out for your brother and ill give him a heads up if i see him that your looking for him, and don't worry about Tyler and me we'll be fine" he said with a smile and with that he waved her off and it was now just him and Tyler "well Tyler what do you say we go to the auditorium and you tell me about this summer time miracle, weren't you looking for your sister ?" The two started walking back towards the school.

@Iallcsz @Nutter
Liana watched Aldon leap into action, and was impressed since he acted so quickly. She was happy to see that Aldon was reliable, as well as quick to such situations.

Liana smiled, watching everything unfold. "I'm impressed," she said, imitating a teacher. "You really have a surprising side to you, Aldon, especially because you say you never had a friend." Liana looks at the girl and goes an apologetic look, like she's saying 'Sorry for not helping you.' She turned her head back to Aldon and have him another smile, a warm feeling taking over her body. She was really lucky to have met Aldon.



Emma let out a shaky breath, smiling as her blush disappeared. She pushed her headband back on, and giggled. "Someday, I'm going to make you hug me back. I would do it today, but we almost just met--I'll need time to think of a plan, too." She flashed Gideon a playful, yet sly smile, then instantly covered it with an innocent one.

"Oh, and if you're planning to be around me, I'm going to warn you once," Emma said with eerie seriousness, holding up one finer to emphasize everything, "that you'll be getting random hug attacks from me!" Emma then smiled genuinely, putting down her finger. "So you better be prepared!"

( @Iallcsz - I didn't mean for you to edit it.... O.o I was just pointing that out for 'fun.' xD But you're so prepared for anything--that's a skillful display of...skill. xP Also, I am waiting for @BlackJack , unless he already posted and I missed. And thanks for saving me. :3)
"You can call me Sam." The girl said firmly, ignoring his previous comments. Savior really was going to try and make conversation with her. Feeling something akin to pity, she opened her eyes. There wasn't really any hope of her getting Ny sleep from now on, anyways. Without beating around the bush even just a little, she added, "Or even better don't talk to me at all and call me nothing."

------ @Huntrey ------

Oasis was easy to spot with his red hair. June had quickly flagged him down and waved wildly, standing on her tiptoes to make sure she was seen. The little blonde only had to find Kioru next, but she figured she could leave that to her newly dubbed "bestie," Amu, since the two were much closer. Weaseling her way through the crowd, Juniper was soon at the row where Oasis sat. The empty seat beside him was tempting, but it had nothing on the microphone attached to a single podium standing atop the stage, under the yellow flow of industrial lights.

And then, just like that, June was there, pulling the microphone down to her height. Someone had smartly left it on, just her luck, drawing in a deep breath, the girl began to sing a Walk the Moon hit into the mike. June wasn't a very good singer, but it was nice to hear her own voice anyways. It wouldn't he long now, so she may as well make the most of things. "Shut up and Dance!"
Gideon watched her put her headband back on. He liked when her hair was away from her face. He was mesmerized by her face briefly, and snapped back to reality hearing her talk. He loved how fast she could change her expressions, and every single one of them was cute to him. He couldn't believe what was happening to him, he has never acted like this before. Gideon has always been so absorbed in his photography and school work to even notice girls, and now Emma is the only thing on his mind.

She was talking about the future, he got excited but kept a straight face. This meant that she wanted to be around him more. He nodded, "I-I could get used to it." He bit his lower lip, he didn't want to stop talking to her but didn't know what to say. "Soo...uh...s-should we go sit not in the back corner...the um...assembly should be starting soon." ((@Kuu ))
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Teppo sighed and looked outside she saw the Romeo Brothers bothering Sammy. She would deal with later, but she had to go find Aldon. Teppo walked to the library and ran up the stairs. She went to the backdoor while Aldon and Liana was at the front door. Teppo saw Aldon holding Yukina. Behind him was Liana, Teppo cleared her eyes. " Is that Aldon? I must be seeing things. " She stood their and watched them.

Aldon didn't notice Teppo was watching him. He looked at Liana, and wondered why she was happy. Aldon made sure that Yukina was okay before going to his backpack. He felt uneasy about Liana compliementing him, this day became too much for him to handle. He still wanted to talk to Liana but this situation felt odd to him. He left a stack a books for Liana, he had to go find Teppo. Aldon looked at Liana " I hope this will last for you. I um sorry, I just feel uneasy right now. Aldon zipped up his backpack and stood up. " I have to find my sister. "

Aldon looked at Yukina and Liana he felt nervous again about meeting them but he felt happy and calm. " I'll see you again Liana. " Aldon went to the door and placed his hand against the door. He took a deep breath. " I just want to run away sometimes. "


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